Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Monday, July 06, 2020

Herbig Haro Bow shocks seem to be Dark Matter Black Holes of different physics.

Herbig Haro Bow shocks seem to be different they are really new physics fermion repelling black holes. see also: "The Magic Fermion Repelling Stringy Fuzzball Black Hole, the origin of a Cyclic Raspberry Multiverse."

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Different Gravity Repelling Herbig Haro Black Holes. (Halton Arp)

First Publication of Herbig Haro Dark Matter Black Holes. ( Halton Arp 1998 in Seeing Red.)
Drawing the Lines connecting the companion objects across the central object. Representing TWO Herbig Haro Dark Matter Black Holes (Fermion Repellers) as the origin of Star or Galaxy formation. ( Quantum FFF Theory)

Examples enough of approaching and splitting equal sized black hole inside Nebula.
and: The Origin of Universal Structure: Herbig Haro Strings by Electric Dark Matter Black HoleSystems. https://vixra.org/pdf/1904.0599v2.pdf

How Black Holes Repel Propeller shaped Fermions.The horizon of the BH is compared with a vacuum particle synchrotron ( Axion Higgs) from all directions, pushing propeller particles (Fermions) from the backside away. creating charged plasma. (negative charged outside)
With two distant ball lightning black holes Free electric energy is created.

After my discovery of dual black holes perpendicular to star systems or spiral galaxies, I found out that only a string model could be the origin. More peculiar, only propeller shaped strings could do the job of repelling from the BH.

description of my book The New God Particle:

MY NEW BOOK. Foreword. 
The title of this book, The new GOD Particle and Free Will, could be exposed into the sub-title: “The forms and features of the new GOD Particle introduce “New Physics” and as the ultimate consequence a new interpretation of Free Will and Free Energy. 
It was the famous astronomer Halton Arp of the Max Planck institute at Gaerching/Muenchen who stimulated me to do extensive research on physics and astronomy by his positive qualification on my research, in his book: “Seeing Red” published by. Apeiron Montreal 1998. 
At page 191 under: “An amateur spots the crucial patterns” he wrote: “The empirical pattern recognition, which has so drastically changed our view of extra-galactic astronomy in this book, is based on the recurrent evidence of pairing of active objects across large low redshift galaxies. 
The tyranny of the observations is to insist on opposite ejection of extra galactic material as a ubiquitous process that operates on all scales. 
How is it possible that the exquisitely trained professional scientists have not recognized this evidence? To make the point that it is not the evidence but the viewer that is the key here, I want to present Figure 7-20. 
These are examples from a page, which an architect named Leo Vuyk sent me.” 

So, yes I am an amateur in physics and astronomy, I have a masters degree in architecture and building engineering, ( TU Delft 1972) highly interested in large and small scale structure formation of spaces, from social housing up to university hospitals, but I was in addition able to do incidental research at the university of Utrecht at the physics and astronomy department. 
In the beginning, I focused myself on the formation and shapes of astronomical structures at different scales. I found out, that from the smallest Herbig Haro structures to the largest Galaxy clusters so called pairing dumbbell patterns can be observed, which in my view could introduce crucial implications for dark matter. This was leading to a new interpretation of black holes and dark energy. 
However, this was also the origin of new ideas on the microscopic scale, leading to the proposal for a new energetic oscillating entangled Higgs vacuum with the oscillating Higgs particle inside. 
The until now by experiment unresolved Higgs particle is generally called the “God Particle”. Halton Arp’s book was published in 1998, ten years separated from this book, which describes the results of what I in addition was able to “construct” out of this new vision on dark matter and dark energy. 
A second firm help to do research for this book is also found inside the essays called “Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanis” made by John Steward Bell (1928-1990), especially those essays which are related to his “Bell theorem” and the so called “Broglie-Bohm theory”. 
It is my conviction that the new physics solutions presented in this book, are only a small step beyond the Bell/Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics described in his essays. 
My proposal for a new double Stern Gerlach experiment to prove the existence of a local multi-particle entanglement between silver atoms, is the proof of this statement. 
It should have been very easy for John Bell to proposed this experiment by himself, because all the theoretical ingredients where there at that moment. The main NEW results of this book are: The NEW vacuum is filled up with a super dense triangular shaped lattice structure of energetic oscillating and scattering Higgs particles able to give Fermions their "eigen energy" and able to transmit photon particle information along the chiral vacuum lattice lines. 
Particles (Fermions and Bosons) are real shaped particles with a definite Form instead of wave-functions, all these shapes are originated from the variable shape of the Higgs-vacuum particles. 
All particles are supposed to be guided continuously by so called “entanglement at a distance” acting between their copy partners located at a small distance inside the experimental setting (as a form of non-local hidden variable) AND at a large distance between copy anti-universes. 
As long as there are only two correlated particles to measure, we may not speak of a so called “non-local hidden variable” situation, because there is no hidden polarisation relation with other particles, as is proposed to act inside a normal Stern Gerlach experiment. 
A NEW cyclic symmetrical “raspberry shaped” Big Bang proposal is described as the evaporation in stages of a central Big Crunch black hole. All NEW black holes of different sizes, are the only origin of dark matter, they seem to be able to repel fermions from its horizon leaving hydrogen clouds behind as is visible at merging Galaxies such as Cygnus-A dual hotspots. 
The NEW energetic oscillating Higgs vacuum lattice is assumed to be the origin of all dark energy effects and able to MIMIC relativity rules, down to a measurable scale. It introduces a new kind of measurable preferred vacuum reference frame dubbed “Local Anti-Symmetrical Oscillating vacuum Frame” (LASOF). Consequently it looks as if Mainstream physics has been looking for clues of reality way beyond reality; however it is obvious that there was a firm reason to do so. 
Only small anomalies measured outside this Earth can tell us the real truth about what is really happening outside the cave (called earth) we are sitting in, like Plato already mentioned.

Ancient Ark of the Covenant energy compared to Egypt Electricity

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

THE WORLD becomes a SPACE COMMUNITY by a simple discovery of magnetic monopole technology.

EM Drive Space Thrusters without Lorentz reaction force, by triple Tesla Pancake coils and dual monopole interference solenoids.

Egypt used several electric batteries and a VAJRA in a box for electric energy production.

Stone wall Images of  old electric batteries found in Egypt. See also the Ankh and dual connection rods. also: https://youtu.be/MVaZ-ZHtfn0 

What is in the box? 
I suggest dual stable micro Ball Lightning black holes inside a VAJRA ! Produced by Dual Solenoids with B=0 fields focused at the ends.
according to Q-FFF Theorie, see  also: https://vixra.org/pdf/2005.0212v1.pdf or: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

Baghdad Battery

Even the Tabernakel is supposed to have had a comparable energy source with plasma ( H2?) clouds above..

Free Vacuum Energy from two Negative Charged Black Holes (string knots) in an electric adapted modern VAJRA 
6 or 8 (bifilar solenoids) B=0 North+ South monopole Interference  with 3 or 4 compound Rigid String particle knots (below) able to build the more complex Black Hole knot, with internal positive and external negative charge. According to Quantum FFF Theory.
Micro Black Holes Fermion repelling and Self Propelling by plasma tails.

Monday, June 29, 2020

1.5 Billion Solar Mass Black Hole found in the early universe: Black Hole splitting Big Bang?

It challenging current theories of how supermassive black holes formed and grew in the young universe.
Solution of Q-FFF Theory: 
The origin is a support for the Dark Matter Black Hole Big Bang explosion of suggested by Quantum FFF theory.
So the big bang is assumed to split into smaller ones. 
Splitting Dark Matter Black Hole Big Bang as the Origin of  Ultra-Energetic-Cosmic-Rays-From Far-Away
Splitting String Black Holes with Inflation and vacuum evaporation.

Two Heavy Mid sized Black Holes found near Milky way center.

Evidence found for "merger galaxy" based mid-sized black holes near center of Milky Way.

Readiness Potetials long and short: 8 or 12 Multiverse?

Tetragraviton puts it nicely:
"you still can’t tell if the other person “collapsed it first”. So whatever sort of “instantaneous change” is happening, it’s not something you can do anything with, or measure".
However , ENTANGLEMENT DOES NOT WORK FOR PERSONS IN THIS WORLD. Only for anti symmetric particle spin.
FOR PERSONS IT WORKS ONLY in the Charge Parity symmetric Raspberry Multiverse you can measure the number of universes out of the avarage ratios of the "Readiness Potential" differences long and short, (B. LIBET) between test persons pressing electric knobs at ALL  entangled ANTI COPY UNIVERSES NEARLY AT THE SAME INSTANT.
see: "Bohmian Double Slit Interpretation by Dual Entangled Universes, and the Benjamin Libet Experiment."

Oscillating String Quantum Vacuum for Spacetime.

There is reason for an Oscillating Transformer String Quantum Vacuum or Spacetime.
Construction principles for chiral “atoms of spacetime geometry” including space curvature around massive objects.
see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1102.0052v3.pdf

Sunday, June 28, 2020

All Forces are the result of Dual Opposing Pressure Quantum Fields. Repelling and Attracktion.

A Fifth Force or Vacuum Dipole Repeller, (Casimir) Needed to Create All Repelling and Attraction Forces.
However NOT Around Black Holes in Quantum FFF Theory. 
Attraction of BHs is only based on vacuum Casimir pressure.
(see also Magnetic Monopole Telescope)
and: Equal Sized New Physics Black Holes Do Not Merge but, Form Herbig Haro Systems.

Attraction Forces by dual monopole EM photons or Graviton/Light/Vacuum pressure

A Fifth Force or Vacuum Dipole Repeller, (Casimir) Needed to Create All Attraction Forces Even Around Black Holes in Quantum FFF Theory. 
(see also Magnetic Monopole Telescope)

Introduction. A parallel with Le Sage gravity. According to the so called Le Sage gravity, the vacuum is seeded with fast travelling corpuscles, impinging on mass carrying particles present inside massive bodies. The deflection of these vacuum particles after the impulse on the first body, should lead to a decline in vacuum pressure on a second object, tending to drive two bodies together. However, Q-FFF Theory suggests, that the vacuum is seeded with fast oscillating energetic but massless Axion/Higgs alike particles, oscillating along a complex chiral tetrahedron vacuum lattice, which has the ability to transfer Photon and Graviton information in wavelength bunches of oscillations, through the vacuum lattice with the local speed of light. As a consequence there are no attraction forces on the propeller shaped spinning Fermions. Only the sum of the different kinds of vacuum impulses from all directions on Fermions coined: “Double Vector Hedgehogs”, are responsible for all energetic phenomena in the universe. 

Magnetic monopole Telescope.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Letter to lubos Motl.

Dear Lubos Motl,
You wrote: "Leo, I was thinking about you when tons of people asked me about Wolfram's theory of everything. Do you view him as a competitor? Because I would surely use you as a competitor of his doing a very similar thing LOL."

After a hospital retardation, I realized the Stephen Wolfram indeed assumed a multiverse however with automata, which not can be compared with my use of J. Cramer's "quantum handshake" and D. Libet's Readiness Potential, at long universal distances.
In my model I combined long distance entanglement from the start of the Big Bang into a restricted number of Super Symmetric anti-copy bubble universes. (8 or 12, I assume) and combine it with David Libet's measurements of Readiness Potential elongation timing effects measured in several test persons. 
If 1/12 part Readiness Potentials on all the decisions the test persons are making, then it observe the logic that we live inside one of the 12 copy universes. 
You can find more information at. "The Cyclic Undivided Raspberry Multiverse."

The Self Organizing Universe By Expanding Knots of X-ray Starspot Interference Black Holes.

See: The Self Organizing Universe in three different Nebula systems.
also± The Origin of Bok Globules and Molecular Clouds, Splitting and Pairing Electric Dark Matter Black Holes.
see,  THIS

In Q-FFF Theory, Starspots are former Comets fallen to the Stars.
If Stars explode like Super Novas, then the starspots create extra plasma tails and are searching for an equal sized partner, to form a small Herbig Haro system.
Such dual systems are observed in the Kepler Super Nova, as a support for the theory.  
However, In the early universe, these starspots and HH systems, are much bigger and form new Star systems. around the galaxies.
Three different nebula systems are observed by now in the cosmos: they can be classified as: Bipolar (Multi) polar and Non polar The origin of these differences seem to be based on a new electric dark matter black hole behaviour which is already described in Quantum FFF Theory. (Function Follows Form) Quantum FFF Theory,, the FORM and MICROSTRUCTURE of elementary particles, is supposed to be the origin of FUNCTIONAL differences between Higgs- Graviton- Photonand Fermion particles.

Bok Globule.