Dr Scheck says: "We've found these nuclei literally point towards a direction in space.
and: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1602.01485v1.pdf
According to Quantum FFF Theory all nuclei should have a small pear shape pointing into the same direction as a compensation for its absolute velocity in the Higgs field !! That velocity direction is also showed up by the redshift/ blueshift axis of the CMB ( Cosmic Microwave Background)
see: figure 15 at: http://vixra.org/pdf/1305.0041v3.pdf
"The Shnoll Effect explained by Quantum FFF theory."
The pear shape of the radium 224 and barium 144, showed that nuclei could have more mass at one end than the other.
IMHO the pear shape should be related to earlier experiments made by Simon Shnoll .
He found the radioactive decay products have a directional preference related to massive objects around us like the sun and moon.
Quote: "The 27 day sidereal moon related period of similar histograms found by S.Shnoll, seem to
show a split in 2 or 3 subgroups of similar histograms. (fig. 13)
These subgroups are supposed to be a support for a DOUBLE truncated tetrahedron 3D polarization of the vacuum lattice as reference frame with CUBIC and HEXAGONAL lattice
Michelson-Morley didn’t find the ether, BUT Simon Shnoll did!"