If the vacuum is interpreted as a super dense oscillating mass less Higgs lattice as the base for "Dark Energy" and Knots of compressed Higgs particles are the hearts of Black Holes (Dark Matter) at all scales even for small ball lightning’s, then NEW PHYSICS is there.
Key words: Entropy Decrease, Apparent Second Law Violation and Overunity Effects, propeller shaped Fermions, Oscillating Higgs vacuum lattice and Large Scale Casimir Force.
For a recent example of Muammer Yildiz free energy motor, see university of Delft video:
an historical survey on magnetic motors you will find on:
(most experiments are already described earlier in my blogs)
1: Magnetic monopole radiation tests splitting N and S monopole components in Magnetic fields (not the source)
2: Speed of light variation experiments related to gravity field of the earth "gravity dragging of the lightspeed"
3: Solar gravity lensing of the near solar vacuum by gravity changes if the moon is near the sun
4: Radar reflection (bouncing) lightspeed experiments on Venus and Mercury
5: Ball lightning creation by electromagnetic interference combined with x-rays
6: Benjamin Libet repeating tests focused on RP I (loose PREplanning) statistics
7: The choice between up and down state of the electron.
8: The cyclic CPT Symmetric RASPBERRY Multiverse, based on black hole evaporation.
9: Black Holes Should Generate A Ring of Light, but also a ring of IONS AND ELECTRONS!
10: Contents up to febr 2007
Aliens are very likely out there, according to eminent scientist Stephen Hawking - but we should keep quiet and hope they don't notice us.
So Hawking assumes that NEW PHYSICS and some kind of alien technology is able to bring them to our Earth.
In a documentary for the Discovery Channel, the theoretical physicist warns against making contact with any extra-terrestrials.
Professor Hawking, who retired as the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge last year, claims such space life would only abuse Earth's resources and move on.
Natural ZPE or NEW PHYSICS examples we find in space:
1; Comets equipped with a new paradigm micro black hole nucleus, producing x-rays, ice and jets of dust.
Multiple jet discovered around Comet Temple 1.
This is a look at the comet Tempel 1 through a telescope. The active regions are responsible for the bright jets (left).

Based on space observation, NEW PARADIGM Black Holes (BHs) based on apparent violation of the second law of tharmodynamics, are NOT hazardous to matter.
They create entropy decrease at their BH horizons by the REPULSION but also CREATION of Fermions in the form of ionized gas.
TWO such BHs, even seem to create an electric generator based on apparent violation of the second law of thermodynamics as we find in space as Herbig Haro tandem jets!
Comets, Sunspots double Herbig Haro objects and Ball lightning are the smallest example of such BH systems. See; http://migratingblackholes.blogspot.com/
Larger BH (multiple) tandem systems (with clear electric power generation) are: Planetary star systems (like our Sun), Star forming Nebula, Galaxies and Galaxy clusters.