According to Quantum FFF Theory, the vacuum is a 3D Lattice Network of oscillating vacuum particles (called Axion Higgs) able to transform itself by collision with fermions into a monopole Photon or Gluon particle .
The Gluon works well at short distance as force to shape the atom nucleus and Quarks by collision processes combined with the opposite vacuum particles coming from outside.
However after a 3 cm of creation. the photon is absorbed inside the vacuum lattice only able to transfer the photon information with the local speed of light, which is influenced by massive objects like the sun and earth. This system is called a local LASOF or Local "Anti Symmetric Oscillating vacuum Frame" around massive objects. Conclusion the lightspeed changes around massive objects like Venus and Earth.
see: Experiments to determine the mass related Lightspeed extinction volume around the Earth and around spinning objects in the Lab.
and: The O‘Connell effect in eclipsing binaries explained by mass related light speed extinction distances (LASOF) of stars and even planets.
The electromagnetic field is based on monopole particles for the electric (+ and-) and magnetic field.(North and South). All forces ( attraction and pressure) are based on the dual opposite pressure of vacuum particles and monopole Photons on fermions coming form opposite sides, like observed in the graviton image below.
The explanation of the back reaction of gravity and Inertia by the Lorentz Polarization of propeller fermions. see below and: also : THE ZERO-POINT FIELD AND INERTIA. By B. Haisch and A. Rueda.

Older texts of 1997.
copy of the World Embracing Hope Foundation's website.
article 10.
by Leo Vuyk
If the oscillating vacuum lattice really has complex features as is
described in this paper, e.g. for the LASOF (Local Anti-Symmetrical
Oscillating vacuum Frame), the directional memory for Quarks or
Leptons and Photonic information etc. etc, then we may call this
vacuum lattice a kind of universal quantum computer, with
calculating and memory abilities. If in addition, each vacuum particle
within the vacuum lattice has the possibility to act as a
"Programmable Read Only Memory" (STP-ROM) then the vacuum
has huge memory abilities.
It is an interesting step to combine the idea of Frank Tipler, that all
information created in our universe will always be indestructible
memorized, with Rupert Sheldrake’s idea of "Morphic Fields" and
Teilhard de Chardin’s Noosphere. Then it is only a small jump to
speculate that the Earth -as a whole- is imprinting its changing
existence including all people and all people’s thoughts into the
Solar referred oscillating quantum vacuum (OQV) lattice, on each
single Planck time. At the same time this Solar OQV should be
interpreted as an awful 3-dimensional ever growing STP-ROM
without delete options. The Solar STP-ROM is supposed to have
physical existence in the form of a huge Toroidal 3-D volume within
the OQV representing the orbit of the Earth around the sun in one
If we postulate, that people and animals, thus even all animate
matter are "connected" to this STP-ROM, then it could be the origin
for all our dreams and creative intentions an intuition. Together with
Big Bang Entanglement (BBE), we could even introduce the ability
to have telepathic communication as described by R. Sheldrake via
non-local instantaneous entanglement what he called "Morphic
Fields and Morphic Resonance". (see [5], page 36). If the Solar
Toroidal vacuum STP-ROM does not rotate with respect to the
Galaxy, then even astrological ideas could become physical reality.
The Human Character, and the Selection Mechanism on his own
Solar Toroidal STP-ROM track.
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The World Embracing Hope
All rights reserved (1 of 2)3/7/2005 12:44:43 PM
If we interpret the Solar STP-ROM as a growing data base of the
Earth, memorizing all human ideas and actions of the past, and is
supposed to be the origin of our creative intuition and dreams, then
there must be something like a Solar STP-ROM SELECTION
MECHANISM for each SINGLE person. Each person should be
continuously connected with only a reduced set of "STP-ROM
SOLAR TOROIDAL STP-ROM. By the orbit of the Earth through the
Solar Toroidal STP-ROM, the intuitive information stream is
supposed to have a continuous character.
It is well known that humans suddenly are able to change
Character, or show a variable Character. This could be explained by
an instability of his SOLAR TOROIDAL STP-ROM TRACK
The Human Trinity of Soul, Spirit and Mind/Consciousness.
As a consequence of the postulated Solar Toroidal Programmable
STP-ROM memory and the human selection mechanism, it is
suggested that each human has its own more or less stable
character (also called: soul), which is based on continuous
interaction with this Solar STP-ROM Selection Mechanism. Human
intelligence (called: Spirit or learning abilities) is supposed to be
based on his DNA profile, which is supposed to be family related.
Human Self-awareness (called: Mind or Consciousness) is
supposed to be the ability to make more or less balanced choices
between the DUAL CHOICE-SOLUTION INPUT, given by his
character and his intelligence. As a consequence, humans are
supposed to be a Trinity of: Character, Intelligence and Selfawareness. The more Self-awareness a human has evolved, the
more he is able to realize the differences between the input of his
Character and the input of his Intelligence, the more he is able to
make balanced decisions and to be responsible for his actions, the
more he is able to act in Free Will.
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