Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Bouncing Multiverse with Dark Matter ( black hole) Dark Energy inflation

According to Quantum FFF Theory, we live inside one of a specific number of Charge Parity symmetric entangled copy universes coming out of a huge ( massless Axion/Higgs rigid string black hole nucleus = Dark Matter). All copy string particles are guided by long distance (holographic) multiverse entanglement and transformable by mutual collision into all SM particles and  monopole bosons or massless  oscillating Axion/Higgs vacuum particles (Dark Energy) , responsible for the Casimir effect and half of all other SM semi pressure forces.
see also:
Non Inertial Dark Matter Black Hole Galaxy Hierarchy according to Quantum FFF Theory.

Proplyds some with plasma tail propulsion or Globulettes in Crab nebula (@ Tiia.Grenman: LTU.se)
see also: Dusty globules in the Crab Nebula ?
T. Grenman1, G. F. Gahm2, and E. Elfgren1

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Non Inertial Dark Matter Black Hole Galaxy Hierarchy

Non Inertial Dark Matter Black Hole Galaxy Hierarchy 
according to Quantum FFF Theory.

Non Inertia Dark Matter Black Holes are needed to explain most of the “trainwrecks” of splitting Dark Matter and Baryonic matter in merging Galaxy clusters.
See Abell 3411, 2412 and 520.   
The dark matter black hole content of the merging clusters showing unnatural acceleration and concentration in between. 

Black Holes = NOT Dark Matter ?
As soon as a supernova black hole is produced, it will lose all INERTIA! by the transition from baryon based inertia into a single non spinning rigid string nucleus, without so called "Lorentz Polarization" .and compressed by the dark energy of the local oscillating Axion-Higgs vacuum!!
The BH nucleus starts consumption of all dark energy vacuum oscillations ( Casimir) and extra spacetime deformation.
As a result, the new black hole will start to travel out of the supernova nebula, just like ball lightning does.
Zumalacárregui ( Berkely https://lnkd.in/gzD6eW6 ) said about the missing lensing effect in Supernovas, as support for the Black Hole - Dark Matter relation DENIAL.
"We would have seen about 8 significantly magnified supernovae."
My own research says:: SN-Black holes are ejected after creation. Why? Dark matter Black holes must have indeed gravitational lensing effects, but no inertia !!! As a consequence as soon a supernova BH is created, it will be ejected out of the supernova nebula by the "push" of the dipole gravity effect from space created by the vacuum absorption of nearby black holes (or giant BHs far away). In general: the smallest BHs will be pushed into the center of the galaxy to be gobbeled first by the central DM BH. see for inertia free DM of Abell 520 etcetera. see: https://lnkd.in/g7qAZpK

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Fast Spinning Stars seem to be Bluer in the Wild Duck Cluster

Quote: "The stars in the Wild Duck Cluster, it turns out, are spread out in the color spectrum not because of different ages, but because of different rotational periods".
Fast spinning stars seem to be bluer !
I just realized that it means that even here the speed of light of a spinning star is faster at the upcoming side of the star, ( is bluer) than at the other side (is redder) which is dominated by the blue shifted side just like the O'Connell effect of binary stars tell us.
see: The O‘Connell effect in eclipsing binaries explained by mass related light speed extinction distances (LASOF) of stars and even planets

The Wild Duck cluster.

The New Physics Quantum FFF Model: 1: The lightspeed is only local the same. 2: Black holes absorb only smaller BHs they repel all Fermions, they have NO inertia.  3: BHs have real hard hairs, in the form of two or even more plasma jets, ejecting all the plasma swirling around the BH not able to enter the BH by BH repeller effect. 4: Dark Matter is the same as BHs 5: Dark Energy is only a part of Quantum Gravity. from space around graviton radiating Fermion mass. 6: The Higgs knot is the smallest Dark Matter Black Hole. 7: Dual Herbig Haro Hotspots are dual black holes pushed away by jets, with star forming (pressure cooker effect) in the middle. See: http://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Observers and Rigid Transformable Strings in an Entangled Observation Multiverse.

IMO, there are no individual observers but only mutual entangled observations from the start of the CP symmetric Big Bang bubbles called the raspberry multiverse.
I also propose that each universe is a complex clockwork, driven by a tetrahedral vacuum lattice of oscillating but rigid Primal Ring (PR-Higgs) shaped particles= dark energy.
Those primal ring (PR) particles should be able to transform by mutual collision into different propeller shaped rigid strings called electron- positron pairs.
PR particles also change shape by collision processes with spinning electrons or positrons, into monopole 1x graviton, 5x photons = 5x gluons or 6x neutrinos
Electrons and positrons are able to merge with photon/gluons to form all fermions (leptons and baryons) in a mutual click-on scenario.
Click-off scenarios are also possible by collisions with e.g. gluons or PR particles.
All fermions have the form of a propeller able to spin over two axes, by the collision with the PR vacuum particles =dark energy.
However,  fermions are also able to change form by collision with oscillating vacuum lattice rings.

However, Parroting or the (Veto) decision/ idea making process in groups of living creatures like parrots or humans, need also spooky multiverse action at a distance like the pilot wave double slit phenomenon.
see: Democratic (Veto) Free Will and Telepathy in the Instant Entangled Multiverse.
and: Free Will Readiness Potential Ratios, the Key for a Multiverse Number Calculation.
or: http://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

The New Physics Quantum FFF Model: 1: The lightspeed is only local the same. 2: Black holes absorb only smaller BHs they repel all Fermions, they have NO inertia.  3: BHs have real hard hairs, in the form of two or even more plasma jets, ejecting all the plasma swirling around the BH not able to enter the BH by BH repeller effect. 4: Dark Matter is the same as BHs 5: Dark Energy is only a part of Quantum Gravity. from space around graviton radiating Fermion mass. 6: The Higgs knot is the smallest Dark Matter Black Hole. 7: Dual Herbig Haro Hotspots are dual black holes pushed away by jets, with star forming (pressure cooker effect) in the middle. See: http://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

An other example of entanglement inside the Stern Gerlach experiment.

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Testing 3x: M&M Lightspeed, Free will and spooky action entanglement.

Testing Proposals for Human Free Will in the Raspberry Multiverse, Local Entanglement and M&M lightspeed.
see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1811.0125v1.pdf

According to Quantum FFF Theory, (Function Follows Form) the process of wave function collapse of two entangled particles into mirror symmetrical states, is the basic process for all created particles. As a consequence, we should live inside one part of a mirror Charge-Parity-symmetrical entangled copy MULTIVERSE with one central origin the big bang.
We will give it the name: Raspberry Multiverse.
Even human choice making should be subjected to this mirror symmetrical process. Benjamin Libet described a choice experiment, which we could use to measure how many copy universes there should be.
At the smaller scale however, we observe also entanglement effects between particles.
Einstein called them “spooky action at a distance”, which he did not like and suggested a different explanation called “Hidden Variables”.
However I present here a support for the spooky faster than light entanglement explanation, based on an extended Stern Gerlach experiment, in line with J.S Bell’s arguments about a strange aspect of the original experiment.
That even the lightspeed constancy theory should be adapted, by a different Michelson Morley experiment seems to be a logic result of the Quantum FFF Model.

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Evidence for New Physics Dark Matter=Black Holes, without Inertia or Mass effect.

 The merging Bullet and Abell 520 cluster, show gas producing dark matter black hole concentration in between, accelerating in front out of the clusters, due to lack of inertia/ mass.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, Dark Matter= Black Holes= NO mass NO inertia effect. see: 
see: Evidence for New Physics Dark Matter=Black Holes, without Inertia or Mass effect.
And: The New Physics Black Hole Nucleus: Gravity Without Inertial Mass Effects.

A second support for inertia less dark matter black holes is: 
the denial of dr. Zumalacárregui ( Berkely https://lnkd.in/gzD6eW6 ) he said about the missing lensing effect in Supernovas, as support for the Black Hole - Dark Matter relation DENIAL.
However if black holes leave the implosion site as soon they are born, then there is NO lensing effect observed !!

Dipole Repeller Vacuum Gravity (Dark Energy) pushing with different effect on Fermionic mass and Dark Matter Black Holes. see:
A Fifth Force Vacuum Dipole Repeller, Needed to Create all Attraction Forces even around Black Holes in Quantum FFF Theory  http://vixra.org/pdf/1806.0368v1.pdf

An other evidence that black holes and even neutron stars have reduced inertia they do not rotate before merging.
 They seem to have no inertia enough to rotate around each other before merging longer than a second. ( see image below.)
My conclusion is that they do not rotate but simply BANG into each other, with only deformation gravity wave effects
Based on my non-rotation postulate:
I assume this as an extra support  that black holes and neutron stars have reduced inertia.
Secondly, that black holes is the same as dark matter.
Neutron stars could harbor lots of micro black holes just as sunspots re supposed to represent.
( according to Quantum FFF Theory)
Then, an interesting example of dark matter / black holes without inertia effects is to be found in two merging galaxy clusters.
The merging Bullet cluster and Abell 520 cluster, show gas producing dark matter black hole concentration in between, accelerating in front out of the clusters, due to lack of inertia/ mass.
see images above.

Evidence for New Physics of Dark Matter= Black Holes. There is dark matter space curvature, due to vacuum dark energy (Casimir) effect forming DM-BH peaks, however there seems to be NO Inertia or normal Mass effect. 
As a result of no inertia, the dark matter black hole content of the merging cluster Abell 520, showing unnatural acceleration and concentration in between three clusters 

DM BH peaks represent real black holes with different sized nuclei. There are dual GABHs (Galaxy Anchor Black Holes below) and centra BHs griowing by the consumption of small S-Nova BHs. The larger BHs seem to be the remnants of GABHs of merged smaller galaxies.

Interesting dark matter black hole distribution with the small BHs concentrated at the centers of galaxies and even galaxy clusters. like virgo and perseus.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Big Bang Energy from Nothing or Compressed Rigid Strings?

The Origin of Big Bang Energy:    
Compressed Rigid Stringy Big Bang Black Hole Nucleus.

All Black hole nuclei are compressed by the (Casimir) energy of the oscillating Axion-Higgs vacuum Lattice, even the Big Bang Black Hole,
However, only until the decreasing vacuum pressure has come into balance with the central ( Big Crunch) Big Bang BH, the BB Black Hole will expand and explode into chunky smaller BHs which eventual evaporate into the oscillating vacuum lattice. According to Quantum FFF Theory.
All black holes are assumed to be the same as Dark Matter even the smallest interference black holes such as the Higgs particle, which is of course unstable by the attack of the oscillating vacuum lattice.
see also: A Consciousness Theory of Everything based on Rigid Transformable Strings, Instantly Entangled Between 8 or 12 CP Symmetric Universal Bubbles.
see: Big Bang Energy out of Nothing, or a Compressed Rigid String Nucleus. 

The Bullet cluster and the Abell 520 cluster, both with dark matter concentration in between, accelerating in front of the clusters, due to lack of inertia/ mass..
According to Quantum FFF Theory, Dark Matter= Black Holes= no mass or inertia effect. see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2018/10/dark-matter-bridges-between-galaxies.html

Dual Pressure Graviton / Casimir- Dark Energy pressure Gravity.

See also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2018/10/curved-space-and-gravity-lensing.html

Dipole Repeller Vacuum Gravity (Dark Energy) pushing with different effect on Fermionic mass and Dark Matter Black Holes. see:
A Fifth Force Vacuum Dipole Repeller, Needed to Create all Attraction Forces even around Black Holes in Quantum FFF Theory

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Michelson and Morley revised by Dual satellite lightspeed mass dragging test

According to Einstein’s relativity theory, the speed of light is supposed to be the same for every observer in all reference frames.
However, there seem to be incidental differences in the lightspeed if we observe the outliers of GPS satellite to CHAMP satellite distance measurements of 180m.
At the same time in the literature I found tiny structural but characteristic unexplained irregularities in Planetary radar-pulse reflection measurements, made by I.I. Shapiro in 1964, between the Earth and Venus.Both observations support the idea of the existence of ellipsoidal lightspeed extinction (or vacuum adaptation) volumes around massive objects like the earth.
Such a volume I will call LASOF or Local Asymmetric Oscillating Vacuum Frame.Other historic lightspeed experiments support the idea that all objects with mass are equipped with some extinction volume.
As a consequence I propose new triangular trajectory lightspeed comparison experiments between the earth and dual satellites or dual balloons and even in the laboratory to support these lightspeed extinction and adaptation ideas (1) Alternative Michelson and Morley experiment between two satellites. (Grace?).

Alternative Michelson and Morley experiment between two satellites .(Grace?)
Experiments to determine the mass related Lightspeed extinction volume around the Earth and around spinning objects in the Lab
The O‘Connell effect in eclipsing binaries explained by mass  related light speed extinction distances (LASOF) of stars and even planets.

Support for this model., by GPS outliers measured by dual Champs. 

There seem to be more supporting phenomena for my M&M interpretation.
As there are :
1: The Steve phenomenon
see: Steve inside the sub-auroral zone explained as Magnetic interference Ball lightning effect. see:

2:  The Pear shaped atom nuclei of B Bucher ( LHC)
see: Axial Symmetric and Pear shaped Atom Nuclei through the massless resistive Axion Higgs field.

Other tests as a consequence of new physics of  Quantum FFF Theory.

How the oscillating Vacuum lattice seem to deform around black holes.

The pushing graviton solution, against the pushing Axion Higgs field.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

What the electron’s near-perfect roundness means for new physics? a rigid string model.

see; https://www.sciencenews.org/article/electron-shape-round-standard-model-physics

The Perfect globular shape of the electron, even during popping in and out of gluons-photons, is a strong support for the rigid propeller string shape of the electron, in contrast with a flexible string propeller electron. model. ( according to Quantum FFF Theory)

Support for a Cyclic Universe by String Theory paradigm shift.

see String theory: Is dark energy even allowed?
see: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/10/181009102431.htm
Quote:  But in that case, the amount of "dark energy" in the universe would change over time, and the accelerated expansion of the universe may one day come to a halt. Gravity could then pull all matter back together and assemble everything at one point, similar to the time of the Big Bang.
Timm Wrase.

"For a long time, we thought that such a dark energy can be well accommodated in string theory," says Timm Wrase from the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Vienna University of Technology.

See also what Quantum FFF Theory predicted: 

"This controversy is a good thing for string theory," Timm Wrase is convinced. "Suddenly, a lot of people have completely new ideas which nobody has thought about before." Wrase and his team are now investigating which fields are allowed in string theory and at which points they violate Vafa's conjecture. "Maybe that leads us to exciting new insights into the nature of dark energy - that would be a great success," says Wrase.
The hypotheses that arise will (at least in part) soon be tested experimentally. In the next few years the accelerated expansion of the universe will be measured more accurately than ever before.

"A paradigm shift could be imminent " indeed if the Higgs particle is to heavy for  the vacuum dark energy particle, ( to massive  125 GeV) but instead, it should be counted as  the smallest dark matter particle, (according to Quantum FFF Theory)
Quote the press:
"In string theory, a paradigm shift could be imminent. In June, a team of string theorists published a conjecture which sounded revolutionary: String theory is said to be fundamentally incompatible with our current understanding of 'dark energy'. A new study has now found out that this conjecture seems to be incompatible with the existence of the Higgs particle."
A dark energy particle should only have oscillating energy I guess. ( propose.)
see  For my proposal for a cyclic string multiverse, see perhaps: 

or: http://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk