Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Quantum FFF Theory Essentials Beyond Einstein,Maxwell and Newton´s 3e law.

Quantum FFF Theory Essentials Beyond Einstein.
The differences indicated by Q-FFF Theory:
1:  LASOF lightspeed model.
2: Adapted equivalence principle : 
Acceleration is not the same as gravity at the quantum scale. http://vixra.org/pdf/1402.0132v1.pdf
3: God plays indeed dice! 
However within ER=EPR entangled multiple pinball machines representing universes. http://vixra.org/pdf/1604.0229v1.pdf 
4; At the quantum level the universe resembles a tetrahedral network of oscillating massless Higgs field particles as the energy source for Zero Point Energy effects like Higgs-graviton gravity and Casimir effects. http://vixra.org/pdf/1209.0030v1.pdf
Higgs particles represented as rigid torus shaped strings are supposed to be able to mutate by internal hinge rotations into a variety of single electron, positron, gluon, photon, neutrino shapes able to combine into compound quarks by an interlocking merging system.
5: The Raspberry shaped entangled Supersymmetric mirror cyclic multiverse.   http://vixra.org/pdf/1312.0143v2.pdf
6: Democratic Free Will: http://vixra.org/pdf/1401.0071v2.pdf

7: Beyond Maxwell and Newtons second law, action without reaction.  http://vixra.org/pdf/1603.0253v1.pdf

See also: Anti Maxwell Lorentz force effect on a direct current in a wire as reactionless drive.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

ER=EPR in the multiverse and in the lab.

 IMHO, Einstein Rosen (ER) wormholes between copy entangled particles are the guiding channels .for Einstein Podolski and Rosen (EPR) non local entanglement even at universal distances.
see also: ER=EPR in the Supersymmetric Cyclic Multiverse and in the lab without strange Cats.

So: ER=EPR in the multiverse and in the lab
My Supersymmetric Multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics is the idea that NOT ALL POSSIBLE ALTERNATE HISTORIES of the universe need to exist if there is instant mirror symmetrical wavefunction collapse in at least two distant (Charge and Parity) mirror symmetric universes.
If so, then all alternate histories exist but have the same anti-copy result (inside different charged anti-copy universes).
Dual entangled Cats and anti-Cats in both universes, die or live instantly (superpositioned) without looking at them: they (the nuclear decay trigger) look to each other by long distant instant Quantum entanglement.
see also: The Raspberry Shaped Super Symmetric Multiverse Without a Cat Paradox.

Casimir -Graviton Quantum Gravity by dual opposing pressure fields.

Casimir -Graviton Quantum Pressure Gravity, Mass in motion and Fermion Consciousness

Dual Casimir-Graviton quantum pressure gravity of Quantum FFF Theory could be described as a kind of dual "Macro Casimir effect" inside a  dual gravity theory.
It is assumed that the microscopic Casimir effect is caused by the oscillating Higgs vacuum field pressure on mass carrying particles.
It is also assumed that the total Higgs/Casimir  pressure from outside acting on a mass like the earth, is larger than the Higgs pressure coming out from the inside of that mass.
Inside the earth, many Higgs field particles are assumed to change by collision with Fermions into pressure Gravitons.
Pressure Gravitons are supposed to have less pressure capacity than each Higgs particle, as a result gravity seems to exert a pull effect. .
Gravitons are supposed to be not able to change by collision into other particles,as a consequence the Higgs vacuum pressure is diluting during the life time of the universe.

Same gravity principle with (old) name: Double LeSage

Abundance of X-shaped radio sources by black hole plasma tail propulsion trick.

Abundance of  X-shaped radio sources with off-axis distortions.  Z=0.2-0.8. by D.H.Roberts et al. in line with the Quantum FFF model .

Merging or not merging that seems the question.
Not only in the early universe but also later, black holes seem to do the same pairing and splitting trick to form Herbig Haro systems, stars and dwarf galaxies at Z=0.2-0.8.
However, the LIGO merging of black holes tell us that there exist some boundary condition for the quality of two BHs to merge or repulse by plasma tails.
The Quantum FFF solution is: that the BH plasma tail propulsion/repulsion ( pairing and splitting) trick only take place in  space conditions without too much crowded BH space influences.
Conclusion: The merger BHs (see LIGO) are supposed to take advantage of the crowded BH space around Galaxy centers.
see album: 
"Only Giant central merger black holes inside old galaxies".

Crowded Black hole hierarchy and vacuum complexity in the center of galaxies, as the boundary condition for merger super nova black holes into ONE central super massive BH. 
The absence of a local single gravity direction for plasma tail steering behind the propelled BH, seems to create the the possibility to merge BHs instead of mutual repulsion as observed in X-shaped radio sources.

Below: The Plasma-Black Hole  propulsion Trick.
The approach of TWO plasma tailed black holes, the production af a gas bar as the start of a Herbig Haro system by the more or less linear splitting of the BHs (A or B). 
"This visualization of the 3-D structure of the Pillars of Creation within the star formation region of the Eagle Nebula (M16 below) is based on new observations of the object using the MUSE instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile. The pillars actually consist of several distinct pieces on either side of the star cluster NGC 6611. In this illustration, the relative distance between the pillars along the line of sight is not to scale."

Below: This is the Plasma-Black Hole  propulsion Trick made for uneven massive black holes.The smallest BH is able to split the larger BH into two even halves (left).
The approach of TWO plasma tailed black holes, the production af a tailed gas bar as the start of a Herbig Haro system by the more or less linear splitting of the BHs. forming two Stellar Anchor Black Holes A or B (right). 

Systematic sketches of Galaxy Anchor Black Hole (GABH) relation with galaxy types and form.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mysterious alignment of super massive early black holes: not so mysterious for Q-FFF Theory.


Astronomers in South Africa discover mysterious alignment of black holes

or: http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2016/04/supermassive-black-hole-jets-found-aligned-in-same-direction-bizarre-finding-not-based-on-current-un.html
However, not so mysterious for Quantum FFF Theory, see last posting of this blog:

Below: Principle of big bang black hole splitting and pairing in line, forming so called GalaxyAnchor Black Holes  (GABHs) with the later forming mergers and of dwarfs in between. according to Q-FFF model.

The origin of the alignment is supposed to be the linear/ fractal splitting pattern of the big bang black hole creating so called "gravity funnels: (15)". .

see also: http://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.nl/2007/01/new-interpretation-of-cygnus-will-lead.html

According to Quantum FFF Theory, all early Quasars  are produced by the trillions of paired electric dark matter black holes (EDMBHs) spawn by the big bang and creating early Herbig Haro objects, with star/galaxies forming in between.
The so called hotspots (often called bowshocks in HH-systems) are supposed to represent the new paradigm black holes.
The "lobes" represent plasma created directly out of the CHIRAL Higgs field by "pair production" at the black hole horizons with minimal annihilation effects, because positrons seem to be able to form positive quarks.
The plasma is pushed away from the horizons in contrast with mainstream physics.. For the chiral Higgs see: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22730354-600-possible-new-particle-hints-that-universe-may-not-be-left-handed/

See also: Halton Arp's book "Seeing Red" p.191-192.
"An amateur spotsthe crucial patterns".
and "The New God Particle and Free Will" by me.

Thursday, April 07, 2016

New support for Big Bang Black Hole splitting and later Central Galaxy Black Hole merging

According to Quantum FFF Theory,
Old and Young Super Massive Black Holes (SMBHs) are related respectivily to the Big Bang up to the Big Crunch
Old SMBHs are supposed to be created by the BH splitting Big Bang inflation epoch. Young SMBHs are the result of merger S-Nova black holes located in the center of galaxies, as a start of the Big Crunch.
Supermassive black holes do not form from stellar black holes.
Supermassive black holes may be lurking everywhere in the universe
Surprise discovery of 17-billion-solar-mass black hole in sparse area of local universe.

Somehow the central stars have been scared away from the center of very massive galaxies, and either were afraid to come in, or came in and got kicked out," Ma said. The stellar orbits around the center of NGC 1600 indicate the latter, which "may be support for a binary black hole formed by a merger."

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-04-supermassive-black-holes-lurking-universe.html#jCp

Examples of old SABH based Herbig Haro black hole hotspots
(or bowshocks)

Examples of expelled and pairing mini black holes (starspot origin) as a base for new star/brown dwarf formations. (such as the Eagle nebula)

The cometary knots are supposed to the remnants of sunspots (star spots)
Starspots are the remnants of Comets crashed into the star.
Comets are supposed to be created by stellar magnetic interference of ball lightning -like quantum knots accelerating away from the star by zero point energy driven ion tail.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, all early Quasars  are produced by the trillions of paired electric dark matter black holes (EDMBHs) spawn by the big bang and creating early Herbig Haro objects, with star/galaxies forming in between.
The so called hotspots (often called bowshocks in HH-systems) are supposed to represent the new paradigm black holes.
The "lobes" represent plasma created directly out of the CHIRAL Higgs field by "pair production" at the black hole horizons with minimal annihilation effects, because positrons seem to be able to form positive quarks.

The plasma is pushed away from the horizons in contrast with mainstream physics.. For the chiral Higgs see: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22730354-600-possible-new-particle-hints-that-universe-may-not-be-left-handed/

Monday, April 04, 2016

Photon Under Production crisis suggestions by Quantum FFF theory.

"All the Light in the Universe" --Is It Coming from an Exotic Unknown Source? (Weekend Feature)

The differences:
"The fact that this accounting works in the early universe but falls apart locally has scientists puzzled.
The solution: 
the existence and growing number of secondary and tertiary  E-GABHs Electric Galaxy Anchor Black Holes ( negative charge from the outside and positive from the inside.) present inside all Herbig Haro objects and later outside all open star clusters.
At the same time all sunspots are also supposed to be Electric negative charged black holes even in action in nebula. 
It is said:
The light in question consists of highly energetic ultraviolet photons that are able to convert electrically neutral hydrogen atoms into electrically charged ions. The two known sources for such ionizing photons are quasars—powered by hot gas falling onto super massive black holes over a million times the mass of the sun—and the hottest young stars.
see also the growing number of Supernova black holes as the origin of a growing central Galaxy black hole but also the decreasing total number of fermions..

After the inflation epoch, the Dark Matter Blsck Hole content of the multiverse is minimal but growing again.
See below.