Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Monday, November 30, 2009

ELECTRIC UNIVERSE THEORY extension is needed.

Here I present strong indications that the existing ideas described in the "electric universe" theory, need to be extended by a new black hole paradigm described below, able to explain all these charged objects like Comets up to Galaxies and Galaxy clusters which could be part of a new QUANTUM RELATIVISM, described in this blog.
So for the start of a new quantum relativistic theory see next pages.

for solar examples see, the electric sun: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiwacWpCKHycTTwvZq7Rf13z8iadLtrpEFl1hgi1MLIftnzkG2gs-GtuKGz8SC7bMn1cPMKE2mX_Zqphi-2Q-GHKaJMvlBCm0cmrHy_Ak4tu2bLP5HivoORX9qgIBAlyTXXsVTn8Q/s1600-h/Solar+corona+jets+8-08.jpg

by David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill.
(quote)"The Sun's heliospheric circuit is connected to the galaxy via the central column and the disk of charged particles. The current path is traced by magnetic fields.
The "open" helical magnetic fields discovered high above the Sun's poles by the Ulysses spacecraft are supportive of Alfvén's stellar circuit model.
And the solar "wind" would seem to connect to the broader disk of charged particles about the heliosphere".

The new black hole paradigm however predicts in contrast with mainstream models, some different black hole- and Higgs vacuum qualities.
1, The vacuum is equipped with a triangle/ tetrahedron network of linear Higgs trajectories oscillating along these trajectories, and transmitting photonic FORM information called "the Higgs system" which is responsible for the so called "spacetime".
2, The Higgs system comprises real shaped Higgs particles which are able to change form by collision into real shaped photons or real shaped electrons or positrons.
3, electrons and positrons are each others symmetrical mirror shapes based on a propeller form with left- or right handed pitch.
4, electrons and positrons are able to "click-on" with each other to form a so called Positronium or annihilate each other by the forming of one Higgs- and one photon particle.
5, electrons and positrons are able to "click-on" with some (5) different shaped photon particles to form all sorts of Quarks.

6, a SINGULARITY is a globular real particle based point or KNOT in the Higgs system where the network of linear Higgs trajectories is interrupted and not able to transfer photonic information,
7, as a consequence, the Singularity does not emit photons or gravitons, has NO MASS and is not able to have some motion inside a symmetrical Higgs system..
8, The origin of such interruptions should be found in the presence of a Quark-gluon-photon based particle KNOT which is more complex than any Quark and not able to create any spin or photonic radiation.
9, the oscillating Higgs system around such a SINGULARITY KNOT will originate so called CASIMIR FORCE on the singularity knot, caused by the CONTINUOUS ABSORPTION of Higgs particles by the Singularity.
10, the Singularity Knot will originate an internal resistance pressure to the Casimir force due to the flexibility of each particle compressed inside the singularity.

11, the internal resistance pressure of the Singularity Knot is always in equilibrium with the external Casimir pressure, as long as the Casimir pressure  has a symmetrical impact on the singularity.
Thus, the Casimir force is assumed  to be not infinite.
12, if two singularities approach each other, the Casimir pressure symmetry is influenced and the singularities are forced to move in space, or even split in two or more parts.
This splitting process can be observed inside many star forming NEBULA.
13, the propeller shape of Leptons is supposed to be the origin of particle spin.
14, the particles spin however is supposed to be originated by the collision interaction with the Higgs system.
15, each Higgs collision is supposed to change the form of a Higgs particle into the form of a photonic particle.

16, around each Singularity the shape of the linear Higgs trajectories is influenced and curved into the direction of the Singularity.
17, as a result, there will be a globular horizon around the singularity where some photonic energy will travel into the plane of this globular horizon.
18, as a consequence, this globular horizon is a place of fierce energetic collision between Higgs particles and a place of creation of photons, electrons and positrons.
19, if the curvature of this horizon is between certain unknown values, then we may expect that positrons and electrons are able to form quarks (positive and negative charged) and combine with each other to form protons and neutrons.
See also:

Leo Vuyk.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

PARTICLE PAIR PRODUCTION around new paradigm black holes

Here I present strong indications that the existing ideas described in the "electric universe" theory, need to be extended by a new black hole paradigm described below, able to explain all these charged objects like Comets up to Galaxy clusters.
for solar examples see, the electric sun: and
by David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill.
"The Sun's heliospheric circuit is connected to the galaxy via the central column and the disk of charged particles. The current path is traced by magnetic fields. The "open" helical magnetic fields discovered high above the Sun's poles by the Ulysses spacecraft are supportive of Alfvén's stellar circuit model. And the solar "wind" would seem to connect to the broader disk of charged particles about the heliosphere"
The most obvious example of entropy decrease in the universe.
Cygnus-A gas production by at least two polar hotspot black holes.

See also:
Heating Hot Atmospheres with Active Galactic Nuclei B.R. McNamara and P.E.J. Nulsen


The inexorable entropy decrease is offset by adiabatic compression as gas flows inward, so that, typically, the temperature of the cooling gas follows the underlying gravitational potential.

Efficient particle production at the photon horizon of black holes.
Conclusion: matter is counterintuitive created around black holes.
Only a part of all matter in the universe is created in the Big Bang black hole evaporation process.

Black hole influence on so called truncated tetrahedron space (above).

An other perfect example of Galaxy external black hole action.
"Black hole caught zapping galaxy into existence?"

ESO 46/09 - Science Release, 30 November 2009

(quote) says Knud Jahnke, who led the observations performed at the VLT. “However, we did not find any. (galaxies around the quasar)  Instead we discovered that an apparently unrelated galaxy in the quasar’s immediate neighbourhood is producing stars at a frantic rate.”

These observations have provided a surprising new take on the system. While no trace of stars is revealed around the black hole, (the QUASAR) its companion galaxy is extremely rich in bright and very young stars. It is forming stars at a rate equivalent to about 350 Suns per year, one hundred times more than rates for typical galaxies in the local Universe.

Earlier observations had shown that the companion galaxy is, in fact, under fire: the quasar is spewing a jet of highly energetic particles towards its companion, accompanied by a stream of fast-moving gas. The injection of matter and energy into the galaxy indicates that the quasar itself might be inducing the formation of stars and thereby creating its own host galaxy; in such a scenario, galaxies would have evolved from clouds of gas hit by the energetic jets emerging from quasars.

See also:
Quasar induced galaxy formation: a new paradigm ?

Authors: D. Elbaz, K. Jahnke


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

NEW PARADIGM Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) outside Galaxies

NEW PARADIGM Black Holes are equipped with a heavy compressed Higgs particle nucleus. They come in all sizes: micro: Ball lightning, Comet nuclei, (dual) Sunspots, dual Herbig Haro objects and macro: dual Galaxy anchor black holes and dual Galaxy cluster black holes. In between these dual black hole systems ionized gas is compressed into star forming regions.

This Hubble Space Telescope composite image shows a ghostly "ring" of "dark matter point sources"in the galaxy cluster Cl 0024+17

Why is this dark matter spheroid, shaped like a rugby ball (prolate) and not like a grape fruit (oblate)?
Is there a connection with single elliptical Galaxies, which are also mostly prolate?
The reason seems to be that most Galaxy anchor black holes (GABHs: dark matter) turn out to accelerate and cooperate (pair) after being splintered from the evaporating big bang black hole.
They seem to be paired in BH tandems of the same mammoth size, but in contrast with mainstream physics, pushed away from each other by SOFT X-RAY producing ELECTRON SYNCHROTRON JETS, originated by the peculiar Higgs vacuum deformation and the star forming region in the middle of this dumbbell system!
After the merging and grouping of lots of simple galaxies, Galaxy clusters emerge.
As a result the number of elliptical Galaxy increases by concentration of the Galaxy anchor black holes located outside these merging Galaxies.
The ring of Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (dark matter) as we see it now in this prolate shaped image, is populated by variable sized tandems of GABHs.
The largest sized lack hole tandems are supposed to be pushed the most out of the system and as a result be located at both summits of the prolate rugby ball.
The oblateness of the Sun is supposed to be the result of a dual system of Stellar Anchor Black Holes (Leo Vuyk)
Astronomical support for the electron jets between two mammoth black holes, ( see image) is found in the existence of so called WHIM filaments which are the origin of the radial rise of soft X-ray excess, found inside the brightness profile of galaxy clusters. See: SOFT X-RAY EXCESS OF CLUSTERS: A TERMAL FILAMENT MODEL ETC. By: Richard Lieu and Massimiliano Bonamente, March 17 2009.

M31 Andromeda with external GABHs mostly inside Globular clusters or dwarf galaxies.
The largest black holes are located at largest distances from the galaxy

in this case near the galaxy IC 2497.
This Hubble photo reveals (by chance of the green Quasar back lighting)  the existence of gas concentrations around the postulated galaxy anchor black holes. 
see Hubble photo below:

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New paradigm GAMMA RAY BURSTS (GRBs)

GAMMA RAY BURSTS (GRBs) explained by new paradigm black hole splitting.
Two approaching equal sized black holes are supposed not to split but originate a Herbig Haro object, often found inside star forming nebula.
However we found multiple examples, e.g. inside the EAGLE NEBULA of traces of “splitting black holes”.

We suggest that such a splitting process should be triggered by the collision of two unequal sized black holes. The smaller black hole is supposed to be able to split the larger black hole by its concentrated imprisoned electron jet and local vacuum deformation.
The result however is that the splitting process unleashes a BURST of electrons in-between the parts of the splitted black hole which can be described as a CATAPULT ejection.
As a consequence however, this Gamma ray Burst ejection should be “one sided” in stead of the two-sided ejection suggested by mainstream astronomy.
At the same time this seems a rational base for the fact that Gamma Ray bursts are so rare and able to travel well focussed over long (cosmological) distances.
For more details see this blog and:

Monday, September 07, 2009

Dark Flow, the Axis of Evil and the Raspberry shaped Multiverse.

Wikipedia on the cold spot and axis of evil:

Possible causes other than primordial temperature fluctuation[edit]

The large 'cold spot' forms part of what has been called an 'axis of evil' (so named because it is unanticipated to see structure[7]) which has been explained using several contexts: "many authors have commented about how the AE impacts our understanding of how structure emerged in the Universe within the framework of CDM and hydro-gravitational dynamics (HGD)"[8]


 Multiple galaxy clusters (31) do NOT produce a radiation shadow in the WMAP background radiation pattern (CMB) of the universe. This radiation pattern is supposed to be the afterglow of the big bang located at the boundary of our own universe.!!
Reference: Lieu, Mittaz and Shuang-Nan Zhang, UAH, "The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in a sample of 31 clusters: A comparison between the X-ray predicted and WMAP observed decrement,"

If the standard model of how the universe was formed is correct, microwave radiation from the edges of the universe would be blocked by clusters of galaxies, causing 'shadows' in the microwave background. (Graphic courtesy of The University Of Alabama In Huntsville)

Newest adapted scheme of the solar position inside our egg shaped universe.
1: is our solar position about in the middle? or
2: is the edge of our visual universe circular or more elliptical or deformed by the local absence of a Higgs ether?

Dodecahedron space as a support for the raspberry shaped multiverse comprising 12 universes.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The importance of the "splitting and pairing" black hole PARADIGM for universal complexity.

The bushy structure, resulting from the black hole splitting process, is an indication of polarisation of the galaxy rotations into a general axis which is already called "the AXIS OF EVIL"
see: M.J.Longo, "Does the universe have a handedness?"

See also: http://migratingblackholes.blogspot.com/

My second book on:

TIME is running forward because the universe is like a huge pinball machine. Spinning Fermions (the pinball) are driven by the oscillating Higgs field (the electric springs) which is supposed to be the origin of the general increase of entropy base of the second law of thermodynamics.
However dark matter in the form of black holes will eat the dark energy of the Higgs field and decrease entropy again, reason to postulate a pulsating and cyclic universe.
Universal Symmetry is not broken if we accept that each material universe is entangled at a long distance with an anti-material copy universe, equipped with opposite chirality inside the oscillating Higgs lattice field.

The DODECAHEDRON structure found inside the so called WMAP (Cosmic background
radiation) together with the so called DARK FLOW phenomenon is a strong
indication that we live in a finite symmetrical MULTIVERSE with 12x elliptical UNIVERSES anti-material universes included, dubbed:


However we have to realize that Fermions can be created out of colliding Higgs particles inside this universe and during the big bang inflation epoch.
Only then we may be able to explain the efficient production of matter over anti matter without a huge annihilation process.
Only then we are able to explain that ENTROPY always INCREASE with an exception for black holes, because black holes seem to EAT the pinball machine thus the Higgs system and the origin of Fermion spin and time.
Conclusion Charge Parity and Time (CPT) symmetry inside an opposing second universe is impossible in such a universal system.
Only Charge and Parity seem to be possible and create an Anti-Material copy universe. with clocks running backwards (ONLY according to our material observation) but without backwards running time and without INCREASING ENTROPY as a consequence.

See also:
The need for a black hole paradigm shift,
By Mario Rabinowitz, named “Black Hole Paradoxes

Monday, May 25, 2009

Einstein was quite clear that we need an aether.

A balancing, hesitating but humorous Einstein?

Einstein in his inaugural speech at the Leiden University (the Netherlands) in 1920, Einstein had by then completely reversed his view on the ether.

"... Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. ..."


HOWEVER how does that ether manage a constant lightspeed?
ANSWER; by MASS influence.
Radar reflection timing experiments between Earth and Venus (even Mercury) have learned us that the extra orbital light speed of the radar (reflection) light source, in orbit around the Sun, has an extinction distance which is related to the mass of the planet.
These extinction distances are calculated to be: 70-54 and 21 million km for respectively Earth, Venus and Mercury.

The other Einstein:
In 1954, Einstein wrote to his dear friend M. Besso:

I consider it quite possible that physics cannot be based on the field concept, i.e., on continuous structures. In that case, nothing remains of my entire castle in the air, gravitation theory included, [and of] the rest of modern physics. (in “Subtle is the Lord” by A. Pais, page 467)
Thus, if space on the smallest scale is crystalline, then we may assume space to be based on a “Lattice model”, as opposed to the field concept of space.


Today physics stands at the threshold of major discoveries. Growing observational evidence points to the need for new physics.
As a result, efforts to discover new fundamental symmetries, investigations of the limits of established symmetries, tests of the general theory of relativity, searches for gravitational waves, and attempts to understand the nature of dark matter and dark energy are among the main research topics in fundamental physics today.
From: Experimental Tests of General Relativity Slava G. Turyshev Jet Propulsion Laboratory, http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0806/0806.1731v2.pdf

For my own experiment proposals see:

Small Gravity and GR anomalies and Test Proposals

Monday, December 15, 2008

Electrons are real Higgs-cutting machines. ONLY 7x chopped/rotated Higgs particles seem to be needed as building blocks for matter, anti matter and radiation.

Peter Higgs now 79 years old.
It is more than four decades since Peter Higgs predicted the existence of the particle that now carries his name. The Higgs boson helps to explain the origin of mass for some of the fundamental building blocks of matter: Fermions.
What Higgs does object to is the label "God particle".
Though himself an atheist, he worries that the title "might offend people who are religious".
There are plenty of theories describing what the Higgs boson will look like. Higgs himself suspects it might turn out to be a number of supersymmetric composite particles, rather than a single irreducible one.http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg19926732.100-interview-the-man-behind-the-god-particle.html
From Newscientist, 10 September 2008 by Ian Sample
The Higgs field is also called Background Higgs field or Higgs condensate responsible for the so called Higgs mechanism.
Rigid Electron and Positron particle PROPELLERS with dual rotation and video camera in vertical motion. The colliding oscillating Higgs particle doublets and the resulting gluons-photon production is not shown. The vertical axis is the axis of the magnetic field. The central axis of the 2x rotating cone represents the direction of the graviton radiation ( at the base side) and the electric radiation ( at the top side of the cone) . For electrons and negative quarks, this is negative radiation. For the positron and positive quarks, this is positive radiation

Video author: Bob Turner (UK)

Fermions are highspeed Higgs cutting machines.
Elementary particles with arbitrary spin? or "double spin".
It is not too hard to imagine that such Fermion propellers are propelled by the collision with ringshaped oscillating Higgs particle doublets, symmetrical oscillating inside the superdense Higgs vacuum lattice, or a Higgs vacuum spin field, or Higgs Quantum space, see:
It is assumed that after each collision, the ringshaped Higgs particle is split open and transformed into one Gluon / Photon. As a result: Photons are called Gluons if they travel over short distances inside Quark systems like Protons Neutrons and Mesons (Hadrons) and click-on and -of to quarks.

Outside these Hadrons, Photons are supposed to be real Photons. There are 5 Gluons (coded UOU-visible light and x-ray, LOL-ROR- electric, LOU-ROU-magnetic). In addition there is one Graviton (LOR), ( not able to click-on to Quarks) so together with the 5 Gl.uons, there are 6 Photons.
What the shape of the resulting Gliuon Photon will be is dependent of the collision angle with the Fermion and the relative speed differences.(such as for x-ray production inside electron synchrotrons). the UOU photon is supposed to leave the Fermion at the tip of the imaginary rotating cone shape. LOU-ROU is supposed to leave the Fermion in two directions south and North along the blue vertical axis (see Fermion video).

We may conclude that these Fermion cutting machines will eat the vacuum Higgs energy away and the multiverse will shrink into a Big Crunch.

Attention: only the stringy rotating particles are supposed to be real. The chequered cones, and aiding lines are not.
author: Leo Vuyk.

also at: http://migratingblackholes.blogspot.com/

For a quick search inside my new book: "The new God Particle and Free Will", at Amazon.com press:http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/1409210316/ref=sib_dp_ptu#reader-link

Bill Gaede wrote:
What if you are one of those unfortunate individuals who doesn't see the emperor's new clothes? The first thing a mainstreamer tells you to do is go out there and publish through a peer-reviewed journal.
Well, that's easier said than done. Imagine submitting a manuscript arguing against the existence of God to a peer-reviewed inquisition board comprised of 3 Christians 2 Muslims and a Buddhist. What do you think are your chances of being published?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Stellar Splitting and pairing NEW Black holes called "mountains of creation" found inside several Nebula

This new black hole theory is based on the local horizon repulsion effect of new black holes on real spinning fermions and as a consequence: decresasing entropy.
This is in contrast with the latest approach of professor G. "t Hooft:

Electron jets originated by two or more dumbbell black holes.
The near star Beta Pictoris, with recent photo of two bipolar jets, is a clear sign that planet related stars are accompanied by at least two "stellar anchor black holes" ( SABHs)
Is Solar Power, Internal or External?
"Electric Universe" proponents claim that solar radiation energy production is external not internal.

Dark matter is made up by different sized black holes , Dark energy is the superdense oscillating Higgs space .

Evidence for the existence of Solar polar electron jets, an indication for a double set of Solar Anchor Black Holes ( dark matter).

Origins of the Solar Polar Jets –Coordinated SOHO and TRACE Observations http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003AGUFMSH22A0187D

Cat's Eye.
Interesting articles, related to local black holes (dark matter) :

See :
Mysterious electrons may be sign of dark matter
Dark matter is proving less shadowy than its name suggests. Its signature may have been detected by a balloon-borne experiment that measured a surprisingly high number of energetic electrons streaming in from space.

There must be another source relatively near us that is producing these additional particles." According to the research, this source would need to be within about 3,000 light years of the sun. It could be an exotic object such as a pulsar, mini-quasar, supernova remnant or an intermediate mass black hole.
Has dark matter's telltale signature been spotted
Scientists Detect Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Across Billions of Light Years

According to the Higgs-multiverse model descibed in my book, Dark flow should be seen as a clear sign of the CONTRACTION of the MULTIVERSE instead of an EXPANDING ACCELLERATING universe.
See my raspberry shaped Multiverse evaporation scheme called the “CPT symmetric Multiverse cycle”
see the difference between
A: Higgs particles enclosed inside black hole nuclei ( Dark energy)
B: Oscillating Higgs particles inside the Higgs space lattice (Dark Matter)
C: Fermionic matter originated at the Fermion repulsive horizon of black holes.
Pffff you will say, this is all too much at once for me.
Take your time and think about it and perhaps look again at:

Conclusion: The multi-verse in its raspberry shape is contracting as a whole instead of expanding, which is based on the false interpretation of Hubble redshift increase with distance. Hubble redshift should only be interpreted as the result of Space deformation by the consumption of Higgs space by the network of black holes located around Galaxies (coined as dark matter)

Leo Vuyk

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in becoming new eyes" - Marcel Proust

The peculiar NEW God (Higgs) particle and the resulting NEW Black hole.
Based on particle decay research described in this blog, there is strong evidence that elementary particles are NOT pointlike as mainstream physics assumes.
In contrast, elementary particles seem to have a complex curved shape able to change form and make compound Quarks and Leptons after collision with the Higgs vacuum particles also coined God particles.
Fermions (such as electrons, positrons and Quarks) seem to have even a real PROPELLER shape with a left- or right-handed pitch.
Fermions seem to be forced to “FLIP their spin state” at some crucial distance from Black hole nuclei and form gas tails, able to migrate Black holes through the Higgs vacuum.
By this process, Black holes of different sizes seem to be forced to SPLIT and PAIR into dumbbell systems with gas concentration in the middle to form galaxies or stars.
As a result every planet related star should have at least TWO Stellar anchor Black holes, just like Galaxies.
These Black holes become visible as “Hotspots” after gas ejection away from the star.
This is often visible in exploding stars like Planetary Nebula, such as Planetary Nebula M2-9 and NGC 6543 (see above)
See also my book BASED ON SMALL ANOMALOUS astronomical/physical FACTS coined: THE NEW GOD PARTICLE and FREE WILL.
The discovery of a different universe based on simple particle forms and complex symmetric entanglement relation.

Black hole Paradigm shift leading to a TOE. (Theory Of Everything)

For a quick search inside my new book: "The new God Particle and Free Will", at Amazon.com press:
or: http://www.lulu.com/content/2552961

Hubble telescope images of the different forms of star formation and the shapes of so called “Gas pillars” inside the star forming nebulae of the Milky-way galaxy, tell us the story of splitting and Pairing NEW Black holes.

This cone will be observed as the shape of a gaseous V behind the black hole.(see these differences in the Lagoon/Veil nebula, above and Carina /Orion below)

One of the new results: Massless Black hole propulsion and repelling by gas tails.

Splitting black holes become Pairing black holes which repel each other to form Herbig Haro objects with newborn stars in between..

The principle of black hole propulsion can be described as the propulsion of single black holes by gas tails, which are deforming the black hole horizon and the Higgs vacuum lattice structure into an anti-symmetrical oscillating shape.
Due to this deformation effect, the black hole nucleus itself is propelled by the local anti-symmetrical oscillating Higgs vacuum. The Pairing of black holes can be described as the result of alternating tail swing which is influenced by the mutual black hole gravitation effect. At the end, a Herbig Haro object is often observed with two more or less linear jets ending into two hotspots. ( the two black holes became to rest) See below.

Higgs-Vacuum Black Hole Lensing
Cygnus-A Black Hole Lensing with Ionisation effects
Rigid Elementary Click-On Particles and Propellers
Galaxy Form and formation
Higgs-Graviton Quantum Gravity etc. etc.
Small GR anomalies and Test Proposals
Is Less More in the Symmetric Multiverse?
Magnetic Quantum radiation Test
New Nuclear Polar-Ring Structure
More Triple Stellar Object Strings
High Speed Black Holes.
Planetary Lightspeed Frame Dragging
The Evaporating Big Bang Black Hole
Rigid Gluonium Knots and Ball lightning
The Black Hole relation with Comets
Vacuum Lattice models and Diffraction: "Wrapping Fluxes around the compact geometries" ( Lee Smolin)
The Geometry of Decay Processes in Detail

If the second Law of Thermodynamics is violated by entropy decrease, near Fermion friendly "NEW Black Holes", which seem to be the case inside the TADPOLE and other Carina objects, THEN the description of unexplained energized x-ray point sources, such as all AGN-Quasar Hotspots, Sunspots, Herbig Haro Hotspots, Comets and Ball Lightning, should be one of the highest scientific and economic goals.

If we learn about how the universe is able to use this Fermion friendly "NEW black hole" energy, then perhaps we can copy it on Earth.

Carina nebula, a Playground for pairing Black holes.
What future comparison between old and newer Carina images will show .
Gas pillar regions in the Carina nebula are well known cradles of open star clusters, but they seem to be produced by pairing massless "NEW" black holes.
However according to the images, there are multiple ways for these black holes to meet each other. Herbig Haro hotspots seem to be only temporal manifestations of the end of the pairing black hole journey.

How could we explain massless black holes?
It is a relative simple picture, its about pushing gravity.
Just imagine that the vacuum is a ultra dense energetic oscillating lattice of REAL Higgs particles , which are able to transport photon information like graviton-, electric,- magnetic and etc.etc along the lattice.
Fermions are REAL propeller shaped entities spinning outside this lattice but energized and driven to spin , by the continuous scattering with these Higgs particles. Each collision with a Fermion does change one real Higgs particles program into a Higgs particle with a particular photon quality depending on the angle of scattering attack of the Higgs to the Fermion.
Thus the spin and "eigen energy" of the Fermion has come from the Higgs field.
Conclusion: Only real spinning Fermions can have mass, by emitting gravity photon information. As a consequence, Gravity is not only a feature of the scattering pushing influence of Gravitons on Fermions, but also the counter balancing pressure of the Higgs system. (for alternative Feynman diagrams see:

Black holes are supposed to be particle graveyards with a real particle nucleus, densely packed together by the Higgs pressure from outside, not able to emit graviton information outside the horizon, because the Higgs lattice is eaten by the black hole, due to a constant Casimir effect.
For the particle physics of Black hole nuclei, see also:
If Black holes do not emit photon information like gravitons, then they have NO MASS, nothing (no Fermions) is spinning inside the nucleus.
As a result we may formulate things different.
This is a rough version!
MASS is the variable (Lorentz-transformed) capacity of real spinning Fermions, to change real oscillating Higgs particles into as much Graviton particles.

MOTION, is the (Lorentz-transformed) capacity of real spinning Fermions, to change oscillating Higgs particles into as much Gravitons in all directions and in equal numbers around the Fermion.

ACCELERATION, is the (Lorentz-transformed) capacity of real spinning Fermions, to change oscillating Higgs particles into as much Gravitons in all directions but in NON-equal numbers around the Fermion, leading to a non globular impulse vector field around the Fermion.

GRAVITY, is the balancing result between the impulse differences of Higgs and Graviton scattering on spinning Fermions. If represented as a non-globular impulse vector field around the Fermion we could call this a Gravity Hedgehog.
New massless Black holes seem to be Fermion repelling and Higgs vacuum eating objects at all scales, down to sunspots and ball lightning, able to form pairs with matter concentration in between.

Planetary nebula with paired black holes.

Sunspots: Micro black holes
There is something knotty in the Helix nebula.

Plato’s allegory of the cave is still to date.
We humans live in a dark cave with only a little light information coming from outside to make still guesses about the real world and our destiny.
KNOTTY dark matter sources of the Helix nebula represent the former “sunspots” of the former star, they seem to be less able to get in motion by the explosion of the star than normal atomic material. This is in line with the new black hole model. It is even suggested that these knotty micro black hole “sunspots” have a gas producing feature.

A possible evidence for the new stellar black hole model predicting two Solar polar black holes at long distance, described before,
should have be found by the MACHO (Massive astrophysical compact halo object) project team, cause by the expected gravitational lensing effects around the paired Solar polar located black holes.
I was highly pleased and amused to find a clear indication of at least one anomalous MACHO lensing effect located at l-b= 3.11-3.01!

MACHO survey based evidence for at least one of the two Stellar Anchor Black Holes (SABH) of our Sun, located at (l-b) = (3.11-3.01) degrees, by the anomalous high MACHO field 104 see:

Microlensing Optical Depth towards the Galactic Bulge Using Clump Giants from the MACHO Survey. P. Popowski1, K. Griest2, et all.

Short quotation of the tam on field 104:

“Finally, we discuss the possibility of anomalous duration distribution of events in the field 104 centred on (l, b) = (3.◦11,−3.◦01)


The title of this book, The new GOD Particle and Free Will, could be exposed into the sub-title:
“The forms and features of the new GOD Particle introduce “New Physics” and as the ultimate consequence a new interpretation of Free Will and Free Energy.
It was the famous astronomer Halton Arp of the Max Planck institute at Gaerching/Muenchen who stimulated me to do extensive research on physics and astronomy by his positive qualification on my research, in his book: “Seeing Red” published by. Apeiron Montreal 1998.
At page 191 under: “An amateur spots the crucial patterns” he wrote: “The empirical pattern recognition, which has so drastically changed our view of extra-galactic astronomy in this book, is based on the recurrent evidence of pairing of active objects across large low redshift galaxies. The tyranny of the observations is to insist on opposite ejection of extra galactic material as a ubiquitous process that operates on all scales. How is it possible that the exquisitely trained professional scientists have not recognized this evidence? To make the point that it is not the evidence but the viewer that is the key here, I want to present Figure 7-20. These are examples from a page, which an architect named Leo Vuyk sent me.”
So, yes I am an amateur in physics and astronomy, I have a masters degree in architecture and building engineering, ( TU Delft 1972) highly interested in large and small scale structure formation of spaces, from social housing up to university hospitals, but I was in addition able to do incidental research at the university of Utrecht at the physics and astronomy department.
In the beginning, I focussed myself on the formation and shapes of astronomical structures at different scales.
I found out, that from the smallest Herbig Haro structures to the largest Galaxy clusters so called pairing dumbbell patterns can be observed, which in my view could introduce crucial implications for dark matter. This was leading to a new interpretation of black holes and dark energy.
However, this was also the origin of new ideas on the microscopic scale, leading to the proposal for a new energetic oscillating entangled Higgs vacuum with the oscillating Higgs particle inside.

The until now by experiment unresolved Higgs particle is generally called the “God Particle”.

Halton Arp’s book was published in 1998, ten years separated from this book, which describes the results of what I in addition was able to “construct” out of this new vision on dark matter and dark energy.

A second firm help to do research for this book is also found inside the essays called “Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanis” made by John Steward Bell (1928-1990), especially those essays which are related to his “Bell theorem” and the so called “Broglie-Bohm theory”.
It is my conviction that the new physics solutions presented in this book, are only a small step beyond the Bell/Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics described in his essays.

My proposal for a new double Stern Gerlach experiment to prove the existence of a local multi-particle entanglement between silver atoms, is the proof of this statement. It should have been very easy for John Bell to proposed this experiment by himself, because all the theoretical ingredients where there at that moment.

The main NEW results of this book are:

The NEW vacuum is filled up with a super dense triangular shaped lattice structure of energetic oscillating and scattering Higgs particles able to give Fermions their "eigen energy" and able to transmit photon particle information along the chiral vacuum lattice lines.
Particles (Fermions and Bosons) are real shaped particles with a definite Form instead of wave-functions, all these shapes are originated from the variable shape of the Higgs-vacuum particles. All particles are supposed to be guided continuously by so called “entanglement at a distance” acting between their copy partners located at a small distance inside the experimental setting (as a form of non-local hidden variable) AND at a large distance between copy anti-universes.

As long as there are only two correlated particles to measure, we may not speak of a so called “non-local hidden variable” situation, because there is no hidden polarisation relation with other particles, as is proposed to act inside a normal Stern Gerlach experiment.
A NEW cyclic symmetrical “raspberry shaped” Big Bang proposal is described as the evaporation in stages of a central Big Crunch black hole.
All NEW black holes of different sizes, are the only origin of dark matter, they seem to be able to repel fermions from its horizon leaving hydrogen clouds behind as is visible at merging Galaxies such as Cygnus-A dual hotspots.
The NEW energetic oscillating Higgs vacuum lattice is assumed to be the origin of all dark energy effects and able to MIMIC relativity rules, down to a measurable scale. It introduces a new kind of measurable preferred vacuum reference frame dubbed “Local Anti-Symmetrical Oscillating vacuum Frame” (LASOF).
Consequently it looks as if Mainstream physics has been looking for clues of reality way beyond reality; however it is obvious that there was a firm reason to do so. Only small anomalies measured outside this Earth can tell us the real truth about what is really happening outside the cave (called earth) we are sitting in, like Plato already mentioned.

Plato’s allegory of the cave is still actual. We humans live in a dark cave with only a little light information coming from outside, to make continuous guesses about the real world and our destiny.
This book is an attempt to shed some alternative light into the cave based on small anomalies found outside this world.

Leo Vuyk.

The new God particle and the second Law.

The different forms of Gas pillars and star formation inside Milky tell us the story of a New Physics. If the second Law of Thermodynamics is violated near "NEW Black Holes", then this is a sign of new physics and at the same time the description of unexplained energized x-ray point sources, such as all Quasar Hotspots, Sunspots, Herbig Haro Hotspots, Comets and Ball Lightning, should become possible.
If we look at the Carina Nebula, we may become a strong suspicion for such phenomena, by recognizing pairing black holes as the base for new Herbig Haro objects which are known as the origin of new open star clusters. However we need to find the mechanism behind these pairing black holes, which could be found by a new interpretation of the Higgs based vacuum.
Only if we assume that the Higgs vacuum is a dense network or lattice occupied by fast oscillating FORM changing Higgs particles and that Fermions are real spinning propeller shaped particles able to make a SPIN-FLIP at the Black hole horizon and repel from it.
Then we may have a logical foundation for violation of thermodynamics at the black hole horizon. However, in that case, the vacuum is supposed to be a super dense God particle based particle system with a memory for speed and position of particles.
Can we find support for such a weird proposal in the history of physics?
I think we can.
It was David Bohm and John Bell and others, like Jean Pierre Vigier and Basil Hiley, who tried to get an alternative picture and a more ontological sound proposal for physical reality.
However they failed to propose experimental differences with the standard theory to get a broad support from the physics community and the mathematical changes they proposed where not seen by the mainstream as a better alternative.

This is also described by Paul Davies and John Brown in “The Ghost in the atom” described later in this book.
In my book however I will explain and describe several useful experiments to do the job to create a foundation for such a real alternative.
That is to say, to understand those new experiments, we have to change our understanding of reality by descending down to the smallest microstructures such as the electron and the positron and we have to go up to the largest scale: the universe as a whole including the Big bang.

We will observe that the guiding system for particles we need just like David Bohm proposed (The Pilot wave) but did not find, should be about the same system as the guiding system for our free choices and free will.
This guiding system I dubbed: Multi-universal entanglement between anti-material universes located inside the raspberry shaped multiverse.

Free Will.
The brush of an artist is freely guided over the canvas while painting. We say the artist guides his brush in full freedom because he uses his free will to do so.
We also may say that historical events like wars or military interference are based on free will of the responsible presidents or responsible decision makers. But is this really the case? What we see, is the different morality of these two examples. In this book I will try to give an answer to the question of free will, based on rigorous causal reasoning and my new model of the world around us, which is made falsifiable and testable by a handful of future- but also by historical experiments already.

That new model is based on the unusual but most simple hypothesis for a new kind of Big Bang, together with the assumption, that our universe is STILL fully symmetric from the start in the form of a raspberry shaped multi universe, the "multiverse". The Big Bang should be interpreted as the Fractal evaporation of a Big Crunch black hole, into an even set of symmetric and EPR related bubbles of copy universes.

As a result, we live in a material bubble of the symmetric raspberry multiverse which is without time delay "entangled at a long distance" with the other (anti)-material copy bubbles. "EPR related" means that the particle system is based on the results of recent laboratory experiments originally based on the ideas of Einstein Podolski and Rosen (EPR). The EPR experiments demonstrated that particles that shared originally the same "identical state" remain instantly and enduringly connected, even at long distances like universal scales.

As a start I give here some thoughts of other thinkers about free will, also with a clear difference on morality impact.
The Arthur Schopenhauer idea about free will with a moral aspect:
I can do what I will: I can, if I will, give everything I have to the poor and thus become poor myself — if I will! But I cannot will this, because the opposing motives have much too much power over me for me to be able to. On the other hand, if I had a different character, even to the extent that I were a saint, then I would be able to will it. But then I could not keep from willing it, and hence I would have to do so.

The Rene Descartes idea: Cogito ergo sum: I think therefore I am.
To lift a tip of the solution described in this book, I would say beforehand, that the physics of the universe seem to have the possibility of moral aspects in itself. This hypothesis is in line with other thinkers like Teilhard de Chardin (Noösphere, global consciousness) and Frank Tipler, who both predicted that all historical and actual information about our world is stored somewhere in the vacuum around the Earth, however my physical underpinning is quite different. My own conviction about this subject is that the vacuum of the universe has a much more dense unresolved microscopic structure then mainstream physics wants to accept at this moment.
This vacuum structure is supposed to be able to store, like a digital RAM -read and address memory-, all our individual thoughts ideas and actions. More in detail: It is as if the Earth as a whole makes backup copies of itself every split second and leave these copies behind in the form of a ring around the Sun.

We humans seem to be able to tap information (backwards) out of this digital memory.
More consequently, we are “forced” to constantly tap information out of this vacuum system, in the form of our dreams, creative intuition and even partly our human urges. Our social and moral behavior and habits are supposed to be influenced by this memory and as a consequence, the completion of this memory with its own Earth bound morality (good or bad) could be the ultimate goal of humanity as a local part of a much larger universal whole.
As a result, it is the base for our personal IDENTITY and perhaps even the origin for a scientific based astrology in the future, if the ring structure around the sun of this cosmic vacuum memory could be observed by scientific experiments.

I am very pleased about recent (2007) laboratory results found by Marcel Brass ( Gent) and Patrick Haggard (London) , which do confirm the well known work of Benjamin Libet on free will and his brain research on so called motor reaction times of subjects in the laboratory. These findings are also a strong refutation of the recent free will ideas of Daniel Dennett, who fiercely attacked Libet in his book “Freedom evolves” (2003).
It looks as if our free will can only be described as “not doing” or aborting at the last possible moment our intentions, in full agreement with Benjamin Libet's proposal for free will. The Zen Buddhist philosophy of the importance of “not doing” will be also of interest here.

Einstein as a child, tried to imagine how the world would look like from the position of a photon. If imagination is the motor of our changing interpretation of the world, then we should work on our imagination of the universe at all scales. Then the imaginative interpretation of the visual aspects of the Cosmos could be the base for real discrimination and order. If the collapse of the wavefunction is the only way for nature to make a choice then the explanation for human choices and FREE WILL should be related to wavefunction collapse.

One of the most recent and accessible descriptions of the great problems of physics, inspired me to write this book because I boldly think I can shed some modest alternative light. It is called “the Trouble with Physics” written by Lee Smolin, a well known physicist.

The five great problems in theoretical physics he describes are chosen to be the base for this book.. The possible alternatives that I invented for those problems seem just to fit in his descriptions. The five problems are described as follows:

1: Explain how all the particles and forces are manifestations of a single entity (the GOD particle) the unification of particles and forces. 2: How are the values chosen of the free constants in the standard model of particle physics. 3: Explain dark matter and dark energy. 4: Combine general relativity and quantum theory into a single theory that can claim to be the complete theory of nature, also called the quantum gravity problem. 5: Resolve the problems in the foundations of quantum mechanics either by making sense of the standing theory or invent a new one.

To explain Free Will we also seem to need a new model of reality.
So I hope you will enjoy reading this book, but I must apologize for the crash you could experience about your own personal SELF. The world seems to be split in two -or even more- interconnected “entangled” mirror symmetrical parts and you are only partly responsible for your decisions you make.
However, as a consequence, You are not alone! We all are at a long distance direct related-in all our actions, dreams and thoughts- to our identical (anti-) counterparts at the other side of our universal bubble.
Is there consequently nothing left of a single personal identity, who has a single possibility to choose and could be the guiding entity for the others?
There is a small possibility yes, based on the existence of little deviations in the existing experiments made by Benjamin Libet and others. It is called "incidental pre-planning", which has got no scientific attention as far as I know. In a private letter, Benjamin Libet wrote that he was not able to reproduce the statistics of these incidental pre-planning events of his experiments, because they where "Buried" in his computer files.
As a weird but logic consequence, this Libet experiment should be reproduced to find out about the percentages of "incidental preplanning" to be able to peculate about the number of entangled copy universes.

Free Energy.

Vacuum energy is supposed by mainstream physics to be energy exists in space even when devoid of matter. This vacuum energy is supposed to be the origin of all the fundamental forces, the electromagnetic- strong- weak- and gravity forces.
It is found to be present in experiments like the spontaneous emission of light or gamma radiation, the , Van der Waals bonds, Casimir effect, the Lamb shift, etc; and in this book it is thought to have consequences for the behavior of the “symmetrical entangled” Universe on cosmological scales.
In this book I support the idea that the vacuum is able to produce this vacuum energy by the autonomous oscillation of densely tetrahedral shaped system (lattice) of Higgs particles. These Higgs particles are supposed to be the origin of all other particles (the God particle) by a simple change of their rigid FORM. Thus Fermions have also real rigid forms and are supposed to have a propeller shape to become spin by Higgs scattering coming in from all directions.
If the Higgs oscillations have a random globular impulse on a fermion, we may conclude that the fermion is in equilibrium with the Higgs vacuum in free space and if each impact is represented by one Higgs vector we may speak of a so symmetrical Higgs impulse vector Hedgehog (IVH).
If this vector Hedgehog is anti-symmetrical, the fermion may have an absolute motion through the vacuum, (Lorentz polarization) or the fermion is accelerated by a fundamental force like gravity!

At the borders of a black hole these fermions seem to have an opposite reaction to the Higgs impact hedgehog. As a result fermions are not able to enter the horizon of a black hole.
As a consequence ENTROPY is decreasing around the horizon of a black hole and the universe is served with Free Energy, or a "lage scale Casimir effect", the origin of all non-Newtonian complexity in the universe like Cygnus A, ( see below) the origin of so called dark energy effects and perhaps even an alternative energy source on earth!
If the second Law of Thermodynamics doesn't hold for "Dark Energy" or “Dark Matter”, then the description of unexplained energized x-ray point sources, such as Sunspots, Comets and Ball Lightning, should be one of the highest scientific goals, to generate a firm alternative for fossil fuel. (see electric generator design, page 92, fig 2.8.5-2.8.6.)

Leo Vuyk.

An unexpected NEWSCIENTIST support: "Parallel universes make quantum sense" and "IF YOU think of yourself as unique, think again.":http://space.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=mg19526223.700&feedId=online-news_rss20