At the two photos (above) we observe two currents in a wire perpendicular to the horizontal filings around the wires. The circular white area around each wire, is the B=0 field (No powder) estimated diameter ratio A:B:C =1:2:2.
Anti Maxwell Dip diameter (C, white) around a conductor, and the filing concentration direct against the wire (B), are related to the diameter of the current in the conductor (A). The ratios are: A;B;C= 1:2:2) . The magnetic interference extinguish process to B=0, inside area C is originated by the local parallel travelling vector Lines of the monopole (North and South) lines below. All additional currents inside location C do not feel a Lorentz force due to the absence of an effective magnetic field (B=0). Leading to a new resistance less acceleration for transportation.(Q-FFF Theory)
see: EM Space Drive without Lorentz reaction force.