By: Sidney Coleman.
"Unfortunately, what the "interpretation of quantum mechanics" ends up with is an attempt to find a hypothetical "deeper classical description" underneath the basic wheels and gears of quantum mechanics.
But there's demonstrably none. Instead, what makes sense is an "interpretation of classical physics" in terms of quantum mechanics. And that's exactly what I am going to focus in this text."
This is also a base for (Q-FFF) Quantum Function Follows Form Theory, because it uses only ONE real ( sub quantum) transformer stringy torus particle having three hinges with freedom over only 90 degrees. (see image)
Together with local and Raspberry shaped Multiverse entanglement of each twin polarized particle.
NASA’s Juno Tunes into Jovian Radio Triggered by Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io.
Data from Juno allowed the team to calculate that the energy of the electrons generating the radio waves was far higher than previously estimated, as much as 23 times greater. Also, the electrons do not necessarily need to come from a volcanic moon. For example, they could be in the planet’s magnetic field (magnetosphere) or come from the Sun as part of the solar wind, according to the team. SO only volcanism and the sun ( sunspots) are paramount here. !!! see:
Example of inside Volcanic charging.( by crashed micro black hole based comet electricity: suggested by the Q-FFF MODEL) While analyzing their findings, the team noticed that that the frequency of the lightning strikes increased with the size of the ash plume.
This correlation, they hope, will offer a new way to gauge how large an eruption is and how much ash is thrown into the air without putting researchers in danger. After all, lightning flashes are pretty easy to count even from far away.