NEW PHYSICS: The Big Bang String Knot Black Hole Nucleus was the same as a Ball Lightning,-Sunspot or Comet Nucleus etc. However, Gravity is a Combined dual String Pressure Force between pressure from inside the Earth and Outside.see: What is Wrong with Current Physics to Explain Ball Lightning. Rigid Transformer Vacuum Strings, for transformation into real plasma by and round the Penrose Q-FFF Trapped Horizon of each black hole for Herbig Haro black hole based star formation, plasma discs and dual perpendicular jets. The vacuum seems very important according to Robbert Dijkgraaf. in the NRC 10 dec 2021.
"Het vacuüm is een van de spannendste objecten in de moderne natuurkunde, schrijft Robbert Dijkgraaf. Het is allesbehalve leeg."
Just like the Q-FFF Theory. see:
see: Plasma Production Out of the Vacuum by Axion String Collision Around Each Black Hole
at the Penrose Trapped Space Surface.
Dual Pressure Quantum Gravity with combined Casimir (3) and Graviton (6) pressure.
( comparable tetrahedral crystalline structure, found by google on "Dirac crystalline" vacuum structure)
" The rare earth tetrahedral structure of the pyrochlore lattice can be used to understand the magnetism in these materials. (right) The “3in-1out” (red) and “1in-3out” (blue) “monopoles” can be seen joined by an infinitely thin Dirac string [Morris et al., Science 326, 411 (2009)]."
Pressure gravity also explained by the Tides.