Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Saturday, April 06, 2019

Please will you describe the electron:

Ethan Siegel wrote:
“Please will you describe the electron… explaining what it is, and why it moves the way it does when it interacts with a positron. If you’d also like to explain why it moves the way that it does in an electric field, a magnetic field, and a gravitational field, that would be nice. An explanation of charge would be nice too, and an explanation of why the electron has mass.”
see; THIS:
and: 3-Dimensional String based alternative particle model.

According to Q-FFF Theory, the electron and positron both have  a rigid
open propeller form with different ( opposite) pitch ( left- or right handed) , made in pairs at black hole horizons out of  closed composed vacuum ring strings 'called Axion/Higgs or Erebons' after head-on collision at the black hole horizon. see image.
All more complex Fermions are compound particles,based on one or more Electrons or positrons combined with one or more Gluon-Photons.
) see image.  As a consequence of the propeller form of Fermions are not able to transfer a Black Hole horizon ! only photon- Gluons and Axion Higgs - Erebons. see also. http://vixra.org/pdf/1103.0002v4.pdf
and. http://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

Friday, April 05, 2019

The Origin of Star Formation by Pairing and Splitting Herbig Haro Black Holes

The Origin of Star Formation by Two Equal sized (new physics) Black Holes, repelled from each other to form two Bowshocks with star formation in between.
Example of NGC 326: The Repelling of Two Equal sized Black Holes as the formation of a Herbig Haro Bowshock system, . According to Quantum FFF Theory.

(New Physics: Equal sized Black Holes repel each other from a certain distance. Different sized BHs Merge or split each other.  see also: http://vixra.org/pdf/1903.0447v2.pdf   )

M87 Black Hole plasma gas trajectories.

Baby Stars with Planet formation in between Different Charged Plasma Rings.
According to Quantum FFF Theory, propeller shaped stringy Fermions are repelled from a black hole at  a certain distance forming different charged rings of plasma, with Planets in between. see: HD 163296 and HL Tauri.

See also: The origin of universal structure: by pairing and splitting black holes.

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Merging Galaxy Cluster distribution mystery explained by Quantum FFF Theory.

The well known bullet cluster and Abell 520, are known by its  mysterious distribution of hot xray gas lagging behind the merging galaxy clusters.
According to Quantum FFF Theory,
1: black holes have lost all inertia related to the former imploded matter of the original star into a compact stringy nucleus, without spinning propeller shaped fermions and without Lorentz polarized atoms...
However, small black holes ( non primordial BHs) do produce hot plasma at their horizon, which seems to be able to stay away from the black hole by what I call Fermion repulsion of the propeller shaped stringy atomic matter (see image) based on Lorentz polarized Fermions.
2: Neutron stars have lost some of their inertia by the absence of a polarizable atomic polar rotational Quark system.
However Quark based Neutrons are supposed to have reduced Lorentz polarizable abilities, which is the reason that inertia of Quarks is assumed to be reduced.

As a consequence, we may assume that old primordial dark matter Black Holes also called Galaxy- Anchor Black Holes ( GABHs inside Globular clusters) do not produce plasma or hot gas, which is able to keep the internal Dark Matter Black Hole inside the globular cluster most of the inertia of the Atomic based star system.

In merging galaxies and galaxy clusters this phenomenon is assumed to be the origin of the peculiar shifting of  hot gas and the dark matter  light bending by lensing of the background observed in  merging galaxy clusters.

(The former explanation is in contrast with the next suggestions made by Ethan Siegel)

Ethan Siegel in Forbes report:
"When your cluster is undisturbed, the gravitational effects are located where the matter is distributed. It's only after a collision or interaction has taken place that we see what appears to be a non-local effect. This indicates that something happens during the collision process to separate normal matter from where we see the gravitational effects. Adding dark matter makes this work, but non-local gravity would make differing before-and-after predictions that can't both match up, simultaneously, with what we observe."

Not MOND theory but Dark Matter Black Holes the origin of the acceleration effects

Not MOND theory but Dark Matter Black Holes could be the origin of the acceleration effects of galaxy rotation and even the Hubble redshift acceleration effects through the universe.
see: Dipole Repeller Gravity Effects at Different Universal Scales as the Origin of Large Scale and Local Quantum Gravity and Hubble Redshift.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

How Variable Massive Star Formation is Originated?

How Variable Massive Star Formation is Originated?
Or How different massive Stars and Galaxies are born?
According to Quantum FFF Theory, there is a direct relation between the virtual mass of both Black Hole Based Herbig Haro "Bowshocks" (Stellar Anchor Black Holes; (SABHs) and the maximum capacity to form stable stars in between the bowshocks.
If the star has reached its maximum mass, it is assumed to become unstable and will produce one or  two smaller stars, which is the start of an open star cluster. (see image)
For galaxy forming, those massive stars has to go through a process of supernova black hole production and black hole pairing into NEW smaller Herbig Haro systems to for secondary stellar Anchor Black Holes ( SABHs)
Even our sun has two SABHs.( see image ) 
See: Astronomers View Cosmic Light Show of Star Formation.
Quote: "But, unlike stars like our ( small) Sun, astronomers know much less about how these enormous stars form".

Even the sun is growing by contraction of gas clouds and spitting out so called "failed stars" see below.

ONE MICROLENSING IN ONLY 7 HRS? MEANS that the Hubble constant is extra crushed to pieces

Stephen Hawkings suggestion that Dark Matter could be the same as tiny black holes lurking far out from galaxies is tested by Subary/HSC bobservation of stellar microlensing..
see:  Microlensing constraints on primordial black holes with the Subaru/HSC Andromeda observation  https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.02151

Which is suggested to negate the Hawking idea of tiny BHs .
However, in Quantum FFF Theory, it could mean that the Hubble constant is extra crushed to pieces
by the existence of larger than tiny dark matter black holes with influence on the redshift of light passing by.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, Black Holes are indeed the same as Dark Matter as Hawking suggested, but at all BH scales.
Black holes can have different sizes from the Higgs 125 GeV up to the central Milky Way BH and more central BHs even able to merge into a Big Crunch BH, as the base for a cyclic raspberry shaped Multiverse.
If  the Big Crunch black hole stringy nucleus is supposed to become in equilibrium with the outside vacuum pressure, the nucleus will explode into chunks of different sizes and partly evaporate into the oscillating vacuum lattice with a tetrahedral shape ( in pyrochlore form)
Equal sized chuncks will form huge Herbig Haro bowshocks with star and galaxy creation in between..

Other examples of Dark Matter Black Holes even around and between clusters are assumed to be the origin of extra redshift and as the origin of the mysterious rotation curves galaxies.

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

4x things we could learn the next 10th of April's Horizon Telescope images.?

See:  https://www.sciencenews.org/article/event-horizon-telescope-first-image-black-hole-questions

4x things we could learn?
1,What does a black hole really look like?
2,Does general relativity hold up close to a black hole?
3,How do some black holes make jets?
4,Do stellar corpses called pulsars surround the Milky Way’s black hole?
Answers suggested by Quantum-FFF Theory:
1, mostly with a fermion disc
2, Yes.
3, By the Planck length polarization due to additional adjacent black holes. e.g. two Herbig Haro Black holes, as the dual jet connection.
4, Yes, but only around the largest BHs such as central galaxy BHs. ( small BHs ( the pulsars) are eaten by larger BHs)  BHs with the same mass will form Herbig Haro systems with star formation in the middle.

see also:

In an interview with Newsweek following the 2017 observation period, Vincent Fish, a research scientist at MIT Haystack, said they hope to see the flow of material in and out of the black hole. “What we expect to see is an asymmetric image where you have a circular dark region. That’s the black hole shadow,” he said. “And there might be a bright ring at the edge of that—which is the photon ring [a spherical region of space where gravity is so strong photons are forced to travel in orbits]. Then around it you will see one side is bright and the other side is faint, so kind of like a crescent.”

Propeller Fermion String Theory, the base for a new Multiverse.