Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Is the vacuum a super conductor for instant entanglement and photon information?

Subject : Toric symmetry geometries in CFT Conformal Field Theories.
The massless chiral Axion /Higgs oscillating dark energy vacuum field with a Topological superconductor function, to transfer not only photon information with the local speed of light, but also instant entanglement information, even between CP(T) symmetric universes. (Charge Parity Time)
The transformable Axion /Higgs particle is supposed to act as the mother of all single and compound rigid string particles fermions/neutrinos, photons etc.
see also: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.nl/2016_07_01_archive.html 

Massive Higgs particles seem to be complex Higgs knots as depicted below.

Also found in: 4 point function of Fermions in 3D.

Friday, July 15, 2016

A new Black Hole paradigm supported by new observations.

 According to Quantum FFF Theory:  black holes need a new paradigm.
The main features are:
In Quantum FFF model, Axions (also called massless Higgs) are described as single rigid string particles able to form all other particles by form transformation and interlocking habits with one ore more  other axions forming Quantum Knots, like Quarks, Leptons, complex massive Higgs particles (125-1600 GeV?) and massive singularity alike dark matter black holes (micro and macro). 
1: BHs are massive Quantum Knots based on interlocking composite massless Axion/Higgs particles 
2: BHs attract fermions only up to a certain distance from the Higgs nucleus and repell them into a gaseous horizon.
3: the horizon produces pairs of electrons and positrons by Axion/Higgs collisionary transformation out of the  oscillating Axion/Higgs vacuum. (=dark energy)
see posters: 
and: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377066296_6x9_2023-B-17-nieuw_Splitting-BH-BB-12
Recent observations of different origin present confirmation of these new elements.
See next examples:
"Researchers interpret the red geysers as galaxies hosting low-energy supermassive black holes which drive intense interstellar winds. These winds suppress star formation by heating up the ambient gas found in galaxies and preventing it to cool and condense into stars." see:
"Red Geysers " --Previously Unknown Phenomenon Discovered Killing Off Galaxies of the Universe
After formation of a big crunch black hole Axion/Higgs quantum knot nucleus,  the nucleus will explode again because of the vacuum pressure extinction on the nucleus and the Big bang is born.
See: No Big Bang --"Our Universe Was Formed From an Older Collapsing Universe"

These examples and multiple others described recently on this blog, support Quantum FFF model for black holes:

The Old and New black hole.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

New Black Hole Physics from ball lightning up to the Big Bounce.

 NASA  seems to have found elements for new Black Hole physics.( electron positron pair production)  inline with Quantum FFF Theory, which suggest:  Black Holes producing pairs of electron positrons and are repelling both but electrons first and harder, due to the chiral vacuum structure and the different chiral propeller shape of those pairs. see also:
Birkeland Currents, Sunspots, Comets and Ball lightning originated by new paradigm Dark Matter Black Holes.
Quote:  we observe: " initial evolution of both electron-proton and electron-positron relativistic jets"

Monday, July 11, 2016

Nasa: “Our Milky Way Galaxy is Embedded Within a Vast Sphere of Black Holes"

Quantyum FFF Theory says YES!
At last, they found the key to new Black Hole physics. producing pairs of electron positrons and repelling both but electrons first and harder, due to the chiral vacuum structure and the chiral propeller shape of those pairs.

see  also: Electric Dark Matter Black Holes Outside and Inside Galaxies possibly related to the creation and contraction of a Cyclic Universe.


Thursday, July 07, 2016

Is NGC3801 a cosmic miracle?

? Not so,  if we accept to recognize two GABH’s ( Galaxy Anchor Black Holes) both in line with the central star forming region.

The mystery of cool corusus of galaxy clusters and the origin: Black hole hierarchy.

The Virgo and Perseus cluster have cool corusus and show unresolved 3.5 KeV radiation. The solution: In these centers only small black holes are pushed by external so called GABHs (Galaxy Anchor Black Holes) to be eaten by the central giant black hole.
See: Hitomi Collaboration. The quiescent intracluster medium in the core of the Perseus cluster, AND:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377066296_6x9_2023-B-17-nieuw_Splitting-BH-BB-12

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Diphoton resonances up to 750 and 1600GeV translated to real rigid string configurations ( Quantum FFF Theory)

see also: 
2x 375=750GeV and 2x750+125=1625GeV.

Five (instead of four) Multiverse collisions with resulting Low Variance Circles in the WMAP, means 12 Dodecahedron structured symmetrical entangled universes?

Five (instead of four) Multiverse collisions with resulting Low Variance Circles in the WMAP, means 12 Dodecahedron structured symmetrical entangled universes?
If there are 5 low Variance Cirles in the WMAP in tead of four, then we may suggest a different geometrical Multiverse structure.

For 4x multiverse collisions

First Observational Tests of Eternal Inflation.
By; Stephen M. Feeney,1, _ Matthew C. Johnson,2, 3, y Daniel J. Mortlock,4, z and Hiranya V. Peiri.
"We present the first observational search for the effects of bubble collisions, using cosmic microwave background data from the WMAP satellite. Using a modular algorithm that is designed to avoid a posteriori selection effects, we found four features on the CMB sky that are consistent with being bubble collisions. If this evidence is corroborated by upcoming data from the Planck satellite, we will be able to gain insight into the possible existence of the Multiverse."

The Vedic Rgveda Astronomical Code, and Black Hole classification ( Quantum FFF Theory.)

The Vedic Rgveda Astronomical Code, compared to Quantum FFF Theory.


Splitting and Pairing black holes together with colliding and merging 3D-particles of the Quantum FFF Theory, compared to the Hindu Vedic Rgveda (or Rigveda, between1500-800 BC)

It is well known that the Rgveda contains information which could be correlated to the origin of the universe in hymns which contain hidden meanings.

Dr. Raja Ram Mohan Roy, PhD, did research on this subject, which is published in his book: "Vedic Physics" 1999, “scientific origin of Hinduism”. Published by Golden Egg Publishing. Toronto CA. Foreword by Prof.Subhash Kak, author of “The Astronomical Code of the Rgveda”.

The hidden meaning seems to be most significant in the way that the Rgveda speaks a lot of the sacrifice of different named Gods to become an other (multiple) God.

The God Perusa (the Big Bang Black Hole, BBBH) could be interpreted as the vacuum particle based black hole and particle origin of everything in the universe and this God does its work by the sacrifice of itself into different pieces and different forms.

It is an interesting effort to compare the indications of Rgveda hymns with the new Fractal based Big Bang model.

Rgveda 10.90.2: ( I use the translation into english by dr. Raja Ram Mohan Roy, in his book: "Vedic Physics" 1999. I do not use R.R.M.Roy's particle ideas. ) says: All there is Perusa whatever what happened and whatever will happen. He is the Lord of immortality, who increases by food.

If we interpret Perusa with the Big Crunch Black Hole (BCBH) which is increasing in this model, by the absorption of all the universal matter and vacuum particles, then we see a clear parallel.

Rgveda 10.90.3: Such a glory, there is an even greater Perusa. All that is born, is one fourth, his three fourth is immortal in heaven. Which could be interpreted as the evaporation division of Higgs-Virgin Nuclear Particles (HVNP's) into ¼ of matter and vacuum particles and ¾ of not evaporating Black Hole nuclear particles in the Galaxy- and Stellar Anchor Black Holes (GABH's and SABH's).

Rgveda 10.90.4: ¾ of Perusa is above, his ¼ is born again and again. Then he covered them all, those who eat, and those who don't. Which could according to this model be interpreted as: ¾ is above all interaction, "locked up" in the nuclei of GABH's and SABH's, and ¼ is always interacting with each other (vacuum particles and real Quarks or Leptons and Bosons) .

These particles are born and dying again and again, like all matter in the universe does in Supernovas, and all bosons in wave/particles duality processes. This is in agreement with the so called "1 cm postulate" of this model : that each photon, gluon or neutrino only travels maximal 1 cm before it is changing shape into an Oscillating Higgs-Virgin Vacuum (OHVV) particle.

Then he covered them all, those who eat, and those who don't. is interpreted as: At the end The Big Crunch Black Hole (BCBH) covered all elements in its nucleus.

Rgveda: 10.90.5: Then Virata(Viraj) was born. Virata is greater Perusa. Virata can be compared with the even number of 2e stage Big Bang Black Holes (BBBH's) bigger in volume than the original BCBH. He began dividing after being born. Interpreted as the division of the Big Crunch Black Hole (BCBH) into 2e stage Big Bang Black Holes (BBBH's), Then Bhumi and Pura (Parandara or Indra) became. These Gods can be translated as different universes created from the BBBH's.

Rgveda: 10.90.15: Seven were its enclosures (Paridhi): This could mean: 7 different shaped elementary particles are used to make matter as combinations of compound quarks and compound leptons (electron and positron, and 5 different formed photon/gluon particles), three times seven were made firelogs (Samidha): This could mean: 3 different forms (colors in QCD of the standard model) of compound quarks are used to make 36 different quarks. In the Yajna: In the nothingness outside the expanding vacuum which Gods were expanding, they sacrificed the Perusa animal: They sacrificed the BCBH.

Other Gods of the Rgveda and the correlation with phenomena of my particle/ black hole model: (provisional)

Agni: the Higgs-Virgin Particle. Aditi: the 2e stage Big Bang. Indra: the Universe. Soma: a general expression for all the different particles including Higgs-Virgin particles. Varuna: Oscillating Higgs-Virgin Vacuum (OHVV). Yami and Yama: the electron and positron. The Ashvins (twins): Proton and Neutron. Manu: quark. Mitra: Big Bang Entanglement, or EPR correlation between ant-copy particles located in separated dual universes.

Vayu: Higgs-Virgin vacuum polarization (e.g. around Stellar Anchor Black Holes) Usha: Galaxy- or Stellar (binary) Anchor Black Holes system (GABH/SABH). . Ratri (sister of Usha): single migrating Black Hole.

Asura: White Hole lying in between the dual GABH or SABH. Rudra: general expression for a Black Hole. Marut: atom. Vitra or Savitr (the Serpent): The Fractals in the Big Bang or Fractal Creating Pairing Black Hole (FCPBH).

Tvastar: Fractal Creating Black Hole Splinter (FCBHS). Pusan (the eye of Vitra): (FCPBH). Surya: Higgs-Virgin vacuum polarization. Aryaman: Big Bang Entanglement (EPR correlation) between anti-copy oscillating vacuum particles located in separated dual universes.

Other Gods of the Rgveda and the correlation with phenomena of my

model: (provisional)

Agni: the Higgs-Virgin Particle. Aditi: the 2e stage Big Bang. Indra:

the Universe. Soma: a general expression for all the different

particles including Higgs-Virgin particles. Varuna: Oscillating Higgs-

Virgin Vacuum (OHVV). Yami and Yama: the electron and positron. The

Ashvins (twins): Proton and Neutron. Manu: quark. Mitra: Big Bang

Entanglement, or EPR correlation between ant-copy particles located

in separated dual universes.

Vayu: Higgs-Virgin vacuum polarization

(e.g. around Stellar Anchor Black Holes) Usha: Galaxy- or Stellar

(dual) Anchor Black Holes system (GABH/SABH). . Ratri (sister of

Usha): single migrating Black Hole.

Asura: White Hole lying in between the dual GABH or SABH. Rudra:

general expression for a Black Hole. Marut: atom. Vitra or Savitr

(the Serpent): The Fractals in the Big Bang or Fractal Creating Black

Hole (FCBH). Tvastar: Fractal Creating Black Hole Splinter (FCBHS).

Pusan (the eye of Vitra): (FCBH). Surya: Higgs-Virgin vacuum

polarization. Aryaman: Big Bang Entanglement (EPR correlation)

between anti-copy oscillating vacuum particles located in separated

dual universes.

For Quantum FFF Theory see:




QUANTUM FFF theory, new paradigm Black Holes and the Cyclic Universe.

The Quantum FFF Theory is based on new paradigm splitting and pairing black

holes, which come in different sizes and stages of the cyclic universe.

From the Big Bang Black Hole (BBBH) down to Ball lightning black hole, (BLBH).

This is the base for most complex mass distribution structures in the multiverse.


Ultra large Black holes (BHs) are supposed to be active in the BH splitting Big Bang process, as the origin of the well known acceleration of the gas concentration in Galaxy forming.

Observations of the Early universe are reason to assume that at least TWO pairing BHs are responsible for such an acceleration process in the middle of both BHs.

Such a symmetric double BH configuration is even observed in much smaller objects like star forming Nebula and in the Hartley 2 Comet!

As a consequence I suppose that ALL Black Holes are able to pair and split, not only in the Big Bang or star forming Nebula, but at all other scales down to ball lightning.

Overview of Black Holes in Nature with decreasing order of sizes.

Big Crunch Black Hole. (BCBH)

Big Bang Black Hole (BBBH)

Lyman Alpha Fractal creating black Hole Splinters (FCBHSs)

Fractal Creating Pairing Black Holes (FCPBHs)

Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs)

Stellar Anchor Black Holes (SABHs)

Sunspot Black Holes (SUBHs)

Cometary Black Holes (COBHs) also supposed to be active inside "Sungrazers".

Ball Lightning Black Holes (BLBHs)

Stepped Leader Lightning Black Holes (SLBHs) (can evaporate or become a BLBH)

Sprite Fire Ball Black Holes (SFBHs) (can evaporate or become a MCBH)

Sprite Fireballs are Observed at 70-90km Mesosphere.

See Langmuir Lab. High speed Sprite video.

Micro Comet Fireball Black Holes (MCBHs)

The special features of Cometary Black Holes. (COBHs)

COBHs even come in pairs, see Hartley 2. 2010 (by Cassini spacecraft).

If COBHs hit the sun they are supposed to become Sunspot BHs. (SUBHs).

If COBHs hit planets or even moons they are supposed to be the origin of Red Spots (Jupiter) or a heating effect, like Saturn's moon Enceladus (cracks and jets also observed by Cassini spacecraft 2010).

Even Volcanic activities and the internal heat source of the Earth could be originatd by this process.

Four kinds of NEW black hole creation.

1: I propose Electro magnetic (x-ray) interference to be the origin of the group of small sized black holes. (SUBH-COBH-FIBH-BLBH). This process is observable in the Langmuir video: fireball production inside Sprites by electric discharge activity.

Sunspot black holes are supposed to be the remnants of Comets and so called Sun grazers originated by Solar Electro magnetic discharges.

2: Stellar Anchor Black Holes (SABHs) are supposed to be formed in supernova explosions.

3: Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) are supposed to be formed in the initial splitting process of the Big bang black hole (BBBH).

4: the Big Crunch Black Hole is supposed to be the result of the contraction of the universe, due to the elimination of the Dark Energy (Higgs) content of the Universes by Higgs consumption by the increasing number of black holes (Dark matter).

Fireballs produced by Sprites or by Electro Magnetic Solar activity are good candidates for the Fireball mysteries on Earth, like the Tunguska mystery in Siberia in 1908.

So called Small Comets seem to have no relation with Fireball events.

All black holes of different sizes seem to produce a Quark- Gluon- Electron- Positron- Plasma

at their Fermion repelling globular horizon as the origin of water based Cometary nuclei and vapour trails of micro Comets and Ball lightning seen at Ball lightning photos and Micro Comet videos.

Leo Vuyk.

Monday, July 04, 2016

New support for proliferation of new paradigm small black holes as stellar Anchor Black Holes. ( SABHs)

"We still don't know for sure what it is, but at least one thing we thought we knew about the present day universe isn't true."
According to Quantum FFF Theory, each open star cluster -and former star cluster stars like the sun- has its own dual stellar black holes ( undiscovered by now) emitting high energetic particles, so it is not a surpize that they concluded:
"The fact that this accounting works in the early universe but falls apart locally has scientists puzzled
But the number of known quasars is far lower than needed to produce the required light" see: 
SEE: http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2016/07/enigma-of-light-in-our-universe-some-of-it-could-be-coming-from-a-currently-unknown-exotic-source-we.html

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Pear shaped nuclei pointing into only one fixed direction in space! ! a support for Quantum-FFF Model.

Complex atom nuclei seems to are pear shaped and pointing into only one fixed direction in space!!
Dr Scheck says: "We've found these nuclei literally point towards a direction in space.
http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-36597142? utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link
According to Quantum FFF Theory all nuclei should have a small pear shape pointing into the same dirction as a compensation for its absolute velocity in the Higgs field !!
 see: figure 15 at: http://vixra.org/pdf/1305.0041v3.pdf
Called: "The Shnoll Effect explained by Quantum FFF theory."

Quantum Function Follows Form (Q-FFF) theory states, that the vacuum is seeded with fast oscillating massless dual Higgs particles, oscillating along a complex chiral truncated
tetrahedral vacuum lattice, which has the ability to transfer Photon and Graviton information in bunches of oscillations, through the vacuum lattice with the local speed of light.
As a consequence there are no attraction forces on Fermions, which are supposed to have a real propeller shape and real double axis spin.
Higgs oscillations are the origin of all energy processes in the universe and the origin of so called Dark Energy.
NON oscillating Higgs particles are supposed to be trapped inside black hole nuclei of variable sizes called “Quantum Knots”, and the origin for all Dark matter.
Only the sum of the different kinds of vacuum impulses in the form of Higgs vector arrays from all directions on Fermions are responsible for all energetic phenomena and gravity in the universe.
However, the vacuum lattice has only 2x6= 12 (twelve) oscillation directions, which seem to be observed in the 27 day sidereal moon related period of similar histograms found by Simon E. Shnoll.

These periods of 27 days seem to show a split in 2 or 3 subgroups of similar histograms, which have a possible relation with the12 oscillation directions of the vacuum with cubic and hexagonal elements..
As a second consequence, all “eigen energy” (even nuclear decay) and spin of Fermions is the result of the Dark Energy Higgs vector Field (DEHF) collision process with Fermions
As a third consequence Solar, Planetary and Moon masses influence the DEHF by less powerful Graviton vector array information transfer, which is assumed to be the origin of  peculiar Shnoll effects like Solar and Sidereal day periods, sidereal Moon periods and year periods of similar histograms of nuclear decay measurements like Plutonium, 239 Pu.
Michelson-Morley didn’t find the ether, BUT Simon Shnoll did!

MASS IS THE ABSOLUTE speed related capacity of Fermions to transfer Higgs field particles in as much gravitons by collision in a local reference frame.
WARP DRIVE  is in action even for mass in NON- accelerated motion related to the local vacuum frame.
Polarized Fermion point masses get polarisation by their motion through the resistive vacuum frame of energetic oscillating dual Higgs particles or by a ZPE Alcubierre drives.
The Higgs partilces are able to push the fermions against the ether lattice due to the ppolarized propeller shape of the fermions,
Thus: pushing the mass against the resitive vacuum lattice.
However, Multiversal Fermion consciousness  (coined Lorentz polarisation) is needed to do the job of mass in motion.
Conclusion Inertial acceleration power is the energy needed to change Lorentz polarisation of Fermions.

see also: The O‘Connell effect in eclipsing binaries explained by mass related light speed extinction distances (LASOF) of stars and even