The Surface of the Sun showing a inear travelling TADPOLE Micro black Hole (or Ball LIghtning according to the Q-FFF Theory. Q-FFF Theory says:
Travelling growing and splitting Tadpole Black Holes are assumed to be the origin of the expanding and cyclic multiverse.
The Tadpole Micro Black Hole system seems the origin of the local expansion of the univers by the Vacuum Axion transformation at each Trapped space Black Hole horizon into Baryon plasma clouds and plasma tail through dual opposing plasma jets. around the new star. see also M87 described as Fermion repelling micro black hole.
So Dark enregy pressure, of the oscillating Axion Vacuum scaffolding (3D space frame) is interplaying with Dark Matter to create gravity on dark matter black holes, which are eating lots of Dark Energy Axions creating growth of each black hole.
However if the Dark Energy pressure diminishes below a certain lever, the Black Hole Axion nucleus will degredate or split into smaller parts. also seen inside exploding Ball lightning and some splitting Comet nuclei.
See below: Ball Lightning Micro Black Hole Knot or Dark Matter Axion String Knot.
Conclusion Dark Matter is the same as Dark Energy= Black Hole stuff.
The Surface of the Sun showing a Linear Travelling TADPOLE Micro black Hole (or Ball LIghtning according to the Q-FFF Theory. see: