Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Dualities of Magnetic interference of splitting SOLAR micro black holes

EVEN here we observe dualities of Magnetic interference micro black holes, the start of solar produced comets. accelerating and searching for partners to combine to more complex comets like 67P-CG.
Image: Juan PayĆ”
see: The Mirror Symmetric Reflective Multiverse with Fermion Propeller Repelling Black Holes.

Monday, November 16, 2020

New dual Particle model in the Mirror Symmetric Multiverse.

New Mirror Super Symmetric Particle model.

Q-FFF Theory is based on only one variable Rigid Transformer string, all entangled between and inside two mirror symmetric matter and anti matter Universes, the Multiverse ( https://vixra.org/pdf/2010.0161v1.pdf ) https://www.blogger.com/blog/posts/21850084 

Primary Herbig Haro Dark Matter Dual Hotspots at both sides of Galaxy Clusters

 New Physics based on Universal Dualities of Dark Matter Black Hole hotspots.  Q-FFF Theory, says: NEW BLACK HOLES have a fermion repelling horizon repelling all Fermions after attraction all even vacuum particles.  The Big Bang produced only large splitting dual black hole based Herbig Haro systems. The result is the two sub-clusters within HSC J023336-053022  (XMM Newton)  see: https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2020/11/Cosmic_furnace_seen_by_XMM-Newton 

Such dual Dark Matter BHs are located even at both sides of smaller galaxy systems or even at both sides of planetary stars with discs. Conclusion: Dual Black Hole based Herbig Haro systems are found at all scales in the universe. ( even Bok Globules.)  see also: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk 

Herbig Haro systems are largely underestimated!!!

Sunday, November 08, 2020

New Black Hole Physics

 New Physics Black holes are Fermion creators and even ejectors by dual jets.

Propeller shaped Fermion STRING Paradoxes for New Physics.

LIGO: Equal sized (<15% ratio) Black Holes do NOT merge, but form DUAL Herbig Haro hotspot systems for Star/Galaxy formation. 
see: https://www.ligo.org/science/Publication-O3aCatalog/
The origin is the stable central plasma Bar pushing the BHs away from each other. Conclusion: all black hole attract plasma, but have a fermion repelling local horizon for New Physics of the universe creation. Fermion Strings are propeller shaped for spin and Lorentz polarization away fro black holes.
see also: The black hole information paradox nears its end.
Text: If you jump into one, you will not be gone for good. Particle by particle, the information needed to reconstitute your body will reemerge. 
Because,  we don't reach the Black Hole we are torn apart and the plasma is spitted out by jets, because we are made from propeller fermions pushed by the concentrated string vacuum horizon..

Saturday, November 07, 2020


For such a science we should Create new models for:

1: Different types of string based black holes.
(Magnetic interference-gravity- and merger based based BHs.)
2: Two particle based quantum gravity
(As the Quantum result of opposite colliding vacuum particle pressure)
3: A new transformable rigid string particle system.
( All particles can be originated out of one "mother" particle by transformation and compound formation)
SEE: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/
4: LOOK more close by at:  ball lightning, earth bound micro comets, etcetera.( see below)

Friday, November 06, 2020

The Greatest Misconception in Astrophysics NEW Black Holes.

SUPER-NOVAS BHs and Magnetic INTERFERENCE Ball Lightnings are Black Holes.
So: two types of black hole nuclei : small and large, ( interference stringy photon knots compressed by the vacuum) ball lightning, comets, sunspots or ( large stringy knots) supernova Bullies.

Both types of Black Holes are pushed against the local gravity (or local wind) away from mass centers, by their own grown Plasma Tail, creating the growing universe complexity.
All Black Hole Horizons are vacuum concentrating globules (spacetime colliders) creating fermion pairs out of the string vacuum (quarks and e-/e+) and push all propeller shaped Fermions and mass away from the BH. 
Each Super Nova Nebula is the start again of a new system of only one larger and lots of smaller black holes ( starspot black holes).
All BHs search for equal sized partners (or even mergers) , to form a Herbig Haro hotspot system with star formation (or smaller dark star in case of a small dual BHs in Bok Nebula) based  Herbig Haro system.) in between. see my list: 
Herbig Haro Astrophysics Based on Dual Rigid String Black Holes

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Both Black Hole Types are pushed by Plasma Tails.

 There are two main types of black holes: A: Small unstable Magnetic monopole Interference BHs, and B: Super Nova BHs from dying stars.( Q-FFF Theory.) plasma tails. B: Larger S-Nova BHs of equal size create Herbig Haro dual hotspots systems and stars,  as a magic creator of the universe.

Big Bang- or Big Crunch Black Holes are super merger BHs.


Magnetic Monopole Interference micro Black Holes with stable string nucleus.



Click and see below, the fierce lightnings in the center of the hurricane: 
The magnetic monopole interference is origin of the magnetic monopole string knot micro black holes, able to travel pushed by a self produce plasma tail against the local wind. (Q-FFF Theory.)

see also 

Sunday, November 01, 2020

How equal- size/mass repulsive Black Holes are formed by splitting.

New Physics by latest Statistic LIGO/VIRGO: Equal Mass Black Holes Repel Each Other, (with mass ration <15%.)

Equal sized black holes with <15% ratio differences do not merge (see LIGO)
As example: all dual Herbig Haro hotspots (bowshocks)

How equal size/mass Black Holes are formed by splitting.

New Black Hole Physics of Quantum FFF Theory.


As example: all dual Herbig Haro hotspots (bowshocks) see https://www.ligo.org/science/Publication-O3aCatalog/
"Mass ratio and total mass estimates for all O3a events. Contours represent 90% credible intervals. Six unique events are highlighted"
Q-FFF Theory says: Black holes do repel Fermions (mass) by their rotating propeller forms pushe away by the spacetime concentration at the BH horizon, which is the origin of Herbig Haro forming a pushing plasma bar between the two BHs.
See also: Herbig Haro Astrophysics Based on Dual Rigid Strings. see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/.../blog-post.html

Saturday, October 31, 2020


New Black Hole Physics of Quantum FFF Theory:
Equal sized black holes with <15% ratio differences do not merge 
As example: all dual Herbig Haro hotspots (bowshocks) see:https://www.ligo.org/science/Publication-O3aCatalog/ 
"Mass ratio and total mass estimates for all O3a events. Contours represent 90% credible intervals. Six unique events are highlighted"
Q-FFF Theory says: Black holes do repel Fermions (mass) by their rotating propeller forms pushe away by the spacetime concentration at the BH horizon, which is the origin of Herbig Haro forming a pushing plasma bar between the two BHs.

See also: Herbig Haro Astrophysics Based on Dual Rigid Strings. https://vixra.org/pdf/2007.0158v1.pdf

See the plasma bar already between even different black holes below, before the splitting process..
Splitting example of splitting black holes forming two equal sized BHs and a different third one.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Magnetic Field reduced to B=0 around a wire for space flight.

At the two photos (above) we observe two currents in a wire perpendicular to the horizontal  filings around the wires. The circular white area around each wire, is the B=0 field (No powder) estimated diameter ratio A:B:C =1:2:2.

Anti Maxwell Dip diameter (C, white) around a conductor, and the filing concentration direct against the wire (B), are related to the diameter of the current in the conductor (A).  The ratios are: A;B;C= 1:2:2) . The magnetic interference extinguish process to B=0, inside area C is originated by the local parallel travelling vector Lines of the monopole (North  and South) lines below. All additional currents inside location C do not feel  a Lorentz force due to the absence of an effective  magnetic field (B=0). Leading to a new resistance less acceleration for transportation.(Q-FFF Theory)

see:  EM Space Drive without Lorentz reaction force. https://vixra.org/pdf/2010.0241v1.pdf 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Monopole Magnetic Heating according to Q-FFF Theory.


also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET4KMEdOwNQ  


Equal mass black holes do not Merge !!! says LIGO VIRGO. and Q-FFF Theory

  Q-FFF Theory also suggested this long ago, for all BHs. even measured for Herbig Haro BHs. (see: HH Hotspots):

Equal mass black holes do not Merge.
see: GWTC-2: AN EXPANDED CATALOG OF GRAVITATIONAL-WAVE DETECTIONS Dated 28 October 2020. Read this summary in PDF format (in English) see also: Equal Sized Rigid String Based New Black Holes do not Merge But, Form Herbig Haro Systems.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Gravity is the decreased Casimir vacuum pressure at a massive surface, decreased by opposing graviton pressure.

Also described as the emergent difference between the collision pressure of “new physics” graviton strings opposing the pressure of oscillating Axion Higgs field string particles (Casimir) all around us.
see; https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2020/10/quantum-string-gravity-and-other-forces.html