Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Peculiar Aligned Dual and Triple Hotspots in the Lagoon Nebula a support for Q-FFF Theory.

Look for the Herbig Haro Dual- and Triple hotspots (2x = Black holes, 3x = star in between BHs.) in the Lagoon Nebula.
See also
And: The Origin of Universal Structure: Herbig Haro -Electric Dark Matter Black Hole- Systems.

Surprise: Herbig Haros on a string, by the Repeating of pairing and splitting process, by pushing and guiding plasma tails, leaving bar and star in between, by combined Vacuum-Electro-Magnetic Pinching.
Look for the Herbig Haro Dual- and Triple hotspots (2x Black holes)in the Lagoon Nebula. 

Below:  Bouncing and Splitting equal sized black holes with Herbig Haro String potential..

Below: Vacuum and Electrio Magnetic Pinching effect to sweep plasma into the Star location.

with power system between two stable Ball Lightnings. .


Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Giant supervoid as origin of the raspberry multiverse with octahedron shape.?

General information:

What is observed are four main arms coming from the center.
The 4x armed supervoid as an indication of the 4x Big Bang connections with our neighbor universes inside the cube octahedron shaped raspberry multiverse
see below:

8 or 12 entangled SuSy universes? the choice seems to come on 12x with preference.

The supervoid in 3D with multiple funnel arms connecting 12 different universal bubbles.

The Bhagavadgita and Arjuna as the warrior for Free Will. and Quantum diversity.

Parallel to Q-FFF Theory, The Bhagavadgita shows Arjuna as warrior to learn about FREE Will and slay the Big bang black hole into 12 fold multiverse..see Bhagavadgita page 133- 16: 
LESSON chapter 18, "Renunciation leads to redemption", or "Veto and action makes is your real free will."
"Maar de dwaas die door zijn gebrekkige verstand zichzelf beschouwt als de enige uitvoerder van die handeling, ziet niet juist."

Translation: "But the fool who, because of his lack of understanding, regards himself as the sole performer of that action, does not see correctly."
see also: "Free Will Readiness Potential Ratios, the Key for a Multiverse Number Calculation."

"Testing proposals for Human Free Will in the Raspberry Multiverse, Local Entanglement and M&M lightspeed."

Arjuna however should also learn to slay the quantum world into smaller pieces. see: Vedic Physics compared to the Quantum FFF Model Raspberry Multiverse.

Arjuna.the warrior in the 12 fold entangled SuSy multiverse.
As a conclusion: we are only able to VETO ideas for action, we are NOT the only creators of our own ideas
Image: Krishna shows itself to Arjoena as Vishnoe how he should interpret the battle for free will (wikipedia) 

Copied from Kripalu:  https://kripalu.org/resources/life-lessons-bhagavad-gita-krishna-and-arjuna-guru-and-disciple 
Like many of the Indian sacred texts, the 700 verses of the Bhagavad Gita are arranged in a conversational format. It is a small section of a larger epic work called the Mahabharata. The two main speakers are Krishna and Arjuna.
Let's take a minute to get to know both, Arjuna first. Arjuna is a great warrior. He is the general of the army of the Pandavas, the "good guys,” who are engaged in an epic battle with the "bad guy" Kauravas. Arjuna is the best warrior, the most skilled, the most virtuous, the wisest, and the bravest. In the Bhagavad Gita, he is about to go into battle and suddenly gets cold feet. He freezes and is unable to fight. He reaches out to Krishna for help. Krishna is his chariot driver. Krishna is also God. Krishna is also Arjuna's Sadguru, his spiritual master.

Friday, January 03, 2020

Splitting Ball Lightning micro Black Hole nucleus

The best evidence until now for a splitting Ball Lightning micro Black Hole nucleus ( compacted monopole strings) produced probably by a complex electro magnetic interference in the top of the electricity pole. just like laboratory examples of High voltage discharge into silicon wafers. ( see my other youtubes)


Thursday, January 02, 2020

Happy new Year for Astrophysics Herbig Haro Revolution.

Happy New Year, to every one.  The year that astrophysics changes will take place, by the dual Herbig Haro Black Hole fast starforming electron pump principle even on earth..
Dual Solar Anchor Black Holes or Herbig Haro hotspots, the origin of quick star formation.: http://vixra.org/pdf/1709.0396v3.pdf
and: http://www.lulu.com/shop/leo-vuyk/rigid-transformer-strings/paperback/product-24379408.html
and: http://vixra.org/pdf/1812.0228v2.pdf ( equal sized Herbig Haro BHs)

Sunday, December 22, 2019

MEERKAT MAJOR PROOF of HH Black hole Spitting Big Bang.

Eureka moment; !!!!!! look at All dual hotspots sometimes with a third hotspot in between. ( A Young star ) This is a major support for my Q,,FFF Theory based Herbig Haro dual black hole Spitting BIG BANG ! See also in my book. "Rigid Transformer Strings .". The Biggest Blunder in Astrophisics of the past. (The non recognition of-) Herbig Haro dual bowshock black holes and starspot- micro inteference black hole based Bok Globules.
Accordingen to Q-FFF Theory all black holes repel fermions which change into jets. They eat however the vacuüm and smaller BHs.


Thousands Galaxies MeerKAT Radio Telescope Array Image

Friday, December 20, 2019

made by two HERBIG HARO Black Holes. Pairing by plasma tail propulsion, before splitting by electron jets. 
Examples of Attracting and Repelling equal sized Herbig Haro Black Holes in the Carina Nebula.
Future FREE VACUUM ENERGY on EARTH by equal sized MICRO Herbig Haro Black Holes. ( Ball Lighting nuclei).

Future Free Energy on Earth.

LuLu Book "Rigid Transformer Strings." by Leo Buyk..

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Penrose Support for the SuSy Raspberry Multiverse

Penrose Support for the SuSy Raspberry Multiverse with a cube octahedron configuration (with 12 universes) showing 4x contact areas for each universe and One Big Bang Cold Spot.
Penrose:  the number of Hawking Points with >15 muK temp. Is minimum 3-4.
see: On CCC-predicted concentric low-variance circles in the CMB sky.
for more info: http://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

For the model see:

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Perseus Cluster Explosions, Example of Primary Herbig Haro Galaxy Black Hole Systems after Galaxy merging .

Perseus Cluster Explosions Example of Primary Herbig Haro Galaxy Black Hole Systems after Galaxy merging .
and: for Q-FFF Theory explanation see:
The Origin of Universal Structure: Herbig Haro Electric Dark Matter Black Hole- Systems.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Anti Gravity Propulsion by Anti Maxwell field reduction around a current in a wire.

The logic of  magnetic monopole photon theory, by visualization of the dual ( North and South) magnetic monopole  quantum information field around a wire.
Explained by detail observation of iron powder distribution (the ring shaped absence of it) around a wire or coil. Below: Several observations and explanation  by the curvature of monopole quantum information arrays.
see: also:

and : EM Drive Thruster by Anti Maxwell Monopole Tubular Field Reduction Around a Conductor.
or: Action Without Reaction Symmetry For EM Space Propulsion Thruster technology.
Also usable for "Anti-Maxwell reaction less anti gravity space propulsion."
see:  vixra.org/pdf/1103.0024v7.pdf

Anti Gravity propulsion by:  Anti Maxwell Magnetic Field Radius Reduction Ratio (1/7)  
around a Conductor.

Anti Gravity propulsion by:  Anti Maxwell Magnetic Field Radius Reduction Ratio (1/7) 
 around a Conductor.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Dark Matter Black Hole Splitting Big Bang

The Nucleus of the big bang was a compact knot of Rigid Transformer Strings, compressed by the decreasing pressure of the former oscillating Axion Higgs vacuum lattice.
The origin of large "bullet galaxies" in the early universe and smaller galaxies later, after creation of equal sized Herbig Haro BHs by the new splitting process or much smaller Starspot BHs. 

Small scale Star formation after SuperNova Starspot- BH based Herbig Haro process.

Monday, December 09, 2019

Axion= Dark energy.string, 2x Higgs = Dark Matter magnetic monopole string knot

In Quantum FFF Theory transformer string architecture,
the vacuum is crowded with Axion Higgs unification particles.
1:  for Casimir energy effect reasons
2:  for Lorentz polarization reasons connected to all mass effects and acceleration..
3:  however, the real LHC Higgs of 124-126 GeV is a different particle.
Dark Energy = singular Axion-Higgs transformer torus strings,
Dark Matter is a compound Higgs Black Hole ( string knot) of variable sizes. based mainly 3x magnetic monopole rigid string knots

See the new physics of Rigid Transformer Strings. by Leo Vuyk. below.

1: The vacuum particle (called Axion-Higgs) is the mother particle of all singular strings, able to transform into all other singular strings like photons gluons electron and positron.
2: the smallest Dark matter particle is both 2x Higgs particles based on 3x magnetic monopole photon knots of North or South monopole photons.

and: The Massless Axion-Higgs Vacuum Rigid String particle, even in Micro and Macro Dark Matter Black Hole Nuclei.