G2 Tadpole BH is looking for a partner to form a HH star forming Dust ball system, OR G2 will merge with a much smaller or larger BH.
Dust balls are formed by micro Herbig Haro systems in between both bowshock black holes, (inside ellipses, eaten by Sagittarius) suggested to create single dark stars in between jets. (Fermions are NOT eaten by Sagittarius, going into the Fermi Bubble. (Q-FFF model) See also the dual Herbig Haro jets left behind after dual dust ball production between these dual micro black holes, Sagittarius A. see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2022/09/violation-of-second-law-of-thermo.html
Below see: dual Micro black holes old jets and large Dust balls with G2. looking for a partner propelled by gas tail.