Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Strange Filament Structures Found in Milky Way's Center but also responsible for the larger Cosmic Filament Structure.

Below:  Dual Herbig Haro black hole systems repelling each other, into two Tadpole Black Holes propelled by self producing plasma tails forming the Filament 
Such Cosmic Tadpole Filaments seem also to be responsible for  the cosmic Lyman Alpha structure.

The NEW R.Penrose based Trapped Space Horizon around each black hole, creating new Fermions out of the Axion Virtual Dark Energy Vacuum.

The grow and multiplication of stars, galaxies and Black Holes after the Black Hole splitting Big Bang.


Leo Vuyk is an architect /engineer, (Msc.TuD.NL) who described a theory of everything called (Q.F.F Theory) as alternative for the Standard Model including the origin of consciousness, as the result of the instant entanglements between  a restricted number of 12x Charge Parity and Time symmetric universes,  or multiverse. Therefore, it is called the 12x cpt symmetric and 2 by 2x instant entangled RASBERRY Multiverse. (below)

We seem to live inside two of them at the same moment. Me and My Anti matter Me. Is influencing each other’s decisions and actions. This system seems to be a logic result of the  different RPs (Readiness Potentials”)  measured by Benjamin Libet.

According to Leo Vuyk who describes charged fermionic particles in the cpt symmetric (multi) universe as combinations of 2,3,4 or more equal sized compound macaroni string particles (2,3xM,P, ), each with an external 90degr axial curvature.

Each fermionic compound particle is assumed to be equipped  with a left- or righthanded propeller shaped pitch, to create electric charge particles (- or +) or boson particles, produced  by the scattering and milling, of the local (4x M.P.) Axion compounded macaroni Torus shaped  vacuum particles. The Torus vacuum particles are  energetic oscillating along the plastic waving Space Frame trajectories , colliding with other Axion particles at the Penrose Trapped space black hole horizon, or with spinning Fermions scattering them into smaller ones like fermionic charge or x-g-ray Boson particles .

The oscillating Torus shaped (4xM.P.) vacuum  particles seem to the representation of the known dark energy effect of the  vacuum. The vacuum is described as a spaceframe with variable (mostly increased)  Planck trajectory lengths between space frame knots, located around massive objects in space

Axion vacuum particles and all Bosons seem to cluster into knots with different capacities and sized to form Dark matter Black Holes or travelling Ball Lightnings, Comets, Travelling Tadpole, unresolved  hotspots in space and other unresolved space phenomena. Dark Matter Knots are assumed to be compressed by the local Vacuum oscillation pressure, merging into larger DM Knots. conclusion,  Dark Matter and Dark Energy particles are the same.

All Black Hole effects, are based on the energetic transfer from the os Leo Vuyk is an architect (Msc.TuD.NL) who described a theory of everything called (Q.F.F Theory) as alternative for the Standard Model including the origin of consciousness, as the result of the instant entanglements between  a restricted number of 12x Charge Parity and Time symmetric universes,  or multiverse.

We seem to live inside two of them at the same moment. Me and My Anti matter Me. Is influencing each other’s decisions and actions. This system seems to be a logic result of the  different RPs (Readiness Potentials”)  measured by Benjamin Libet.

According to Leo Vuyk who describes charged fermionic particles in the cpt symmetric (multi) universe as combinations of 2,3,4 or more equal sized compound macaroni string particles (2,3xM,P, ), each with an external 90degr axial curvature.

Each fermionic compound particle is assumed to be equipped  with a left- or righthanded propeller shaped pitch, to create electric charge particles (- or +) or boson particles, produced  by the scattering and milling, of the local (4x M.P.) Axion compounded macaroni Torus shaped  vacuum particles. The Torus vacuum particles are  energetic oscillating along the plastic waving Space Frame trajectories , colliding with other Axion particles at the Penrose Trapped space black hole horizon, or with spinning Fermions scattering them into smaller ones like fermionic charge or x-g-ray Boson particles .

The oscillating Torus shaped (4xM.P.) vacuum  particles seem to the representation of the known dark energy effect of the  vacuum. The vacuum is described as a spaceframe with variable (mostly increased)  Planck trajectory lengths between space frame knots, located around massive objects in space

Axion vacuum particles and all Bosons seem to cluster into knots with different capacities and sized to form Dark matter Black Holes or travelling Ball Lightnings, Comets, Travelling Tadpole, unresolved  hotspots in space and other unresolved space phenomena. Dark Matter Knots are assumed to be compressed by the local Vacuum oscillation pressure, merging into larger DM Knots. conclusion,  Dark Matter and Dark Energy particles are the same.

All Black Hole effects, are based on the energetic transfer from the oscillating Dark energy  vacuum energy falling into the vacuum pit of the Dark Matte cillating Dark energy  vacuum energy falling into the vacuum pit of the Dark Matter black hole nucleus,

Roger Penrose described a "Trapped Space Horizon" around each black hole. The Q.FFF model however, such a horizon should be interpreted as a Axion collider horizon with scattering axions coming from all sides, but concentrated along  the side of the Horizon motion,  the black hole spins around an axis and in line with the horizon, due to the initial and primordial unsymmetric vacuum contraction mechanism.


As a consequence, The universe is a cyclic universe ending into a big crunch, forming the String nucleus of a future new big bang universe.


According to my Q-FFF model,   (Quantum Function Follows Form) Black holes do swallow only smaller black holes (see LIGO. With >15% difference) and the virtual Axion based string vacuum, but do not swallow Baryon  matter in contrast with accepted science.


As a consequence:

All black holes will create and repel normal matter due to its “Penrose Trapped space horizon” acting as an Axion collider  influenced by the local oscillating Axion Vacuum polarization and the origin of a negative charged  plasma disc. The plasma seems to be channeled along the rotating trapped vacuum Horizon, and the black hole,  into one of both Jets.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Quantized Inertia - Hypothesis Explaining the Universe Or Pseudoscience?

A Different inertia  between Dark Matter and Normal Fermionic Matter.

see also; diferences between Dark Matter ineria and Fermionic inertia:

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Michio Kaku: "Einstein Was Wrong " But Michio Kaku was Also Wrong. About Black Holes"

WHY?  Because: All Black Holes are Axion Vacuum String Transformers into Fermions  and even Baryons  or Plasma , at the new by R.Penrose proposed "Trapped Space Horizon TSH," .of each black hole. 
HOW? by the Axion colliding pair production at the TSH, only partly able to annihilate each other, due to the Horizon pressure shooting and merging both particles away and merging with photons and Gluons into Fermions, merging into Muons, Quarks and Plasma making a plasma disc. The plasma Disc will be transported by electric charges into both Jets .
see image below of Q-FFF String Theory.
Conclusion: all in line with Q-FFF Theory.

Below: the principle of the travelling Black Hole or "Tadpole BH" responsible for the cosmic Alpha filament  evaporating tail structure, left behind.   
( also observed by micro black holes or Ball Lightnings)
Below The yellow star shows the colliding moment of the Axion vacuum strings.

Leo Vuyk is an architect (Msc.TuD.NL) who described a theory of everything called (Q.F.F Theory) as alternative for the Standard Model including the origin of consciousness, as the result of the instant entanglements between  a restricted number of 12x Charge Parity and Time symmetric universes,  or multiverse.

We seem to live inside two of them at the same moment. Me and My Anti matter Me. Is influencing each other’s decisions and actions. This system seems to be a logic result of the  different RPs (Readiness Potentials”)  measured by Benjamin Libet.

According to Leo Vuyk who describes charged fermionic particles in the cpt symmetric (multi) universe as combinations of 2,3,4 or more equal sized compound macaroni string particles (2,3xM,P, ), each with an external 90degr axial curvature.

Each fermionic compound particle is assumed to be equipped  with a left- or righthanded propeller shaped pitch, to create electric charge particles (- or +) or boson particles, produced  by the scattering and milling, of the local (4x M.P.) Axion compounded macaroni Torus shaped  vacuum particles. The Torus vacuum particles are  energetic oscillating along the plastic waving Space Frame trajectories , colliding with other Axion particles at the Penrose Trapped space black hole horizon, or with spinning Fermions scattering them into smaller ones like fermionic charge or x-g-ray Boson particles .

The oscillating Torus shaped (4xM.P.) vacuum  particles seem to the representation of the known dark energy effect of the  vacuum. The vacuum is described as a spaceframe with variable (mostly increased)  Planck trajectory lengths between space frame knots, located around massive objects in space

Axion vacuum particles and all Bosons seem to cluster into knots with different capacities and sized to form Dark matter Black Holes or travelling Ball Lightnings, Comets, Travelling Tadpole, unresolved  hotspots in space and other unresolved space phenomena. Dark Matter Knots are assumed to be compressed by the local Vacuum oscillation pressure, merging into larger DM Knots. conclusion,  Dark Matter and Dark Energy particles are the same.

All Black Hole effects, are based on the energetic transfer from the oscillating Dark energy  vacuum energy falling into the vacuum pit of the Dark Matter black hole nucleus,

Roger Penrose described a "Trapped Space Horizon" around each black hole. The Q.FFF model however, such a horizon should be interpreted as a Axion collider horizon with scattering axions coming from all sides, but concentrated along  the side of the Horizon motion,  the black hole spins around an axis and in line with the horizon, due to the initial and primordial unsymmetric vacuum contraction mechanism.


As a consequence, The universe is a cyclic universe ending into a big crunch, forming the String nucleus of a future new big bang universe.


According to my Q-FFF model,   (Quantum Function Follows Form) Black holes do swallow only smaller black holes (see LIGO. With >15% difference) and the virtual Axion based string vacuum, but do not swallow Baryon  matter in contrast with accepted science.


As a consequence:

All black holes will create and repel normal matter due to its “Penrose Trapped space horizon” acting as an Axion collider  influenced by the local oscillating Axion Vacuum polarization and the origin of a negative charged  plasma disc. The plasma seems to be channeled along the rotating trapped vacuum Horizon, and the black hole,  into one of both Jets.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, the FORM and MICROSTRUCTURE of elementary
particles, is supposed to be the origin of FUNCTIONAL differences between HiggsGraviton-
Photon- and Fermion particles. As a result, a NEW paradigm of splitting-,
accelerating- and pairing Black Hole seems to be able to accelerate itself by a -Zero Point
Energy driven-self created plasma tails ( by a new Quantum Fluctuation process), to form
dumbbell systems, of two or even more black holes. Inside Nebula these dumbbell systems
are called Herbig Haro systems.
I think that Stephen Hawking did not calculate with the possibility of a chiral oscillating
Higgs field vacuum lattice combined with propeller shaped Fermions. Then, due to Vacuum
chirality, Electron- and Positron propellers could both pushed away from the BH horizon after
spin flip polarization at different distances, forming two charged separated spheres. With
quark ( plasma) formation in between.
Based on such a simple object ( propeller and process) oriented ontology, Black Holes could
be imagined as charge splitters violating the 2e law af thermodynamics, combined with a
continuous microscopic big bang plasma creation process!
The result I try to describe :
1: Black holes are the same as Dark Matter, they all consume photons, even gravitons and the
Higgs field, but REPEL Fermions due to their propeller shape. They produce electric charged
2: Dark Energy is the oscillating ( Casimir) energy of the Higgs Field equipped with a
tetrahedron lattice structure with variable Planck length..
3: Quantum Gravity = Dual Push gravity= Attraction (Higgs-Casimir opposing Graviton
4: The Big Bang is a Splitting dark matter Big Bang Black Hole (BBBH), splitting into
smaller Primordial Big Bang Spinters (PBBS) forming the Fractalic Lyman Alpha forest and
evaporating partly into a zero mass energetic oscillating Higgs particle based Higgs field.
5: Dual PBBSs hotspots, produce central plasma concentration in electric Herbig Haro
systems as a base for star formation in open star clusters as a start for Spiral Galaxies.
6: Spiral Galaxies will keep both Primordial Dark Matter Black Holes as Galaxy Anchor
Black Holes (GABHs) at long distance.
7: After Galaxy Merging, these GABHs are the origin of Galaxy- and Magnetic field
complexity and distant dwarf galaxies .
8: Black Holes produce Plasma direct out of the Higgs field because two Higgs particles are
convertible into symmetric electron and positron (or even dual quark-) propellers (by BH
horizon fluctuations).
9: The chirality of the (spiralling) vacuum lattice is the origin our material universe. (propeller
shaped positrons merge preferentially first with gluons to form (u) Quarks to form Hydrogen.
10: The first Supernovas produce medium sized Black Holes as the base for secondary Herbig
Haro systems and open star clusters.
11: ALL Dark Matter Black Holes are supposed to be CHARGE SEPARATORS with
internal positive charge and an external globular shell of negative charged Quark electron
12: The lightspeed is related to gravity fields like the earth with long extinction distances to
adapt with the solar gravity field.
13. Quantum FFF Theory states that the raspberry shaped multiverse is symmetric and instant
entangled down to the smallest quantum level. Also down to living and dying CATS in

Major Updates About a Bizarre Explosion Known As Scary Barbie (ZTF20abrb...Q-FFF Model says: one of the rouge Splitted Black Holes of the Big Bang

Below: The production of rouge self propelled "Tadpole black holes" as the remnants of the Dark Matter Black Hole Splitting (Singularity) Big Bang, being the former Big Crunch of our former Universe.

These Galaxies Are So Compact ? why? Q_FFF says: Based on a Dark Matter Black Hole Splinters, forming stars at the Trapped space Horizon

Reality and Cosciousness in the 12 fold Symmetric Entangled Multiverse of Q-FFF Theorie.

 The Reality on Consciousness. 

by Banjamin Libet and John Cramer.

The Benjamin Libet (Neuro-scientist) discovery of two different Readiness Potentials (RPI and RPII) and the potential to VETO an act, is reason to suggest the presence of a Super Symmetric multiverse with instant entanglement down to each copy- quantum and  wavefunction.

So we seem to be semi instantly related to multiple CPT symmetric copy persons, living inside one of the 11 CPT Symmetric universes, helping our decissions and choices, so we have the feeling of  “Free” will.  

Bejamin Libet says: it is not "FREE WILL, but free WONT", because I can only choose my favorite subject if it is not banned by my CPT symmetric self living at the other copy CPT symmetric universe.

However, Libet did not Notice this fact,  because he (or his successors) did not measure the ratio between RPI and RPII , as a base for the total number of SuSy Universes.

At the same time John G. Cramer (Uni of Whashington) proposed a parallel Transactional Interpretation (T.I.) as so called “Handshake system” responsible for entanglement and wavefunction collapse processes between anti copy systems between copy universes.

However If we take such a handshake system as functional for each (anti- or  material) copy quantum, living inside one of the entangled anti copy universal bubbles, then we may accept it as the start for NEW REALITY in PHYSICS.

see also: 

A Testable CP Symmetric Multiverse Model by Extended Experiments, Done by the Late Benjamin Libet in 1964. see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1704.0003v1.pdf  

and: Free Will Readiness Potential Ratios, the Key for a Multiverse Number Calculation, see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1803.0100v1.pdf

     The Particle Universe : NO POINT Particles But Propeller shaped Calabi Yau Strings.  in         globular motion by the scattering with real oscillating Axion Vacuum Strings.

FROM Ball Lightning pushed by plasma tails,
 to Needle shaped threads around Dagitarius A.

Reality and Cosciousness in the 12 fold Symmetric Entangled Multiverse of Q-FFF Theorie. see: 