Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Did the LHC measure SuperSymmetry of two SuSy Higgs particles? (Higgsino)

Surprise There seem to be TWO HIGGS particles 124 and 126 GeV. See CMS- LHC image, ( DUAL HIGGS).
Also proposed by the symmetric Higgs model in Quantum FFF Theory, based on  a set of 3x compound symmetric monopole North or South stringy photons. 
The chirality of the vacuum lattice has a different influence on the tiny different forms of both Higgses, which should be the origin of the mass differences.124-126.
Conclusion: the two LHC signals represent the Higgs and the SuSy Higgs particle 
(called Higgsino) !!
see also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2020/02/my-latest-string-topology.html

All Quarks with QCD colors 
( compound Quarks, different dressed by Gluon/Photon particles, see below string topology)

String topologies of Q-FFF Theory.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Primary Splitting Dark Matter Black Hole Big Bang, before and after the CMB Cosmic Background.

The Cyclic Multiverse according to Quantum FFF theory
Below: The Mainstream idea about the Big Bang.

What is wrong with Physics?
1: Gravity is a dual pressure force of pushing Gravitons opposing the stringer Casimir vacuum..
2: The vacuum has resistance for ALL Fermions motion.
3: Black Holes attract but also repel Fermions close by.
4: The cyclic Raspberry multiverse has 8 or 12 symmetric anti copy universes entangled at QUANTUM SCALE as the origin of Inertia and Consciousness.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Ether depicted as spacetime by Stephen Wolfram compared.

Spacetime depicted by Stephen Wolfram  compared with Quantum-FFF Theory.. 
Compoact Rigid String black holes eat the local oscillating Axion Higgs field ether lattice with variable density. See also: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

Stephen Wolfram image below.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Einsteins real mistake, his love for elegant formulas and not include the ether.

Albert Einstein:  Intuition is the source of great ideas while mathematics is only intuition's faithful servant.
However, It seems a great historic mistake, that Albert Einstein loved also heavily on simple and elegant Formulas.
Why a mistake?  Because according to Q-FFF Model,
1, The speed of light is not constant between Venus and Earth because gravity reducing lightspeed  influence around massive objects. The ether has to be taken into account of a reduced sort. called LASOF: Local Anti Symmetric Oscillating vacuum Frame.

see:"The O‘Connell effect in eclipsing binaries explained by mass related light speed extinction distances (LASOF) of stars and even planets"
and:  "The Semi Relativistic Higgs Field Aether with Mass Related Lightspeed Adaptation."

Friday, February 14, 2020



Skyrmion Interference Black Holes, Photonic molecules, Ball Lightning, Micro Comets, Sprite-Fireballs and Sunspots according to Quantum FFF theory.
An Alternative Stringy Black Hole nucleus with Entropy Decrease and Plasma Creation.

Discharges by the BL observed onto railway and metal pole is reason to assume that the BL is electrical chaged, at least at the outside.
Discharge Distance to the metal pole is at least 4 meter, which
is indicating a charge potency of 4 million Volts !!

 4 million Volt discharge to lantern pole.

Free Energy production by two High- Voltage / Frequency light balls inside one vacuum chamber suggested by Quantum-FFF Theory.
Each lightball is positive charged at the inside and negative charged at the outside which needs longer Anode than Cathode. ( L.Vuyk)
Future Free Energy of New Physics Ball Lightning Black Holes, the origin of a Super Social Society or the Opposite?

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The fate of XMM 2599.explained by Dark Matter Black Hole Big Bang and Dual Quasars..

see: https://dailygalaxy.com/2020/02/update-on-the-monster-12-billion-years-later-is-xmm-2599-the-hub-of-a-metropolis-of-galaxies/

"What makes XMM-2599 so interesting, unusual, and surprising is that it is no longer forming stars, perhaps because it stopped getting fuel or its black hole began to turn on. Our results call for changes in how models turn off star formation in early galaxies.”
(said Gillian Wilson, a professor of physics and astronomy at UCR )
So what is the Q-FFF model alternative? if we take into account 
the Q-FFF rules are:
1:Different sized chunks of dark matter black holes come out of the big bang.
2: equal sized black holes are able to form Herbig Haro systems with TWO distant hotspot bowshock BHs , the only creators of Plasma direct out of the Axion- Higgs field vacuum ( see Cycnus A dual hotspots) and one star forming location (white hole) in the center.
3: After lots of SuperNova explosions, SN black holes of different sized are merging together filling up the white hole position.
4: This central merger black hole  is growing only by absorbing smaller black holes, not by absorbing stars or Fermion plasma. !!

Suggestion XXM 2599 is a successor of a Cygnus A system, with growing dual hotspot black holes (Galaxy Anchor Black Holes) into the Quasar size level and successive FLIP from plasma production and repelling  ( Fermions) into plasma eating and production stopping.
In the meantime dying out without visibility.
see below: examples of dual Quasars in the early universe.

Examples of Dual Quasars in the early universe. 

Big Crunch Quasars and Big Bang Quasars.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, ( Function Follows Form) the Big Bang was the splitting of a former Big Crunch Black Hole nucleus, depicted as a splitting compact Rigid String Nucleus (Not a Singularity) into larger and smaller chunks, even evaporating into the oscillating Axion/ Higgs field vacuum.

In the early universe these black holes are the largest in the universe, able to eat not only smaller BHs and radiation of the vacuum but even all Fermionic matter as the start of a Quasar.

HOWEVER, Smaller BHs are NOT supposed to consume Fermionic matter due to their strongly curved Schwarzshield horizon able to repel spinning Fermions (string propellers with Calabi Yau disc surface)  and channel them into two or even more jets.
Quasars are supposed to be the largest BHs able to consume Fermions, ending life as a Quasar in the middle of huge dead galaxies and the start of the contracting universe into a cyclic universe.
see also: https://dailygalaxy.com/2020/02/update-on-the-monster-12-billion-years-later-is-xmm-2599-the-hub-of-a-metropolis-of-galaxies/

See also; The Magic Fermion Repelling Stringy Fuzzball Black Hole, the Origin of a Cyclic Raspberry Multiverse.

XMM 2599 Potent 
Big Crunch Black Hole Quasar: 

2x Fermi Bubbles with Gamma jets ending into Fermion repelling Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) , Ejected from the Central Black Hole: Sagitarius -A.  
The largest Black Holes do NOT repel Fermions, and become A QUASAR, they eat all Fermion matter and EVEN stars. 
The critical Schwarzshield diameter is not known!  

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Dumbbell Herbig Haro BH structures in the CMB COSMOS field

Herbig Haro systems in the CMB.  The Big Bang was the explosion of a former Dark Matter Black Hole Big Crunch Nucleus Creating pimary dual black hole Herbig Haro systems with star formation in between recently observed inside the CMB back ground radiation.  See Insert image of HSC- COSMOS field. See also: Quantum FFF Theory.

Herbig Haro dualities elso visible but with lesser clarity, in larger boomerang images.

see also: https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/three-astrophysicists-reveal-structure-of-universe-to-win-the-2019-nobel-prize-939d540293bf
and: The Magic Fermion Repelling Stringy Fuzzball Black Hole, the origin of a Cyclic Raspberry Multiverse.

Ball Lightning video ending with a big bang free energy for the future?.

What is a Ball Lightning according to Q-FFF String Theory? It is a bunch of strings compressed by the Casimir effect of the oscillating Axion-Higgs field lattice also called micro Black Hole.
At the so called Schwarzshield horizon, Axion particles are concentrated into opposite trajectories colliding to each other and creating Fermions like electrons and positrons (=Quarks) also simple plasma.
So the energy is called "Zero Point Energy" free energy (also macroscopic Casimir effect )
The original youtube video.of a Ball Lightning ending with a Big Bang by the decay of the magnetic interference string knot based ( micro black hole) nucleus.

Below: The original youtube video.of a Ball Lightning ending with a Big Bang by the decay of the magnetic interference string knot based nucleus, also described as Micro Black Hole. see: Electric Birkeland Current production Between Two Herbig Haro Black Holes or even Stable Ball Lightnings on Earth.
see also a counter article presenting this as a CGI HOAX .https://www.higgypop.com/news/paranormal-phenomenon-or-ball-lightning/
Ball Lightning, Micro Comets, Sprite-Fireballs and Sunspots according to Quantum FFF theory. https://vixra.org/pdf/1803.0093v1.pdf
for future energy production, see: https://vixra.org/pdf/2002.0094v1.pdf

Below large BL with ice crust, as mega cryometeor travelling with the wind direction due to the ice mass, the plasma production  is left behind in the air forming a tail. 
A splitting smaller nucleus however, has no ice crust but forms directly a ball lightning pushing plasma tail, which seems to turn around by the opposing wind. 

Bl in Indonesia?

According to Quantum FFF Theory, The nucleus of the micro string ball lightning is assumed to be a large string knot compressed by the local oscillating vacuum. just as black holes are supposed to be.
All black holes even Ball lightnings seem to be negative charged from the outside and positive charged at the inside due to the Fermion string based propeller repelling effect.  

Friday, February 07, 2020

The Biggest Blunder In Astrophysics: Binary Charged Herbig Haro Black Holes.

The consequence of my proposal for rigid propeller Fermion string topology however is, a more complex new physics Black Hole. (https://vixra.org/pdf/2002.0074v1.pdf)
All black hole models like the Hawking model, seem to miss what Herbig Haro (HH) systems show us:
Splitting, Accelerating, Pairing and Repelling binary Black Holes, called HH bowshocks.
In my new Quantum FFF model, two equal sized black holes attract each other but repel each other at close distance, to create electric plasma pumps called Herbig Haro (HH) "bow shocks" with plasma and stars concentrated in between .
WHY repel each other? Because "new black holes" repel all stringy Fermion propellers (coined "Rigid Transformer String propellers") forming a plasma "BAR" in between Herbig Haro systems.
Best evidence that HH bowshocks are new physics black holes: is HH34, able to produce negative charged plasma at the Schwarzschild horizon and able to repel the plasma from the same horizon.into the center of the HH system for star production.
The new black hole:

Th Big Bang Black Holes splitting with HH formation.needed for quick Star /Galaxy production.

Uncertainty about QUASARS  explained by Q-FFF Theory.
look at the dual hotspots or GABHs. (Galaxy Anchor Black Holes) perpendicular at the Galaxy disc.
also: Stellar (and Galaxy) Anchor Black Holes as the remnants of former Herbig Haro Objects and as Cosmic Ray Hotspots.
SEE: The Origin of Universal Structure: Herbig Haro Strings by Electric Dark Matter Black HoleSystems.

Future micro HH systems could create endless future energy production units on earth without CO2 pollution.

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Big Bang Quasars

The splitting Big Crunch / Big Bang black hole into smaller black hole nuclei creating the first dual BH Herbig Haro (BH-HH) systems for the largest stars and galaxies in the early universe.
As predicted by Q-FFF Theory, in the middle of dual HH black holes a new black hole will be created by small (unequal sized) merger black holes which is supposed to grow at the center of the new galaxy.
In the early universe these black holes are the largest in the universe, able to eat not only smaller BHs and radiation of the vacuum but even all Fermionic matter as the start of a Quasar.
Smaller BHs are NOT supposed to consume Fermionic matter due to their strongly curved Schwarzshield horizon able to repel spinning Fermions ( string propellers with Calabi Yau disc surface) ) and channel them into two or more jets.. 
Quasars are supposed to be the largest BHs able to consume Fermions, ending life as a Quasar in the middle of huge dead galaxies and the start of the contracting universe into a cyclic universe.
see: Signals for retarded Big Bang Black Hole Nucleus Splitting and Pairing into Dual Black Hole based Quasar-and Herbig Haro Systems.

According to Quantum Function Follows Form Theory, the Big Bang was the evaporation and splitting of a former Big Crunch black hole nucleus of compressed Axion Higgs particles into the oscillating Axion /Higgs field vacuum lattice respectively chunky nuclei of dark matter black holes.
The vacuum Lattice is supposed to represent a dynamic reference frame and the so called Dark Energy or Zero Point Energy acting as the motor for all Fermion spin and as the transfer medium for all photon information, leading to local lightspeed and local time.
see also: TWO or THREE Large Quasar Groups (LQGs) located at the start of two or three Lyman Alpha systems and a part of the Raspberry Multiverse?

The origin of Quasars? Monster Black holes central in "High- Z" Galaxy Clusters or Dead Galaxies.

According to Q-FFF Theory, normal black holes repel propeller shaped rigid fermions (with a Calabi Yau surface) by the large curvature angle of the horizon,
Then Monster black holes seem to eat fermions a go go- caused by the much smaller Schwarzschild horizon curvature- angle and as a consequence become a Quasar eating all the stuff around in contrast with ejecting all femion plasma into two jets.
Question: What is the minimum black hole horizon radius to change a black hole into a Fermion eating Quasar?

At least, less than the Abell 85 BH: 40 billion the mass of the sun, which is in line with present estimates of Quasars: Wikipedia: A Quasar is an extremely luminous active galactic nucleus (AGN), in which a supermassive black hole with mass ranging from millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun.
The smallest Quasar seems to be: PKS 0405-385. with a radiation peak variability less than an hour.

The Tree of Good and Evil compared to Benjamin Libets RPI and RPII.

The Tree of Good and Evil compared to the Entangled Multiverse as a base for uncertainty in human decision making with RPs (Readiness Potentials RP I or II ) and Quantum Mechanics without an RP II Veto as control medium.. ( Quantum-FFF Theory)

In Libets tests: RP I Test person is initiating an urge, while RPII Test person can pass or Veto that urge nearly (200ms) instantly as a base for free will. However, according to Q-FFF Theory this Veto /Pass  choice is acting between 12 distant symmetric Universal bubbles in the Raspberry multiverse.. see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1907.0250v3.pdf 

According to Q-FFF Theory, was the eating of the apple a symbolic act for the introduction of a quantum mechanical Control mechanism for all living species, by brain retardation ( more or less) as is measured in the human brain by Benjamin Libet in 1964. ( RPI and RPII differences)