Proplyds some with plasma tail propulsion called Globulettes in Crab nebula (@ Tiia.Grenman:
see also: Dusty globules in the Crab Nebula ?
T. Grenman1, G. F. Gahm2, and E. Elfgren1
Quantum FFF Model postulates: 1: The BALL LIGHTNING dark matter black hole (BH) is the key to understand the universe. 2: Black holes absorb only smaller BHs, and the dark energy vacuum lattice, but they repel all Fermions 3: BHs have real hard hairs, in the form of plasma jets, ejecting all the Fermionic plasma swirling around the BH not able to enter the BH by the BH repeller effect. 4: Dark Matter is the same as BHs 5: Dark Energy Casimir pressure is one part of dual Quantum Gravity. opposing graviton pressure. 6: The Higgs knot is the smallest Dark Matter Black Hole. 7: Dual Herbig Haro Hotspots are dual black holes pushed apart by two jets, with star forming (pressure cooker effect) in the middle.
Discussion with Lubos Motl;
Dear Lubos , you wrote:
"Leo, I am not surprised at all that you are a complete relativity skeptic as well."
Yes, I am ! My idea is, that the quantum world is more complex than we think and able to MIMIC relativity, if it is based on a transformable interacting rigid primal string of a specific form in combination with raspberry copy multiverse and CP entanglement at long distance. (Function Follows Form model)
You also said: "If relativity were seriously wrong, so that non-relativistic physics would be more accurate, it would have been seen in many experiments that have already been done".
Indeed, and it is observed already but not SEEN! I described several examples in the literature of so called unexplained phenomena.
see: The O'Çonnell effect, and by radar reflection time differences observed by I.I.Shapiro (see “radar astronomy” edition by Evans and
Hagfors, 1964) and Sat-sat GPS signal failures at higher altitudes ( coined: Lasof effect) and the well known Babcock and Bergman experiment.
see: ( fig. 7,8 and 9)

Examples of dumbbell pairing and splitting Globulette systems ( former starspot black holes) in the Carina nebula (below)
Examples of dumbbell pairing and splitting black hole ( former starspots) systems in the Spire nebula ( below) .
Examples of dumbbell Galaxy anchor black hole systems (large scale Herbig Haro systems)
Other examples of dumbell systems
Bent jets due to dark matter gravitation differences on black holes and Baryonic matter.
Below: The wild Duck cluster as an example for the LASOF effect ( blueshift/ redshift) on stellar rotation speed.
For more details on a singular trasformable rigid string model mimicking relativity see: A Consciousness Theory of Everything based on Rigid Transformable Strings, Instantly Entangled Between 8 or 12 CP Symmetric Universal Bubbles.