Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Novel Ideas about Dark Matter and the SuSy Multiverse.

Recent discussions about the need for a successor of the Large Hadron Collider called the FCC Future Circular Collider (Cern), is reason to search for “Tweaks”  or extensions of the current paradigms about Wimps (Weak Interacting Massive Particles)  and Super Symmetric particles.

Example: Nima Arkani-Hamed: “where in the world are SuSy and Wimps? SEE THIS

Quantum FFF Theory ( Function Follows Form) seems to be able to fill in those questions by an adapted paradigm about special relativity, the SuSy multiverse based on instant entangled super symmetric particles and the suggestion for monopole photon based microscopic Wimps and Dark Matter Black Holes.

See: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331036207_Novel_Ideas_About_Dark_Matter_and_the_SuSy_Multiverse

The SuSy particle zoo of Quantum FFF Theory.
see also: https://disqus.com/by/leo_vuyk/

All SuSy (super symmetry) Fermion Propeller Shaped Rigid String Knots (right) and the 2x Higgs Bosson Anti Propellers (left) Every Quark ( Right) has 3 QCD variant knots and 3 SUSY anti Knots.
The (anti) Muon has the same configuration as two of the Down Quarks. 
The (anti) Tau has the same configuration as two of the Charm Quarks. 
Examples of Tiny SuSy Higgs Mass differences ( 123.5/ 126 GeV.) due to our Chiral Vacuum Lattice. ( according to Quantum -FFF Theory) 

Interesting quote from the article: 

"In contrast with the other SM particles, the Higgs boson doesn't make a single 'spike' in the data, but rather a spread-out bump, due to its inherent uncertainty in mass. Its mass of 125 GeV/c^2 is a puzzle for physics"
Imho, The bump seems to be the average of TWO spike masses : 123.5 and 126 GeV.
My suggestion : the Higgs is the only dual SuSy particle in our material universe that is able to survive long enough its shape before decay, to be measured.
All the other SuSy particles do not hold long enough against the chiral oscillating Vacuum , before decay to have the chance to leave a decay trace to be measured.
Why? we live inside a material universe with its own chiral quantum vacuum.
So only in our mirror symmetric susy raspberry multiuniverse far away, only SParticles can survive long enough.  See below:

Friday, February 08, 2019

The lack of classical Cepheids in the inner part of the Galactic disk.

The suggestion for the origin of: "the lack of classical Cepheids in the inner part of the Galactic disk" is: the lack of massive Herbig Haro systems between massive SNova black holes. which are systematically ejected out of the Galaxy Disc, according to Quantum FFF Theory.
As a result, the smaller BHs stay put in the center of the galaxy, feeding the monster central black hole.see: Preference for Dual Herbig Haro Black Hole Consumption by the Central MW Black Hole, Leaving Plasma Jets Behind.
also see:
A lack of classical Cepheids in the inner part of the Galactic disk ( <8000 ly)
and: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/08/160801210354.htm
Equal Sized New Physics Black Holes Do Not Merge but, Form Herbig Haro Systems.
see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1812.0228v2.pdf
Dual Solar Anchor Black Holes or Herbig Haro hotspots, the origin of quick star formation.
see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1709.0396v3.pdf

Cepheids around the MW center ( Red dots. Yellow star is Earth.)

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Pigeon Orientation by Dual Monopole magnetic field boundary layer...

Pigeon Orientation by Magnetic Dual Monopole Vector Information Field with Characteristic Curvature for Each Earth Location.
see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2016/11/pigeon-orientation-by-magnetic-dual.html

See also dipolar near field theories and topological Nature of near fields.
Earth Magnetic monopole field with boundary layer profile, (B) which seems to be different for each place on earth and a navigation map for animals like pigeons, butterlies and turtles.
Animals like Pigeons and sea Turtles seem to be able to identify these specific curves (B) for different locations by the small amount of permalloy alike metals already found in their bodies, to explain the extraordinary qualities of animal orientation.
see also:
: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/albums/72157633287892650

see also: http://migratingblackholes.blogspot.com/2013/04/blog-post.html

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

The Origin of Hexagonal structure of laser light?

Light travelling through the oscillating Axion Higgs particle based tetrahedral vacuum lattice seems to create an hexagonal  effect.
see: https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.99.013848
and: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/laser-light-can-contain-intricate-beautiful-fractals?fbclid=IwAR3dsDG3YthflLe8iNJn9aAbORQdk8BMyHdZ5C9Gwnr1YecbgFoHVgIDQ3s

see also: Testing proposals for Human Free Will in the Raspberry Multiverse, Local Entanglement and M&M lightspeed.

The distance between the two mirrors has influence on the fine-structure of the resulting hexagonal structure observed on the screen.

Friday, February 01, 2019

TWO superpartner Higgs with different masses. 123.5 and 126 GeV.

There are TWO real Higgs supersymmetrical particles (in a rigid string model) found in the LHC which is denied because they have a different mass.,
Quote: "the 125GeV Higgs boson, along with the absence of superpartners at the LHC at this point as well as the null results of the dark matter direct search experiments, is exactly what the most conventional string theory scenario – equipped with a naturally sounding refreshed notion of naturalness and a seemingly conservative type of the anthropic veto – has always predicted."
However, Imo, there is no absence of Higgs superpartners in the LHC. there are two partners: 123,5 and 126 GeV. also mentioned in the past by Dorigo.
According to Quantum FFF Theory, There is a mass difference  because the ( Casimir) vacuum oscillations in our materia;l universe have left handedness.
see: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@N05/albums/72157665806293350
see below:

also called : toroidal orientifold

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Rigid String Quantum Knots as a base for Bose Einstein Black Holes.

Created by 4x (X-ray) laser or/and 3x E.M. knotty interference.
see: "4x and 3x Interference for Stringy Bose Einstein Black Hole production."

4x X-Ray laser interference or 3x E.M. interference should lead to Bose Einstein knots or (Fenmtosecond) unstable nano Black Holes.
However a combination of both (X ray and EM) interference could become more stable black holes as observed as Sprites and Elves above lightning clouds producing Ball lightning or even micro Comets.
See also: https://www.futurity.org/x-ray-laser-black-hole-1450352-2/
Energetic X-ray pulses from Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray free-electron laser at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
and: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2010/04/new-black-hole-hole-and-second-law.html

Stable or unstable micro black holes ( comets / ball lightning)

Example of a micro high altitude Comet, a splitting semi stable black hole, pushed by plasma tail, which is assumed to be self produced by pair production at the BH horizon.

Sprite and Elve creation above lightning clouds with ( semi) stable Black hole production ( micro Comets and Ball Lighnting.)
It is well known that both : X-Rays and EM waves are present at that high altitude: the asumed origin of complex String knot black holes.

 also called: toroidal orientifold

Tuesday, January 29, 2019



Quantum FFF ( Function Follows Form) theory is a Rigid String Theory postulating, that the vacuum is filled with a local variable Planck scaled lattice of oscillating closed torus strings called Axion-Higgs (AH) particles, analog to Dark Energy and the origin of Casimir effects.
These AH strings are able to transform over 4x internal hinges due to real particle collision into different singular open Strings, such as the Electron and Positron or all Photons and Gluons.
Photons and Gluons, Electrons and Positrons can wrap around each other, to form a series of compound Quarks or Bosons, well know as the “Standard Model” (SM) with new physics extensions like monopole photons.
Model research on string form possibilities, show that only the single so called general photon and two monopole magnetic photons ( N and S) are able to form very rigid closed complex rigid string knots.  
Three copy magnetic monopole particles  ( North or South) are able to form two different ring shaped string knots, which are both called the Higgs particles possessing 124,5 and  126 GeV.
Four general photon copy strings however, are able to form a ring shaped knot which is also called Higgs which is assumed to possess more mass. Indications of a third high mass Higgs particle are already showed up in the LHC at Geneva at about 375 GeV.
As a consequence of these ring shaped Higgs particles, I suggest, that the ring shape is a suitable form to connect with other ring shaped Higgses and form more complex compound black hole nuclei.
Such combined Higgs nuclei could be able to grow by laser- of magnetic interference into a more massive particle which can become stable and resistant for the vacuum oscillations after it has reached a certain minimum volume.
The result is called a Bose Einstein stringy black hole, which can be compared with a Ball Lightning nucleus.

The Fermion repelling black hole found inside Herbig Haro bowshocks. 

 According to Quantum FFF Theory, attraction forces on fermions should be the result of the dual push effect of two opposing photon pulses, A: The general Axion-Higgs vacuum field pressure (dark energy) and B: The opposing incidental Graviton Photon produced by the collision of the Axion Higgs particle ( closed string) transforming into a Graviton (open) string travelling away with the local speed of light.
As a consequence, only the result of two opposing photons impinging on Fermions has to count as a quantum force and the so called “Feynman diagrams” should be adapted accordingly.
In Q-FFF Theory, the vacuum is seeded with fast oscillating massless Axion/Higgs particles, oscillating along a complex chiral tetrahedral vacuum lattice, which has the ability to transfer Photon and Graviton information in wavelength bunches of oscillations, through the vacuum lattice with the local (mass related) speed of light and the origin of the so called Dark Energy observed e.g. in the Casimir effect. 
At the same time, only the sum of the different kinds of vacuum impulses with the local vacuum oscillation spectrum coming from all directions on Fermions are responsible for all energetic phenomena in the universe. 
So, we may call this force a fifth force as it opposes and interacts or compensates all Photon/ Gluon  pressure effects on fermions in the universe.
The gravity around Black Holes is assumed to be based only on the zero point oscillation spectrum from outside the black hole without the opposing repulsive gravitons coming out of the black hole.
Black holes don’t emit gravitons, consequently they are massless and harbor a nucleus of massless Axion/Higgs based Quantum vacuum knots only able to absorb the incoming oscillating vacuum particles and polarize the surrounding vacuum structure.
The polarization of the local vacuum is also origin of the black hole repulsion horizon of all propeller shaped Fermions at a certain distance from the nucleus and even the creation of fermions and baryons ( plasma) out of the local vacuum.
Reason to accept that the vacuum energy around dark matter black holes ( fifth force) combined with the propeller shape of fermions, is the origin of apparent violation of the second law,  (entropy decrease) observed on earth and in space.
Examples are: plasma tails of Ball lightning and (micro) Comets and Proplyds.

how the quantum knot x-ray laser black hole looks like .

Rigid String Quantum Knots as a base for Bose Einstein Black Holes by 4x (X-ray) laser or 3x E.M. knotty interference.
see: "4x and 3x Interference for Stringy Bose Einstein Black Hole production."

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The one and only MULTI MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION in physics.!

How the plasma jets and discs are formed without being sucked in to the BH. This is a demonstration for the Rigid Fermion Propeller String model of Quantum FFFTheory. see:

Friday, January 25, 2019

The MULTI MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION about BH plasma jets and discs.

How the plasma jets and discs are formed without being sucked in to the BH. see: THIS   "How to escape a black hole"
( HOW? due to Fermion repelling BH, by spin flip of positrons and electrons, according to Q-FFF Theory) ) see: Tidal Star Disruption Events (TDE) by Fermion Repelling Black Holes in Quantum FFF Theory.
The torque arises from the twisting of magnetic field created by the plasma disc itself ( not the inertia less BH)
The gist of this effect is the multi million dollar question, because it shows the solution for all our energy problems and it is a clear quest for propeller shaped fermions ( or better a "rigid string theory").
see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2019/01/co2-reduction-by-new-physics-herbig.html?fbclid=IwAR3EsSKsCPMQedsZCpol9id-MBvVsvN3-oYcYdnLP2Rff-PVQzUlUoazk8k 

 Parfrey said  "even though it doesn't necessarily contribute that much to extracting the black hole's rotation energy," , "is possibly directly linked to the electric currents that twist the jets' magnetic fields."
The team intends to better model the process by which electron-positron pairs are created in the jets in order to study the jets' plasma distribution and their emission of radiation more realistically for comparison to observations.

Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2019-01-black-hole-simulations-clues-powerful.html#jCp 
"How can the energy in a black hole's rotation be extracted to make jets?" said Kyle Parfrey
"This has been a question for a long time."
Less understood, though, is how black holes purge energy locked up in their rotation, jetting near-light-speed plasmas into space to opposite sides in one of the most powerful displays in the universe. These jets can extend outward for millions of light years.

First-Principles Plasma Simulations of Black-Hole Jet Launching
and. https://phys.org/news/2018-12-tangled-magnetic-fields-power-cosmic.html 
The solution:
Tidal Star Disruption Events (TDE) by Fermion Repelling Black Holes in Quantum FFF Theory.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

A new Space Drive by the impossible anti Maxwell effect.

Magnetic Monopole physics seem to have a bright transportation future !
Even at school we learn that around a stationair current in a wire there is a circular stationair magnetic field.
However we must also consider the new magnetic monopole model of Quantum FFF Theory, proving the liquidation or dipping of the field close to the wire. 
see Reaction less EM Drive Thruster by Anti Maxwell Dead Zone around a Wire.

Even around a block magnet some monopole dip effect can be observed, leaving a circular surface free of iron powder..

Kitchen table test confirming free acceleration.

White circles, seem to be Anti Maxwell dip-EM drives for levitation and piloting. Yellow circles seem to be landing vehicles.

The FIRST VERY MASSIVE BLACK HOLES created by Big Bang nucleus splitting !

According to Quantum FFF Theory, ( Function Follows Form), the Big Bang/ Big Crunch nucleus was a giant stringy Black Hole nucleus or Quantum Knot..
see: Big Bang Energy out of Nothing, or a Compressed Rigid String Nucleus.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Example of a splitting black hole by a much smaller one.called the COW

A mysterious phenomenon called The Cow.
According to the new physics fermion repelling black hole of Quantum FFF Theory, this could be the result of a splitting black hole by a much smaller BH. The result is two equal sized BHs forming the "bowshocks" of a a Herbig Haro system with quick star formation in between, and the splitter BH probably left behind or absorbed by the larger BHs.
see:  https://www.sciencenews.org/article/cow-cosmic-flare-new-star-death-supernova-black-hole?fbclid=IwAR003CanTFDPdc8EOlW9shqdz8mSI8Pui38klTWnXQqlBtYnDkZvDnIuUMU
2 Signals for Retarded Single Big Bang Black Hole Nucleus Splitting and Pairing into Dual Black Hole Herbig Haro Systems.
and: http://vixra.org/pdf/1709.0388v1.pdf