The Q-FFF Rigid String Theory says: (1) There is only one CONSTRUCTIVE Topological and Resilient TRANSFORMING STRING (Axion/vacuum Dark Energy building block ), forming direct after the Black Hole Splitting Big Bang. so called Travelling TADPOLE Black Hole based Filaments, expanding the Cosmic Lyman Alpha Structure. (2) A Raspberry Entangled 12x Mirror Copy Multiverse is Postulated as base for uncertainty (ER=EPR) and Libet's FREE VETO WILL . SO We live inside an exploded BH
Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)
QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.
If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.
All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.
What Michio Kaku said about Einsteins push-gravity see below. about curved space is only half right. Because The universal pressure from above comes with reduced strength from below. due to the Axion pressure is reduced by the passage through the earth (6). see the combined reduced variable Axion/ graviton/ pressure (3 and 6) around the earth in opposition to each other.. ( see: 3 , 6 and 8, below) Earth masss created graviton pressure from below.
So Gravity is always a combined effect of two opposite variable pressures. from space.
What Einstein said about pushing gravity from above our head. like Q-FFF theory said is half True .See:
A new model for the raspberry multiverse.with pear shaped universes.
above; a new model for the 12 pear shaped anti symmetric universes.
The collapse of the wave function occur by the entanglement of all 12 anti symmetric charged anti copy universes at the same moment.
The Q-FFF Interpretation by me.: The 12 fold anti symmetric multiverse. with 6 anti matter and 6 material universes or: better said: 12 anti copy universes., a total symmetric system instant entangled with each string based particle. also the origin of transspermia. and the self propelling of Comets trailing with all kinds of self created particles at the trapped space horizon of the original splitted black hole.
Below: Model of the 12 fold raspberry entangled model of the multiuiverse. equipped anti symmetric Multiverse with 12 fold pear shaped entangled anti copy symmetric universes.
Below; The different linear ordered main Galaxy clusters of the pear shaped milky way inside the hart of our pear shaped material universe.
In this video, we dive into groundbreaking discoveries that challenge everything we thought we knew about how galaxies form. Recent observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and new findings in our own Milky Way suggest that ancient, cold discs might be a fundamental feature of galaxies, not just the result of violent mergers as previously believed.
The White Hole is the focus place of the Herbig Haro center forming stars by plasma concentration and a even a spiral galaxy.
Q-FFF THEORY says: LOOK AT ALL the TADPOLE Micro Black Holes, made by the splitting black hole singularity Big Bang, creating dual Herbig Haro systems.
Below: The Magic of Star /Galaxy formation by the DUAL equal sized self propelled TADPOLE BLACK HOLES (pushed and steered ) by a plasma tail leaving plasma trails behind. making Herbig Haro systems, WITH A STAR/GALAXY IN BETWEEN..
How equal sized Black Holes can find each other? by influence of the Equal Electro Magnetic Charge Repulsion and the Equal Gravity Attraction of both dual Herbig Haro Black Holes. also able to make dual plasma JETS, connecting both equal sized black holes then called ANCHOR BLACK HOLES.
Conclusion ; This phenomenon is already measured by the LIGO-VIRGO evidence of Equal Black Holes do NOT MERGE !! with <15% difference. (below)
Below: SPIRALS CAME FIRST !!according to the Q-FFF Model.
Opposite to the standard model of universal sequence of developing: See: The Q-FFF solution of the growing Universe being opposite in time starting with the smallest youngest SPIRAL systems as a start, and two equal sized dual Black Holes.( see below: Two bowshock black holes forming the youngest dual JETS. between the two bowshocks or later becoming Anchor Black Holes.
The self produced plasma tail of each black hole seems to be the repelling pushing motor of the Tadpole Black Hole. The direction of the plasma tail will point always away from the pushed Black Hole nucleus into the direction of the local gravity well. like the second local black hole (see image) forming a bridge between them.(see: NGC 326) and the start of each Herbig Haro system.
Both "equal" Bowshock Tadpole black holes will leave the central bridge place into a direction perpendicular to both tails and the central bridge forming the so called polar Anchor Black Holes of each star or Galaxy.
Those former Anchor black holes seem to be the seeds for new starclusters at the edge of galaxies after galaxy merger processes. observed in our Mil ky Way or in the Andromeda system.
The origin of elliptical galaxies, is assumed to start with only ONE Big Bang Black Hole splinter. creating a starcluster knot around it without a clear Polar Anchor Black Hole system, such as the milky way and andromeda.
Below: the Milky Way and Andromeda with the Starclusters around ( former mergers of Polar Anchor Black Holes )
Below: The Fermion creation out of the scattering of the oscillating Higgs Field by a butterfly shaped geometry, creating Fermions out of the Penrose Trapped Vacuum Collider Hoerizon around the black hole.
Three or more Higgs Models in a 3D geometrical String system, according to the Q-FFF Model. A combination between three or four photon strings. all constructed out of 4 merged macaroni shaped Axion 1/4 ring parts
see: also: viXra:1711.0379replaced on 2017-11-23 03:47:16, (392 unique-IP downloads)
The Raspberry Shaped Multiverse, Pulsating Between Big Crunch and Big Bang, Based on Rigid Transformable oscillating Massless Axion Higgs vacuum Particles.
("Massless Axion Higgs vacuum Particles"), seem to be not massless if the vacuum has resistance for all fermionic motion and . creating one part of Quantum Gravity in contrast with less massive Gravitons = scattered Vacuum particles created with less massive gravity push effect. Conclusion: Quantum Gravity is the result of dual opposite push effect of 2 different massive oscillating vacuum particles on fermions by scattering .
Figure 1 Multiple combination of quantum knots. Knot 1: left: three magnetic monopole photons (125
GeV, silver) Knot 2: right: 4x x-ray photons (375 GeV, black)
It is assumed, that this interlocking system is the start of the step by step-building up of ball lightning/
Sprite /Cometary nuclear black holes up to sunspots. Traces of this building up seems already be observed
by the LHC collider.
Gravitons are assumed to be diluted Vacuum Axions after scattering with Fermions. In Q-FFF Theory)
(Below) Dual opposite vacuum Vector Pressure ( vacuum vectors opposite diluted vacuum vectors; called Gravitons) the base for Quantum Gravity.
Ejected Starspot Black Holes responsible for the expansion of the local universe.