Conclusion of the Q-FFF Model: There should be a second Hanny's Object, located mirror symmetric to the plane of the IC 2497 galaxy. ( see below) based on the origin of the first object, being half of the original dual hotspots of the Herbig Haro galaxy system of IC 2497.
The Mystery of Hanny's Voorwerp (Hanny's object) Solved by a new Q-FFF Transformer String Theory, The HsV Discribed as half of the dual Herbig Haro galaxy forming system (of Q-FFF String Model: Subquantum FFF: Particle Function Follows Form)
Hanny's Voorwerp (HsV) is about the size of a small galaxy and has a central hole over 16,000 light years across. In an image taken with the Hubble Space Telescope,( from Wiki)
HsV is colored green, a standard false color that is used to represent the presence of several luminous emission lines of glowing oxygen. HsV has been shown to be at the same distance from Earth as the adjacent galaxy IC 2497, which is about 650 million light-years away.
Star birth is occurring in the region of HsV that faces IC 2497. Radio observations indicate that this is due to an outflow of gas from IC 2497's core which is interacting with a small region of HsV to collapse and form stars. The youngest of these stars are several million years old.
The New Q-FFF Model says: The Innermost (ISCO) Horizons of Black Holes create and repel Fermions and plasma into the disc and into both JETS.
see: A New description on the gasdynamics around the Zwicky 1 Black ISCO ( Innermost Stable Circular Orbit.)
BELOW: I Postulate a new, extra star forming Hanny's objet ( EVOLUATED by TIME) 1000 Lightyears above (NORTH) the Milky Way Plain called the "Rottern Fish Nebul" see image below:

Below: Dual self propelling equal sized black Holes (called Tadpole black Joles) looking for a partner to form a Herbig Haro Syatem with two Stellar/Galaxy Achor black holes like 2x Anny's Objetcs.
Below:The Big Bang as explosion and Splitting (also evaporating into the Axion vacuum)of the cenytral Big Crunch Black Hole of a former universe.
Green is the color of Oxygen around Hanny's object, but also arouns some comets tails!!