Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Quantum Vacuum String Gravity and other forces in Q-FFF Theory. ( Quantum Function Follows Form of particles)

According to Quantum FFF Theory,

Mass is the potency of Rigid strings, to produce and radiate Gravitons to be produced by the collision process between mass less ring shaped Axion Higgs vacuum field particles and Fermions or Bosons. 
More extended loops or "arms" of each particle is supposed to create more Axion transformation into Gravitons or other electromagnetic monopole photons per time unit. 
Secondly, gravitons are assumed to exert not an attraction force on fermions and bosons but only a pressure force. 
SO: Gravity can be described as the emergent statistical difference between the collision pressure of “new physics” graviton strings opposing the pressure of oscillating Axion Higgs field string particles (Casimir)  all around us. 

The ring shaped Axion Higgs field particles are supposed to oscillate in tandem (as the boxer engine pistons) along each vacuum lattice with the local Planck length. The oscillating Vacuum field transfers information of monopole photons through the whole universe, able to bounce to fermions or Bosons in opposition to the vacuum pressure and create forces. 
A  black hole nucleus is assumed to represented a compact quantum knot, as a result, there is no graviton production coming out of the black hole. 
As a consequence the incoming Axion Higgs field pressure is the only origin of the Gravity pressure effect around each black hole nucleus and the result of the Casimir absorption effect of the vacuum by the black hole nucleus. 
In Quantum FFF Theory, the inertial mass effects of the earth and all atomic fermions is supposed to be originated by the real Lorentz polarization of all fermionic mass of the earth mainly pointing into the direction of motion around the sun, as the opposing effort for the resisting oscillating string vacuum. 
Rigid string shaped Fermions are assumed to have a propeller shape able to plow into the direction of motion through the local variable spacetime created by the vacuum lattice. 
All massive particles have inertia, even bosons. (Higgs W and Z particles)

The LHC could perhaps be able to show this anti inertial mass effect ( Higgs) created by the solar reference frame or solar LASOF ( Local Oscillating vacuum Frame).

 The electric dark matter black hole non inertial effects are the other side of the coin.. see: Emergent Gravity by Dipole Repeller Rigid String Pressure the Origin of Quantum Gravity and Non Inertial Black Holes.
Quantum Gravity and Electro Magnetic forces by dual repulsive vacuum oscillation spectra in FFF-theory.  https://vixra.org/pdf/1103.0024v7.pdf  

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

We are made of stuff called primary strings

 We are made of stuff  called primary strings which is the base for fermions and all others.

The energetic oscillating vacuum PRIMARY RING SHAPED string lattice, IS THE DRIVING FORCE OF compound propeller SHAPED string Fermions DESCRIBING A CALABI YAU SURFACE, spinning through the open holes of the tetrahedral lattice with inertia pointing direction by Lorentz polarization of each atom, plowing through the holes.
ALL are long distance entangled by J. Cramer’s TI ( Transactional Interpretation) (Q-FFF Theory ) 
Schrodinger's Cat paradox solved by dual anti-copy ( anti matter) Cats, living inside the entangled raspberry Multiverse bubbles.
We are not alone due to our anti matter mirror brothers, helping us with consciousness.  https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

Our material universe as part of the mirror symmetric entangled raspberry multiverse.

We are made of stuff  called primary strings which is the base for fermions.
The energetic oscillating vacuum string lattice, driving compound propeller string Fermions, spinning through the open holes with inertia by Lorentz polarization of each atom, plowing through the holes, each long distance entangled by J. Cramer’s TI ( Transactional Interpretation) (Q-FFF Theory )
Schrodinger's Cat paradox solved by dual anti-copy ( anti matter) Cats, living inside the entangled raspberry Multiverse bubbles.
We are not alone due to our anti matter mirror brothers, helping us with consciousness.  https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

To prove my TOE, you need to explain all physics conundrums like Schrodinger's cat, Bohmian single particle double slit interference and free human veto of B.Libet.etc. by multiverse copy symmetry, or quantum entanglement from the Big Bang.
Compared supported by the John Cramer's instant (TI) Transactional Interpretation.
Tha copy anti cat in the entangled anti world experiment is entangled with the material Cat here on my entangled earth in the dual experiment.
see:The Mirror Symmetric Reflective Multiverse with Fermion Propeller Repelling Black Holes. https://vixra.org/pdf/2010.0161v1.pdf 
3-Dimensional String based alternative particle model. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

J. Cramer's TI is needed as CP symmetric multiverse entanglement in a TOE. (Theory of Everything.)

To prove my TOE, you need to explain all physics conundrums like Schrodinger's cat, Bohmian single particle double slit interference and free human veto of B.Libet.etc. by multiverse copy symmetry, or quantum entanglement from the Big Bang.
Compared supported by the John Cramer's instant (TI) Transactional Interpretation.
Tha copy anti cat in the entangled anti world experiment is entangled with the material Cat here on my entangled earth in the dual experiment.
see:The Mirror Symmetric Reflective Multiverse with Fermion Propeller Repelling Black Holes. https://vixra.org/pdf/2010.0161v1.pdf 
3-Dimensional String based alternative particle model. 

From Cramer's book: "The Quantum Handshake". ( 2016, Springer) 
"Entanglement Handshake and Transactions"
It is said by Wheeler and Feyman, that you should cross the advanced wave of the Cramer theory.


Leo Vuyk leovuyk@gmail.com

16:08 (0 minuten geleden)
aan John

Now I see in Cramer's  book, ( Transactional Interpretation 2016) that some people did suppose, that time should be on an equal footing for both emitters for a  handshake.
However, Benjamin Libet found differences between RPI ( the initiator thought) and RPII.
This could be exactly the difference needed .
Needed for consciousness and the possibility to VETO and act or thought. by one of the mirror symmetric persons in different copy universes.
For humans indeed but for material objects, I don't see the need.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Free will is a contentious topic in science these days.

 (Q-FFF theory says together with B Libet: we have free wont's. A VETO  possibility also for uncertainty in physics and my personal.hesitation.

Bohmian Double Slit Interpretation by Dual Entangled Universes, and the Benjamin Libet experiment.

See also: Testing proposals for Human Free Will in the Raspberry Multiverse, Local Entanglement and M&M lightspeed.

Our material universe as part of the copy symmetric entangled raspberry multiverse.

Our material universe as part of the copy symmetric entangled raspberry shaped multiverse
Chiral Tetrahedral vacuum spiral lattice, with compound string Fermions, spinning through the holes. Q-FFF Theory (first image @ Quanta magazine, 12 jan 2016) see: 
The Mirror Symmetric Reflective Multiverse with Fermion Propeller Repelling Black Holes. https://vixra.org/pdf/2010.0161v1.pdf 

To prove my TOE, you need to explain all physics conundrums like Schodingers cat, Bohmian single particle double slit interference  and free human veto of B.Libet.etc. by multiverse copy symmetry, or quantum entanglement from the  Big Bang. Compared with the John Cramer's instant (TI) Transactional Interpretation.    The copy anti cat in the entangled anti world experiment is entangled with the material Cat here on my entangled earth in the dual experiment. 

To support my TOE, you need to explain all physics conundrums like Schodingers cat, Bohmian single particle double slit interference  and free human veto of B.Libet.etc. by multiverse copy symmetry, or quantum entanglement from the  Big Bang.
Compared with the John Cramer's instant (TI) Transactional Interpretation.
The copy anti cat in the entangled anti world experiment is entangled with the material Cat here on my entangled earth in the dual experiment. 
see:The Mirror Symmetric Reflective Multiverse with Fermion Propeller Repelling Black Holes.


Thursday, October 22, 2020

My predictions for the TOE (Theory Of Everything based on Q-FFF Theory)

1: black holes are non singular knots of strings pressed together by the oscillating Axion-Higgs string vacuum lattice with variable Planck distances between transition nodes. 
2: The universe is an entangled part of dual Charge Parity symmetric Charge Parity symmetric raspberry shaped bubble multiverse. 
3: The multiverse is cyclic by the consumption of smaller black holes by larger black holes the content of the universe is decreasing including the vacuum. 
4: Electric Birkeland Current Production Two Herbig Haro Black Holes in space can be miniaturized to microscopic magnetic interference Stable Ball Lightnings on Earth. 
5: Local Electricity currents can be created (in the future on earth), by small dual stable Ball Lightning Herbig Haro systems on earth for free energy. 
6: Consciousness and human choice making is created by retardation of different readiness potentials times measured by Benjamin Libet on test humans on earth. 
7: Benjamin Libet test results (RPI and RPII) suggest that we live inside one of the simulated 8 -12 copy universes in the multiverse. 
8: As a result, we live with the illusion that we make our own decisions alone. 
9: The decision making in the universe is also described by John Cramer as a "Transactional Interpretation" (TI). 
10: Also Bohmian double slit one photon interference experiment seems to be based on the former TI principle.

The Theory of Everything seems to need a Multiverse

 The Theory of Everything seems to need a Multiverse ! even Bohm's single photon dual slit experiment does.

We humans are our own entangled reflections from far away, in the mirror symmetric Multiverse.
The Base for the Ultimate Theory of Everything (TOE) is the reflective entangled multiverse supported by: 
John Cramer's TI is the same as CP (Charge Parity) symmetric multiverse entanglement.(clocks are running only backwards over there) 
TI is: Transactional Interpretation between mirror symmetric wave functions.
Libet's retarded measurement results between RPI and RPII, are assumed to be the support for TI. 
Bohmian Double Slit Interpretation also seems to need a reflective entangled Universes, and the Benjamin Libet experiment. 
Mirror symmetry could solve the absence of antimatter in one universe like our sole material universe.  see: https://vixra.org/pdf/2010.0161v1.pdf  

My predictions for the TOE (Q-FFF Theory)
1: black holes are non singular knots of strings pressed together by the oscillating Axion-Higgs  string vacuum lattice with variable Planck distances between transition nodes. 
2: The universe is an entangled part of dual Charge Parity symmetric Charge Parity symmetric raspberry shaped bubble multiverse. 
3: The multiverse is cyclic by the consumption of smaller black holes by larger black holes the content of the universe is decreasing including the vacuum. 
4: Electric Birkeland Current Production Two Herbig Haro Black Holes in space can be miniaturized to microscopic magnetic interference Stable Ball Lightnings on Earth  
5: Local Electricity currents can be created (in the future on earth), by small dual stable Ball Lightning Herbig Haro systems on earth for free energy. 
6: Consiousness and human choice making is created by retardation of different readiness potentials times measured by Benjamin Libet on test humans on earth. 
7: Benjamin Libet test results (RPI and RPII) suggest that we live inside one of the simulated 8 -12 copy universes in the multiverse. 
8: As a result, we live with the illusion that we make our own decisions alone. 
9: The decision making in the universe is also described by John Cramer as a "Transactional Interpretation" (TI). 
10: Also Bohmian double slit one photon interference experiment seems to be related to the former TI principle of J.Cramer

Bohm single particle double slit experiment.


Cramer. Transactional Interpretation.

Benjamin Libet's RPI and RPII results

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Mirror Symmetric Multiverse is reflective with Fermion Propeller Repelling Black Holes.

 The Theory of Everything needs a Mirror Multiverse.

We humans even photons are entangled reflections from far away, in the mirror symmetric Multiverse. The Base for the Ultimate Theory of Everything (TOE) is the reflective entangled multiverse supported by: John Cramer's TI is the same as CP (Charge Parity) symmetric multiverse entanglement. 
see: https://vixra.org/pdf/2010.0161v1.pdf  

The fermion repelling string black hole, by the spaceframe concentration horizon acting as a globular particle collider (red) 

The pair production at the globular particle collider around a black hole and Big Bang effects around primary BB splittet string black holes..

We are our own reflections ( 8 to 12 ?) in the raspberry multiverse with mirror symmetry.

We are our reflections with own choice to veto,  from other mirror universes far away. Also called "Reflective Multiverse" (see:  Paul Gorbow) see also:

The Base for the Ultimate Theory of Everything (TOE) is the  reflective  entangled multiverse:
1: Cramer's TI is the same as CP ( Charge Parity) symmetric Multiverse entanglement. (clocks are running only backwards over there)
TI is: Transactional Interpretation of John Cramer. 
2: Libet's measurement results (RPI and RPII) are the measurement proof example of TI.
3: Bohmian Double Slit Interpretation by Dual Entangled Universes, and the Benjamin Libet experiment.
see also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-base-for-limited-theory-of.html 

Recent Reference:
CLLAM Seminar: Paul Gorbow
Datum: 26 april 2019 10:00 - 26 april 2019 12:00
Plats: D 700
The reflective multiverse of set theory

I present a construction of a model of an expansion of set theory. It embodies a conception of a multiverse of universes of set theory, with an untyped notion of truth-relative-to-a-universe. The construction is partly motivated by philosophical concerns, which I am in the process of pondering. As this is work in progress, I'm keen to hear your feedback. 
As a foundation for mathematics, set theory is a formal system for constructing and reasoning about an extremely wide range of abstract objects. However, it follows from Gödel's second incompleteness theorem that no such foundational system grants us the power to construct a model of that system itself. Given this situation, what is the significance of having proofs from the axioms of a set theory such as ZFC? Here are three potential answers to this question:
1. The conclusions of proofs from ZFC are true about sets.
2. The conclusions of proofs from ZFC are true in every structure satisfying ZFC. 
3. For a proof p from ZFC to gain significance it needs to be interpreted in a particular mathematical structure, e.g. as establishing a fact about the real numbers. 

My predictions for the TOE (Q-FFF Theory)

My predictions for the new TOE (Q-FFF Theory)
1: black holes are knots of non compounded strings pressed together by the oscillating Axion-Higgs string vacuum
2: The universe is an entangled part of the anti-copy Charge Parity symmetric raspberry shaped bubble multiverse.
3: The multiverse is cyclic by the consumption of black holes of smaller black holes.
4: Electric Birkeland Current (free energy) Production Between Two Herbig Haro Black Holes or even Stable Ball Lightnings on Earth
5: Local Electricity currents can be created (in the future), by small dual stable Ball Lightning Herbig Haro systems on earth for free energy.
6: Consiousness and human choice making is created by retardation of different readiness potentials times measured by Benjamin Libet on test humans on earth.
7: Benjamin Libet test results (RPI and RPII) suggest that we live inside one of the simulated 8 -12 copy universes in the multiverse.
8: As a result, we live with the illusion that we make our own decisions alone.
9: The decision making in the universe is also described by John Cramer as a "Transactional Interpretation" (TI).
10: Also Bohmian double slit one photon interference experiment seems to be based on the former TI principle.