Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Not a HOT but a COLD string big bang becoming hot by dual black hole based Herbig Haro stars.

It is a pity that the late Weinberg now can not experience any more, that his described hot big bang will become a COLD ONE by the evaporation of the former universal Big Crunch black hole including the vacuum strings.

The dual electric Herbig Haro black holes seem to create the first electric heat and stars in between. see: Quantum FFF Theory, a Conscious String Theory with different Vacuum Trajectories for Axion-Higgs field/ Photons respectively Fermions and Bosons. https://vixra.org/pdf/1801.0121v2.pdf
see also: The Electric Universe by Electric Dark Matter Big Bang Black Holes of Quantum FFF Theory.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Variable gravitating pressure ring on Earth by the Moon.

The origin of ebb and flow by new physics pressure gravity.

Variable gravitating pressure ring, seemingly created by the moon around the earth by the combined pressure effect. See the ring by a “combined pressure effect” suggested to be the support for the 4x in 24 hour change of the ebb and flow sea system on earth. ( according to the Q-FFF Model) 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

A great support for the gravity pressure theory of Q_FFF Model.

 A great support for the gravity pressure theory of Q_FFF Theory. ( in a gravity attraction theory the ring shaped gravity pressure effect (7) has gone)

Why we have 4x Ebb and Flow or tides? THREE DIFFERENT GRAVITY BUBBLES. Attention for nr: 7 (the combined pressure effect) which seems the reason that we have 4x Ebb and Flow in 24 hours (low and high water) at the earth. Nr 7 compresses in ring form around the earth the oceans, and compress all the ocean water down into 2 HORIZONTAL directions.
This tiny gravity pressure effect should be observable in high sensitive gravity meters on earth, between 30 degree South and North Latitudes.
see also: Emergent Gravity by Dipole Repeller Rigid String Pressure the Origin of Quantum Gravity and Non Inertial Black Holes. https://vixra.org/pdf/1710.0050v1.pdf

some other Q-FFF Theory effects:
see also non inertial black holes. of the hand of God.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

A "deeper classical description" underneath the basic wheels and gears of quantum mechanics.

By: Sidney Coleman.
"Unfortunately, what the "interpretation of quantum mechanics" ends up with is an attempt to find a hypothetical "deeper classical description" underneath the basic wheels and gears of quantum mechanics.
But there's demonstrably none. Instead, what makes sense is an "interpretation of classical physics" in terms of quantum mechanics. And that's exactly what I am going to focus in this text."
see: https://motls.blogspot.com/2011/11/how-classical-fields-particles-emerge.html

This is also a base for (Q-FFF) Quantum Function Follows Form Theory, because it uses only ONE real ( sub quantum) transformer stringy torus particle having three hinges with freedom over only 90 degrees. (see image)
Together with local and Raspberry shaped Multiverse entanglement of each twin polarized particle.

NASA’s Juno Tunes into Jovian Radio Triggered by Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io.
Data from Juno allowed the team to calculate that the energy of the electrons generating the radio waves was far higher than previously estimated, as much as 23 times greater. Also, the electrons do not necessarily need to come from a volcanic moon. For example, they could be in the planet’s magnetic field (magnetosphere) or come from the Sun as part of the solar wind, according to the team. SO only volcanism and the sun ( sunspots) are paramount here. !!! see: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2021/juno-jupiter-radio

Example of inside Volcanic charging.( by crashed micro black hole based comet electricity: suggested by the Q-FFF MODEL) While analyzing their findings, the team noticed that that the frequency of the lightning strikes increased with the size of the ash plume.
This correlation, they hope, will offer a new way to gauge how large an eruption is and how much ash is thrown into the air without putting researchers in danger. After all, lightning flashes are pretty easy to count even from far away.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Divergent reflections and FERMION PAIR PRODUCTION and charge splitting around the photon sphere of a black hole.

SEE: Divergent reflections around the photon sphere of a black hole.
The black hole photon ring is the same as the Penrose "trapped space horizon" ot a real vacuum particle collider WHICH IS NEW: creating and repelling CHARGED fermion pairs. WHICH IS THE NEW BREACK THROUGH IN ENERGY PHYSUCS. OF Q-FFF THEORY. SEE: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk

See image by : Snepppen, A. Divergent reflections around the photon sphere of a black hole. Sci Rep 11, 14247 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-93595-w
The complex Fermion rigid string propeller creation ( Fermion pairs) around each black hole Penrose trapped space horizon:  micro ( Ball Lightning) and macro ( Big Bang)

Vacuum Collider Globule around a black hole (even  ball lighning) producing fermion pairs and charged free energy.

Lower Image: By A Sneppen.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Large Quasar Groups (LQGs) 3,4 or 5 found in the center of the raspberry multiverse?

According to Q-FFF Theory, the Big bang was the explosion of the former Big Crunch String Knot Black Hole, splitting into smaller string black holes, which now seem to be observed e.g. by R.Clowes. (Uni. Edinburg)
See: Two or Three Large Quasar Groups (LQGs) Located at the Start of Two or Three Lyman Alpha Systems and a Part of the Raspberry Multiverse?


Saturday, July 10, 2021

Non local pseudo telepathic realism in the symmetric multiverse.

The (Q-FFF) Theory of Everything (TOE), is a Compound Rigid KNOT THEORY constructing even Black Holes (and micro BHs: Comets, Sprites, Sunspots), postulating the pseudo telepathic symmetric raspberry Multiverse as a base for uncertainty (ER=EPR) and B. Libet's consciousness measurements (RPI and RPII). See also: 1. Fermion creation by BHs, out of the "trapped collider horizon" (postulated by Roger Penrose) 2, Monopole Magnetism (for space flight) 3.Interference Higgs Knot Micro BHs ( Comets, Sunspots, Ball lightning etc.)
see: https://vixra.org/author/leo_vuyk
and: Non local pseudo telepathic realism in the symmetric multiverse.
Bohmian Double Slit Interpretation by Dual Entangled Universes, and the Benjamin Libet Experiment.
Wavefunction Collapse and Human Choice-Making Inside an Entangled Mirror Symmetrical Multiverse.

Friday, July 09, 2021

Do microscopic black holes exist? Yes Ball Lightning Comets Sunspots etc.

Micro black holes, also called quantum mechanical black holes or mini black holes, are hypothetical tiny black holes, for which quantum mechanical effects play an important role. The concept that black holes may exist that are smaller than stellar mass was introduced in 1971 by Stephen Hawking.
Electric Birkeland Current Production Between Two Herbig Haro Black Holes or even Stable Ball Lightnings on Earth
E = not Mc2 in Massless Black Holes According to Quantum FFF Theory.
See the splitting ball lightning falling from a pole.

The (Q-FFF) Theory of Everything (TOE), is a Compound Rigid KNOT THEORY constructing even Black Holes (and micro BHs: Comets, Sprites, Sunspots), postulating the Charge Parity symmetric Entangled "Raspberry Multiverse" which could be called Telepathic as a base for uncertainty (ER=EPR) and Libet's consciousness measurements (RPI and RPII). 
See also: 1. Fermion creation by BHs, out of the "trapped collider horizon" (postulated by Roger Penrose) 2, Monopole Magnetism (for space flight) 3.Interference Higgs Knot Micro BHs ( Comets, Sunspots, Ball lightning etc)

Example of a String based micro black hole.

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Black holes help with star birth.

 Black holes help with star birth. As is already postulated in Q-FFF Theory !! Surprisingly, black holes can help certain galaxies form new stars. On scales of galaxies, the role of supermassive black holes for star formation had previously been seen as destructive - active black holes can strip galaxies of the gas that galaxies need to form new stars. see: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2021-06/m-bhh061121.php

The Cold Cyclic Big Bang String Theory

The Cold Cyclic Big Bang String Theory, as explosion of the Big Crunch String Black Hole with Herbig Haro heating.
also: https://vixra.org/pdf/2101.0131v2.pdf
In Quantum FFF Theory, it is postulated that the Big Bang was the cold Big Bang of a decaying String nucleus based Dark Matter Black Hole into smaller ones and heated up by equal sized dual Herbig Haro Black Hole systems with star forming and plasma jets in between.
Quantum FFF Theory: FFF means, Function Follows Form, from stringy particles to Herbig Haro systems: dual black holes equipped with a Fermion creating (plasma) and repelling horizon.
Both big bang black hole elements are examples of a violation of the second law of thermodynamics, the big bang explosion and also each fermion creating and repelling black hole horizon of each black hole and also dual Herbig Haro black hole systems .
NO singularity it was, but the explosion of a relative large string nucleus filled with primary strings compressed by the decreasing pressure of the primary string vacuum by eating it.
At the moment that the vacuum compression became equal to the internal pressure of the string nucleus, the BB explosion started.
I suggest that this string nucleus can be also called the Big Crunch black hole of a former (multi) universe.

Sunday, July 04, 2021

Quantum Gravity by dual- (on Fermions) or single (BH) repulsive vacuum oscillations.

 Quantum Gravity and Electro Magnetic Forces by Dual Repulsive Vacuum Oscillation Spectra in FFF-Theory.

Quantum FFF ( Function Follows Form) theory states, that the vacuum is seeded with fast
oscillating massless vacuum string particles, ( Axion Higgs) along a complex chiral tetrahedral vacuum "fluxtube"
lattice, which has the ability to transfer Photon- and Graviton information in bunches of string photons
, through the vacuum lattice with the variable local (mass related: by black holes / Stars./ Planets) speed of light.
The Axion Higgs vacuum particles collide with Fermions to transfer spin by pressure and to change Axion/Higgs form into 5x real string photons : the graviton and 4x elctromagnetic strings. ( 2x charge +/- and 2x Magnetic N/S)
As a consequence there are no attraction forces on propeller shaped spinning Fermions.
Only the sum of the different kinds of vacuum photon string impulses (ALSO CALLED: zero point Casimir effects)
also described as local vacuum oscillation spectrum coming from all directions on
Fermions are responsible for all energetic phenomena in the universe.
However, there is a difference between Black hole and Fermion gravity. see below.

Thursday, July 01, 2021

Variable Motions of the Hotspots inside the Hand of God Nebula

 Variable Motions of the Hotspots inside the Hand of God Nebula, for 1:  a growing nebula (magenta arrows, blue is the Neutron star velocity) and 2: star formation,  by dual Herbig Hero (HH) systems  with clear expanding  velocities to form new stars in between two hotspots.