Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Moscovium 115 predicted by Bob Lazar with 115 protons and 175 Neutrons (the island of stability) in 3 dimensions.by Q-FFF Theory.

Bob Lazar described the three moscovium barrels inside the UFO he examined, see below.
However, According to Q-FFF Theory, the super heavy Moscovium 115 could be used as container of the micro black hole inside the empty triangle shaped room inside the Moscovium barrel, to have enough heat resistance for the (guided by air) micro back hole inside the triangle .

Element Moscovium 115 (115/290) predicted by Bob Lazar with 115 protons and 175 Neutrons (The island of stability) in 3 dimensions.by Q-FFF Theory. able to resist super heavy radiation and even Graviton radiation of the internal micro black hole. 
(Ball lightning)

A second example of pencil shaped anti gravity beams attracting dust below?


Blow: the coaxial polar ring system of standard nuclei suggested by the Q-FFF Theory extended with 34 nucleons (found by by RIBF /Riken Japan 2013.)  see also the parellel Magic Numbers.
In the same way 115/175 moscovium could be constructed by adidng more nuceons into the polar ring ( Q-FFF) system.
( and leaving one axial nucleus out, to get an uneven number 115 or 175)

Below: the possible Moscovium 3D structure based on the Q-FFF Polar Coaxial Ring Model.Model.

Below: A diagram depicting predicted decay modes of superheavy nuclei, with observed nuclei given black outlines. The most neutron-deficient nuclei as well as those immediately beyond the shell closure at N = 184 are predicted to predominantly undergo spontaneous fission (SF), whereas alpha decay (α) may dominate in neutron-deficient nuclei closer to the island, and significant beta decay (β) or electron capture (EC) branches may appear closest to the center of the island around 291Cn and 293Cn.[2]  (Wikipedia)

Friday, May 24, 2024

A quasi-star (also called black hole star) is a hypothetical type of extremely massive and luminous star that may have existed early in the history of the Universe.

 According to Q-FFF Theory, such a star will even excist much later, by the sunspot black hole explosion of massive stars forming travelling Tadpole black hole stars creating plasma dicrect out of the trapped space horizon (Penrose) 

A supernova with multiple hotspots (former starspots black holes) being the eggs for new baryonic life! and the expanding universe.!
Hawking particles creating frozen plasma by Bose Einstein concentrates, around each Ball Lightning micro black hole, by laser interference with e.m.see: 

Below a dual black hole based star /galaxy formation., with 2x jets 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Innermost Stable Circular Orbit (ISCO) around a Ball Lightning Micro Black Hole: forming a plasma tail pushing the micro Tadpole BH travelling against the wind.

 See below: Domocos Tar: The ISCO or "Trapped Spacetime" around each black hole  asssume to be the origin of Fermion/ plasma creation and heat radiation and plasma tail propulsion against the wind.

Why the propeller shaped spinning Fermions are NOT able to enter the BH horizon? and repelled away? forming plasma, by its polarisation spin flip!! created by the butterfly polarized vacuum field. The:'' oscillating Higgs vacuum field." forming Tadpole travelling black holes ( often described as expelled  stars:   after a supernova explosion) see: Below the chiral lefthanded filament, trailing behind a Tadpole black hole. the same as Ball Lightning with plasma tail on earth., travelling against the lical wind.
see; images by Domokos Tar. for a light radiating long living Ballightning going against the wind!! or radiation in space.
Conclusion of my Q-FFF model:  NO FERMIONIC PLASMA  FALLS INTO THE BLACK HOLE. DUE TO THE FERMIONIC PROPELLER Calabi Yau manifold shape of the Fermions combined with the BUTTERFLY shape of the oscillating Higgs Vacuum. pushing Fermions  AWAY FROM THE HORIZON. (below: butterlfy shapes and charged repuslion zones of the vacuum around a black hole. )

Eaxamples of he forming of equal sized micro black holes on earth, forming dual travelling micro Herbig Haro systems, self propelled by plasma tails: tadpole effect) before exploding. (observed from airplanes.)

see ball lightning and trains  https://youtu.be/veBVrb0JCPg

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Innermost Stable Circular Orbit (ISCO) of each Black Hole.= Penrose Trapped Space Horizon will Change the World of Science.(see: Q-FFF Model)

 The Innermost Stable Circular Orbit (ISCO)  of each black hole.= Penrose Trapped Space Horizon ( acting as an Axion particle collider, creating nagative charged plasma) will Change the World of Science.    Negative plasma remains by the decay of  neutrons (ddu) into Mesons (du) and leaving (d) abundant  negative electrons  behind.

The Retrogade maximal spinning Black Holes seem to be the most productive Fermion plasma producers sending the Fermions into both jets and discs ( by equal electrical charged (-) areas..


see: Continuum emission from within the plunging region of black hole discs 
Andrew Mummery, Adam Ingram, Shane Davis, Andrew Fabian.

Why the propeller shaped spinning Fermions are not able to enter the BH horizon? and repelled away? forming plasma, by its polarisation spin flip!! vreated by the butterfly polarized vacuum field. The:'' oscillating Higgs vacuum field." forming Tadpole travelling black holes ( often described as expelled  stars:   after a supernova explosion) see: Below the chiral lefthanded filament, trailing behind a Tadpole black hole. the same as Ball Lightning with plasma tail on earth., travelling against the lical wind.
see; images by Domokos Tar. for a light radiating long living Ballightning going against the wind!! or radiation in space.

Below: Long living (micro black hole) ball lightning in the lab rejected and jumping by the charged floor.


The Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud seem to be created by the

Below: In contrast with the standard model: 
the ISCO of each Black Hole is orign of Fermion production and repelling into the disc and one or two jets and Fermi Bubbles.perpendicular to the Galaxy Disc.

The self creating fermions around each black hole, by the Trapped Space horizon.

Below: the Lefthandedness of the oscillating Axion Vacuum, observed inside one of the Dark Matter Filaments ( also left handed)  or Lyman Alpha Forest.

The Tadpole Travelling Black Holes pushed by self produced Fermionic plasma tails out of the Axion vacuum, , at the ISCO Horizon, after hte Big Bang splitting Black Holes, leaving Voids behind.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Einstein’s Other Theory of Everything, the unified field theory. with new particles, like the Q-FFF Theory model forming fermions at the rim of each black hole out of the vacuum.

Below: the Q-FFF Model. Matter out of spacetime.!! (space Axions colliding at the black hole horizon)
reoelled by the horizon into the jets.

Below: The Fermion production around th black hole horizon. Penrose and Hawking.

Below: Hawking's production of Fermions. giving all black holes a  negative charged disc at the outside..

The Speed of Gravity. A conversation with Rupert Sheldrake. probably it was me I wrote Sheldrake about Tom van Flandrens instant gravity .fromthe earth to the sun.

see: Quantum Gravity and Electro Magnetic forces by dual repulsive vacuum
oscillation spectra in FFF-theory.

According to Le Sage gravity the vacuum is seeded with fast travelling corpuscles, impinging   on mass carrying particles present inside massive bodies. The deflection of these vacuum  particles after the impulse on the first body, should lead to a decline in vacuum pressure on a second object, tending to drive two bodies together. 
However there is a second opposing pressure force by real less pressure gravitons created by Baryons. even from the sun to us. with the local speed of light.

Universal Clumpiness: after the Dark Matter Black Hole Explosion of the Big Crunch- Big Bang Singularity. According Q-FFF Theory.

 Conclusion: in 2024: are we half of the universal cycle time? with a start for contraction?

Universal Clumpiness: after the Dark Matter Black Hole Explosion of the Big Crunch- Big Bang Singularity. (A,B) (see: Q-FFF Theory), Baryonic Matter and Dark Energy ( C) Abundance Variation in the universe during life. Now 2024:: D=100%, B-dark energy =69% C-dark matter, plus baryonic matter= 31%.

The magic Tadpole black hole travelling as the origin of the grow and expansion of the universe.  The merging of black holes is the opposite.