Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

5,000-Year-Old Secret Exposed | "Forbidden to the masses"

Ancient Vayra (Bashra) creating Thunders and Plasma energy out of the transmudet formed Axion vacuum?
Malcom Mendels thechnology? harnissing vacuum energy, by Birkelend currents between two charged micro black holes , and plasma production in ancient times.
Plasma unification model. by the Axion Aether.? 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Changes Everything: New Research Suggests That Gravity Can Exist Without. conclusion: Black Holes are Massless

Changes Everything: New Research Suggests That Gravity Can Exist Without Black Holes ( Even Dark Matter) are Massless. So gravity can excist with only Dark Energy Pressure around a Black Hole.
(IMO, No dubble shell of Negative and positive mass =0 ) is needed., as Richard lieur ( Alabama uni) assumes. see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/11/changes-everything-new-research.html
E-mail address: lieur@uah.edu 
Below: according to Q-FFF Theory,  the alternarive opposing dual Axion/ Graviton  pressure Gravity

for UFOs creating Crob circles.

The Surface of the Sun showing a Linear Travelling TADPOLE Micro Black Hole ( or Q-FFF Ball Lightning at the front))

 The Surface of the Sun showing a inear travelling TADPOLE Micro black Hole (or Ball LIghtning according to the Q-FFF Theory.  Q-FFF Theory says:  

Travelling growing and splitting Tadpole Black Holes are assumed to be the origin of the expanding and cyclic multiverse.

The Tadpole Micro Black Hole system seems the origin of the local expansion of the univers by the Vacuum Axion transformation at each Trapped space Black Hole horizon into  Baryon plasma clouds and plasma tail through dual opposing plasma jets. around the new star. see also M87 described as Fermion repelling micro black hole.

So Dark enregy pressure,  of the oscillating Axion Vacuum scaffolding (3D space frame) is interplaying with Dark Matter to create gravity on dark matter black holes, which are  eating lots of Dark Energy Axions creating growth of each black hole.

However if the Dark Energy pressure diminishes below a certain lever, the Black Hole Axion nucleus will degredate or split into smaller parts. also seen inside exploding Ball lightning and some splitting Comet nuclei.

See below: Ball Lightning Micro Black Hole Knot or Dark Matter Axion String Knot.

Conclusion Dark Matter is the same as Dark Energy= Black Hole stuff.

The Surface of the Sun showing a Linear Travelling TADPOLE Micro black Hole (or Ball LIghtning according to the Q-FFF Theory.  see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/11/the-suface-of-sun-showing-inear.html

Beow: The transformation of virtual vacuum particles (String rings)  into Fermions and even Baryons to form Atoms.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

"There is a CREATOR's Aim in This Universe" ft. Roger Penrose However, The Ceator is the entangled dual copy Multiverse of Q-FFF Theory

Below, Schroedingers Paradox solved by the entangle 12x dual symmetric Raspberry Multiverse.

What is an Eon in Q-FFF Theory. each starting from a big bang.because wel, live inside  a 12 fold cyclic Raspberry  Mutiverse.
"There is a CREATOR's Aim in This Universe" ft. Roger Penrose However,   The Creator is the same as the  entangled dual copy Multiverse of Q-FFF Theory.

 In the Q-FFF Model:  Erebons and Axions are assumed to be the base for Dark Matter BUT also for Dark Matter. !!

BELOW: Benjamin Libet measured Readiness Potential I and II, for conscious decission making in his  Lab.. LIBET CALLED IT  : THE FREE WON'"T  as the result of the process!!.  because our individual Free will, is the result of each individual choice or wish to choose out of the 12 different suggestions suggested out of each entangled universe.
According to Q-FFF Theory: we all are instant connected ( ENTANGLED ) with our anti matter CPT symmetric Twin person living insics one of the 11  (12-1=11) COPY UNIVERSES.
However part of the creation is the restericted  particle transfere possibilities after collision processes.
and each electron seem to have the same propeller form able to form a Calabi Yau concentrate.

What do youu think about it?

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Are These Pulsars Driven By Alien Civilizations To Nearby Stars? or is it the first self propelled Single Black Hole? Redback Spider Pulsar??

However, The Mystery can be solved by what J call a : so called Tadpole Black hole system. ( in Q-FFF Theory).
Wich says; all Black Holes can form a Tadpole Black hole which is Propelled by its Self created  plasma tail, created at the R.Penrose Virtual Trapped Space Horizon, which acts as a Virtual Axion-Vacuum particle collider, forming dual entangled charged Fermions and Plasma  forming a plasma Disc or a Plasma Tail, pushing and guiding the Black Hole away from the strongets local Gravity vacuum cusp.
The Penrose Trapped space Horizon is assumed to create and repel entangled duel Fermions.
See Below, the guiding principle of the single and dual Tadpole black hole system, forming an so called Herbig Haro star- or plasma globule-forming system.
The plasma tail ( Tadpole tail) is assumed to be the main origin of its propulsion and steering system.
Conclusion, ( see image)  NO PLASMA OR EVEN VIRTUAL AXION VACUUM IS ABLE TO BE CONSUMED BY THE BLACK HOLE. THE PLASMA IS ASSUMED TO BE CHANNELED INTO TWO OPPOSING JETS (see below M87: with a Fermion repelling Black Hole ) the center of  the Herbig Haro system)

Are These Pulsars Driven By Alien Civilizations To Nearby Stars? or is it the first self propelled Single TADPOLE Black Hole? Redback OR Spider Pulsar??  SEE: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/11/are-these-pulsars-driven-by-alien.html

     The basic particle elements. of Q-FFF Theory.
Most Black Holes are created by starcollapse and the evaporation of Starspot black holes of different sizes being the expnasion of the galaxy/ or Universe by large tadpoles and Herbig Haro systems.

We Found One of The Largest Structures in the Universe - South Pole Wall: the base or end of the Pear shaped material Universe.?

However, the BoSS Galaxy Cluster Wall is 10x Larger than the Sloan Great Wall.  see: https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/21850084/5026819486499545267

Below: The Boss Cluster Wall (in red, ) is 10x larger than the Sloan Galaxy Cluster Wall. in red (A)

Friday, November 22, 2024

"Big Bang Is Over!? a Dual Multi Bang is Better! James Webb Telescope Finds Hint Of Another Universe . Before the Dark Ages?!!

A SECOND universe inside the Dark Ages?  !!! Larger than a a Star Cluster. predating our universe.
See below: The splitting of the Big Bang Black Holes.
see also: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321243873_The_Raspberry_Shaped_Multiverse_Pulsating_Between_Big_Crunch_and_Big_Bang_Based_on_Rigid_Transformable_massless_Axion_Higgs_particles

"Big Bang Is Over!" ?  James Webb Telescope Finds Hint Of Another Universe . Before the Dark Ages?!!

See: The Raspberry shaped Multiverse.

Below: The topology of the distribution of "great walls in our universe.
resembling roughly a form of a pear shape!! Conclusion:  The Sloan Great wall is the largest and farthest Galaxy cluster Wall to be observed.
The Sloan Great Wall seem to be the farest concentration of galaxy clusters away from the sun?
                                         Below: representation of  the 12 fold Raspberry Multiverse (CPT Symmetric, two by                                             ( 6x Material and 6x Anti -Material .Universs).

Below: The Boss Super Cluster Wall. is 10 times the volume of the Sloan Supercluster wall. so it seems the largest Supercluster in our observable universe.
There is a discussion whether or not the Boss Super structure Wall is expanding or not.!!
If the wall is contracting, this would be an indication ot the end of our univers into a great Crunch and a support for the Cyclic Multiverse of the Q-FFF heory.
  • BOSS Great Wall – One of the largest superstructures in the observable universe
From Wikipedia: The Boss superstructure is roughly 1 billion light years in diameter, and has a total mass approximately 10,000 times the Milky Way galaxy.[2] It contains at least 830 visible galaxies (represented in the figure within their respective superclusters), as well as many others that are not visible (dark galaxies).[2] The researchers used Minkowski functionals to verify the structure's overall shape and size; the first three quantifying the thickness, width, and length followed by the fourth determining the structure's overall curvature. The research team compared the luminosities and stellar masses within the superstructure to known high stellar mass galaxies within the SDSS's 7th data release, DR7.[3] This allowed the team to scale the data using known values, from local superclusters, to determine the overall morphology of the BOSS Great Wall.[4] It is currently debated amongst astronomers if the BOSS Great Wall may be considered a structure, due to the intricacies of its shape and overall size. The question of whether the supercluster complex is moving together or being slowly separated by the expanding universe is a key factor to this discussion.[2] Nevertheless, when compared to several other chain structures, such as the Sloan Great Wall, the BOSS Great Wall's superclusters are far richer, containing more dense, high stellar mass galaxies.[4] The BOSS Great Wall's discovery, and the data gained therein, should prove very beneficial for astronomers who study the overall structure of the cosmic web.

Below: The Cyclic Raspberry Multiverse.

Below: The Multi Bang leaving 12 CPT symmetric Universe Behind.

Big Bang Is Over!? a Dual Multi Bang is Better!  James Webb Telescope Finds Hint Of Another Universe . Before the Dark Ages?!!  see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/11/big-bang-is-over-james-webb-telescope.html

  • The BOSS Great Wall – One of the largest superstructures in the observable universe

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Bill Nye BREAKS SILENCE on The Terrifying Image By Webb Telescope That C...So A Supporst for a Pear shaped Universe as conclusion By The Q-FFF Theory.

Below: Do we recognize below the shape of a pear univere interior?  insde the combined configuration of the universal attraction Bubbles? growing / merging to an early Monster singularity black Hole? leading to the Splitting Dark Matter Singularity Big Bang?

Below: The Q-FFF Theory Model of  the  12 fold Pear shaped Universes inside the 12 fold Raspbey Multiverse The Pear shape seems to be the origin of the Hubble Tension of our own Universe measurement . with higher expansion far away. (Thicker Pear)


A model for the expansion and contraction of ouruniverse with Dark Energy creation by evaporation and splitting of the first splitting Dark Matter Singularities.

Bill Nye BREAKS SILENCE on The Terrifying Image By Webb Telescope: A Supporst for a Pear shaped Universe as conclusion By The Q-FFF Theory. Which is in  line with  the increasing Hubble expansion far away in line with  the Pear shape. see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/11/bill-nye-breaks-silence-on-terrifying.html