Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Mystery of Hanny's Voorwerp (object) Solved by a new Q-FFF Transformer String Theory (or Q-FFF String Model: or Subquantum Function Follows Form)


Conclusion of the Q-FFF Model: There should be a second Hanny's Object, located mirror symmetric to the plane of the IC 2497 galaxy. ( see below) based on the origin of the first object, being half of the original dual hotspots of the Herbig Haro galaxy system of IC 2497.

The Mystery of Hanny's Voorwerp (Hanny's object) Solved by a new Q-FFF Transformer String Theory,  The HsV Discribed as half of the dual Herbig Haro galaxy forming system (of Q-FFF String Model: Subquantum FFF: Particle Function Follows Form)

Hanny's Voorwerp (HsV) is about the size of a small galaxy and has a central hole over 16,000 light years across. In an image taken with the Hubble Space Telescope,( from Wiki)

HsV is colored green, a standard false color that is used to represent the presence of several luminous emission lines of glowing oxygen. HsV has been shown to be at the same distance from Earth as the adjacent galaxy IC 2497, which is about 650 million light-years away.

Star birth is occurring in the region of HsV that faces IC 2497. Radio observations indicate that this is due to an outflow of gas from IC 2497's core which is interacting with a small region of HsV to collapse and form stars. The youngest of these stars are several million years old.

The New Q-FFF Model says: The Innermost (ISCO) Horizons of Black Holes  create and repel Fermions and plasma into the disc and into both JETS.

see: A New description on the gasdynamics around the Zwicky 1 Black Hole.by ISCO ( Innermost Stable Circular Orbit.)     https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/06/a-new-description-on-gasdynamics-arouns.html

see:  https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/06/bizarre-green-galaxy-found-but-green.html

and: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/

BELOW: I Postulate  a new, extra star forming Hanny's objet ( EVOLUATED by TIME) 1000 Lightyears above (NORTH) the Milky Way Plain called the "Rottern Fish Nebul" see image below:  https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
Rotten fish Nebula.   100 ly above North.
However it is not green of colour, but is seems the signal of a remnant (parts of the jet? ) of the  former "Nacket Herbig Haro Black Hole, creating a astar forming nebula around it by supernova explosions.creating : former star spot black hole based smaller Herbig Haro systems.
Called the self production of new stars and even the expansion of the galaxy, and  partly the universe.
The main origin of the hubble expansion seems to be the the evaporation of so called splitted Big Bang new physics black holes ( tadpoles) creating the oscillating Axion vacuum space frame between nodes by the evaporation of multi  travelling tadpoles, leaving lasma trails behind.  
see below:  A second Hanny's Object?

The Vaccum between two equal sized black holes, of a dual Herbig Haro system.

Both suggested Dual Hanny's Herbig Haro black hole objects, seem to form a so called  Birkeland Alven magnetic gravitational  carousel,  ARE PROPOSED  to be responsible for the Circular flat velocities of the Galaxy disc rim velocities.
see:Indefinitely Flat Circular Velocities and the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation from Weak Lensing

Ball Lightnings are miniscule Dark Matter Knot black holes. 
(Q-FFF Theory) not able to transfere Gravitational Axions from the oscillating vacuum space frame like all Fermions do to compensate for our well known dual pressure gravity. see below:

Below: the former equal sized Starspot micro black holes,  of a Super Nova seem to create small Herbig Haro systems to form New Stars or black stars or failed stars.

Below: Dual self propelling equal sized black Holes  (called  Tadpole black Joles)  looking for a partner to form a Herbig Haro Syatem with two Stellar/Galaxy Achor black holes like 2x Anny's Objetcs.

Below:The Big Bang as explosion and Splitting (also evaporating into the Axion vacuum)of the cenytral Big Crunch Black Hole of a former universe.

Green is the color of Oxygen around Hanny's  object, but also arouns some comets tails!!  
This seems supported the cometary proposal of the Q-FFF Theory , the even comets are based on one or more micro black holes. producing also oxigen.  Like the Mischimura Comet.
( Wikipedia)

In 1998, Halton Arp, wrote about my ( Herbig Haro) findings in his book “Seeing Red” (Apeiron 1998,
page 191), “How is it possible that the exquisitely trained professional scientists have not
recognized this evidence? To make the point that it is not the evidence but the viewer that is
 the key here, I want to present Figure 7-20. These are examples from a page, which an
architect named Leo Vuyk sent me.” (below)
see: Quantum Function Follows Form Theory, the Large Scale, Posters part 2.
By: Leo Vuyk, Architect.

Monday, June 17, 2024

A Key Solution for new Cosmic Physics, and a Dual Herbig Haro Star/Galaxy Anchor Black Hole- based "Green Hanny's Objects" leading to a Cyclic Multiverse.

A Key Solution for new cyclic Cosmic Physics,  and a Dual Herbig Haro Star/Galaxy Anchor Black Hole- based Hanny's Object  ( Voorwerp ) leading to a Cyclic Multiverse of Q. FFF theory..
Below: look the video, at 6 min 46 sec.  It says: 
There are two Green areas at '100.000 l-years distance at both sides of the central galaxy. ( the well known green Hanny's Objects)
Q-FFF  Theory says: both areas are representing both nacket ( green oxigen nebula) green  Hanny's objects and so called Dual Anchor Black Holes of each galaxy. (special  perpendicular to Disc Galaxies.creatin lots of oxigen around a nacket Hanny's object black hole. Or galaxy Anchor BH .)
Just like it seems to be the origin of Dual Anchor Black Holes around planetary star systems and the origin of Fermi Galaxy bubbles or Stellar and Quasar jets. and later evolving into  Birkeland Alven electric current carousels forming Oort Clouds and Kuiper Belts.) Which seems the origin of the flat disc rotation of most  , even very old  galaxies. !!

Het nieuwe Transformar-gebaseerde stringmodel van alle deeltjes en zelfs zwarte gaten  
Below: the cyclic universum van Q-FFF Theory. and our 2024 moment between expansions and retraction.

See: Wat is er mis met de huidige natuurkunde volgens Q-FFF (Quantum Function Follows Form of strings.) Zie: https://www.academia.edu/44979938/What_is_Wrong_with_Current_Physics

Zie ook: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/06/a-new-black-hole-creates-and-repell-new.html en: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/

Quasar jet fromthe disc plasma.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Tadpole black holes seem the origin of cosmic filaments leaving self produced lefthanded plasma filaments behind, being propelled by its own self produced plasma tail. (Q-FFF Theory)

 Suggestion:  Our Vacuum it self should have a left handed structure of tatrahedrons. being the space frame structure of all oscillating Axion Strngs oscillating beteen Nodes, with a distance of variable Planck length around massive objects. like a black hole. However only in our electron based charged parallel universe, in contrast with our opposite anti copy positron based instant entangled universe as one of the 12 raspberry shaped entangled multiverses.

Overthere, the cosmic filaments at our opposite anti matter universe, universe over there, must have a righthand rotation. From the big bang start of dual entangled pair production.

Below:  Dual Q-FFF pressure gavity a la Le Sage gravity in the tetrahedron oscillating vacuum Higgs field.

Friday, June 14, 2024

A New Black Hole creates and repel new Fermionic particles out of the Innermost stable Circular Orbit (ISCO) Horizon a base for Herbig Haro star formation.

 A combination of Penrose and Hawking's Black Hole Ideas by the Q-FFF Model. ( Quantum Function Follows Form of merged transformer Strings created at the Innermost Stable Circular Orbit (ISCO) of the vacuum Axion particles ( Vacuum Strings)

A New Black Hole creates and repel new Fermionic particles out of the Innermost stable Circular Orbit (ISCO) Horizon see: https://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2024/06/a-new-black-hole-creates-and-repell-new.html

Below: Penrose his proposal interpretated by Q-FFF Theory for plasma  creation  around the black hole out of the Vacuum.

Both Hawking and Penrose worked on the production of particles out of the vacuum !! Hawking, below:

Vela Supernova Nebula, showing evaporation bubbles from the inside around evaporating Starspot Black Holes creating plasma bubbles and Tadpole filaments leaving plasma trails behind. ( according to Q-FFF Theory.

Cassiopea nebula showing lots of filamentary plasma trails left from traveling Tadpole black holes.

Travelling Tadpole plasma trails also observed in the Crab Nebula.
Below: the Tadpole traveling principals and the Herbig Haro Star/ galaxy system of merging equal sized dual black holes .

Below: an example of self propelling Starspot black holes creating so called TADPOLE Black Holes leaving Plasma trails behind. Violating the second law of thermodynamics.!!

Below:  Tadpole black holes seem the origin of  cosmic filaments leaving self produced lefthanded plasma filaments behind, being peopelled by its own self produced plasma tail. (Q-FFF Theory)