Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Monday, October 19, 2020

The Origin of the Cyclic String Multiverse.

 Propeller Fermion Strings cooperating with an gravitational push String vacuum is the origin of a Cyclic Raspberry Multiverse.

For a cyclic multiverse, we need an  SYMMETRIC entangled MULTIVERSE STRING BIG BANG after  a Big Crunch..

1: The Fermion has the shape of a simple propeller string. It will be pushed away by the fermion horizon of all black holes, by their Calabi Yau spin combined with the interpolated vacuum around each black hole.
2: Consequently black holes do eat only the Vacuum Particles , Photons and Smaller Black Holes (NO Fermions).
3: As a result, the vacuum around black holes have a redshift effect, by the elongation of the Planck scale of the vacuum.
4: So The Hubble redshift is only partly true, and all black holes tend to eat the vacuum and bringing the universe to a Big Crunch.
5: The nucleus of the merged big crunch black hole is compressed by the decreasing pressure of the oscillating vacuum until the pressure is the same as the internal string big bang black hole pressure, leading to the SYMMETRIC MULTIVERSE BIG BANG

My predictions for the TOE (Q-FFF Theory)

1: black holes are knots of non compounded string pressed together by the Axion-Higgs string vacuum
2: The universe is an entangled part of the anti-copy Charge Parity symmetric raspberry shaped bubble multiverse.
3: The multiverse is cyclic by the consumption of black holes by smaller black holes.
4: Electric Birkeland Current Production Between Two Herbig Haro Black Holes or even Stable Ball Lightnings on Earth
5: Local Electricity currents can be created (in the future), by small dual stable Ball Lightning Herbig Haro systems on earth for free energy.
6: Consiousness and human choice making is created by retardation of different readiness potentials times measured by Benjamin Libet on test humans on earth.
7: Benjamin Libet test results (RPI and RPII) suggest that we live inside one of the simulated 8 -12 copy universes in the multiverse.
8: As a result, we live with the illusion that we make our own decisions alone.
9: The decision making in the universe is also described by John Cramer as a "Transactional Interpretation" (TI).
10: Also Bohmian double slit one photon interference experiment seems to be based on the former TI principle.

What Is the Geometry of the Universe?

According to Quantum FFF Theory:  ( FFF= Function Follows Form)
A raspberry/ black berry shaped CP symmetric fruit. (8-12 berries),
see; https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-holy-grail-of-sciences-toe.html

Below: Still Photos of the Sagitarius Local Stars Motion. There seems to be no sign for a gas consuming black hole in the center.  (A-1-4)  All gas seems to be channeled into the two perpendicular Fermi bubble jets.  A support for the new physics propeller fermion repelling black hole (Q-FFF Theory. )



We are our own reflections ( 8 to 12 ?) in the raspberry multiverse.
The Base for the Ultimate Theory of Everything (TOE) is the entangled multiverse:
1: Cramer's TI is the same as CP ( Charge Parity) symmetric Multiverse entanglement. (clocks are running only backwards over there)
TI is: Transactional Interpretation of John Cramer.
2: Libet's measurement results (RPI and RPII) are the measurement proof example of TI.
3: Bohmian Double Slit Interpretation by Dual Entangled Universes, and the Benjamin Libet experiment.
see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-base-for-limited-theory-of.html 

God seems to play dice within dual entangled pinball machines in a SuperSymmetric (SUSY) Multiverse. https://vixra.org/pdf/1608.0329v2.pdf 
and also Benjamin Libet 1984: Do we haven free will?   https://rauterberg.employee.id.tue.nl/lecturenotes/DGB01%20ADD/libet-1999a.pdf  
Other examples: 
On the quantum physical theory of subjective antedating (Cramer, Libet, Bohm)

The particle geometries and black holes.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Base for the Ultimate Theory of Everything (TOE) is the entangled mirror symmetric multiverse:

Cramer's TI is the same as CP ( Charge Parity) symmetric Multiverse entanglement. (clocks are running only backwards over there)
TI is: Transactional Interpretation of John Cramer. 
Libet's measurement results (RPI and RPII) are the measurement proof example of TI
.  see: 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Jurgen Raiman interview with Robbert Dijkgraaf (Dutch)

 Jurgen Raiman interviewd Robbert Dijkgraaf over wetenschap.  Interessant see:


To understand the universe !

Geachte professor Dijkgraaf,
Naar aanleiding van uw gesprek met Jörgen Raymann , (BNR nieuws) wil ik graag het volgende aan u vragen.
1: Zou het kunnen zijn, dat zwarte gaten gelijk is aan donkere materie bestaande uit een compacte samengeperste knoop van strings?,
2: Dat donkere energie gelijk is aan die zelfde  strings, maar dan wel als oscillerende netwerk strings,  ook wel vacuüm energie genaamd waarin het z.g. Casimir effect zichtbaar is en tevens een hoge dichtheid heeft. ( Planck)
3: Dat materie bestaat uit samengesteld string knopen als quarks en enkelvoudige strings als elektronen in ons materieel universum (roterende string propellers)  aangedreven door het vacuüm?
4: Dat de big bang zoals u zegt een groot zwart gat kan zijn, bestaande uit de ultieme string knoop, die is ontploft in grove stukken ( zwarte gaten) en veel enkel oscillerende vacuum string in de vorm van een netwerk? .
5: Dat we een symmetrische gekoppelde big bang hadden met copie anti universa ( framboos vormig)
6: Dat die koppeling lijkt op die van John Cramer's TI of:  Transactional Interpretation ( handshake between particles)  
7: Dat Benjamin Libet al verschillen waarnam in de reactiesnelheid waarmee mensen morele processen kunnen overwegen ( RPI en RPII)
Sorry voor deze lange aanhef.
wellicht is er voor u toch reden om meer te lezen op:

The Cyclic Undivided Raspberry Multiverse.
en: The Conscious Readiness Potential Ratio Multiverse with Transactional Interpretation of J. Cramer.
en: Bohmian Double Slit Interpretation by Dual Entangled Universes, and the Benjamin Libet experiment.



Leo Vuyk    

Friday, October 16, 2020

John Cramers (TI) transactional Interpretation saving the multi copy universe.

God seems to play dice within dual entangled Copy Multiverses.
see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1907.0250v3.pdf 
God seems to play dice within dual entangled pinball machines in a SuperSymmetric (SUSY) Multiverse.

All universes are supposed to be dual entangled multiverse pinball machines with mutual handshake for copying all, by John Cramers (TI) transactional Interpretation !
THERE ARE NO DEAD OR ALIVE CATS. It is only the decay of the atom nucleus which is connected by (TI) entanglement with all the others ( 8 or 12) in the other universes.


   Has a New Force of Nature Been Discovered?

The universe is governed by four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. These forces drive the motion and behavior of everything we see around us. At least that’s what we think. But over the past several years there’s been increasing evidence of a fifth fundamental force. 

New research hasn’t discovered this fifth force, but it does show that we still don’t fully understand these cosmic forces.
see: https://profmattstrassler.com/2019/11/25/has-a-new-force-of-nature-been-discovered/
or: https://www.universetoday.com/144173/a-fifth-fundamental-force-could-really-exist-but-we-havent-found-it-yet/
Indeed a counter pressure force for each of the other forces in space. the Axion/Higgs force representing the Casimir effect or pressure ( free energy: Q-FFF Theory)  https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk 

Dark Energy is the same as the new force of nature.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A splitting micro string black hole comet

 A splitting micro ( new physics) string knot black hole based comet, too small to survive. Micro comets (small string knot black holes) are created by magnetic radiation interference making sprites in lightning clouds. https://twitter.com/latestinspace/status/1315755379012317185?s=20

see also: Interference Black Holes, Photonic molecules, Ball Lightning, Micro Comets, Sprite-Fireballs and Sunspots according to Quantum FFF theory. https://vixra.org/pdf/1803.0093v1.pdf

also: Sprite created splitting Comet at lower altitude.

Below: Magnetic interference experiment to form micro black holes, for charge difference based electric energy production..

Monday, October 12, 2020

God seems to play dice within dual entangled Copy Multiverses.

see: God seems to play dice within dual entangled pinball machines in a SuperSymmetric (SUSY) Multiverse.  https://vixra.org/pdf/1608.0329v2.pdf 

and also Benjamin Libet 1984: Do we haven free will? https://rauterberg.employee.id.tue.nl/lecturenotes/DGB01%20ADD/libet-1999a.pdf 


see Benjamin Libet: 
Do We Have Free Will? I have taken an experimental approach to this question. Freely voluntary acts are preceded by a specific electrical change in the brain (the 'readiness potential', RP) that begins 550 ms before the act. 
Human subjects became aware of intention to act 350-400 ms after RP starts, but 200 ms. before the motor act. 
The volitional process is therefore initiated unconsciously. But the conscious function could still control the outcome; it can veto the act. Free will is therefore not excluded. 
These findings put constraints on views of how free will may operate; it would not initiate a voluntary act but it could control performance of the act. 
The findings also affect views of guilt and responsibility. 
But the deeper question still remains: Are freely voluntary acts subject to macrodeterministic laws or can they appear without such constraints, non-determined by natural laws and 'truly free'? I shall present an experimentalist view about these fundamental philosophical opposites. see: https://rauterberg.employee.id.tue.nl/lecturenotes/DGB01%20ADD/libet-1999a.pdf

Friday, October 09, 2020

The 4 or 6 Anti Matter partners of our Universe.(Multiverse)

The Big Bang with 8 OR 12 Entangled Anti Symmetric Copy Universal bubbles.
Q-FFF Theory says: there is full quantum super position between entangled anti matter and matter universes, as a result they are each others copies starting from the big bang.
After the Big Bang with 8 OR 12 Entangled Anti Symmetric Copy MULTIVERSES the collapse of the wavefunction is guided by symmetry sometimes between Cats, living far apart and entangled by the multiverse at long distant. see John Cramer ( Transactional Interpretation) https://vixra.org/pdf/1907.0250v3.pdf
Entanglement is the same as (TI) Transactional Interpretation of John Cramer and also represented by the Benjamin Libet (RP) Readiness Potential differences measured between less than 400 msec ( short) and .more than 500 msec. (long) before action measured in the human brain, to attain free will or free VETO.

Superposition means that both (CP) symmetric copy cats (anti material and material) are both dead or alive.!! 
So we have at least one Anti Matter Entangled COPY Partner Universe at the other side of the String Nucleus Big Bang. 
Even strings seem to be Entangled from the start before they are compounded into Quarks Time and Mass.      
So I am not alone, I must have at least one or more copy partner over there able to influence my thoughts, but not my VETO or choice.     
Benjamin Libet measured  the differences in our neurons before making decisions. 
So in every run of many measurements, there is always less than 20 percent RPIs, the long Readiness Potentials ( RPI of > 500 mcec) so there could be between 8 or 12 symmetric universes. 
( Q-FFF Theory)  
see: The Cyclic Undivided Raspberry Multiverse.
The Navel Cord Multiverse with Raspberry Shape, 

The 8-12 fold symmetric Big Bang Diagram.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

The 12 entangled multiverse solution:

Democratic Free Will and Telepathy in the Instant Entangled Multiverse.
If we assume that we are living inside one of the 12 copy universes, (as is proposed in ref 2) which are each others observer by “mutual instant entanglement” to trigger randomly and alternating the collapse of the copy wavefunctions inside all universes, (thus also to trigger a volitional act, like Libet's subjects) in the other 11 universes. 
Then as a consequence, we may expect that only a small part of the students will report to have had the conscious intention to act earlier. 
Thus in the case of 12 entangled universes we may expect that 1/12 part or 8,3 % of all (human) timing of conscious intention to act, will show a reversed timing sequence between the so called Time of conscious awareness (TCA) which will come before the electric Readiness Potential (RP). Indications of those percentages, are already found by Judy Trevena and Jeff Miller (Otago university NZ). See: 
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?md=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=12191935 &dopt=Abs

The Benjamin Libet percentage results of pre-planning (RPI) are very poor quantified in his and later experiments. 
Libet wrote to me in private, that these numbers where "buried" inside his files and therefore,  he was not able to produce them.  
I my view this is a good reason to do it again with more precision on the readiness potential percentage differences between RPI and RPII.

If humans are entangled cooperating decision makers inside the postulated 8 or 12 entangled but separated universes, then for every decision we need always only one pre- planning test person who pre-plans his choice. 
The other 7 or 11 test copy-persons are only able to follow OR VETO this decision.  
Shocking: I am not myself, but only 1/12 part of myself in the 12 fold symmetric multiverse.

Starspot black hole ejection and collection from a (Super) Nova.

The Starspot ejection process (former crashed Comets) of Nova stars, with Binary Herbig Haro hotspot Black Hole forming for new stars (later Galaxies?) formation at a distance and single black hole hotspots attracted to the center for Herbig Haro Jet filling and ejection. ( Q-FFF Theory.) (Photo: Judy Smith) Starspot ejection from a (Super) Nova.

The Starspot ejection process (former crashed Comets) of Nova stars, with Binary Herbig Haro hospot Black Hole forming for new stars (later Galaxies?) formation at a distance and single black hole hotspots attracted to the center for Herbig Haro Jet filling and ejection. ( Q-FFF Theory.) (Photo: Judy Smith)
see: Herbig Haro Astrophysics Based on Dual Rigid String Black Holes.