Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Magnetic Monopole Test to Demonstrate the Existence of a Anti Maxwell Dead Zone around a current in a wire..

According to Quantum FFF Theory (Function Follows Form at the quantum level) the
magnetic quantum field has always TWO different shaped monopole vector components: a
North- and a South vector field component.
This is comparable with the electric Quantum field, equipped with Plus and Minus vector components but it is in contrast with all other quantum fields like the neutrino- gravity-or x-gamma ray field.

After interference of the magnetic wave with a real spinning propeller shaped Fermion
particle, TWO real monopole magnetic photon particle based waves from opposite direction
will collapse and come to life as two real rigid shaped photons, as the result of two individual
mutated oscillating Higgs field particles from the vacuum.
These photons should do the magnetic job by interlocking temporarily with the Fermion, and give the Fermion a push to the left respectively a push to the right fully in line and according to the Lorentz force law.
However, based on observation of iron filing-powder patterns close to direct currents in a
wire, it is assumed that these monopole ( N+S) particle/ wave dualities travel only locally
parallel to each other without a magnetic field effect inside the Higgs field.
This in contrast with the natural opposing curvature of the so called B field. .As a result, the
magnetic field strength- created by the wire itself-locally drops down to zero, with a up to
zero reduced Lorentz force on the iron filing atoms.
As a consequence, this is in contradiction with Maxwell’s magnetic field law around an
electric direct current wire and I call it the “tubular local magnetic dropping zone” ( dead
zone) around the electric wire, which can be used for reaction less drive propulsion and
Levitation in combination with different forms of strong tubular or spiral magnets.
Magnet optimization is suggested to form spiral configurations of high performance magnet
plating with spiraling electric coils in between.
The Lorentz force created on the wire by the static magnetic field of the tubular or spiral
magnet (s) is supposed to be the only force in the system, by the absence of a reaction force
on the magnet due to the local magnetic dropping zone.
Three circular anti-Maxwell propulsion systems in triangle configuration, should be enough
to create stable piloting and flight Experiments with coiled magnetized iron tubes has
already shown this new physics reaction less propulsion effect.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Dual waltzing dwarfs or paring micro black holes?

Dual Waltzing dwarfs seem to be  pairing micro black holes to form a Herbig haro system with ( failed) star ( or brown dwarf) formation in between. 
According to Quantum FFF Theory, only (micro) black holes produce plasma which form elongated tails pushing the BHs away from local massive objects. 
However in contrast BHs seem to be also attracted to each other like these two and tend to form Herbig Haro systems with star formation or dwarf formation in between.

see also: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/06/170609193102.htm 

Pairing micro Black Holes according to the Quantum FFF Model. below: 

Plasma tails propelling former starspots ( globules) in the Helix nebula.

Even proplyds seem to have comparable pushing tails.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Proplyds are not young planets, but young black holes accelerated by plasma tails.

According to Quantum FFF Theory,
Proplyds should be young molecular ( ejected star spot) black holes accelerated by plasma tails.
Proto planetary discs, show mostly a tail and seem to be in motion in opposite direction of that tail.

Why because most proplyds show strong resemblance with some Helix "proplyds". and we know that the Helix nebula is the result of a star explosion  see image:

For comparison, see the Orion proplyds below:

.In addition, The Spire / Eagle nebula is a good example of splitting and merging young starspot black holes merging into small ( micro) Herbig Haro systems producing often red dwarfs or even failed stars.
as the next Bok globule image shows.

black hole acceleration by plasma tails combined with the pairing and Herbig haro splitting process below:

The origin of micro molecular black holes as exploded ( ejected) star spot black holes.
Star spots however are assumed to be the result of crashed Comets in the former star.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Clockwork Composite Higgs Models

Clockwork Composite Higgs Models based on internal 3x rotation of the Higgs torus as rigid strings.
Topological proposal for most particles.
see also: 

Unstable dark matter particles made up by deformed massless Axion/ Higgs vacuum strings (coded OOO) assumed to be the origin of dark energy and emerging gravity. According to Quantum FFF theory.
So: The LHC ( 125 GeV) Higgs is an unstable dark matter black hole particle.

The Axion/Higgs field vacuum particle ( the virgin mother torus) however is supposed to be massless.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Friday, June 02, 2017

The recent 2017 Black hole merger (LIGO GW 170104) seems to Fill the gap.

Could LIGO project also be the start to explain Gamma Ray Bursts of small black holes?
The recent 2017 Black hole merger (GW 170104) seems to Fill the gap between the two former merger black holes, which  raise the question what BH mass upper- and lower boundaries and BH  ratios we could expect?
 Could it even explain the Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) conundrum about the narrow energy focusing of the explosion energy by assuming that we have to do with a splitting BH in two equal halves by a much smaller one crashing into it?
Several nebula ( like the Eagle -Spire) seem to show such splitting processes.

Consequently, it would be interesting to investigate the directional focusing  of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) could be originated  by the merging and even splitting of smaller lower bound BHs as suggested to take place in nebula like the Eagle (Spire) nebula.

 I would propose that there could be three different merger and splitting systems of BHs depending on the size and ratios of both BHs.
1: Normal merger BHs as found by LIGO. Which seem so have rations between: 1/1.24 and 1/1.9 with masses of the participating BHs and resulting BHs between: 6 and 60 solar masses.
2: BH splitting into two equal halves, observed in the Eagle ( spire) nebula with unknown ratios

3: Central Galaxy BHs gobbling up  much smaller BHs and growing in size with small steps.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Not all Black Hole Mergers Join into one Bigger BH

 Not all black hole mergers merge into one bigger BH, as Quantum FFF theory predicted. see: 
https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/chandra/images/astronomers-pursue-renegade-supermassive-black-hole.html and: 
If they have about equal mass then they tend to split again and accelerate away from each other to form a Herbig Haro system with two hotspots ( bowshocks) , often also a bar in between as the remnant of the repelling plasma/gas concentration, and two jets in between . see also: http://vixra.org/pdf/1611.0226v7.pdf

Thursday, May 18, 2017

the differences between Small and Larger ( older) micro Comet nuclei

This video shows us that there seems to be differences between large (older)  and small micro Comet nuclei after splitting one small nucleus, 
The smaller nucleus takes a different direction probably due to the assumption that is did not have already a massive shell of ice around the nucleus and as a result it point its plasma tail away from the local wind direction pushing the nucleus against the wind!
Also seems clear that the small nucleus produces no visible gas/ plasma tail already

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

How to Make Stable Ball Lightning or Sprite Quantum Knots for ZPE energy and Hydrogen harvest?

My proposal: 3 and 4x interconnected rigid  string knots (massive Higgs) as start for stable ball lightning?

Several ball lightning photos seem to indicate that EM interference from three directions is able to create unstable but light generating  string knots as suggested by the next image.

However according to the Q- FFF Model even quantum knots with  4x EM strings are able to form quantum knot models with a stiff bonding. ( see first image)

Based on my former posters with negative charged black holes (outside) and positive charge at the globular inside: for zpe energy creation.

This video shows us that there seems to be differences between large and small micro Comet nuclei after splitting one small nucleus, 
The smaller nucleus takes a different direction probably due to the assumption that is did not have already a massive shell of ice around the nucleus and as a result it point its plasma tail away from the local wind direction pushing the nucleus against the wind!
Also seems clear that the small nucleus produces no visible gas/ plasma tail already .

see:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puFBnUsqVIg

4x Black Hole Horizon positions A,B,C and D

A= Fermion polarization or Repel/Attraction shift boundary. B= Hydrogen Plasma and Proton Construction site for D and U quarks. C= Fermion DE-Polarisation  or Repel/ Attraction shift boundary. D= Photon and vacuum COLLIDER concentration  zone for pair production.
ll black hole nuclei are assumed to be negative charged from the outside and positive charged from the inside. At location B protons and electrons should merge to form real hydrogen plasma, expelled as observed at dual Cygnus A  hotspots and even interference B.Hole based Ball Lightning.                    According to Quantum Function Follows Form Theory.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Super-Nova Nebula related to dual or quadruple primordial external Black Hole structure.

Different Super Nova shapes are created around two star types: A:  Stars with distant “dual or quadruple Stellar Anchor Black Holes” assumed to be located in the center of a former open star cluster.   ( SN1987, NGC2440, Crab Nebula) 
B: stars without an external SABH system. (SN1572)     Our sun is equipped with two sunspot rings assumed to be of type A, with two external SABHs, (see below),  according to Quantum Function Follows Form Theory.

A different Black Hole Horizon Interpretation leading to Entropy Reduction and Violation of the Second Law.


According to Function Follows Form Theory,
Hawking mathematics of a black hole horizon should be interpreted differently.
Too weird to be true?
My conclusion is that 
Stephen Hawking is still too anxious to admit that the splitting of positive mass ( going out) and negative mass (going in) at the black hole horizon should lead to violation of the second law of thermodynamics , by entropy decrease!!
 So, the Hawking mathematics of a black hole horizon should be interpreted differently.
All Fermions (with positive mass) should be repelled at one of the fermion repelling horizons with positive or negative charge!
As a result, each black hole is assumed to have a globular shell of positron and proton based plasma at the inside and a negative electron based plasma shell outside this positive shell.
The ingoing negative mass (suggested by Hawking) could be interpreted as the anti material entangled copy symmetric shadow partners popping up into  distant entangled anti material copy universes and the origin of the interference effect in a one photon double split experiment as suggested by David Bohm..
If we include existence of small interference black holes (or Quantum Knots) then Ball lightning and micro comets ( including Comets and sunspots) are to be explained as micro black holes violating the second law of thermodynamics.  
The FORM and MICROSTRUCTURE of elementary particles, is supposed to be the origin of FUNCTIONAL differences between Higgs- Graviton- Photon- and Fermion particles. As a consequence, a NEW splitting, accelerating and pairing MASSLESS BLACK HOLE, able to convert vacuum energy (ZPE) into real energy by entropy decrease, seems to be able to explain quick Galaxy- and Star formation, down to Sunspots, (Micro) Comets, Lightning bolts, Sprites and Elves, Sprite Fireballs and Ball Lightning. Recently the NASA-SOHO satellite photos showed clear evidence of multiple hotspots created at the solar surface by interference .  I assume that the majority of the hotspots can be compared with Micro Comet- or fireball phenomena related to Sprites

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Should we take Inflation after a Big Bang idea serious?

IMHO, if we take the CMB energy over-densities serious,  we could postulate, that the big bang was the symmetric  splitting and evaporation of huge string based nucleus into smaller splinter black holes.
However it seems to be also a logic assumption that it was the result of a big crunch, so the result of a bouncing multiverse.
As a consequence however the Hubble redshift should have an alternative origin. See:
The Alternative Origin of Hubble Redshift : Vacuum Absorption by black holes as a Support for Quantum Dipole Repeller Gravity and a Contracting Universe.  

The Beginning and End of Time.
Multiverse cycle time versus quantities of mass carrying particles, Dark Matter Black Hole particles and Dark Energy Oscillating Vacuum Lattice (Axion Higgs field) particles. All particles and fields are assumed to be based on rigid string paticles. Negative and Positive charged Fermions should have propeller shapes with opposite pitch.
A: The end of matter based time. (Big Crunch) All rigid string matter is through merger Super Nova black holes concentrated into one BH nucleus, which is compressed by the remaining-but absorbing- deluting-dark energy vacuum. If the deluted vacuum pressure comes into equilibrium with the total internal string tension of the nucleus, the Big Bang BH splits symmetrical into 8 or 12 entangled BH nuclei.
B:The beginning of matter based time and the splitting of the Big Bang Black Hole string nucleus into series of minor secondary primordial BHs, building the fractal shaped Lyman Alpha Forest and the start of dual pairing BHs into primordial Herbig Haro systems with vast galaxy formation in  between. 
All New physics BHs (even micro interference BHs) are postulated to create not only pair production at the horizon, but even entire protons. (plasma)
C: The end of primary Big Bang black hole splitting and the end of vacuum expansion (vacuum inflation)
D: The Total number of particles during the cycle process is constant. 

According to the Quantum Function Follows Form model.