Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Early Q-FFF Theory review by A Brandon. ( uni of Amsterdam)

An early review of my Q-FFF Theory by Arnold Brandon. Amsterdam NL. in WeHope 2005.
Below Magnetite clusters with maghemite and platelets seem to do the navigation job.

Recommendation by A. Brandon

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see also: http://www.panentheism.com/guest/Competition/www.wehope.com_.pdf
Leo Vuyk, (an architect/ building engineer) started this model in1980, 
by making measurements of the Earth magnetic field with
only the help of a simple compass and a mu-metal jar (page: 18-19
and app.p.5)
What he discovered was a clear measurable distinction between
North-and South magnetic radiation and at the same time a new
particle-wave interpretation of the (Earth) magnetic field.
He boldly concluded that there was reason to "construct" an
adapted "standard model" of elementary particles. Two Vacuum
(Higgs-virgin) particles could change by mutual collision into an
electron and a positron. One vacuum particle could change by
collision with leptons or quarks into a variety of 6 different photons:
magnetic photons (North or South), electric photons (plus or minus),
a "general" photon or a graviton. With an exception for the graviton
these photons can merge (or click) together with an electron or
positron to form quarks and at the same time they represent the 8
+1 gluon functions (4x2 + 1). As a result, the so called "preons"
invented by Salam 26 years ago, as the sub-particle components of
quarks, come in this case in 7 varieties (2+4+1).
Photons pop into existence after collision of Higgs-virgin particles
with leptons and quarks and after travelling a distance with the
"source referred speed of light" (roughly spoken) 3 cm they pop
back into a Higgs-virgin particle and become a wave, which has the
light speed of the "local vacuum reference frame".(app.p.28) This
transition after 3 cm, which we will call: the "photon transition" is the
explanation for wave-particle duality and a part of the explanation
for the fact that no variations of the speed of light are showing up in
the measurements.
The photon information is conserved through a wavefunction,
expanding with a "Local Higgs virgin vacuum" referred speed of light
which must be interpreted as an additional oscillation, added to the
local fabric of oscillating Higgs-virgin particles. This means, that the
"real" velocity of Higss-virgin particles on the "Planck scale" has to
be varying by these oscillations , so does the velocity of light
("tunneling" effects). On average however on the scale of our
measurements, the velocity of light is constant. The wave function
collapses again by changing a local Higgs-virgin particle into the
original "hard rock" photon. This "photon transition" system give us
the ILLUSION of photons and Higgs virgin particles which are
"CRUISING" AS PARTICLES through space. In the next paper the
term CRUISING is frequently used.
The local oscillating "Higgs-virgin vacuum" around the Sun
originates a local vacuum frame, which is centered around the Sun
and is anchored by at least two "anchor Black Holes" in "dumbbell
form": each located at one side of the planetary plane. This gave the
explanation for "non-Newtonian gravity" measured by " the Pioneer
and Ulysses (app.p. 34) ). It could be possible to locate these
"anchor Black Holes" by telescope from the Earth. The relative
circular change of the Black Hole position, should incidentally
originate a "microlensing effect" on the the background stars.
This photon transition system should be the explanation of wave ad
http://www.wehope.com/Pages/a006.html (8 of 10)3/7/2005 12:44:37 PM
particle duality and the "null result" of experiments, like the well
known stellar aberration experiment with the water filled telescope
of sir G.Airy in 1871: In water, the photon is not able to "transform"
into the wavefunction due to the molecule density of the water.
Consequently the water has its own reference frame, which is
originating the "Fresnel drag", for water proved through experiment
by H.L.Fizeau in 1851.
At the same time this photon transition system was Leo’s clue to
explain relativity in an ontological way, and at the same time, in
agreement with the "Bell interpretation" of relativity. To speak with
John Bell’s words: "As with relativity before Einstein, there is then a
preferred frame in the formulation of the theory… but it seems
experimentally indistinguishable. It seems an eccentric way to make
a world" (J.S. Bell: "Speakable and unspeakable in QM", p.180).
Fortunately Leo suggested two tests: using a part of the 24 hours
variation of cycle-synchrotron radiation (2:test: page .12) and an
alternative for "John Bell’s spaceship experiment" to prove the "real
contraction of rods" (see app.p 34).
Together with the particle model in hand, he couldn't withstand the
temptation to go further and he found answers and parallel ideas in
some already existing mostly "dissident" theories in physics and
As there are: John Bell (CERN Geneva, app.p.10 and 34): Dissident
interpretation of Special Relativity ("contraction of rods") David
Bohm: (app.p.1-2 and 11) sub-quantum level structure of particles
and pilot wave theory. Halton Arp: (p.16 , app.p.18) migrating
quasars out of Galaxies. Rupert Sheldrake: pigeon homing skills
and pet behavior: (app.p. 26-32). Abdus Salam: sub-quantum level
structure of elementary particles, known as "preons". H.B.G.
Casimir and H.E. Puthoff: Zero Point Energy, Alan Guth: Inflation.
Together with his particle model, this turned the Universe on its
head and gave to his surprise interesting answers to unresolved
questions like: Wave or particle: Wave AND 3-Dimensional
particle!!! Particles are "guided" by Big Bang-entanglement, "pushed
around" by the energetic Higgs-virgin vacuum particles, which
originate: "matter waves". This is supplemented with "Big Bangentangled" pop-up photons triggered by the collapse of the
"wavefunction" (This had an interesting resemblance with the theory
of David Bohm, see Basil Hiley: app.p.11).
These answers originated Leo's suggestions for the "Graviton-Higgs
combined pressure gravity" (page 6-10). Alternative Feynman
diagrams ( app. p. 13). The "Mass-less-repulsive Black Hole"(p.9
and 21). The "Higgs-virgin" particle behavior. The "Zero Point
Energy" ZPE- propulsion of the mass-less Black Hole (quasars and
ball-lightning, p.21-25). The Galaxy-type relation with "anchor Black
Hole" configurations (p.26). Restoration of Universal symmetry by
introducing an extra synchronized anti-mirror Universe, with the
need for an instantaneous "Big Bang entanglement" relation on all
scales between these dual Universes. This formed a base to explain
interference, inertia and other phenomena (app.p 29). Free will
should be connected to my personal anti-mirror (dual) individual
over there!!, (app. p. 27-33). The "2-stage fractal inflation" could
give the explanation for the way matter and anti-matter became
separated in two Big Bang entangled Universes and for the so
called "sheet /finger like" concentration/distribution of matter in the
Universe: the "Lyman Alpha Forest"(app.p.40-41)

Leo started after his discovery, with a lot of intuition and a subjective
believe in a hypothesis: "The sub-quantum level 3-dimensional
structure of particles" and by accumulation of facts (Physical by his
measurements and Astronomical by clear alternative
interpretations) he was able to emerge more objectivity in his

Consciousness, Chance and Free Will to run this world, seems
dubious, but is causal and at least challenging (app. p. 33).
Challenging because the two main Quantum Mechanical Paradoxes
can be explained and put to the test. The "double slit experiment" by
the "consciousness complexity grade" of the "macroscopic" detector
(app.p. 31-32). The up- or down state "knowledge in advance" in the
"Stern-Gerlach" experiment, by the Big Bang entanglement acting
between Universes ( app.p.42).
Most physicists believe that there is no reason why consciousness
should play a role in physics.
Here the causal answer is presented, that consciousness should
play a KEY role in physics. The quantum vacuum is "pushing" the
electron around, but the Big Bang-entanglement (Big Bangconsciousness) is "guiding" and correlating the electron to its "dual
anti-mirror counterpart" in the opposite synchronized "anti-mirror
Universe". That also humans, birds, flowers and rocks, should be
Big Bang-entangled in this way, sounds weird but is the inevitable
awful conclusion of this model! The singular private SELF (R.
Descartes) is an illusion and has to be replaced by the multiple Big
Bang entangled SELF! (app.p.33)
Is this model pointing into the direction of a "Theory of everything"? I
think it is a good start!
So, I would wish that also the leading professionals would find new
creative horizons in this model.
ATTENTION: The following description of the model, is presented in
the time-sequential uncorrected form, which means that early ideas
of particle-wave duality and "cruising" (instead of "oscillating") Higgs
particles which were described in the beginning (1996-1999) are
printed in the uncorrected form.

Arnold Brandon, Amsterdam: 2-29-2000.
Visit the Author's Website

look also for: 
How the Quantum Vacuum and "Big Bang-entanglement" could lead to reconciliation of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity, Consciousness and Free Will 

Black hole hypothesis

Ball Lightning seems the passage of microscopic primordial black holes through the Earth's atmosphere. This possibility was mentioned parenthetically by Leo Vuyk in 1992 in a patent application and a second patent application in 1996 by Leendert Vuyk. The first detailed scientific analysis was published by Mario Rabinowitz in Astrophysics and Space Science journal in 1999.[75]