Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Friday, November 15, 2024

James Webb Telescope INSANE New Discovery Before The Big Bang : a Splitting String Based Singularity Black Hole?

An important change of early Black holes. called  Tadpole Black Holes, accellerated by the local oscillating Dark energy vacuum also called anti symmetric Alcubierre pressure from the oscillating Axion dark Energy vacuum. see also: anti symmetric Casimir Force.

Below:  The Splitting of The Singularity Black Hole Big Bang into multiple QUARSAR.based GALAXIES or groups

            Below: The Tadpole Black Hole seems to be accelerated by the self produced Plasma Tail, not able to be absorped by the black hole, and created at the "Trapped Space Horizon" acting as an Axion vacuum  collider . creating dual opposite charged Fermions .

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Nobel Winner Warns James Webb Telescope Just found Something Strange Hap...JZ9P3 a Tadpole Galaxy?

The inpossible JZ9P3
According to Q-FFF Theory, this is the start of a Herbig Haro Dual Black Hole system. accelerated by its double self peopelled Plasma tail.

Never Before Seen Bizarre Objects in the Orion Nebula Finally Explained ...JUMBOs

Bizar Free Floating planets?or self propelled Micro Black Holes or Comets.  JWST sees : dual 500 hot piecesTwo by Two called JUMBOs. 
Q-FFF Theory says:  they represent former expelled Starspot micro black holes.propelled by its self propelled plasma tail.  .
Dual Jumbos seem to be the start of a ( Brown Dwarfs?) starforming Herbig Haro systems in the middle between both objects.
See Stromberg sphere aroud the Jumbo like the rosetta Nebula?

The Logic Geometrical Composition of Spinning Fermions, Quarks and even non Spinning Ball Lightning and Black Hole Nuclei.


The Logic Geometrical Composition of Spinning Fermions, Quarks and even non Spinning Ball Lightning, Black Hole Nuclei and Vacuum Strings. see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/11/the-logic-geometrical-composition-of.html


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The James Webb Telescope Encounters the Unknown – Nobel Laureate Warns o...

The White Hole in the center between two equalsize The White Hole in the center betwee d black holes. for star- galaxy formation.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Roger Penrose Thinks Quantum Mechanics is Dead Wrong The Q-FFF model can solve the collapse problem

Quantum Mechanis is wrong or /and incomplete.?
Yes indeed according to Q-FFF Theory stating, that the collapse of the wavefunction is guided by our anti material entangled Multiverse (CPT symmetric.) and the string model theory of Q-FFF Theory.

     Hawking Points,: 4x Contact areas as support for the 12 fold supersymmetric multiverse.
     Is the origin of the collapse of the enatngled wavefunction.

Monday, November 11, 2024

What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning: The new: the dualSuper symmetric Fermion Propeller.

 See: https://vixra.org/pdf/2101.0131v3.pdf

and: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363272345_Sunspots_Tadpoles_Comets_Ball_Lightning_the_same_as_micro_string_black_holes_A_Physics_revolution


Einstein's cosmological constant was abandoned after Edwin Hubble confirmed that the universe was expanding.[3] From the 1930s until the late 1990s, most physicists agreed with Einstein's choice of setting the cosmological constant to zero.[4] That changed with the discovery in 1998 that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, implying that the cosmological constant may have a positive value.[5]

Making Calabi Yau Manifolds for all spinning charged particles; from electrons /Positrons as the base for all other more complex quark like Baryons. see below; also created at the trapped space horizon (R.Penrose) of each black hole by the collision of two equal ring shaped Axion Vacuum particls, inside the disc shaped plasma 

Vacuum energy is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire universe.[1] The vacuum energy is a special case of zero-point energy that relates to the quantum vacuum.[2]

Unsolved problem in physics:
Why does the zero-point energy of the vacuum not cause a large cosmological constant? What cancels it out?

The effects of vacuum energy can be experimentally observed in various phenomena such as spontaneous emission, the Casimir effect, and the Lamb shift,

What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning: The new: the dualSuper symmetric Fermion Propeller.  see: https://vixra.org/pdf/2101.0131v3.pdf

Micro Black Hole nucleus , compressed by the butterly shaped oacillating Axion vacuum.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Michiou Kaku's Rubber Band Particles seems equal to the Q-FFF Models see also below:


and: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/

and: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk


Vacuum energy is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire universe.[1] The vacuum energy is a special case of zero-point energy that relates to the quantum vacuum.[2]

Unsolved problem in physics:
Why does the zero-point energy of the vacuum not cause a large cosmological constant? What cancels it out?

The effects of vacuum energy can be experimentally observed in various phenomena such as spontaneous emission, the Casimir effect, and the Lamb shift,

Below: the most simple Q-FFF String Model :based on Macaroni shaped entities of some new stuff.

See: Michiou Kaku's Oscillating Rubber Band Particles (Not Pointlike) seems equal to the Q-FFF Models see also below:

Michiou Kaku's Rubber Band Particles seems equal to the Q-FFF Models see also 

Saturday, November 09, 2024

Nobody Can Explain 1000s of Strange Little Red Dots Found by JWST Everyw...How ever Q-FFF Theory can by:

Q-FFF Theory says : the origins are: : Multiple Lonely Quasars producing plasma around also as disc.

Also see: The Dark Matter Axion Black Hole Singularity , exploded according to the Big Bang of Q-FFF Theory, into 12 mirror symmetric dual CPT (anti) matter  copy universes, called the Raspberry Multiverse. and: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313469112_CP_Symmetry_Between_Material_and_Anti_Material_Copy_Universes_Combined_with_Local-and_Multi-Universal_Cycle_Time

Physicists have simulated a version of the Big Bang that produced two universes: one where time moves forward, like in our own, and another where time flows backward. For a long time, scientists have tried to explain why time moves in one direction. Many believe that this is due to entropy, which measures disorder and increases over time. However, a newer idea suggests that gravity, not entropy, might determine the flow of time.
In this recent experiment, researchers explored this theory by creating a simple model of the universe with just 1,000 particles. Using computer simulations, they studied how these particles behaved under Newtonian gravity. They found that, regardless of the initial setup, gravity naturally led the particles into a dense, orderly state without any external influence. This showed that gravity alone could shape the "arrow of time," without needing a special low-entropy starting point.
Their findings suggest that the Big Bang might have created two parallel universes—ours, where time moves forward, and another where time flows in reverse. In the simulation, from a highly compact state, the universe expanded in two directions, each with its own time arrow going in opposite directions.
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Nobody Can Explain 1000s of Strange Little Red Dots Found by JWST Everyw...How ever Q-FFF Theory can by: see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/11/nobody-can-explain-1000s-of-strange.html

Our universe has a dual entangled antimatter String based partner on the other side of the Big Bang, say the Q-FFF Theory.

 The Q-FFF theory says: we live inside one of the mirror symmetrical Dual set of CPT symmetric universes. see: 

A Testable CP Symmetric Multiverse Model by Extended Experiments, Done by the Late Benjamin Libet in 1964. see: https://vixra.org/pdf/1704.0003v1.pdf  and: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk


The 12 fole symmetric multivese related to the 4x well known Hawking Points in space. also called the 4 connection points between the 12 dual symmetric entangled universes.
How we syggest 12x? see: 
How we have a Symmetric String based entangled Partner universe?
 see below:

Each time the Big Bang Black Hole splitting system need the CPT splitting and entangled of the youngest Black Holes.

Ball lightning phenomenon. Part 2.

What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning?

Magnetic monopole experiment at CERN could rewrite laws of physics

    Below: evidence for a micro Tadpole Black Hole  pushed by plasma tail? called BEC Bose Einstein Condensate.

Kugelblitz/Ball lightning: Die ersten 200 Millisekunden näher betrachtet (Max Planck Uni Munchen)

In the Max Planck video above,  We observe multiple gloing white point and large Yellow points both often going upwards from the water.
In Q-FFF Theory, we assumed to be real magnetic Bose Einstein Condensates, which are supposed to be the smallest black holes we observe.( image below)

Equal aized micro Black Holes ( Ball Lightnings)  we seem to observe in Nature together forming a so
called dual Micro Herbig Haro system together often showing only one ball, seen flying above the horizon and the water, see in  the video below.


Friday, November 08, 2024