Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Monday, March 16, 2020

The lightspeed is ONLY local the same and Gravity direction dependent !!

The lightspeed is ONLY local the same and Gravity direction dependent !!
see: The Babcock and Bergman small effect and the O' Connell effect and dual Champ satellite orbit results proved Einstein wrong long ago, but nobody dared to tell us.

The O' Connell effect.
Abstract. If the orbits of close binary stars are circular, and the light speed is NOT influenced by the speed of the stars, we have to expect that the light curves are symmetrical between moments of eclipse or even conjunction. However, This is mostly not the case and still an ongoing debate in astronomy and called the “O ‘Connell effect”. According to Quantum FFF Theory, however I assume that the local light speed around the stars is gravity related for a mass related distance from the source (star) called LASOF ellipsoid, (Local Asymmetrical Oscillating vacuum Frame) As a result the so called O ‘Connell effect can easily be explained as a logic result of additional redshift or blueshift by the local lightspeed variation. At the same time also planets should show such lightspeed extinction effects, which is already measured but not understood by I.I.Shapiro (see “radar astronomy” edition by Evans and Hagfors, 1964).
As a consequence, Einstein’s Special relativity rules do not hold.
If we look at the apparent magnitude of eclipsing binary stars we can discriminate two equally spaced peak magnitudes at point 0.0, 0.5 and 1.0 (fig 1). This is always explained by the fact that the smaller star is mostly hotter ( brighter) and the result is that if the smaller star eclipses (behind the larger star) the minimum peak is larger than the following peak, which is called the Primary eclipse. The secondary eclipse and minimal magnitude peak is of course related to the opposite eclipse situation, that the larger star is eclipsing behind the smaller star. The O’Connell effect is related to this difference in the apparent magnitudes in between the two minimal peaks, which makes the figure asymmetric.. .

As I posted before in: Discussion on The Reference Frame called: Bohmians' self-confidence evaporates as soon as they're expected to calculate anything.
I would like to promote the idea, that there could be "magic" transition from real rigid string particle into a vacuum wave form after about 1 cm trajectory..
"Short distances are important for a dissident particle wave duality interpretation based on an old experiment of Babcock and Bergman (1964). and Anti Maxwell effect around a wire.
Babcock and Bergman did measure in 1964, only a small positive influence of the light source speed (glass window), 
which was too small for comfort there ideas about the direct relation between the light source and the lightspeed. 
The addition of the glass windows to the lightspeed was measured "only" 0.7percent over a trajectory of 1,45 meter! 
However I would propose a logic Quantum solution, if a new kind of particle wave duality could be responsible for “the small” effect. 
After emitting a real Quantum photon ( suggested to be a rigid string particle with a specific form or quantum architecture) travelling over about 1 cm trajectory, then the photon is supposed to be absorbed by the local oscillating Axion-Higgs field and will travel as information unit with the local speed of light ( of the Axion-Higgs field)." 

Friday, March 13, 2020

Strange Kaon Decay ( KL→π0ν ¯ν)

Suggestion for: Strange Kaon Decay ( KL→π0ν ¯ν) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.071801 (Teppei Kitahara et al.)
Explained by Q-FFF rigid transformer string Model: https://vixra.org/pdf/1103.0002v4.pdf
Suggestion it is not d>u and u¯ >s¯ but d>u¯ and s¯ > u (plus 1x OLO positron >(ROR=E+ photon)+ 1x LOL=E- photon)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Interstellar travel of S. Denaerde+ R.Das revisited by Muon Electron Conversion Synchrotron

 Interstellar travel of S. Denaerde+ R.Das revisited by Muon Electron Conversion Synchrotron.
Below, SOHO evidence and back engineering of UFO information described by S. Denaerde and R.Das  combined with Q-FFF Theory on Muon Electron Conversion in Synchrotrons for levitation and spaceflight by antisymmetric centrifugal force..
see also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2012/02/electron-muon-electron-conversion-in.html
Iarga Sun wheel. ( Denaerde) and my rigid string theory based interpretation of the Sun-wheel described by Stephan Denaerde in his book ( buitenaardse beschaving 1976 met Rudolf Das, design) about his extra solar Iarga contact.
My proposal: New Physics Electron-Muon-Taon-Electron conversion in a double ring for spaceflight according to rigid transformer string models of Q-FFF Theory.
Recent developments on Muon-Electron conversion and the Electron-Muon or even Taon conversion process are reason to suggest a combination of the two for one-sided centrifugal force creation and spaceflight use called the EMEC system.
The principle of the EMEC or Electron-Muon-Electron Conversion system is based on the mass difference (400X) between the orbiting Electron and Muon in the two particle storage rings resulting in a one sided focused centrifugal force.
for Quantum FFF Theory see: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

Magnetic monopole dip effect as alternative for small crafts and local use.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Axiogenesis as base for a baryon symmetric entangled multiverse.

Axiogenesis as base for a baryon symmetric entangled multiverse, according to Q-FFF Theory.
For cosmological excess of baryons over antibaryons ( Matter/ anti Matter) see:
see: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.02080.pdf
(by Raymond T. Co  and Keisuke Harigaya)
We propose a mechanism called axiogenesis where the cosmological excess of baryons over antibaryons is generated from the rotation of the QCD axion.
The Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry may be explicitly broken in the early universe, inducing the rotation of a PQ charged scalar field.
The rotation corresponds to the asymmetry of the PQ charge, which is converted into the baryon asymmetry via QCD and electroweak sphaleron transitions.
In the concrete model we explore, interesting phenomenology arises due to the prediction of a small decay constant and the connections with new physics at the LHC and future colliders and with Axion dark matter.
(by Raymond T. Co  and Keisuke Harigaya)

In contrast however: Quantum FFF Theory says:
The big bang was the explosion of a former big Crunch Rigid Elastic Transformer String based black hole nucleus.
Transformer strings are supposed to be so called "primal substance"able to change into electron or positrons (all  Leptons) or Photon Gluons, which are all the accessories of compound Quarks and Bosons.
As extra variant it can transform into an anti Graviton ( with a pressure effect in equilibrium with the pressure of the Casimir Axion-Higgs field)
This Big Bang nucleus is assumed to be compacted and compressed by the oscillating Axion-Higgs vacuum chiral lattice, which was decreasing in strength by the vacuum lattice absorption of the Big Crunch black hole itself !.
At the moment that the decreasing Axion-Higgs vacuum pressure on the Big Crunch nucleus becomes equalized with the internal elastic bounce of all compressed strings, the BIG BANG nucleus start spitting out chunks of Black Hole nuclei and an equal set of newly shaped  but left or right handed oscillating Axion-Higgs lattices forming each a new Universal bubble in what I call the Raspberry Multiverse.
Rigid String nuclei ( string knots) could be stable compressed by the local vacuum lattice, I call them Dark Matter Black Holes.!
As a consequence, even temporary stable Ball Lightnings could be called temporary dark matter black holes.  

Friday, March 06, 2020

Anti gravity experiment proposal .

For those who want to experiment with EM drives based on currents flowing in (copper) tubes of various diameter, see:
Anti gravity experiment based on magnetic monopole effect around a current in a wire. see:
 "EM Drive Thruster by Anti Maxwell Monopole Tubular Field Reduction Around a Conductor. "
see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1905.0244v2.pdf

Thursday, March 05, 2020

Nima Arkani Hamed's Multiverse is a modern Copernican revolution.

The Nima Arkam Hamed reasoning goes like this:

Cooling universe after the hot big bang.
String theory zillions of solutions !
String landscape is Different vacua
Inflating like crazy!
with external inflation, then: the multiverse !!
Perhaps our universe is a speck of nothingness in the multiverse.
Negative energy vacuum. Big Crunch
Are we a tiny part of the vast multiverse. if so:
Then it is the modern Copernican revolution.
see: 20 may 2019.see youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey5wSrsxcmo

In contrast with Nima Arkani Hamed however, Quantum FFF Theory says:

Big Bang is the explosion of the Cool Super Symmetric (SuSy) Big Bang dark matter black hole, only heating up by plasma creation ONLY around big bang dark matter black hole splinters and star/Galaxy formation between Herbig Haro dual black holes ( the dual hotspots).
String theory has restricted particle form solutions but because of SuSy entanglement between all quanta the SuSy multiverse bubbles (probably only  8 or 12) we should count zillions of choice solutions for collapsing the wavefunction.  see:  multiple entangled pinball machines see below.
and:  The Cyclic Undivided Raspberry Multiverse.

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

The origin of Dark matter structure in galaxy halos: dual Herbig Haro BHs

Examples of Dual and Triple Herbig Haro structures of dark matter black holes, (DMBHs) as the base for star formation in between ( Q-FFF Theory)
see: The Origin of Universal Structure: Herbig Haro Strings by Electric Dark Matter Black Hole- Systems.
also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2017/01/ppairing-dark-matter-black-holes-in.html
and: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-biggest-blunder-in-astrophysics.html

Quotation: "Galaxies form from these initial conditions through the condensation of gas at the centers of a hierarchically aggregating population of quasi-equilibrium dark matter halos (White & Rees, 1978; White & Frenk, 1991)". See: The Aquarius Project: the sub-halos of galactic halos ( V. Springel at al.)

Did the LHC measure SuperSymmetry of two SuSy Higgs particles? (Higgsino)

Surprise There seem to be TWO HIGGS particles 124 and 126 GeV. See CMS- LHC image, ( DUAL HIGGS).
Also proposed by the symmetric Higgs model in Quantum FFF Theory, based on  a set of 3x compound symmetric monopole North or South stringy photons. 
The chirality of the vacuum lattice has a different influence on the tiny different forms of both Higgses, which should be the origin of the mass differences.124-126.
Conclusion: the two LHC signals represent the Higgs and the SuSy Higgs particle 
(called Higgsino) !!
see also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2020/02/my-latest-string-topology.html

All Quarks with QCD colors 
( compound Quarks, different dressed by Gluon/Photon particles, see below string topology)

String topologies of Q-FFF Theory.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Primary Splitting Dark Matter Black Hole Big Bang, before and after the CMB Cosmic Background.

The Cyclic Multiverse according to Quantum FFF theory
Below: The Mainstream idea about the Big Bang.

What is wrong with Physics?
1: Gravity is a dual pressure force of pushing Gravitons opposing the stringer Casimir vacuum..
2: The vacuum has resistance for ALL Fermions motion.
3: Black Holes attract but also repel Fermions close by.
4: The cyclic Raspberry multiverse has 8 or 12 symmetric anti copy universes entangled at QUANTUM SCALE as the origin of Inertia and Consciousness.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Ether depicted as spacetime by Stephen Wolfram compared.

Spacetime depicted by Stephen Wolfram  compared with Quantum-FFF Theory.. 
Compoact Rigid String black holes eat the local oscillating Axion Higgs field ether lattice with variable density. See also: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

Stephen Wolfram image below.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Einsteins real mistake, his love for elegant formulas and not include the ether.

Albert Einstein:  Intuition is the source of great ideas while mathematics is only intuition's faithful servant.
However, It seems a great historic mistake, that Albert Einstein loved also heavily on simple and elegant Formulas.
Why a mistake?  Because according to Q-FFF Model,
1, The speed of light is not constant between Venus and Earth because gravity reducing lightspeed  influence around massive objects. The ether has to be taken into account of a reduced sort. called LASOF: Local Anti Symmetric Oscillating vacuum Frame.

see:"The O‘Connell effect in eclipsing binaries explained by mass related light speed extinction distances (LASOF) of stars and even planets"
and:  "The Semi Relativistic Higgs Field Aether with Mass Related Lightspeed Adaptation."

Friday, February 14, 2020



Skyrmion Interference Black Holes, Photonic molecules, Ball Lightning, Micro Comets, Sprite-Fireballs and Sunspots according to Quantum FFF theory.
An Alternative Stringy Black Hole nucleus with Entropy Decrease and Plasma Creation.

Discharges by the BL observed onto railway and metal pole is reason to assume that the BL is electrical chaged, at least at the outside.
Discharge Distance to the metal pole is at least 4 meter, which
is indicating a charge potency of 4 million Volts !!

 4 million Volt discharge to lantern pole.

Free Energy production by two High- Voltage / Frequency light balls inside one vacuum chamber suggested by Quantum-FFF Theory.
Each lightball is positive charged at the inside and negative charged at the outside which needs longer Anode than Cathode. ( L.Vuyk)
Future Free Energy of New Physics Ball Lightning Black Holes, the origin of a Super Social Society or the Opposite?