Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Our Visual Bubble of the Universe and Cosmic Web by TWST, even partly down to the first 6x Tadpole -Star Forming Monster Black Holes.

 Conclusion we only see (by JWST) a small part of the early Big Bang exploding with monster Tadpole Back Holes forming the first monster stars alongside with the Cosmic Filaments.

All Tadpole Black Holes are accelerated by their own crated Plasma Tails until they form a dual BH Herbig Haro system to form a Spiral Galaxy, which can merge into all other galaxy forms. The irregular galaxies however seem to be the result of multiple 2e GABH cooperation.(Galaxy Anchor Black Holes).

The 6x First Monster Tadpole Black Holes forming the vacuum, Stars and the Cosmic Filaments. 

Attention: These Tadpoles are located at the intersection with the rim of our universal bubble and the our (JWST) the maximum visual globule. 

So we seem to live inside one part (1/12) of the exploded Big Bang Black Hole

Some of these galaxies would have to be forming hundreds of new stars a year for the entire history of the universe, she added. (Erica Nelson)

The findings are based on preliminary observations. The researchers said they need more data to confirm if the new galaxies are as old and massive as they seem.    Alternatively, the light could be coming from faint quasars, which are short for quasi-stellar radio sources, according to Nelson.

The Well Known  Local 6x Universe Breaker Tadpole Black Holes as partly origin of  the  Cosmic Filaments in  our own universe. As part of  the 12 fold Raspberry Multiverse.(Q-FFF Theory)
See:  the 6x Blue Dots in the Yellow Bubble is indicated as the best possible location for Universe Breaker Tadpole BHs, being the boundary location between our visual bubble and the real Local Inflation Bubble ( Q-FFF Model.)

Below: The Tadpole Black Hole accelerated by its own generated Plasma Tail against the cosmic wind and away from the strongest Gravity guiding the plasma tail direction. (See also Ball Lightning flying against the wind)

The Secret History of Dark Stars and How They Could be a Sign for the End and the Universe Big Crunch.

In the Q-FFF Model, Dark Stars are the end of a Herbig Haro Tadpole line series created out of the smallest supernova stars by the explosion of the Micro Stellar Spot Black Holes (Micro Tadpoles) .These smallest supernovas are creating a small new plasma bubble with searching mini Tadpoles for an equal sized partner, to form a new Herbig Haro system, producing a new dark star between two micro black holes.
The search for a bubble of dark stars inside and around a small supernova remnant would be interesting. 
See the origin of the Big Bang Black Hole by the reduced vacuum pressure on the Big Crunch Black Hole resilient Strings in the singularity string knot Knot. (Q-FFF Theory)  see: Primordial Black Holes and dual Herbig Haro Effects for Star-Galaxy formation.

Below: a new Quantum Gravity based on the opposing pressure between two string systems. The Black hole however only feels the Casimir pressure from the vacuum strings passing the Horizon into the Singularity string knot nucleus compressed by the string inflow.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Mystery of the Muon's Magnetism Deepens


The early bizarre large stars formed direct after the big bang is in line with the new physics of the String Black Hole Big Bang splitting explosion suggested by the of Q-FFF Theory. How?
It is proposed that all new Penrose-Q-FFF black holes produce entangled pairs of particles e-and e+, which are able to form simple H atoms, by the creation of nuclear protons due to merging an e+ together with a photon much faster than making anti-proton due to the chirality of the chiral (left handed) oscillating Vacuum, without much annihilation radiation effects.

These particle pairs and H atoms, are produced at the "Penrose Q-FFF" Trapped Space horizon of each black hole, but also repelled away by that horizon forming a "Travelling Tadpole Black Hole" in contrast of accepted physics.
A a consequence, all single Black Holes are surrounded by repelled plasma clouds which is mostly the origin of accelerating the black hole away from the local gravitational fields of attraction on the plasma forming a propelling tail changing the massless cold Black Hole into  an accelerated   "travelling Tadpole".(image) the origin of the Cosmic Web of Voids and Filaments. (image Below)
If the travelling BHs meet an equal sized Tadpole, we call it a Herbig Haro star/galaxy forming system.
As a consequence of splitting Big Bang Black Holes into smaller Black Holes during inflation, the Herbig Haro systems and stars /Galaxies produced by these BHs, became also smaller, leaving the largest stars behind for the earlier universe.


"Penrose-Q-FFF Fermion Creation" and repelling around each Black Hole forming stars and Voids and filaments.

As a consequence of the BH splitting of smaller Herbig Haro systems, more small dark stars will be created and dying Galaxies with larger central merger Black Holes merging into a Big Crunch in a contracting bouncing universe. (or entangled multiverse)

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Fermion Calabi Yau manifolds between String Big Bang down to String Ball Lightning Nano Black Holes.

The Big Bang was the explosion of the former Multiverse Big Crunch String Black Hole Singularity into smaller primordial Black Hole based Star forming Tadpole star forming black holes searching for a second equal sized Herbig Haro partner, to form a Spiral Disc Galaxy. inside the oscillating Axion Vacuum.

See: What is Wrong with Current Physics, to Explain Ball Lightning.

Below a single star forming Black Hole (see Penrose Q-FFF model) the start of a new Cosmic Filament searching for an equal sized partner to form a Herbig aro Star/Galaxy system.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Runaway Black Holes from the Big Bang or Super Nova Runaway BHs (Tadpoles) seem the origin of the First Dual Herbig Haro Spiral Galaxy Systems.

Runaway Black Holes from the Big Bang or Super Nova Runaway BHs (Tadpoles) seem the origin of Dual Herbig Haro Spiral Galaxy Systems and all other Galaxy Shapes after multiple Galaxy merging like Globular-, Ellipticals-, Irregular Galaxies and Starclusters around larger Galaxies.

see also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-new-physics-of-big-bang-dark-matter.html

Below: The Main Cosmic Filaments seem to be formed by the splitting Runaway Black Holes from the Big Bang, leaving trails of star formation behind.

Casiopeia A: Two kinds of  Super Nova  Runaway Black Holes searching for an equal sized Partner to Form a Herbig Haro system And the Secondary Starspot Black Holes forming the globular Plasma Ring (Q-FFF Theory) 

Below: A Second example of massless Runaway Starspot Black Holes "The Hand of God" However with a Neutron star, NOT a central Super Nova BH.

Below: Proplyds or Tadpole Micro Black Holes propelled by self produced plasma tails, shooting through the old Super Nova nebula searching for an equal partner to form a dual black hole Herbig Haro starforming system. This seems the only starforming principle in the universe.

Below: Plasma Disc and Star formation between two Herbig Haro Black Holes, dus to the vacuum gravity pressure butterfly vector bundels.

Below: GABHs as the origin of starclusters and smaller irregular Galaxies.
Below; Is there a left-handed magnetic field in the solar neighborhood as a sign (need)  for our Material Universe ? Just like the negative electric Birkeland charge of all Black Holes.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

The origin of Completely empty Voids in the Cosmic Web by Monster Dark Matter Clusters or the end of the Inflation (Lightspeed) Horizon ?

 The origin of Completely empty Voids between Filaments in the Cosmic Web by Monster Dark Matter Clusters or the end of  the Inflation Lightspeed Horizon of our Universe.?

Below: 330 million light years wide could still be in our own universe, Conclusion This void could be created by a Monster dark matter cluster, able to divert all light from behind out of our sight?

Below: Complete empty means that we are looking into the empty universe outside our own universal bubbel, OR we passed the boarders of our lightspeed bubble, we can't see further away due to the lightspeed horizon.

Below: Voids NOT completely empty in closer distance .

THE NEW PHYSICS OF Q-FFF MODEL, opposing the standard model of physics. By Leo Vuyk. 10-02-2023.

This conscious string theory also called Quantum FFF Theory, (FFF = Function Follows Form) is a semiclassical theory based on a symmetrical cold Big Bang evaporation into 8 or 12 CP ( Charge Parity)symmetric copy (anti) material universes.

It can be called a semi classical theory because it describes reality by the real collision and shape transformation processes of real sub quantum shaped rigid stringy entangled particles.

Each particle is supposed to be conscious by its entanglement with 7 or11 CP symmetric copy particles located inside the other 7 or 11 CP symmetric universal bubbles at long distance with raspberry shape.

The Q-FFF theory is called Semi classical because in addition to the ring shaped transformable rigid string particles, all universal bubbles are assumed to be each other’s Charge Parity (CP) mirror symmetric universal bubbles which are assumed to be instant entangled down to each individual string particle created out of the Axion Higgs splitting cold Big Bang.

So each particle has to compete for wavefunction collapse with 7 or 11 anti-copy particles and each person’s choice ( free will) also.

We seem to live inside 8 or 12 quantum particle based instant entangled pinball machines making choices for our own reptile brain based flash intuition even down to the single particle slit interference.

However our frontal cortex seems to be able to make social corrections ( Veto’s) within 300 msec. (Benjain Libet)

The sheer simplicity of such a system is perhaps the reason that I could not find comparable proposals for other theories. Introduction.

Neil Turok recently said: "And so we have to go back and question those founding principles and find whatever it is, whatever new principle will replace them."

See: http://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/the-ultimate-simplicity-of-everything-1.3490322

My reaction is to look at forgotten or dissident ideas and anomalies without hesitation to turn around long term accepted ideas.


(1) It was Abdus Salam who proposed that quarks and leptons should have a sub-quantum Planck level structure, and that they are compound particles with a specific non-zero sized form. See: http://vixra.org/pdf/1103.0002v4.pdf and http://vixra.org/pdf/1711.0443v1.pdf

(2) Jean Paul Vigier postulated that quarks and leptons are "pushed around" by an energetic sea ofvacuum particles. See: http://vixra.org/pdf/1609.0407v1.pdf

(3) David Bohm suggested in contrast with The "Copenhagen interpretation", that reality is not created by the eye of the human observer and second: elementary particles should be "guided by a pilot wave". ( particle consciousness) see: http://vixra.org/pdf/1210.0177v1.pdf

(4) John Bell argued that the motion of mass related to the surrounding vacuum reference frame, should originate real "Lorentz-transformations", and also real relativistic measurable contraction. Inmy view also indicating to be the base for gravitational lightspeed drag ( or LASOF) around massive objects. See: http://vixra.org/pdf/1612.0365v1.pdf

(5) Michelson and Morley made several lightspeed interference measurements at mountain summitsbut not in space itself . It was Tae Suk Bae who did !! See: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.nl/2017/01/variable-lightspeed-experiments-in.html(

6) Richard Feynman postulated the idea of an all pervading energetic quantum vacuum. He rejected it, because it should originate resistance for every mass in motion, relative to the reference frame of the quantum vacuum.

However, I postulate counter intuitive possibility, that this resistance for mass in motion, can be compensated, if we combine the ideas of Vigier, Bell, Bohm and Salam, and a new dual universal Bohmian "pilot wave", which is interpreted as the EPR correlation (or Big Bang entanglement) between individual elementary anti-mirror particles, living in dual universes. See: http://vixra.org/pdf/1706.0420v1.pdf


So my proposal is based on a Rigid String Theory (Calabi Yau) with real rigid strings at the Planck scale able to mutate and merge by form based interlocking with other particles to form Quarks and some bosons(Higgs Z and W) and Leptons. Quantum FFF Theory.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, ( Function Follows Form at the quantum scale) Mass is the potency of rigid string based Fermions and Bosons, to produce and radiate Gravitons by the collision process, between mass less but energetic oscillating transformable Axion Higgs vacuum field particles and more complex shaped compound Fermions or Bosons (W + Z+ Higgs family).


Gravity is assumed to be the statistical result of local dual opposing graviton pressure (instead of attraction) with opposing Axion Higgs field particles on fermions. A recent example of local vacuum pressure duality is called “Dipole Repeller” gravity by Yehuda Hoffman also suggested partly in line as Emergent Gravity by E. Verlinde.

More extended loops or "arms" of each rigid string particle is supposed to create more Axion transformation into Gravitons photons per Planck time unit. Secondly, gravitons are assumed to exert not an attraction force on fermions and bosons but only a reduced pressure force in opposition to the vacuum pressure of the Axion Higgs field..

Black holes do not radiate gravitons but “eat” the local vacuum particles leading to a single Repeller effect on the growing Blackhole nucleus.

The ring shaped Axion Higgs field particles are supposed to oscillate in tandem (as the boxer engine pistons) along each vacuum lattice with the local Planck length and transfer information of monopole photons through the whole universe as long as they do not collide with fermions or bosons.

The new physics black hole nucleus is represented as a compact quantum knot of Axion Higgs particles, compressed together by the inflow of vacuum particles.

As a consequence the incoming Axion Higgs field pressure is the only origin of the Gravity pressure effect around each black hole nucleus .

In Quantum FFF Theory, the inertial mass effects of the earth and all atomic fermions is supposed tube originated by the real Lorentz polarization of all fermionic mass of the earth mainly pointing into the direction of motion around the sun, as the opposing effort for the resisting vacuum.

Rigid string shaped Fermions are assumed to have a real propeller shape able to plough into the direction of motion through the local space time creating vacuum lattice.

Bosons without a propeller shape (Higgs and Z ) including black hole nuclei, seem to be not able to polarize and will present signals to be “stuck" in the local solar cantered vacuum lattice.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, the new black hole nucleus is represented as a bunch of rigid string particles compressed by the oscillating Axion Higgs field vacuum particles.

All Fermions should be repelled at a new physics Black Hole (BH) repelling horizon which is supposed to have concentric globular shells of positive (inside) or negative charge (outside).

As a result, each black hole is assumed to have a globular shell of positron and proton based plasma at the inside and a negative electron based plasma shell outside this positive shell.

If we include the existence of small interference black holes (or Quantum Knots or WIMPs) then Ball lightning and micro comets ( including Comets and sunspots) are to be explained as micro black holes violating also the second law of thermodynamics.

The form and microstructure of elementary particles, is supposed to be the origin of functional differences between Higgs- Graviton- Photon and Fermion particles.

As a consequence of the quantum gravity difference on fermions and black hole nuclei, the new splitting, accelerating and pairing massless black hole, is able to convert vacuum energy (ZPE) into real energy by entropy decrease. This explains quick Galaxy- and Star formation,

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down to Sunspots, (Micro) Comets, Lightning bolts, Sprites and Elves, Sprite Fireballs and Ball Lightning according to quantum. In Quantum FFF Theory, the inertial mass effects of the earth is supposed to be originated by the real Lorentz polarization of all fermionic mass of the earth, on average pointing into the direction of motion around the sun, as the opposing effort for the resisting vacuum.

Conclusion some Bosons (Higgs and Z particles) seem to be not able to polarize and will present signals to be more or less "stuck" in the local solar cantered vacuum lattice. The LHC could perhaps be able to show this anti inertial mass effect created by the solar reference frame also called solar LASOF (Local Oscillating vacuum Frame, (Figure 28, ref. 3) Secondly, Dark matter concentrations “stuck” in the middle of merger galaxies clusters is also supposed to be a smoking gun for non-inertial mass of dark matter black holes..

Emergent gravity as  de and Dipole Repeller gravity by Yehuda Hoffman, are in line with dual rigid string pressure gravity on fermions and bosons. General description of the Quantum-FFF model.

It is assumed that the vacuum is seeded with massive numbers of massless Axion-Higgs (A Higgs) particles, all energetic oscillating inside a chiral vacuum lattice system and as such the origin and bearer of all energy in the universe.

If by a local energy excess, two A-Higgs particles collide with enough energy, it is assumed that an electron and positron emerges by internal hinge transformation.

Due to the propeller shape of the Fermions, these Fermions are assumed to spin by a constant collision and scattering process with the Higgs vacuum, changing A-Higgs particles continuously into different forms of Photon or Gluons.

This collision scattering process is proposed to be the base for the “eigen energy” of Fermions. Thus Fermions are constantly transforming vacuum particle energy into photons and gluons. Q-FFF= QUANTUM FUNCTION FOLLOWS FORM model.

In short: A New Physics Breaking Proposal by the "Penrose -Q-FFF Model" for "a Trapped Virtual String Space Horizon" on Black Holes The New Physics of the combined Penrose- Q-FFF Model, is opposing the standard model of physics, because it proposes the creation of Massive Entangled Fermion Pairs out of the Oscillating Virtual String Vacuum by the "Penrose Trapped Space Horizon" of Black Holes, which is by the Q-FFF model interpreted as "Virtual Axion String Space Collision Horizon" ,even around Ball Lightning Micro Black Holes..

Short term ideas:

1: A variable lightspeed influenced by (dark matter) gravity.

2: Gravity is the result of two opposing vacuum pressure forces ( dual Casimir and additional Fermion graviton pressure= attraction )

3: The Lorentz Fitzgerald contraction supported by J Bell: is inertia related and the absolute vacuum speed resistance of Fermions.

4: Black holes attract everything, but repel mass outside the local Roger Penrose "trapped Horizon".

5, Sunspots are crashed Comets.

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6, Consciousness seems to be related to the Entangled Mirror Raspberry Multiverse.

7: Equal sized Black Holes repel each other to form dust balls and stars in between and twodark matter SABHs outside.

8: Magnetic and electric fields are created by virtual twin string particles forming a new navigation system on earth for animals.

9: Ball Lightning, Comets, Star spots, Sprites, accelerated Tadpoles (even on the sun) are micro black holes.

10: The Atom nucleus is related to the Magic Numbers by its topology of twin Quarks with anaxial symmetry.

11: The Oort cloud and Kuiper belt are created by the dual solar SABHs (Stellar Anchor Black Holes)

12: Birkeland current carrousels between the SABHs and stars is originated by the local vacuum polarization topology.

13: Our future electric energy need could be found in Herbig Haro micro system driven Birkeland currents between two ball lightnings.14: All Black Holes grow or split in halves by collision effects with smaller black holes.15: The Multiverse is cyclic, starting with zero string singularity entropy.


More in detail:


1 The lightspeed is variable and stabilized by massive objects like the Solar system including the early Polar Herbig Haro Black Holes influencing the vacuum which seems to be an oscillating Axion strings between variable Planck spaced nodes connected by the tetrahedral lattice structure (fluxtubes).

2: As a consequence of (1) The Black Hole merger LIGO merger signals to the earth observers are dependent of the local (galaxy) vacuum lightspeed variability by local mass influences along the photon trajectory.

As a consequence there are three kinds of gravity:

a: Pushing gravitons with the speed of light created by vacuum particle transformation by mass.

b: The instant gravity speed by local pressure of the oscillating vacuum ( Tom van Flandern)

c,: The merger lightspeed gravity waves found by LIGO by local Planck length variation of the vacuum lattices.

3: The vacuum has frontal resistance acceleration at the backside of each spinning Fermion, which is the origin of the speed and contraction of all masses (John S Bell)

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4: Black holes attract everything, and create and repel Fermions outside the local Roger Penrose "trapped Horizon" or Light Horizon, separated in two plasma layers, keeping positive Fermions inside- and Negative Fermions outside the outside layer. creating Gas and Dust, the origin of most nebula in space.

5: Sunspots are crashed Comets, which represent interference micro Black holes creating plasma and often an ice crust, like Sprites or large Ball lightnings wich are accelerated by a pushing plasma tails. (Tadpoles in space)

6: Consciousness (see Veto Free Will by Benjamin Libet's RPI and RPII) is postulated to be created by the instant entangled mirror universes (called Raspberry Multiverse) with 8 or 12mirror symmetric (CPT) copy entangled universes, instant entangled by John Cramer’s TI:(Transactional Interpretation) model. The Multiverse is assumed to be instant entangled down to each particle and seems responsible  for Uncertainty of living species and Inertia due to Lorentz polarized propeller shaped Fermion masses creating pear shaped atoms..

7: Equal sized black holes (Super Nova- or small Interference black holes) in contrast with the standard model, do not merge but repel each other and form Herbig Haro "bow shock"systemscreating two plasma jets in opposition with the center, they polarize the local gravitating pressure vacuum able to form a dust ball or a star in the middle and later growing to a supernova. They are also called dual SABHs or "Stellar Anchor Black Hole"

8: Magnetism and Electricity are each based on the cooperation of two monopole photon strings (+,- and N,S) string field vector directions, used by Pigeons, Robins Turtles etc etc. to locate itself on the earth magnetic field.

9: Each stable Black Hole has a string knot Dark Matter string knot nucleus and is growing in size by the constant input of vacuum strings. The Ball Lightning, Sprite or Comet micro blackhole are supposed to have the smallest (un-)stable string knot nucleus.

10: The positive atom nucleus has the shape of a layered ball of twin Quarks with a variable number of twin Quarks located on its polar axis. See the origin of the "Magic numbers" in atomic physics.

11 The shape of the Oort cloud and the Kuiper belt packed with comets and asteroids is influenced by the SABHs ( dual Stellar Anchor Black Holes) being the remnants of both Herbig Haro black holes forming stars in the middle.

12: Free vacuum Energy is found between two equal sized Herbig Haro black holes called Birkeland Currents carrousels.

13"Based on the new dual string knot Herbig Haro black hole interpretation of Q-FFF Theory,

 We propose that future Herbig Haro micro ball lightning black hole systems will produce most of our need for electric energy inside local and mobile plants..

14: All Black Holes grow or split in halves by collision effects with smaller black holes. Only Ball Lightning micro black holes string nuclei are assumed to evaporate, as suggested by S.Hawking,

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15: The multiverse is cyclic, starting with zero string singularity zero ENTROPY Big Bang Dark Matter Black Hole String Knot Singularity, splitting and very fast rising up to a maximum in the middle and falling again to zero ENTROPY for the Big Crunch, for a new Big Bang. (see image below) see also: https://vixra.org/pdf/2101.0131v3.pdf

(18) (PDF) THE NEW PHYSICS OF Q-FFF MODEL, opposing the standard model of physics. Available from:
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/368441340_THE_NEW_PHYSICS_OF_Q-FFF_MODEL_opposing_the_standard_model_of_physics [accessed Aug 27 20