Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Proto Stars in Orion Proplyds and Travelling Tadpole Black Holes after the Black Hole Splitting Big Bang forming the Cosmic Web.

Herbig Haro Star formation direct after the Splitting Black Hole Big Bang and as downsized Super Nova Starspot Black Holes.

According to the Penrose Q-FFF Black Hoe Model, two equal sized Herbig Haro black Holes create a star in the middle, connected by jets and  an EM Birkeland current caroussel and magnetic field system. However, at both sides if the proto star with disc, we observe several aligned Black Hole Hotspots complicating the curved jets. see: https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2023/05/aa45428-22.pdf
Below how the Cosmic Webb is ceated by Travelling Tadpole Black Holes.

Even inside Supernovas, these dual Black Holes are still visible forming the Kuiperbelt and Orion Cloud and Magnetic fields or Heliosphere.

How the multiplication of stars is postulated by Travelling Tadpole Black Holes being the former Super-Nova Satrspots in the Q-FFF Theory. Equal sized BHs forming Herbig Haro systems.
Excample of dual equal sized Tadpole black holes meeting each other to form a star forming Herbig Haro system.

257. Early Galaxy (Cluster) forming in the universe, by HH systems.

How stars, Galaxies and massive structures assembled fast in the early Universe by pairing and splitting new paradigm BHs. Stars and Galaxies are born between two distant Herbig Haro (HH) Black Holes (hotspots).

Massive galaxy clusters however are assumed to be born in the early Universe at the splitting points of the fractal shaped Lyman Alpha structure.

According to Quantum FFF theory,

the Big Bang process is the result of a fractal shaped splitting and evaporating BB dark matter black hole process creating the Lyman Alpha structure of galaxy distribution. By the evaporation of BB “spliters” (14) the oscillating Higgs field vacuum is created by the so called “Branched inflation”. Retarded Black hole splinters (13) do not evaporate by Higgs vacuum pressure, but create plasma “tails” pushing them away from the center of gravity in search for a partner to form a Herbig Haro ( HH) system.(16,17)

What Came Before Our Galaxy Clusters? : dark matter black hole crossings.


Extract of the Quantum Function Follows Form model.


1: Black holes are the same as Dark Matter, they all consume photons, even gravitons and the Higgs field, but REPEL all infalling Fermions at a new Repulsion horizon . Positron electron pairs are produced with only few annihilation effects due to the preference of positrons to merge with Gluons into positive charged Quarks, located at the inside leaving the electrons at the outside of a globular plasma shell around the BH.

2: Dark Energy is the oscillating ( Casimir) energy of the Higgs Field equipped with a tetrahedron lattice structure and variable Planck length, which is increased around black holes by the Higgs field absorption of the BH.

3: Quantum Gravity = Dual Push gravity= Attraction (Higgs-Casimir pressure opposing Graviton pressure).

4: The Big Bang is a Splitting dark matter Big Bang Black Hole (BBBH), splitting into smaller Primordial Big Bang Splinters (PBBS) forming the Fractal Lyman Alpha forest and evaporating partly into a zero mass energetic oscillating Higgs particle based Higgs field.

5: Dual PBBSs hotspots, produce central plasma concentration in electric Herbig Haro systems as a base for star formation in open star clusters even as a start for primordial Spiral Galaxies and galaxy clusters.

6: Spiral Galaxies will keep both Primordial Dark Matter Black Holes as Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) connected by dual jets at long distance: (Milky Way= 27k Light years, based on recent observation)

7: After Galaxy Merging, these GABHs are the origin of

Galaxy- and Magnetic field complexity and newly formed dwarf galaxies in between GABHs

8: Black Holes produce Plasma direct out of the Higgs field by pair production. Two high energy Higgs particles ( by fluctuations at BH horizons) are convertible into symmetric electron and positron (or even dual quark-) propellers.

9: The chirality of the (Left Handed spiralling) vacuum lattice is the origin our material universe. Consequently A; propeller shaped positrons merge preferentially first with gluons to form (u) Quarks to form Hydrogen, B: neutrinos are always left handed .

10: The first Supernovas produce medium sized electric dark matter Black Holes as the base for secondary electric Herbig Haro systems the base for open star clusters.

11: ALL Dark Matter Black Holes are supposed to be CHARGE SEPARATORS with internal positive charge and an external globular shell of negative charged Quark electron plasma. Even interference black holes (Ball lightning- Comets and Sunspots) seem to have the same qualities.

12: The light speed is related to gravity fields like the earth with long extinction distances to adapt with the solar gravity field both acting as reference frames. (See radar reflection anomaly on Venus)

13. Quantum FFF Theory states that the “raspberry shaped multiverse” is symmetric and instant entangled down to the smallest quantum level. Also down to living and dying Schroedinger CATS.

14 Large Primordial Big Bang Splinters (PBBS) are responsible for the creation of the Lyman Alpha forest structure and first spiral galaxy forming of the universe, but they seem to be also responsible for the implosion of the universe by the absorption of the Higgs field, in the form of Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) located mainly outside galaxies. see: (See Quasisoft Chandra sources)

15, As a consequence of 12-14, Time is always local time in combination with cyclic period time of the multiverse.


16, If our material universes has a chiral left handed oscillating Higgs field, then our material Right Handed DNA helix molecule could be explained.

However it also suggests that in our opposing symmetric ANTI-MATERIAL entangled neighbour universe the DNA helix should have a Left handed spiral.


According to Max Tegmark: in an entangled multiverse we may ask: is there a COPY PERSON over there, who is reading the same lines as I do?

If this COPY person is indeed living over there, then even our consciousness should be shared in a sort of entangled DEMOCRATIC form.

Then we are not alone with our thoughts and doubts, see:

Democratic Free Will in the instant Entangled Multiverse.


17, All particles and waves should be entangled with anti-copy particles and Higgs field based waves in our opposing anti universes.

Then wave particle duality and the so called one particle double slit interference could be explained by accepting that real shaped 3D photon particles only exist in their function of Gluons. However Gluons should transfer form information to the oscillating luminiferous Higgs field ether, within about 1 cm distance from a fermion.(see: Babock and Bergman anomaly,1964)

18, Different elementary particles have different qualities by their different complex stringy shape. Leptons and Quarks have a propeller shape with left or right handed pitch creating charge difference. Gluons, Photons and Neutrino particles have no pitch.

20 All particles can be converted to one or more Higgs particles, Lepto Quarks can be compound particles.

21 All particles are assumed to be present as Higgs particles already in the cyclic Big Bang Black Hole (BBBH) after the former multiverse has collapsed into a Big Crunch Black Hole.

22, We seem to live inside one material universal bubble of an instant entangled (Charge Parity Time) CPT symmetric raspberry bubble multiverse. Each quantum jump or wave function collapse or human choice is guided by this instant entanglement at long distant.


Monday, October 30, 2023

Stephen Hawking Breaks Silence Before His Death and Reveals the Black Hole Big Bang, just like Q-FFF Theory's String Knot Design..

Stephen Hawking Breaks Silence Before His Death and Reveals the Black Hole Big Bang, just like Q-FFF Theory's String Knot Design.

Black Hole Proplyd Tadpoles seem the start of the universe.
The Q-FFF Rigid String Theory says: there is only one CONSTRUCTIVE Topological and Resilient TRANSFORMER STRING (Axion) able to Transform into Electrons, Quarks, Bose Einstein String Knots or Higgs particles, the basis for all Black Holes. 
A Raspberry Entangled 12x Mirror Copy Multiverse is Postulated as base for uncertainty (ER=EPR) and Libet's FREE VETO WILL We live inside an exploded dark matter Super Cold Black Hole String Big Bang, filled with virtual oscillating vacuum Axions and material Fermions

An All-New Experiment Shows Einstein Was Wrong AND Right About Gravity. GR does not sufficient at all scales.

Quantum theory predicts that empty space, the vacuum, is packed with energy. We do not notice its presence because our devices can only measure changes in energy rather than its total amount. 
However, according to Einstein, the vacuum energy has a repulsive gravity – it pushes the empty space apart.
So:  physics need a counter balancing pressure force with a smaller push radiated by each Fermion.  See also "LeSage Gravity",  according to Q-FFF Theory. see below:

Reconciliation of GR and QM by a New Gravity-Black Hole and Lightspeed Model Called Quantum- FFF Theory.

New Physics by Table Top Experiments.Introduction. According to Le Sage gravity the vacuum is seeded with fast travelling corpuscles, impinging on mass carrying particles present inside massive bodies. The deflection of these vacuum particles after the impulse on the first body, should lead to a decline in vacuum pressure on a second object, tending to drive two bodies together. However, I suggest, that the vacuum is seeded with fast oscillating energetic but massless Higgs particles, oscillating along a complex chiral tetrahedral vacuum lattice, which has the ability to transfer Photon and Graviton information in bunches of oscillations, through the vacuum lattice with the local speed of light. As a consequence there are no attraction forces on the propeller shaped spinning Fermions. Only the sum of the different kinds of vacuum impulses from all directions on Fermions coined: “Double Vector Hedgehogs”, are responsible for all energetic phenomena in the universe. Thus we could give such a gravity model the name: “Double Le Sage gravity”. Fermions are assumed to be fast spinning 3 Dimensional propeller shaped strings, able to deform impinging Higgs particles into 5 different shaped 3-Dimensional Photon/Gluon particles and Gravitons. (Figure 1,2 and Ref. 3,4). In contrast with the contempory “standard model”, we count two Gluon/Photons (coded: LOL+ROR) for the electric quantum force, two Gluon/Photons (LOU+ROU) for the magnetic quantum force and one Gluon/Photon (UOU) as general particle for the x-ray, gamma ray and different light frequencies. The 5 different shaped Gluon particles (Ref.3,4) are in contrast with Gravitons, supposed to be able to merge with Fermions into more complex compound Fermion particles (Quarks, including Muons and Tau Fermions). However if no Fermions are hit, then after a very short ( Planck) distance the Gluon information is picked up and transferred as 5 different coded Photon information or as a Graviton encoded information, by the Higgs system simultaneous 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

How is matter truly distributed throughout the universe? Q-FFF Theory says, by the splitted Big Bang -of "New Physics" "Penrose-Q-FFF Black Holes" repelling all fermionse at the trapped Space time Horizon.

How is matter truly distributed throughout the universe? Q-FFF Theory says, by the splitting Big Bang -of "New Physics Black Hole Tadpoles" , leaving the Cosmic Web of matter tubes behind.
The splitted "New Physics" "Penrose-Q-FFF Black Holes" coming from the big bang BH nucelus repelling all fermionse at the trapped Space time Horizon in contrast with the standard model.
Tadpole Black holes where the first and the last starforming systems , obbserved as heavy compact Galaxies. by TWST, but after forming dual BH Herbig Haro starforming systems, they formed polar GABHs ( Galaxy Anchor Black Goles polarizing the oscillating sark energy vacuum in between to form also the Birkeland Current carroussels and things like the Heliosphere and the Plasma disc.
Tadpoles are forming the backbone of the Cosmic Web rings with holes in the middle, able to split into smaller Tadpoles able to merge or forming dual Herbig Haro BH systems.

How Tadpole Black Hole form dual Herbig Haro systems forming stars or Galaxies in the middle.

Below: The dual Herbig Haro black Holes of the Sun are the origin of the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt and the disc shaped Planetary disc.
Below: Dark Matter String Knot for Micro Black Holes like Ball lightning Sunspots, micro tadpole BHs etc.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Mini-Jet Found Near Milky Way’s Supermassive New physics Black Hole the origin of the Fermi Bubbles.

The Central black Hole of the Milky Way is leaking by two opposite jets and 2, or even more complexing  Fermi Bubbles. perculating.!!

Q-FFF theory says: the leaking is originated by the new physics of the Penrose-Q-FFF Trapped Space Horizon around the central MW black hole, which says: Fermions are not swallowed by black holes, they are repelled and pushed away into the jets, wich is formed by vacuum polarisation between the two negative charged GABHs (galaxy Anchor Black Holes.) forming a Birkeland Current caroussel responsible for the jets and Fermi Bubbles.
The White hole in the middle can be filled by one or two of the most massive GABHs  black holes of secondary mergers.

Fermion repelling Black Hole center of the Milky Way even creating plasma !!!

How the topological String space is oscillating between two Nodes inside a tetrahedra space frame.

Below: the variable Planck Lengths around a space swallowing black hole.
and the Penrose trapped space as a result repelling all Fermions. Black Holes even create charged Fermion pairs at the trapped space horizon by mutual Axion vacuum transformation collisions.
Two different charged horizons (+/-) around each black hole. creating negative charged plasma tails pushing single black holes away fro gravity- and same charge centers .Whic seem to be the  origin of self traveling Tadpole black holes like Supernova BHs leaving the S Nova center.

A Tadpole run away super nova black hole looking for a partner to make a Herbig Haro BH system.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Turns Out Magnetic Filaments In The Milky Way Are Different Compared to outsiders? ...(Simmilarities of filaments by travelling Black Holes)

All filaments in the Milky Way and outside, (by Q-FFF Theory) are assumed to be originated by single Tadpole Black Hole leaving Supernovas searching for an equal partner to form a Herbig Haro system to form stars in the middle.

Even sunspot micro black holes can travel leaving filaments behind.

Strange Heavy Asteroid Polyhymnia Could Be Hiding Never Before Seen Elements like a micro black hole.

Heavy Asteroid Polyhymnia Could Be Hiding electric charged micro back holes (Q-FFF Theory) like starspots or ball lightning like comet 67P CG, creating CH4 / CH2 and Silicon.
Below at the top of the bill ? or heavier?: "High-density asteroid Polyhymnia may be composed of elements greater than the heaviest one in the periodic table, synthesised oganesson with atomic number 118 (bottom right of the main table with chemical designation Og). Image via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)"

Below: The Splitting of the Comet Shoemaker Levi nucleus into several stable String micro black hole Nuclei.

Below: The splitting of an Indian negative charged Ball Lightning due to falling from an electrical road pole through a trie to the ground into piecesliving some seconds by the evaporation of its String micro black hole nuclei.
The incident dusty explosion seems to be triggered by the negative electric charge tension between the Ball Lightning and the earth.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Paramount Electric Herbig Haro Structures observable in the whole Universe around Stars and Galaxies.

Stars have complexing (Fermi) Jets, Kuiper belts, Oort clouds and  Galaxies create electric bubbles like Fermi bubbles (former early Quasar jets) and intermediate Birkeland electric systems between S/GABHs (Stellar / Galaxy Anchor Black Holes)  
All these elements are postulated to be created by the New Physics negatively charged dual Herbig Haro black hole systems combined with the resulting Birkeland electric current caroussels.

Stars are complexed by (Fermi) Jets and Kuiper belts, Oort clouds and  galaxies create electric bubbles like Fermi bubbles (former early jets).   However, galaxies are not known to have the same giant Kuiper belts or Oort clouds, between two GABHs, because around each galaxy there are mostly more merged dual GABHs (observed as Globular Clusters) around most galaxies.

Below: The origin of (New Physics) negative charged Black Holes is based on the new Q-FFF String form of "propeller" Calabi Yau shaped string rotating, radiating eigen electric energy by the mutual collision of the "trapped" local oscillating Axion vacuum.

The negatively charged black holes and the Trapped Space surface around each black hole. able to create and repel all fermions into sheets or belts.

Two Fermion Repelling Penrose-Q-FFF Black Holes are responsible for the Herbig Haro structure and the electric Birkeland caroussel, which is repsonsible for the Vacuum polarisation guiding plasma into the center.

Even inside all Nebula such dual ( and double) Herbig Haro systems are obsbervable. after so called Black Hole Splitting into two halves.

Tadpole Black Holes are the first responsible Black Holes spitted from the Big Bang.

See Below a Micro Black Hole Ball Lightning tapping free energy out of the vacuum but also degenerating and nuclear string decreasing by the fierce Axion vacuum attacks. FALLING TO THE GROUND IN PIECES still living for some time,.

Below: Ball Lightning black hole travelling like a Tadpole black hole, pushed by its plasma tail crossing the Train rails. The Noise seems to be not the origin.

This is not a real video. It seems a CGI video made by Andrei Trukhonovets on YouTube in 2019: youtu.be/IwR14D3NA8c
Dear Andrei, You hit the most interesting key for future energy production on earth., based on the new physics of micro and macro black hole knowledge , which differ strongly from the Hawblackking hole, but seems to be present at all scales in the universe fro stars to galaxies to the big bang black hole, see: Q-FFF Theory. https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

Micronising free energy systems from space has a future.