Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Jupiter Electrical new String Black Holes and Lightning

Small Electric Binary black holes (former crashed Comets) as the origin of lightning on Jupiter, just like binary Sunspot distribution according to Q-FFF Theory based Herbig Haro binary black holes.

The Great Red Spot however is alone because he did not find an equal sized partner like Herbig Haro"s does.

The Great Red Spot is an enormous, high-pressure- and warm storm like an Earth hurricane that has been raging on the surface and deep into (1600 km) Jupiter for at least 500 years.
According to Q-FFF Theory ball lightning, Sunspots and Comets are equipped with small-negative charged new physics black holes.
Conclusion: the red spot is also created by a large- small new physics black hole.

However, the great red spot is as large as the earth and Sunspots are as large as the earth or even Jupiter this supports the idea of small black holes of variable sized.
The nucleus of such a black hole is also supposed to be "string knot based" like all black holes.
However, the origin should be the interference of three or more magnetic string particles ( see image)  

The red spots is declining between 1890 and 2015.

The Magnetic influence of internal "new" black holes on the magnetic fields.

Monday, October 05, 2020

The basic elements of my architectural Theory Of Everything called Q-FFF Theory (Quantum Function Follows Form)

1: Vacuum Particles are basic torus shaped transformer strings, (called Axion-Higgs) energetic oscillating between nodes of a chiral ( left- or right handed) Tetrahedral lattice. (image )

2: Vacuum Torus Particles are transformed by mutual collision at the BH horizon Vacuum Compression Particle Collider effect into pairs of spinning fermion propellers to be shifted into negative charged plasma at the outside of the BH and positive at the inside. (image )

3: Vacuum Torus particles are transformed by collision with spinning Fermions into Gluons, after about 1 cm space they are picked up and included in the oscillating vacuum and called Photons. (The base for Einstein's constant speed limit !! see Babcock and Bergman Light Carousel experiment)  (image )  https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2016/04/particle-wave-duality-according-to.html 

4: Black holes ( BHs) have a globular nucleus of vacuum strings compacted by the pressure of the oscillating (Casimir) Vacuum.
5: BHs are the same as Dark Matter, (sizes from Ball Lightning, Sunspots, Comets, up to the Big Bang nucleus)
6: BHs all repel all Fermions at a short distance horizon, creating charge separation by left- or right-spinning propeller shaped Fermions, but at long distances attract all Fermions.
7: BHs (the stable ones like Comets) are growing attract and consume all Bosons. and even the oscillating Tetrahedral Vacuum Lattice Field particles, with a local vacuum dilution space lensing effect (by Planck elongation of chiral tetrahedral edges) .

Babcock and Bergman carousel. 
(1 cm free photon distance, still not absorbed by the local vacuum speed)


Sunday, October 04, 2020

Dark Matter String Knot based Black Hole Big Bang ( or Big Crunch)

The title of my next book: See: The Electric Universe by Electric Dark Matter Big Bang Black Holes of Quantum FFF Theory.  https://vixra.org/pdf/1902.0349v1.pdf 

and : "Electric Birkeland Current Production Between Two Herbig Haro Black Holes or even Stable Ball Lightnings on Earth." https://vixra.org/pdf/2002.0094v1.pdf  

Q-FFF= Quantum Function Follows the Form of Particles.

The Electric Universe theory (EU) for years is a well-known “out of the box” model and subject of criticism for professionals in the field. Examples of some criticized subjects of EU: 

1, The introduction of an all-pervasive Ether, 2, the non-expansion of the universe, 3, General relativity (GR) is wrong, 4, dipole gravity, etcetera. 

However, Quantum FFF Theory has similar but more complex “out of the box” assumptions described as follows: 

1, The Zero Point Energy (ZPE) based oscillating Axion-Higgs Ether created by the explosion of the Electric Dark Matter Big Bang Black Hole, 2, The pulsating cyclic super symmetric raspberry shaped multiverse, 3, Einstein Rosen bridges are the same as EPR entanglement between CP symmetric universal bubbles. 4, Gravity/Mass related variable lightspeed, (LASOF) Local Anti-Symmetric Oscillating Vacuum Frame 5, The Bell interpretation of Special Relativity, (real relativistic length contraction) 6, Multiple directional dual pressure gravity, (dipole gravity) 7, Black holes attract- but also closely repel fermions (in and around the charge shifting repulsion zone with pair- and  quark formation) , they eat bosons, smaller black holes and the vacuum. 8, All particles and fields are based on real 3D rigid strings, transformable by mutual collision. Reason for a more detailed comparison and extension of the Electric Universes model.

Saturday, October 03, 2020

There are no waves, there are only multiple rigid transformer string particles disguised as waves ( Q-FFF model)

There are no waves, there are only multiple rigid transformer string particle groups disguised as waves pushed and transported by the oscillating Axion-Higgs ( Q-FFF model) string vacuum lattice with variable Planck lengths and guided by a Multiverse entangled Lorentz polarization., 

The vacuum Planck lengths are elongated around massive objects leading to spacetime curvature.    There are singular photon/ Neutrino strings and two singular fermions "the electron and positron" all others are  mergers / combined particles with two or more particles.

All Fermions have  a left- or right hand spin originated by their propeller form with left or right hand pitch.   The vacuum lattice itself has chirality or spiral lattices between nodes. Reason that positrons can combine faster with photons into quarks (u) than electrons   As a consequence, 

1: The Einstein based Equivalence principle is wrong
2: the lightspeed related mass- and axial atom deformation is right according to John Bell.
3: The lightspeed in not universal the same even around stars ( O' Connel effect) 

see: Alternative Michelson and Morley experiment between two satellites https://vixra.org/pdf/2005.0123v1.pdf 
The O‘Connell effect in eclipsing binaries explained by mass related light speed extinction distances.  https://vixra.org/pdf/1409.0164v2.pdf 

Friday, October 02, 2020


 DARK MATTER IS RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES AS ( BALL) LIGHTNING and FULGURITES. ( Not math but observation and imagination is the key to reality. Black holes have intense gravity but also a fermion repelling horizon to blow Fermi bubbles and jets) 

This molten and uncovered beach sand is showing that a lightning stroke hitting the local beach and came from left above  deep into the ground and the smaller vertical sand pillars seem to be the result of decaying falling dark matter hotspots as shown in the tree picture.  

Only a part of the created vertical sand pillars are visible because these hotspots fell right from above the lightning stroke and merged with the main channel. The rest did not merge and fell at the sides of the main channel.   

Fulgurite phenomena are mostly found on beaches standing upright or half uncovered by the sea waves above the sand.  

Q-FFF Theory says:  Dark Matter is the same as fuzzy String Knots of all sizes  black holes, from (ball) lightning up to Comets, Sunspots, dual Herbig Haro hotspots  and the Big Bang. The origin:  A new physics Fermion repelling Black Hole horizon.

See:  Fulgurite created by Lightning bullet also known as ball lightning, according to Quantum FFF theory. https://vixra.org/pdf/1805.0307v1.pdf  

and:  New Black Hole Physics, by Fermion String knot based Repelling Black Holes. the Origin of Quick Star/Galaxy Formation.  https://vixra.org/pdf/2007.0044v1.pdf   

and: Herbig Haro Astrophysics Based on Dual Rigid String Black Holes.  https://vixra.org/pdf/2007.0158v1.pdf 

Two Higgs with 3x North or 3x South merged string knot photon particles as the smallest dark matter black holes.

Unique image of Hotspots around lightning channel.

 Lightning danger at a distance by hotspots. (see image) The hotspots are supposed to be negative charged and dangerous Dark Matter particles like Higgs particles. (see Q-FFF Theory)

Contact events with the hotspots are showing people with sometimes burning injuries in nature.The lightning itself is supposed to be deadly. How to protect? An earthed faraday cage. See on Ship bridges in the field etcetra

This "lightning sand" is digged out the sand showing molten sand channels around decaying and splitting hotspots or string knot particles  (also higgs)

This molten sand is showing that the lightning stroke came from above deep into the ground and the smaller channels seem to be the result of decaying falling dark matter hotspots as shown in the former picture.
Only a part of the hotspot created sands are shown because these hotspots fell right from above the lightning stroke and merged with the main channel .  
The LOGIC explanation of the angle between the large- and the smaller channels.

The last gasp of dual Herbig Haro star (H2-9), So, it is not one of their siblings without dual hotspots.

 The origin of Butterfly nebula with- or without hotspots.

According to Q-FFF Theory, The first Herbig Haro stars need two equal sized black holes, to polarize the vacuum and create a star in the middle by sweeping the plasma through the polarized vacuum. example (H2-9) they dye with two hotspots and/or as butterfly nebula.

However Younger sibling stars of those growing stars, (often binary stars) will dye without the dual hotspots or even butterfly shapes. Stars are growing by the impact of water producing Comets. and ejecting new binary stars (see image). Binary stars could create butterfly nebula without dual hotspots or dual lobes. 

 see: Herbig Haro Astrophysics Based on Dual Rigid String Black Holes. https://vixra.org/pdf/2007.0158v1.pdf

Dual Black Hole based Herbig Haro stars are the origin of binary stars and dual hotspot / Butterfly Nebula

Smallest Herbig Haro BHs create only dark (failed) stars. see  Bok globules.


Bok globule photo and how ejecting star-siblings are made by over-growing stars with water. by crashed comets.

We need new black hole physics with a fermion creating and repelling horizon.

Thursday, October 01, 2020

Tang's electric jet Oxygen fueled by air..



The downside: There is not much oxygen in the higher air.,. so better is real magnetic propulsion as found below in the EM space thruster.

see also:  EM Drive Space Thrusters without Lorentz reaction force..https://vixra.org/pdf/2005.0212v1.pdf 

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Second alignment plane of solar system discovered.

 Two Comet Ecliptics probably influenced by merger black holes ( blue) 

A study of comet motions indicates that the solar system has a second alignment plane. Analytical investigation of the orbits of long-period comets shows that the aphelia of the comets, the point where they are farthest from the Sun, tend to fall close to either the well-known ecliptic plane where the planets reside or a newly discovered "empty ecliptic." This has important implications for models of how comets originally formed in the solar system.  https://phys.org/news/2020-09-alignment-plane-solar.html 

The yellow ecliptica is the empty ecliptica. with only longreturn comets.

The Vacuum as two variant string solutions.

The solution with long vibrating string TUBES suggested by the NANOgroup (Quanta magazine) with spinning Fermions in between. (little points)  and:

The Q-FFF theory solution, with only vacuum PARTICLE based string oscillations between Nodes, along spiral (for Chirality and Parity) tetrahedron edges with variable (Planck) length elongated by vacuum eating black holes.  In between Real spinning propeller shaped Fermions called Calabi Yau shapes are driven by collision with the system.     The Fermion propeller is ejecting photon information through the lattice to BCDEorF.