Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Gravity is entropic only around black holes ( even around micro Ball Lightning)

Gravity is entropic around black holes ( according to Quantum FFF Theory) because Fermions are not only repelled from the horizon but even created there ( pair production)
No fermion ( mass) created gravitons can escape from the black hole. Only the pushing oscillating Axion/Higgs field vacuum is sucked in to the growing BH nucleus.
Growing Black Hole nuclei seem to concentrate in groups travelling back from the Big Bang onto a Big Crunch, with LOW ENTROPY!
see: Galaxy Cluster Merging and Vacuum Absorption by black holes as a Support for a Contracting Universe.

Gravity around a Fermionic test mass is based on two pushing force fields. A Pushing Graviton field (6) and the reduced (Axion) Higgs field (3).

Dark matter black holes, is likely to interact with itself and concentrate.

Quantum FFF theory predicts that dark matter black holes, will interact  with itself and concentrate clusters of galaxies, as the start of the contraction of the universe into the big crunch.
Black holes are supposed to decrease vacuum pressure by eating the oscillating Axion/Higgs vacuum rigid string particles.
As a consequence dark matter BH bubbles tend to concentrate in groups.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Different sized approaching black holes create different results as a base for the self organizing universe..

LIGO based Black Hole ratios and the ability to merge or split into two equal BH parts, able to create Herbig Haro systems and Gamma Ray Bursts.   Such splitting systems are observed in the so called Spire part of the Eagle nebula.
The new electric dark matter black hole of Quantum FFF Theory, seems to be the creator of new stars in HH systems but also feed central galaxy black holes as the start of a big crunch.

The Firewall/ Fuzzball idea around Black Holes ( BH) could be explained, if fermions are real rigid string propellers, even able to be polarized mysteriously away from the BH, forming an extra repulsive horizon.

Gravity is entropic around black holes ( according to Quantum FFF Theory) because Fermions are not only repelled from the horizon but even created there ( pair production)
No fermion ( mass) created gravitons can escape from the black hole. Only the pushing oscillating Axion/Higgs field vacuum is sucked in to the growing BH nucleus.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

How galaxies became massive so quickly after the black hole big bang splitting into smaller black holes.

The answer: by the dual dumbbell black hole capacity to create and focus gas into the middle, pressure cooker alike to form "Cannonball galaxies" (A) see below.

Later however these Cannonball galaxies create smaller supernova black holes forming  systems like Herbig Haro (HH) systems (B) with a decreasing CENTRAL focused  pressure cooker effect and less effective central star formation.. 
HH systems are supposed to be based on the strange capacity of equal sized black holes to form a dumbbell topology with star forming in between. 
Equal sized black holes seem to be not able to merge!!

See also: 

Galaxy’s rapid growth spurt may have spawned 3000 suns per year.

see: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2115501-galaxys-rapid-growth-spurt-may-have-spawned-3000-suns-per-year/#.WEhyu8F0fpM.twitter 

Quotation: "How do they get enough fuel to form stars so rapidly? " because all early galaxies feel the singular extra influence of the dual GABHs Galaxy Anchor Black Holes, splitted from the big bang BH.

Example of small scale black hole splitting in the Spire part 
of the Eagle nebula.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Democratic Free Will and Telepathy in the Instant Entangled Multiverse.

New Super Symmetric Cyclic Multiverse with Bang and Crunch divided into 8 or 12 Charge Parity Symmetric Copy universes.
Super Symmetry means: each particle has its instant entangled anti particle ( Charge Parity symmetric) inside the opposite anti universes.
Our world is real but non local instant entangled down to each quantum, without a so called "Cat problem".
Consciousness is to be found by the instant entanglement which has a retarded effect for intelligent species like humans. see:
Democratic Free Will and Telepathy in the Instant Entangled Multiverse.

see also: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23231031-000-you-are-a-mind-reader/ 

ER=EPR in the Supersymmetric Cyclic Multiverse and in the lab without strange Cats
In Quantum FFF Theory, it is postulated that the Einstein Rosen (ER) “bridging wormholes” between entangled particles are the guiding channels .for Einstein Podolski and Rosen (EPR) non local entanglement even at universal distances.
So; ER=EPR in the Multiverse and in the lab My Supersymmetric Multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics is based on the idea that NOT ALL POSSIBLE ALTERNATE HISTORIES of OUR UNIVERSE need to exist if there is instant mirror symmetrical wavefunction collapse in at least two distant (Charge and Parity) mirror symmetric universes.
Consequntly, I postulate that ALL POSSIBLE ALTERNATE HISTORIES of OUR MULTIVERSE exist because there is instant mirror symmetrical wavefunction collapse in at least two distant (Charge and Parity) mirror symmetric universes.
Then all alternate histories exist but have the same anti-copy result (inside different charged anti-copy universes).
Dual entangled Cats and anti-Cats in both universes, die or live instantly (superpositioned) without looking at them: they (the nuclear decay trigger) look to each other by long distant instant Quantum entanglement.
The Super symmetric Multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics is also reason to introduce a different electric charged dark matter based black hole, spewed by the trillions out of the big bang and able to pair and split into Herbig Haro systems as the accelerator of star and galaxy formation.
However there are indications that small supernova black hole tend to gather in the center of galaxies not able to form Herbig Haro systems but to feed the newly formed supermassive black hole as the start of the big crunch.
see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1604.0229v1.pdf

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Descarte's: "I think therefore I am" should change into: "I think therefore we are".

WHY? see Quantum FFF theory,
"I am a QM system, which is assumed to be always non-local instantaneous correlated and in competition by VETOING the ideas of my opposite anti-copy I, living in a dual anti-mirror copy universe, therefore we are!

It could also be named: MIW is Many Interacting Worlds or better; COPY (Charge Parity) Symmetrical Worlds to explain the double slit one photon interference and veto-based consciousness and individual responsibility a la Benjamin Libet.

Then we only have the possibility to VETO and act, in competition with other copy me's.
So: I am not the driver (pilot) of my life I only are able to veto choices boiling up out of these universes to be still responsible for my actions.
see my paper : Democratic Free Will in the instant Entangled Multiverse
The Raspberry shaped Super Symmetric Multiverse without a CAT paradox.

Fluctuation anomalies of the Cosmic Background .
By Roger Penrose suggested to be contact areas with neighbor universes.

For a practical experiment see my conclusions about an extended B.Libet experiment in: http://vixra.org/pdf/1401.0071v2.pdf :
In an entangled multiverse, the base for Free Will is the possibility to VETO an act or decision. (as Libet also suggested)
The intention or preplanning for a decision to make or an act seems in fact to be equal important for the decision as the possibility to VETO the act.
As a result we may be able to measure (in the future) the number of copy universes involved for decision making, by counting the average percentages of preplanning persons (subjects) in test situation like the Libet test.
For 12 universes the RPI percentage will be 100/12=8,3%. For 8 universes RP I will be 12,5% For RP II it will be 91,7 respectively 87,5%
The time span between RPI and RPII seems to be very important for the creation of free will, because if this time span decreases, then the chance of vetoing an act will become minimal.
The Human quality of : Considering, Revolve, Meditate, or Ponder could be direct related to it. However does animals have free will ?

Could this also be reason for new research on precognition and telepathy?
If I have instant contact (lines) with multiple me's inside other universes, 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The origin of Comet tail evaporation and plasma production, according to Quantum FFF Theory.

Not the radiation of the sun is origin of Comet 67P-CG plasma jets but several new physics micro dark matter black holes.
See: comet 67P-CG cross section with multiple craters supposed to be originated by ice funnel structures as the result of gravitating aligned micro Electric Dark matter black holes.
( according to Quantum FFF Theory)
see also:

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Einstein Cross Quadrupole effect expelained by quadrupole dark matter distribution.

Einstein Cross Quadrupole effect originated by TWO or even One Quadrupole lensing -edge on- Dark Matter galaxies. (Quantum FFF Theory)
See also: High speed gas ejection ( Mrk 231) as support for dual polar external Galaxy Anchor Black Holes ( GABHs, according to Quantum FFF Theory).

Friday, November 25, 2016

Free Energy For All by Cometary and HH energy downscaling?.

Quantum Function Follows Form theory predict free energy for all in the near future, by down scaling of Herbig Haro (HH) systems and micro Black Hole based Comet nuclei from space to an earth- industrial scale.
Why? Because  the dual black holes of HH systems and comets do not swallow matter as Stephen Hawking and others predict but in contrast produce energy and even plasma/gas..  
As a consequence we need  new Black hole- en even new monopole based particle physics.
HH systems are (according to Quantum FFF Theory) huge electron pumps with so called entropy reduction,  and star formation in between. 
Comets seem also to produce water and other light atoms direct out of the vacuum, which is explained by the Axion Higgs vacuum electron positron production.

Down to earth we could develop technology for free HH based energy systems with even Hydrogen and water creation Just as Comets seem to do.

However, there is still one hurdle: to take how can we produce stable ball lightning /comet alike ( new physics) micro black hole nuclei, by interference of EM radiation quantum knots acting together as electron pump. 
Stable earth bound comets seem to be produced above lightning in thunderstorms.
see also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puFBnUsqVIg 

Entropy reduction around all black holes 
(and even pair production forming quarks)

"Wasteful" galaxies do not recycle but cycle heavy elements away into the CGM by GABH attraction.

Quantum FFF Theory says: this galaxy could be the future of the merging of Andromeda and the Milky way., 
We observe multiple Galaxy Anchor Black Holes: (GABHs) in the Circum Galactic Medium (CGM). as remnants of former merger GABHs.

See also my blog: http://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.nl/…/galaxies-waste-la…
‘Wasteful’ galaxies launch heavy elements into surrounding halos and deep space, CU-Boulder study finds.
see also: http://phys.org/…/2016-06-galaxies-heavy-elements-halos-dee…
The (CGM), is thought to play a central role in cycling elements in and out of the galaxy, but the exact mechanisms of this relationship remain elusive.
A typical galaxy ranges in size from 30,000 to 100,000 light years while the CGM can span up to a million light years.

Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) are supposed to be the centers of Dwarf spheroid star clusters located in– and around the Milky Way according to Quantum FFFtheory.
A recently detected 27.000 light-year long remnant gamma beam is probably the tell tale of a primordial HH system.
Below: Merging spiral galaxies with dual Herbig Haro object (Black Hole) systems, original connected by x-ray jets  between multiple Electric Dark Matter Black Holes.see:

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

3, 4 or 5 Elliptical Fluctuation Anomalies in the Cosmic Background of a Raspberry CP symmetric Multiverse

Only 3x elliptical fluctuation found inside :

HOWEVER, it could be 4 or even 5 if the Milky Way blocks other large anomalies off.


This raspberry multiverse version of "many worlds" does not require the so called "collapse of the wave function" in only one universe.  So we need no external observer to choose for the dead or alive CAT in the box in our OWN universe.
We need (anti material ) copy observers inside all universes.
If the 8 or 12 universes are Charge Parity ( CP) symmetric and quantum entangled with instant reaction, to communicate which branch of reality we find ourselves in, then God plays dice with multiple entangled CP symmetric pinball machines for non intelligent stuff .
However my proposal is that each individual intelligent species like humans have the opportunity to VETO an act or idea, just like Benjamin Libet assumed based on his simple experiments.
 Democratic Free Will in the Instant Entangled Multiverse.

Pigeon Orientation by a new Magnetic Dual Monopole Vector Information Field with Characteristic Curvature for Each Earth Location.

Earth Magnetic monopole field with boundary layer profile, (B) which seems to be different for each place on earth and a navigation map for animals like pigeons, butterlies and turtles.
Animals like Pigeons and sea Turtles seem to be able to identify these specific curves (B) for different locations by the small amount of permalloy alike metals already found in their bodies, to explain the extraordinary qualities of animal orientation. 
see also: http://vixra.org/pdf/1103.0024v7.pdf 
and: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/albums/72157633287892650