Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

PROXIMA B Hidden LIFE Released By The James Webb Telescope | SCIENTIST...!!! the earthlike planet

Sprites seem to be the larger brother of multiple ball Lightnings in space ( see Q-FFF Theory for the physics of micro black hole based ball lightning, by interference of magnetic waves.  See image below:)

Physicists Claim They Solved Schrödinger's Cat Problem just like thw Q-FFF Theory.by the mirror CPT multiverse.

Benjamin Libet 

see also: viXra:1704.0003 to be fond also in: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

A Testable CP Symmetric Multiverse Model by Extended Experiments, Done by the Late Benjamin Libet in 1964. see: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

A Testable CP Symmetric Multiverse Model by Extended Experiments, Done by the Late Benjamin Libet in 1964.see: viXra:1704.0003

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

1 MIN AGO: Michio Kaku Panics Over Chandrayaan-3’s Terrifying Moon Disco...Did the choir of angels In Bethlehem come from the MOON??

      Christmass seems still actual for this time!!!including ascension.

Conclusion:  Jezus Christ Came from the moon's alien southpole?  equipped with highly technology,
such as ascension after his death abducted back to the moon? 
Just like abduction on earth has been reported?

For the new technology like gravity inversion, see: 
How does it work?
 By the interpretation of the figure below upside down. 
The earth mass below should be relocated above the opduction subject.  by a heavy material like Moscovium as is reported by Bob Lazar.
because gravity attraction is the result of dual opposite pressure forces. see below :
Q-FFF Theory.
Michio Kaku Panics Over Chandrayaan-3’s Terrifying Moon Disco...Did the  choir of angels In Bethlehem come from the MOON?? see: https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/21850084/7132041561953268345

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Alien Abduction , well known from the 60ths.

 see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_abduction

Alien abduction (also called abduction phenomenonalien abduction syndrome, or UFO abduction) refers to the phenomenon of people reporting what they believe to be the real experience of being kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation.[ see also ascencion day.: https://publicholidays.nl/ascension-day/#google_vignette
 see :  

How does it work?
 By the interpretation of the figure below upside down. 
The earth mass below should be relocated above the opduction subject.  by a heavy material like Moscovium as is reported by Bob Lazar.

Christmass, still actual? even ascension day?
Then we are alien related.

Saturday, December 21, 2024


 P artikel-heeft-alleen-massa-wanneer-het-in-één-richting-beweegt-voor-de-eerste-keer-waargenomen. zie ook:


and: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/


Also the KIJZER belt and OORT Cloud seem to be  the origin.of tzhe dual Anchor Black Holes.

A New Semi Dirac Particle or better a dual Magnetic monopole (North and South) particle seems to be found.!!

 Hieronder: Bekijk de nieuwe deeltjesdierentuin van mijn Q-FFF-theorie: 

Researchers have identified a quasiparticle called the semi-Dirac fermion, which exhibits mass in one direction and behaves masslessly in another, marking a major discovery in physics.
Found within the semi-metal crystal ZrSiS, this quasiparticle was observed during experiments at Florida's National High Magnetic Field Lab using a magnet 900,000 times stronger than Earth's magnetic field.
Scientists at Penn State and Columbia University suggest this discovery could change technologies like batteries and sensors, with lead researcher Yinming Shao calling it a surprising and significant breakthrough.

Below: The Q-FFF Particle Zoo. and alternative Standard Model.

Below:  The new Q-FFF based Particle Zoo.

A New Semi Dirac Particle or better a dual Magnetic monopole (North and South) particle seems to be found.!!
Onderzoekers hebben een quasideeltje geïdentificeerd, het semi-Dirac-fermion, dat massa vertoont in één richting en zich massaloos gedraagt ​​in een andere richting, wat eenbelangrijke ontdekking in de natuurkunde.
Dit quasideeltje werd aangetroffen in het semi-metalen kristal ZrSiS en werd waargenomen tijdens experimenten in het National High Magnetic Field Lab in Florida, waarbij gebruik werd gemaakt van een magneet die 900.000 keer sterker was dan het aardmagnetisch veld.
Wetenschappers van Penn State en Columbia University vermoeden dat deze ontdekking technologieën als batterijen en sensoren kan veranderen. Hoofdonderzoeker Yinming Shao noemt het een verrassende en belangrijke doorbraak.

A second evidence for a dual magnetic particle is the Righthand rule of a magnetic field around a current in a wire. ( image Below)

Below: The dual polar Stellar Anchor black Hole of the earth.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Bob Lazar was right. Heavy material is needed !! Mercury, or: Moscovium Drums seem the Anti Gravity Power Units of Disc UFOs. (UAPs.)

 Bob Lazar 's drawing , below;

The cruxial image supporting my dual pressure anti gravity system.

see also mr Greer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iMRq91D80E

Bob Lazar seems to be  right, asee a support. 3x Heavy Moscovium Drums seems the Anti Gravity Power Units producing weak upwards pushing gravitons, of Lazar's Disc UFOs he described being counter pressure for anti gravity: ( together with 2x ( or even 3x ) massless Ball Lightnings black Holes in line.)

Bob Lazar’s UFO investigation, (drawing photo right) compared to the real photo of smoke filaments attracting an UFO. (photo left, based on open Source). Below: We observe the 4x main filamentary smoke traces (Smoke of the naval ships engine), assumed to represent the filamentary Anti Gravity smoke attraction effect by at least 3x anti gravity units, based on the element 115 (Moscovium) , described by Bob Lazar in the past, showing THREE anti-gravity. Units. with a spike anti gravity effect, also shown by the earth in some studies and in the cosmos. ( see 3x smoke based Spikes Gravity effects)
see: https://lnkd.in/gwcpXZ7  
Support for  Bob Lazar’s UFO investigation, (below right) compared to the real photo of a smoke attracting   UFO forming filaments.. (ancient photo left, based on open Sources). Below:   We observe the 3x main filamentary smoke traces (Smoke of the naval ships engine), assumed to represent the filamentary Anti Gravity smoke attraction effect by at least 3x anti gravity units, based on the element 115 (Moscovium) , described by Bob Lazar in the past, showing THREE anti-gravity units. (below) According to the Q-FFF Theory, The element 115 Moscovium drum seems to play an important role in; 1: the linear antigravity power of the drum seems to be pointing in the up hinge direction (with 360 degr Hinge freedom) of the drum. 2: the 3x Moscovium drum seems to act as a linear anti gravity accelerator of the craft of the space pushing from below the craf upwards,.   3: So, The smoke from the ship at the ufo photo below, is assumed to be attracted ( pushed) into 3x filamentary sources from below.. 

 The new Q-FFF Theory interpretation of the new dual push gravity vectors with differeny effect. on earth. below; Bob Lazar's explanation to his friend. Steve. see the high energy  production and distribution of small Black Holes.

Below: How ball lightnings seem to travel. by the same system of the pushing  plasma tail versus the massless Micro black hole. also observed at the solar surface by the ytavelling Tadpole Sunspot also pushed by its plasma tail.

Below: The solar traveling Tadpole micro black hole.
Which is also supporting the dual opposite pressure gravity effect, and the masslessness of the micro black hole.(Ball lightning/ Sunspot).
See  below; for Gravity two opposite pressure particles of different strength: creating the attraction effect.   The vacuum Axion and the weaker Graviton.

What is the oscillating Axion vacuum chiral (lefthanded ) structure? around a Black Hole?


In Q-FFF Theory,, the vacuum is  represented as a Tetrahedral based Space Frame structure of linear oscillating virtual Axion partiles between variable distant nodes.
The distances between nodes, seems to be  influenced by the local gravity cusps, like stellar mass and local Black Hole influences.
see also:  What is wrong with current Physics ? viXra:2101.0131

What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning

Authors: Leo Vuyk  https://vixra.org/pdf/2101.0131v3.pdf

The Dual Monopole 3D Magnetic structure around a current in a wire.

Below: Tadpole Black Holes are the first origine of the universal expansion.

see also: