Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Dual signals emerging at the LHC of 124-126 GeV Higgs boson mass and the chiral vacuum lattice.

Dual signals emerging at the LHC of i) a 124-126 GeV Higgs boson mass.

Yesterday  I wrote: So, the light weight (125-127 GeV) Higgs is the smallest dark matter black hole. There should be Two Higgs mirror symmetric configurations, one for 125 and one for 127 GeV?.
see: http://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.nl/2016/11/rigid-string-cosmology-with-massless.html
So I was looking for evidence and  found  this:

Dual signals emerging at the LHC of i) a 124-126 GeV Higgs boson mass.
A Higgs Mass Shift to 125 GeV and A Multi-Jet Supersymmetry Signal: Miracle of the Flippons at the \sqrt{s} = 7 TeV LHC

see the TWO Higgs Knot images below, of the mirror symmetrical light mass Higgs based on three interlocking "magnetic photons"or Gluons. AND:
Observed dual Higgs mass 124-126 GeV and the chirality of the vacuum lattice.
and  also:  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377066296_6x9_2023-B-17-nieuw_Splitting-BH-BB-12
The chirality of our material universal vacuum lattice formed by the massless Axion/Higgs oscillating dark energy field, is supposed to be the origin of these different masses. According to Quantum FFF Theory.

Conclusion: Magnetic radiation can also form these Higgs particle black holes, as we found as evaporation channels inside silicon balls of 1 mm diameter.
Evidence for Evaporating Dark Matter Particles in Silicon fireballs.
and: and: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/albums/72157633110562580

Nano Black Holes (dark matter) in Silicon globules made by Leo and Nico Vuyk
The Silicon globules are the product of ball lightning experiments in the Lab done by Leo and Nico Vuyk. see youtube "Leo Vuyk"
Left: internal Silicon globule structure made by CT nano scan at the University of Eindhoven (NL) Internal hollow channels are observed.
According to Quantum FFF theory these channels are postulated to be left behind by travelling and evaporating gluon/monopole magnetic based “Quantum Knots”.  structure of the silicon globule, with two different measurements: by SEM imaging (grey Right: Details of the incolor) and EBSD imaging (colored inset) also by TU Eindhoven.

For dual signals (124-126) see :

Interlocking of two different Higgses into a whole family .

The chiral oscillating vacuum Axion/Higgs lattice.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Rigid String Cosmology with a Massless Axion-Higgs Oscillating Photon Vacuum Lattice and massive Quantum Knots.

IMHO, rigid transformable Axions are the same as massless Higgs particles able to convert and interlock into different Fermions and massive Higgs black holes 
of 126 GeV or more.

SO, the light weight (125-127 GeV) Higgs is the smallest dark matter black hole. There should be Two Higgs mirror symmetric configurations, one for 125 and one for 127 GeV?.

In particle physics it is an interesting challenge to postulate that the FORM and structure of elementary particles is the origin of different FUNCTIONS of these particles.
The model which is the result is called “Quantum Function Follows Form” model.
As a consequence, the standard model should be extended with changes for an alternative black hole , quantum gravity, the mass related local lightspeed, a topological superconductive vacuum etc.
In this essay, I present possible 3D rigid string particle solutions based on only one massless and closed  3-D ring shaped Axion-Higgs particle, which is equipped with three point like hinges and one splitting point, all four points divided equally over the ring surface.
The 3-D ring itself is postulated to represent the “Virgin Mother” of all other particles and is coined Axion-Higgs particle, the ring is equipped with 3-hinges coded (OOO), which gives the particle the opportunity to transform after real mechanical collision with other particles into different open string shapes.
These shapes permit the particles to have different functions like different masses and interlocking abilities with other particles to form quantum knots such as quarks, W-Zparticles and black holes.
The massless Axion-Higgs particle itself is supposed to be the base for an discrete energetic oscillating space lattice with the Planck scale and the origin of Casimir pressure effect as one half of all forces in nature such as a repulsive quantum gravity or magnetism.
The other half of all forces is supposed to be created by the opposing repulsive force on fermions of open rigid monopole photonic space oscillating vacuum lattice particles.
Occam’s razor seems to be not needed here to create an ontological sound mechanism.
As a consequence, a singularity (black hole) is depicted as a complex knot of different shaped rigid Axion Higgs particles and the Big Bang singularity black hole is supposed to contain all the particles which lived before in a former universe.

See also: https://www.academia.edu/29638014/Rigid_String_Cosmology_with_a_Massless_Axion-Higgs_Oscillating_Photon_Vacuum_Lattice_and_massive_Quantum_Knots 

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

The expanding Moon: and the rifts of Oceanus Procellarum

The rifts of Oceanus Procellarum the tell tale of internal water producing multiple crashed Comet  black holes, (According to Quantum FFF Theory).
See also: Electric Dark Matter Black Holes in the Moon (Orientale Basin)

The multiple cliff-ringed lava plains on the moon are breath taking and how they came to be has puzzled scientists and even philosophers.
However, multi-cliff ringed basins are also found in many different locations on other worlds. So, what created the basins?
The suggestion of Quantum FFF Theory ( Function Follows Form) is that the double charged static electric fields assumed to be active concentric around new physics black holes should be the origin of circular cliff formation after the impact of a special comet which is only based on one nuclear black hole.
Many comets however seem to be created around more than one new physics black hole as we may have observed in comets like 67P C-G and Shoemaker Levy 9.
The resulting lava plains of such crashed comets are supposed to be represented by less circular gravity variations or less circular cliffed plains.
Recent discussions around the foundation of black hole theory principles by Stephen Hawking and others, is a clear sign of great uncertainty about the nature of black holes and adjacent subjects.

Even the earth could be expanded by internal Fermion producing and repelling new physics black holes.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Moon’s gravity anomaly, a support for a new physics Fermion repelling and charge splitting black hole.

Friendly New physics black holes on the moon and all other places in the multiverse..
According to Quantum FFF Theory, comet nuclei are plasma producing new physics black holes with a Fermion repelling horizon around the nucleus.

Crashed comets even seem often to split before  crashing into stars, (forming starspots) planets or moons leaving extra peculiar pensil shaped gravity patterns behind. (see Orientale basin).
see also:

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Spooky gravity anomalies on earth and moon by Cometary origin, with a new physics Fermion repelling black hole !

According to Quantum FFF Theory, comet nuclei are plasma producing new physics black holes with a Fermion repelling around the nucleus. (see Orientale basin).  Blue colored ring around the red center, seems to represent the Fermion repelling zone around the central large cometary black hole with extra gravity ( red) .
Crashed comets even seem often to split before  crashing into planets or moons leaving extra peculiar gravity patterns behind.


Insights into giant impacts on moon, Earth and Mars


The origin of Pumpkin stars in critical Herbig Haro systems

According to Quantum FFF Theory, stars are formed between dual new physics black holes called Herbig Haro pressure cookers.
The dual black holes can have different sizes and different capacities to produce different sized stars.
They are assumed to produce most of the the plasma dust and and Hydrogen gas to form the central baby star.
The  the size of both black holes is the origin of the polarization of the oscillating Higgs field vacuum (spacetime structure) in the HH system.
The Higgs field vacuum is assumed to be responsible for the maximum size of the baby star, before instability into a pumpkin star.
Pumpkin stars of different sizes, are assumed to be the start of secondary sibling stars and the start of an open star cluster producing larger or smaller stars and even failed stars or dwarfs.

Pumpkin stars of different sizes, are assumed to be the start of secondary sibling stars and the start of an open star cluster producing larger or smaller stars and even failed stars or dwarfs.see below Bok globule ESO 9934.:

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Proton density bubble in double magic Si34

The report of the first experimental evidence that points to a depletion of the central density of protons in the short-lived nucleus 34Si.
The New Nuclear Magic Number (34) Explained by the Polar Coaxial Ring System of Quantum FFF Theory.
and http://vixra.org/pdf/1102.0054v1.pdf
Atomic Nuclear geometry based on Magic Number logic.

Binary star production out of a mother star, (L1448 IRS3B system) the start of an open star cluster

According to the Quantum FFF model, Young stars can produce new baby by overflow of mass input between Herbig haro new physics black holes.
The size of the black holes seems to be resposnible for the maximum size of the star before it start to cannonball produce baby stars or later failed stars or planets
see: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/10/161026133058.htm