Intelligent beings are lucky to became more time ( 0.5 sec.) to veto actions initiated by one of the other universes.
As a result: the creation of "democratic Veto related free will"
A Supersymmetric Multiverse interpretation of Quantum Mechanics with instant quantum entanglement at universal distances.
This many worlds or Supersymmetric Multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics is the idea that NOT all possible alternate histories of the universe NEED to exist IF there is instant mirror symmetrical wavefunction collapse in at least two distant (Charge and Parity) mirror symmetric (anti)-universes.
IF this is the case, then we could argue that still all alternate histories exist, but have the same anti-copy result of wavefunction collapse.
Mirror symmetrical Clocks are running over there with left handed rotation, but time is running still forward.
Dual entangled Schrödinger Cats and anti-Cats in both universes, die or live instantly (superposed) without looking at them: they (the nuclear decay trigger) look to each other by long distant instant entanglement.
Schrödinger was not aware of that possibility of course so he described the paradox, which became known as Schrödinger’s cat paradox.
However deep down the Planck scale at the Higgs level there seem to be DUAL instant entangled pinball machines active between distant dual anti-copy universal bubbles inside the raspberry multiverse.
The oscillating Higgs energy is compared with the pinball springs and the pinballs could be compared with the Fermions and photons.
See for dual universal entangled quanta experiments:
Experimental Verification of an Indefinite Causal Order
called: "Experimental Verification of an Indefinite Causal Order"
I was perplexed because it seems to fit into my SUSY Multiverse proposals to understand reality and even human consciousness found in experiments done by Benjamin Libet in 1964..
My Q_FFF model ideas are based on supersymmetric (Charge Parity) copy universes called raspberry multiverse, assumed to be entangled from the start of the big bang, but splitting from each other into SUSY universal bubbles (the berries of the raspberry.)).
I assume that the Vienna. experiment could give a second sign of the copy multiverse for photon instant communication, ( and double slit) as I assumed to be the Benjamin Libet results for human choices pushing a button: leading to different brain reaction times called RPI and RPII. (RP is Readiness Potential)
However quanta are supposed to use less than 0.5 seconds retardation, between RPI and RPII which I assume to be caused by our frontal cortex of intelligent beings.
see perhaps: