Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Self seeding Star creation between dual Herbig Haro Hotspots ( BHs)

Open star clusters are assumed to be created in between Herbig Haro hotspots.
Such hotspots which we observe now, in our neighborhood are second- or third generation new physics micro black holes, according to Quantum FFF Theory.
Nature seems to have a self seeding mechanism of dual Herbig Haro hotspot creation. 
Small black holes are created around massive stars by interference of magnetic storms, also  resulting in cometary nuclei.
Comet nuclei crashing into stars seem to create and populate "starspots"in dual- or triple hotspot order.

SEE:  The Self Organizing Universe in three different Nebula systems.

Bent jet of Young stars as support for the new physics of inertia- and mass less Dark Matter Black Holes with a non baryonic nucleus. See for artist impression : http://aasnova.org/2018/04/04/clues-from-bent-jets/
The origin: Dual pressure gravity on baryons (graviton and Axion vacuum pressure) and single pressure gravity on black holes (Axion/Higgs vacuum pressure)

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Umbral knots as former Comet nuclei new physics black holes.

Umbral knots: Support for Sunspot/new black holes, as former crashed comet nuclei, according to Quantum FFF Theory, see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1803.0093v1.pdf
Lots of Triple and dual umbral knots inside sunspots  as support for Herbig Haro gas concentration effects in between dual micro BHs. found here: http://aasnova.org/2018/03/19/featured-image-bright-dots-in-a-sunspot/ 

The same process of grouping BHs is observed in the centers of dying red dead galaxies.
The result of so many small BHs in the center of large galaxies is origin of galaxy dying.
WHY? because no Herbig Haro dual triple hotspot systems are possible.
Attention: Larger BHs seem to be kicked out of the galaxy ( and even Galaxy clusters?: see Virgo and Perseus: below) to form Globular clusters .

See also; micro sunspot black hole hotspots inside nebula and their function as seeding space with new star forming regions. below:

Muon and Rare Kaon decay according to Quantum FFF Theory.

see also: 3-Dimensional String based alternative particle model.

Muon decay.
The Muon decaying compound “click-on” Particle (see Below ) coded: (ORO,LOL,LOL). Is able to decay into three single parts: ORO+LRL+LLL. (changing one LOL into a LRL Particle (one hinge rotation over 90 degrees: R>L) and one LOL into a LLL Particle (one hinge rotation over 90 degrees: O>L). These particles are called: the Electron(ORO), the anti-electro-neutrino (LRL) and the muonic neutrino (LLL).
Kaon decay.
For normal Kaon plus decay, the main decay routes according to the literature are: (A: mu+, muonic neutrino)or (B: pi+, pi0) The Kaon + Particle is coded: for the U-Quark:(OLO,ROR)and for the anti-S Quark: (OLO,OLO,ROR).
For the A route: it is proposed that the u-Quark (OLO,ROR)decays into (LLL,ROR) which Particle is supposed to disintegrate and produce the (LLL) muonic neutrino and one undetected Gluon (ROR) will disappear into the Gluonic “sea”. The anti-s-Quark (OLO,OLO,ROR)will change into a positive muon (OLO,ROR,ROR).
For the B route: it is proposed that the U-Quark (OLO,ROR) does not decay and that the anti-S Quark also decays into (OLO,ROR,ROR) which is in combination with the U-Quark a positive pion+ Particle.
The pion-0 Particle coded: U, anti-U Quark: (OLO,ROR), and (ORO,LOL) are mirror symmetric and able to emerge directly from the vacuum as so called pair production results.
Rare Kaon–Plus decay.
A rare Kaon plus Particle decay: K+ => pi+, nu, nubar , (pi + , neutrino anti-neutrino) is recently 12 discovered and now acknowledged by a Brookhaven AGS experiment 949:see: http://www.phy.bnl.gov/949/ Interestingly this rare Kaon decay can easily be derived from the “Higgs Torus Particle” system properties.
The most simple explanation by this Higgs Particle click-on system is to assume that the decay is the same as route B mentioned before and in addition that the Pion 0 Particle (OLO,ROR)+(ORO,LOL) decays into two neutrinos.(OLO)=>(RLR) and (ORO)=> (LRL).
The (ROR) and (LOL) Gluons are supposed to “disappear into the Gluonic “sea” as described above under route A. Kaon Long/ Short decay.
It is proposed that the Kaon and anti Kaon Particles (ds)are mixing with themselves and with the Eta (ss) Particle by the continuous changing of one Gluon into a Lepton to change the d Quark into an s Quark and backwards a Lepton into a Gluon from s into a Quark. (d<=> s) At the same time it is proposed that the backward changing d into s last longer due to the slight chirality of the vacuum .
The angle of attack of the Tandem oscillating Higgs Particles to the Quarks, must be slightly different.
This is reason to propose that it is the S, anti-S (Eta Particle) that is the reason for the strange Kaon decay time-differences Explanation: the Kaon 0 Particle coded as: d-Quark: (ORO,LOL,LOL) anti-s Quark: (OLO,OLO,ROR) will change into an Eta (s) Particle: s Quark: (ORO,ORO,LOL) anti-s Quark: (OLO, OLO, ROR) by the Direct Weak attack mechanism of the tandem vacuum Particles to change three hinges of one compound Particle at once (OLO <=> ROR, or ORO <=>LOL).
Then after a while, the intermediate (s anti-s) Eta Particle will be changed into the anti-Kano-0, coded: S: (ORO,ORO,LOL) anti-D: (OLO,ROR,ROR,)
Thus it is assumed that the origin of this strange Long and Short Kaon decay mechanism is to find in the difference in transition speed for the LOL Gluon into the ORO Electron (needed to change the d Quark into an s Quark) which is supposed to be faster due to the chirality of the vacuum than the transition speed to change the OLO Positron into the ROR Gluon (needed to change the anti-s Quark into an anti d Quark, to produce the anti Kaon-0 Particle).

see also:  Tomaso Dorigo,  http://www.science20.com/tommaso_dorigo/na62_places_bid_for_future_observation_of_superrare_kaon_decay-231426

Friday, March 30, 2018

CP (T) symmetric universes of Neil Turok.

CP T symmetric universes.
Neil Turok has a new proposal for The symmetric multiverse, with some relation to my  Quantum FFF Theory, ( with only CP symmetry without time reversal)
 For a summary here, and a  longer paper  here.
In my Quantum FFF Model however, the T = Time component is not symmetric because clock are running over there ( in the anti material copy universe) with a left handed rotation opposite to our clocks with right handed rotation.
So the opposite world is CP symmetric including clocks, but not time itself.
See:  A Testable CP Symmetric Multiverse Model by Extended Experiments, Done by the Late Benjamin Libet in 1984.

Dark Matter black hole systems show less inertia in mergers

The Bullet cluster and Abell 520 Galaxy cluster collision, seem to be examples of the clumping of dark matter systems (=black hole networks of dual Galaxy Anchor black holes ; GABHs) during galaxy passage through the center of the collision.
Galaxies seem to leave behind their Galaxy Anchor Black Holes, ( GABHs),In line with my Quantum FFF model.
Quotation of Wikipedia on Abell 520: “The dark matter collected into a "dark core" containing far fewer galaxies than would be expected if the dark matter and galaxies hung together.
Most of the galaxies apparently have sailed far away from the collision.
This result could present a challenge to basic theories of dark matter, which predict that galaxies should be anchored to the invisible substance, even during the shock of a collision “
see also: Bullet cluster with central DM core.
So I would postulate that dark matter is related to black holes and second: Dark matter BHs have less inertia effects than fermionic matter.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Dark Matter absence Mystery of NGC 1052 DF2 solved by triangle grouping of BHs?

By the triangle grouping (instead of dual Herbig Haro grouping) of the Dark Matter Black Hole splinters after the Big Bang nucleus explosion, buried in the centers of the very large Globular clusters. According to Quantum FFF Theory. (I name this: Triple Galaxy Anchor Black Holes:  3xGABHs)
see also: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/dark-matter-mia-strange-galaxy
and: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.10237.pdf
and: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320036172_Splitting_Dark_Matter_Black_Hole_Big_Bang_as_the_Origin_of_Ultra-Energetic-Cosmic-Rays-From_Far-Away

Interesting question: is the largest triangle located in the middle of the two smaller ones?

for the globular clusters, see also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y79N4W6In8 

Below: 3C75, an example of a 3 tailed radio galaxy as the possible rare example of triple BH pairing?.

Example in Quantum FFF Theory, how BHs can split and pair to form stars and galaxies.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The large masses of early black holes originated by an exploding Dark Matter based Black Hole Big Bang nucleus.

The large masses of early black holes are a Support for the Dark matter black hole spltiing big bang, model of Quantum FFF Theory. see: http://www.sdss.org/press-releases/how-massive/ 
and also: http://vixra.org/pdf/1709.0388v1.pdf
"Splitting Dark Matter Black Hole Big Bang as the Origin of
Ultra-Energetic-Cosmic-Rays-From Far-Away"

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Testing the number of universes in Hawking's NEW multiverse.by RP ratios of Benjamin Libet's experiment..

OR: How many universes are hiding in the new Hawking Multiverse?
First see: A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation? 
by S. W. Hawking and Thomas Hertog  See : https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.07702.pdf
My proposal is 8 or 12 (anti-copy) universes,  all entangled down to each individual ( anti-)copy quantum based on a CP symmetric Big Bang Black Hole explosion according to QuantumFFFTheory. see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1801.0040v2.pdf 
Benjamin Libet measured the so called electric Readiness Potential (RP) time to perform a volitional act, in the brains of his students and the time of conscious awareness (TCA) of that act, which appeared to come 500 m.sec behind the RP.
The “volitional act” was in principle based on the free choice to press an electric switch button.
The results of this experiment gives still an ongoing debate in the broad layers of the scientific community, because the results are still (also in recent experiments) in firm contrast with the expected idea of Free Will and causality.
However I would propose the absurd but constructive possibility that we are not alone for decision making in a multiverse as an individual person, if the Big Bang was a symmetric process !! 
. Even Max Tegmark suggested already about the multiverse: “Is there a copy of you reading this article?”
We could be instant entangled with at least one instant entangled anti-copy person living inside a Charge and Parity symmetric copy Universe.
In that case we could construct a causal explanation for Libet’s strange results.
New statistical differenctial research on RPI and RPII of extended Libet experiments described here should support these ideas as a base for the number of participants ( and even universes) involved.
Wikipedia says: “Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally”.
Free will in a multiverse seems to be based on: all instant entangled ideas of copy persons living in all CP symmetric copy universes, have the same possibility to Veto an act and participate equally.  
If we are able to “Tap into” those instant entanglement connections” sent out by other people, then even telepathic effects (mind reading) could be explained.
see also:  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323612709_Free_Will_Readiness_Potential_Ratios_the_Key_for_a_Multiverse_Number_Calculation 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Did Hawking realise that the universe is one part ( one berry) of a CP symmetric raspberry multiverse syructure?

See: A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation? 
by S. W. Hawking1 and Thomas Hertog
A Consciousness Theory of Everything based on Rigid Transformable Strings, Instantly Entangled Between 8 or 12 CP Symmetric Universal Bubbles.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Steve inside the sub-auroral zone explained as Magnetic interference Ball lightning effect.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, Steve can be compared with ball lightning magnetic interference effects., mostly related to lightning areas, but now also related to aurora magnetism interference also observed in the southern hemisphere spread over hundreds of kms, called "the hands of God" Steve consistently appears in the presence of auroras, which usually occur at a higher latitude area called the auroral zone. That means there is something happening in near-Earth space that leads to both an aurora and Steve.
see: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/03/180314144930.htm and :

Flying through Steve, the temperature 300 km above Earth’s surface jumped by 3000°C and the data revealed a 25 km-wide ribbon of gas flowing westward at about 6 km/s compared to a speed of about 10 m/s either side of the ribbon.

Steve seems to bend always westward !! if you look at Steve, at the shadow side of the earth.  see below for the origin.

Dual Quasar Galaxy Relation, A Great Support for the Splitting Big Bang Black Holes of Quantum -FFF Theory.

The Image left: Stars indicate quasars and bright (respectivily faint) galaxies at the same epoch are shown as circles (respectivily as dots). The galaxy overdensity with respect to the average density is shown by the coloured contours Quasar pair members are associated with high density regions of galaxies. 
See: "Double or nothing: Astronomers rethink quasar environment"  https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/03/180313093054.htm Conclusion:  the dual Quasars represent Big Bang Black Hole splinters.
see also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.nl/2018/03/israeli-scientist-detect-signs-of-dark.html 

A Great Support for Q-FFF Theory.
Big Bang Black Hole Splinters, pairing to form Herbig Haro Systems with star formation in between.

See below, how BHs can be cicked out of the galaxy. as a start for an elliptical shaped galaxy.

See also as a support for the splitting black hole big bang model of Quantum FFF Theory.: 

Astronomers can’t figure out why some black holes got so big so fast.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Stephen Hawking and black holes, related to Q-FFF black holes. .

See: The Magic of the New Electric Dark Matter Black Hole on Earth and Space..
Stephen Hawking,  only missed that rigid string based fermions (=mass) can not enter the black hole horizon due to their propeller shape pushed away by nose polarisation pointing away from the BH horion.
As a result BHs defy the 2e law of thermodynamics, as we observe around Ball lightnings producing heat and plasma out of the oscillating ZPE vacuum.
BHs do not eat mass (Fermions) they only merge with smaller BHs and and the local Axion/Higgs vacuum particles, growing bigger and bigger all the time.
However small ( micro) BHs like balllightning are not stable and decay, ( evaporate into vacuum particles).
Sunspots seem to be big enough BHs to be stable growers.
(according o Quantum FFF Theory)

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Did Stephen Hawking miss the point about black holes?

He was a giant of course, however, IMHO, he only missed that rigid string based fermions (=mass) can not enter the black hole horizon due to their propeller shape pushed away by nose polarisation pointing away from the BH horion.
As a result BHs defy the 2e law of thermodynamics, as we observe around Ball lightnings producing heat and plasma out of the oscillating ZPE vacuum.
BHs do not eat mass (Fermions) they only merge with smaller BHs and and the local Axion/Higgs vacuum particles, growing bigger and bigger all the time.

However small ( micro) BHs like balllightning are not stable and decay, ( evaporate into vacuum particles).
Sunspots seem to be big enough BHs to be stable growers.
(according o Quantum FFF Theory)

See: The Magic of the New Electric Dark Matter Black Hole on Earth and Space.. http://vixra.org/pdf/1707.0224v4.pdf

Meer weergeven

Multiple Higgs models in a 3D Rigid String System. Chirality seems to be important.

About the LHC anomaly, "Measurements of properties of the Higgs boson decaying to a W boson pair in pp collisions at √ s = 13 TeV"
Tommaso Dorigo reported before ( 2012) an interesting Atlas dual bump.
Three or even more Higgs models in a 3D Rigid String system?

In 1012 the Atlas particle smasher in LHC found two distinct possible Higgs masses around 125GeV.:  123.5 and 126 GeV.  
Later a bump was found around 375 GeV.
Here I present 3D suggestions for  such bumps in a Rigid String based Quantum FFF model.

Symmetric Left hand and Right hand 125 Higgs variations 

The relation of complex Higgses with micro black holes like Ball Lightning.
In contrast with Steven Hawking,
Micro black holes do not eat Fermions. So all BHs have a Fermion repelling horizon.

For rigid string models I need a "chiral" vacuum lattice to obtain small mass differences between symmetric propeller shaped particles like Fermions.
Wich seems to be the reason that Fermions can not enter the BH horizon and are pushed away by nose polarisation away from the BH.
Which seems also the origin that we live inside a material universal chiral vacuum lattice filled bubble.