The evaporation combined with the cooling process of the ball lightning string nucleus, seems to prove that even larger black holes do not absorb Farmions or maas , in contrast all black holes repell mass, which seems thw origin of all equal sized dual Herbig Haro black hole systems forming stars and galaxies in the middle..
According to Q-FFF Theory, Ball Lightning is the evaporation after merging of magnetic monopole Strings ( also called Bosons) able to click together by their curved String Form ( see images) to form simple Quarcs upt to different Higg Rings (More massive) (ir Leo Vuyk architect cosmoloog)Fulgartie bridge with adiitional dripping micro fulgarites dripping from above.
Below: The Micro Black Hole Ball Lightning pushed by its self produced Trapped space plasma tail with fermion plasma production at its Trapped space horizon (
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