The ABELL 520 Cluster Merging is a Support for the New Paradigma of Massless Dark Matter Black Hole systems, creating charged Hot Gas (at the Penrose trapped space collider horizon) in the Center accelerated out of the three galaxies by the new paradigma of single -(dual-pressure for Fermions) vacuum pressure Gravity on the massless black holes out of three Clusters in to the center. (Q-FFF Model)
see: What is Wrong with Current Physics,to Explain Ball Lightning.
According to the standard model: ABELL 520 NASA description.
“The blend of blue and green in the center of the image reveals that a clump of dark matter resides near most of the hot gas, where very few galaxies are found. This finding confirms previous observations of a dark-matter core in the cluster." “
Hot Gas creating Massless Dark Matter Black Holes located in the center of Abell 520. according to the new Penrose model of trapped space Horizons on Black Holes. added with the Q-FFF new physics of String Knot based Dark Matter Black Holes creating charged Gas horizons around each black hole lightspeed horizon..
Below: Gravity Pressure differences between Mass Less Black Holes (single pressure) and Fermionic Matter (Dual opposing Pressure).
ABELL 520: Left: LOFAR galactic magnetic fields, (Hot Gas) Right: GMRT Radio telescope image. Supporting the Q-FFF model. See: Radio observations of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 520
THE NEW PHYSICS of Hot charged Hot Gas creating Black Holes out of the virtual vacuum by the Penrose trapped space collider horizon.
Below: An other example of the new vacuum Casimir pressure gravity.on black holes.