Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Friday, November 03, 2017

Mysterious Black Hole Alignment

A group of black holes points to galaxies' beginnings
see: https://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2016/0413/Strange-alignment-A-group-of-black-holes-points-to-galaxies-beginnings

also: in my own archive:
based on the new BH paradigm of Quantum FFF Theory.
Which assume that equal sized BHs are able to keep distance from each other by plasma propulsion in between them forming a "Bar"
In the middle stars (open star clusters) will form in a sort of pressure cooker. see:
Dual Solar Anchor Black Holes or Herbig Haro hotspots, the origin of quick star formation.


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Synopsis Connecting Higgs to Dark Matter and Black Holes!

Synopsis Connecting Higgs to Dark Matter.! Indeed also according to Quantum FFF Theory, which  assumes that interference black hole nuclei can be formed by Higgses of three or even four photon knots.  Photons are supposed to be Gluons at short quantum distances ( In Q-FFF Theory)..
see: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320805279_Higgs_Quantum_Knots_is_Dark_Matter_is_Black_Holes_or_Higgs_Dark_Matter_Black_Holes
New theoretical work places more stringent constraints on dark matter properties derived from particle physics experiments.
see : https://physics.aps.org/synopsis-for/10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.181803
BY: Martin Hoferichter of the University of Washington, Seattle,

see also: :  A Cosmological Signature of the Standard Model Higgs Vacuum Instability: Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter
Black Hole Nuclei as a Bunch of Rigid Transformable Higgs Strings Splitting by Relative Small Companion Mergers or Decreased Vacuum Pressure.
for rigid string particle based higgs dark matter:
KiloNova Merger Black Holes as the Origin of Dark Matter Black Hole Halo population.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Alternative Michelson and Morley experiment between two satellites .( Grace?)

Alternative Michelson Morley in Space

Future GRACE / LISA satellite experiment as alternative for the Michelson Morley etherwind experiment, reduced by Earth lightspeed frame dragging of the Local Asymmetric Oscillating vacuum Frame (LASOF) according to Q-FFF theory.
Observing Up and down differences of the light speed between two Grace satellites by earth motion around the sun.
As alternative for Michelson Morley experiment.
No lightspeed differences should be measured to or from the earth direction due to gravity drag effect.
see also:  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320757724_Alternative_Michelson_and_Morley_experiment_between_two_satellites_Grace

Even the Lisa pathfinder could find siignals for the LASOF lightspeed frame dragging of the earth?

See also: Experiments to determine the mass related Lightspeed extinction volume around the Earth and around spinning objects in the Lab

"According to Einstein’s relativity theory, is the speed of light for every observer the same in
all reference frames.
However, there seem to be incidental differences in the lightspeed if we observe the outliers
of GPS satellite to CHAMP satellite distance measurements of 180m. see image (by Tae Suk Bae, Ohio State univ.2003.)

At the same time in the literature I found tiny structural but characteristic unexplained
irregularities in Planetary radar-pulse reflection measurements, made by I.I. Shapiro in 1964,
between the Earth and Venus." ( see “radar astronomy” edition by Evans and Hagfors, 1964)

see also:
Experiments to determine the mass related Lightspeed extinction volume around the Earth and around spinning objects in the Lab
The O‘Connell effect in eclipsing binaries explained by mass related light speed extinction distances (LASOF) of stars and even planets.
Reconciliation of GR and QM by a New Gravity-Black Hole and Lightspeed Model Called Quantum- FFF Theory
The Semi Relativistic Higgs Field Aether with Mass Related Lightspeed Adaptation
Experiments to Determine the Mass Related Lightspeed Extinction Volume.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Are KiloNova black holes and micro black holes the solution for many astrophysical problems?

Small Black Hole Family Evolution by Neutro. n Mergers as the base for Dark Matter Black Hole Galaxy Halo population
Small KiloNova Merger Black Holes also as the origin of micro lensing Dark Matter micro Quasar Galaxy Halo population and 511 KeV point sources. 
see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1710.0257v1.pdf

KiloNova Merger Black Holes as the origin of  Dark Matter Black Hole Halo population.
 Our Galaxy halo seems to be crowded with small KiloNova dark matter black holes.
Halton Arp was the first astronomer who observed accelerating QSO objects ( Quasi Stellar Objects) out of  galaxies into space. 
Now we suggest (according to Quantum FFF Theory) that dark matter is the same as black holes small or large , which are assumed to accelerate by the pushing plasma tail away from local gravity centers just like ejected QSOs.
At the same time it is assumed that the dark matter structure of the galaxy halo is mainly based on small black holes formed by Neutron star mergers, because they seems to serve as a frequent and real phenomenon.
Reason to search for so called gravitational micro lensing events in the MW halo also called MACHOs. 
see :   https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320466725_KiloNova_Merger_Black_Holes_as_the_Origin_of_Ejected_Quasar-based_Dark_Matter_Black_Hole_Halo_population 

so: My proposal is that black holes are knotty strings and the same as dark matter but they come up with different sizes even down to ball lightning as interference string knots.
So if lots of neutron stars can merge into small black holes and eject into the galaxy halo, then dark matter could be traced by small lensing events.

Conclusion, the vast numbers of merging neutron stars in our galaxy into small black holes are ejected out of the galaxy into the galaxy halo and creating the dark matter effect of the halo.
see: for Kilonova Dark matter black holes also: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/jun/01/third-gravitational-wave-detection-gives-hints-on-dark-matter-and-black-holes?CMP=share_btn_fb


It is also proposed that the recent LIGO VIRGO Neutron star merger could have led to a new family of  small black holes, smaller than supernova black holes.:
Last june , the Guardian wrote about small black holes in combination with Dark Matter:
called: "Third gravitational wave detection gives hints on dark matter and black holes."
The Guardian wrote under:  "Black holes and dark matter"
"Intriguingly, the observations are consistent with one of the more exotic explanations for the nature of dark matter – that dark matter haloes observed around galaxies are made up of a smattering of small black holes"
see; https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/jun/01/third-gravitational-wave-detection-gives-hints-on-dark-matter-and-black-holes?CMP=share_btn_fb
Even Lubos Motl Lubos at his blog:  the Reference Frame:
 "I actually find lots of pieces very likely. You know, the black hole creation isn't impossible because the chaotic collision of the pieces after the breakup of the neutron stars could resemble high-energy collisions."
see: https://disqus.com/home/discussion/thereferenceframe/the_reference_frame_ligo_virgo_detects_neutron_stars/#comment-3571092633  
So it seems an interesting challenge to do research focussed on such smattered small Neutronstar black holes in galaxy halos as a base for dark matter effects and even for the origin of "tired light" effects around such small darkmatter halo black holes.

The Magic of the New Electric Dark Matter Black Hole on Earth and Space
Splitting Dark Matter Black Hole Big Bang as the Origin of Ultra-Energetic-Cosmic-Rays-From Far-Away.

see also:
"This technique has revealed that the gaseous halos of galaxies as much larger and more massive than the distribution of stars within the galaxy.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Gravitating sunspot black holes ESO 16 october 2017 ?

Next Monday 16 october 2017 will ESO publish news about new LIGO Findings.
My alternative guess addition to neutron star merger:
Correlated LIGO mega noise peaks and the possible relation with gravity lighthouse effects of aligned micro sunspot black holes see:
Also: temporaly observed at the Jupiter rings.
Second possibility: Splitting large black hole by relative small BH. see below: Spire/ Eagle nebula BH splittinginto two eaqual sized Herbig haro black holes for new star formation in between.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Grand Unification of 4 Forces according to the Quantum FFF Model by Di-Monopole Repeller Rigid String Pressure.


According to Quantum FFF Theory, ( Function Follows Form at the quantum scale) Mass is the potency of rigid string based Fermions and Bosons, to produce and radiate Gravitons by the collision process, between mass less but energetic oscillating transformable  Axion Higgs vacuum  field particles and.. more complex shaped compound Fermions or Bosons (W + Z+Higgs family).
Gravity is assumed to be the statistical result of local dual opposing graviton pressure (instead of attraction) with opposing Axion Higgs field particles on fermions.
A recent example of local vacuum pressure duality is called “Dipole Repeller” gravity by Yehuda Hoffman  also suggested partly in line as Emergent Gravity by E. Verlinde.
More extended loops or "arms" of each rigid string particle is supposed to create more Axion transformation into Gravitons photons per Planck time unit.
Secondly,  gravitons are assumed to exert not an attraction force on fermions and bosons but only a reduced pressure force in opposition to the vacuum pressure of the Axion Higgs field.. 
Black holes do not radiate gravitons but “eat” the local vacuum particles leading to a single repeller effect on the growing Black hole nucleus.  
The ring shaped Axion Higgs field particles are supposed to oscillate in tandem (as the boxer engine pistons) along each vacuum lattice with the local Planck length and transfer information of monopole photons through the whole universe as long as they do not collide with fermions or bosons.
The new physics black hole nucleus is represented as a compact quantum knot of Axion Higgs particles, compressed together by the inflow of vacuum particles.
As a consequence the incoming Axion Higgs field pressure is the only origin of the Gravity pressure effect around each black hole nucleus  .
In Quantum FFF Theory, the inertial mass effects of the earth and all atomic fermions  is supposed to be originated by the real Lorentz polarization of all fermionic mass of the earth mainly pointing into the direction of motion around the sun, as the opposing effort for the resisting vacuum.
Rigid string shaped Fermions are assumed to have a real propeller shape able to plow into the direction of motion through the local space time creating vacuum lattice.

Bosons without a propeller shape ( Higgs and Z ) including black hole nuclei,  seem to be not able to polarize and will present signals to be "stuck" in the local solar centered vacuum lattice. 
see : http://vixra.org/pdf/1710.0115v1.pdf
also: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320324324_Grand_Unification_of_4_Forces_according_to_the_Quantum_FFF_Model_by_Di-Monopole_Repeller_Rigid_String_Pressure 

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Emergent Gravity and Dipole Repeller effect are assumed to be the same Rigid String Process.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, mass is the potency of rigid strings, to produce and radiate Gravitons to be produced by the collision process, between mass less ring shaped Axion Higgs vacuum  field particles and Fermions or Bosons also called Dipole Repeller gravity or Emergent Gravity.
More extended loops or "arms" of each rigid string particle is supposed to create more Axion transformation into Gravitons or other electromagnetic  monopole photons per time unit.
Secondly,  gravitons are assumed to exert not an attraction force on fermions and bosons but only a reduced pressure force in opposition to the vacuum pressure of the Axion Higgs field.. 
So, Gravity can be described as the statistical difference between the collision pressure of “new” gravitons opposing the pressure of Axion Higgs field particles all around us.
Emergent gravity as proposed by E.Verlinde and Dipole Rrepeller gravity by Yehuda Hoffman, are in line with this assumption.
Non inertial black hole effects  are the other side of the coin..
The ring shaped Axion Higgs field particles are supposed to oscillate in tandem (as the boxer engine pistons) along each vacuum lattice with the local Planck length and transfer information of monopole photons through the whole universe as long no fermion or boson comes too close.
So if the new physics black hole nucleus is represented as a compact quantum knot then there is  no graviton production supposed.

As a consequence the incoming Axion Higgs field pressure is the only origin of the Gravity pressure effect around each black hole nucleus  and the result of the Casimir absorption effect of the vacuum by the black hole nucleus. see:

Entropic or Emergent Gravity and Dipole Repeller Gravity seem to be Opposing Repeller Gravity of Axion Higgs field and Graviton pressure information. 

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

The new physics Black Hole Nucleus: Gravity without inertial mass effects !!

According to Quantum FFF Theory, Mass is the potency to produce Gravitons which are thought to be produced by the collision process between mass less ring shaped Axion Higgs vacuum  field particles and Fermions or Bosons like the 126GeV  Higgs and Z or W particles.
More extended loops or "arms" of each particle is supposed to create more Axion transformation into Gravitons and more gravity and more inertial mass effect..
However, the ring shaped Axion Higgs field particles are supposed to oscillate in tandem along each vacuum lattice with the local Planck length.
So if the new physics black hole nucleus is represented as a compact quantum knot ( see image) then there is no graviton production at all supposed.
As a consequence the incoming Axion Higgs field pressure is the only origin of the Gravity effect around each black hole nucleus  and the result of the Casimir absorption effect of the vacuum by the black hole nucleus. see:
or: http://vixra.org/abs/1710.0034

In Quantum FFF Theory, the inertial mass effects of the earth is supposed to be originated by the real Lorentz polarization of all fermionic mass of the earth mainly pointing into the direction of motion around the sun, as the opposing effort for the resisting vacuum .

Conclusion Bosons (Higgs, W and Z particles) seem to be not able to polarize and will present signals to be "stuck" in the local solar centered vacuum lattice. The LHC could perhaps be able to show this anti inertial mass effect created by the solar reference frame or solar LASOF  ( Local Oscillating vacuum Frame).

Friday, September 29, 2017

We could live in a rigid string based information universe.

Interference Quantum Black Holes (left) could travel through the LHC machine at CERN without notice and produce UFO dust particles by decay heat.
IF Quantum black holes have no propeller spin or EM charge, then we could live in a rigid string based information universe.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dual Solar Anchor Black Holes or Herbig Haro hotspots, the origin of quick star formation.

According to Quantum FFF Theory our sun is equipped with two new physics Stellar Anchor Black Holes.

The rigid FORM and Microstructure of elementary particles (rigid strings), is supposed to be the origin of functional differences between Higgs- Graviton- Photon- and Fermion particles. 
As a consequence, a new splitting, accelerating and pairing new paradigm Black Hole, (BH) seem to be able to convert vacuum particle energy (ZPE) into real plasma which could explain quick Galaxy- and Star formation, by so called Galaxy- or  Stellar Anchor Black Holes (GABHs respectively SABHs).
These Anchor Black Holes can be observed as Herbig Haro ( HH) Hotspots or Bowshocks in all sorts of nebula. 
Recent observation of two  High Energy Cosmic Ray Hotspots, (HECRHs)  at solar/earth  polar locations, ( Big Dipper and Southern cross) is reason to assume that this represents the locations of our Solar Anchor Black Hole (the North-and South SABHs).
At the same time in the Quantum FFF model,  it is proposed that early Galaxies also are created  by dual black hole ( HH) systems being former Big Bang black hole splintered primordial black holes. They will be called Galaxy Anchor Black Holes ( GABHs)