Quantum FFF Rigid String Theory ( FFF= Function Follws string Form)

QUANTUM FFF topological STRING THEORY and the Fermion Propeller.

If the big bang was the splitting of a huge Axion/ Higgs particle Dark Matter Black Hole (ELISIUM DM- BH) nucleus into smaller DM-BH nuclei, then no standard Fermion/ Baryon inflation has happened only the DM-BH based Lyman alpha forest equipped with local Herbig Haro star/galaxy creating systems.

All black holes of all sizes (down to ball lightning) seem to be equipped with a Fermion repelling- and plasma producing horizon, which has also a charge splitting effect into a negative (outside) and positive ( inside) zone ( see oriental basin of the moon) .Conclusion, all Bhs are: "Negative Charged Electric Dark Matter Black Holes" with a rigid open string sector with intrinsic 3x hinging curvature.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Dual Magnetic Monopole radiation (South and North) and Test

Latest news, 25-02-2011, is a strong evidence for dual Magnetic monopole radiation:
Putman et al., Longitude Perception and Bicoordinate Magnetic Maps in Sea Turtles (loggerheads) , Current
Biology (2011), doi:10.1016/j.cub.2011.01.057

The findings of Putman et al., imply that loggerheads have a navigational system that exploits the Earth's magnetic field as a kind of bicoordinate magnetic map from which both longitudinal and latitudinal information can be extracted.

You won't believe this compass reading, perpendicular to the Permalloy tube axis!
It is just turning at 17 degrees elevation of the tube.
Indicating that both monopole waves entering the tube, have equal strength.
Don't do this with an electronic compass, it will flutter from left to right and become wild.

Comparison of theoretical monopole photon bubble distribution, emitted from a bar magnet and from the Earth.
The boundary layer elevation between North and South bubbles must be 90 degrees for locations at the Equator and ZERO degrees at the Poles. (double click for enlargement)

For the basic model see also

Alternative magnetic field interpretation based on two different monopole photons (S or N).Two different magnetic photons ( South or North) are emitted from every single surface point by a bar magnet or the Earth represented in the form of two different CONE SHAPED VECTOR ARRAYS, also called VECTOR BUBBLES.
See: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ArDoWzECXSo/SNDdoWPvCXI/AAAAAAAAAwM/IjE-9iRfiBM/s1600-h/Earth+section+2+klein.jpg
These arrays are supposed to be the ONLY origin of the direction of each compass needle and the magnetic lines of equal strength: representing the so called B field.The Paramagnetic tube (Permalloy, or Mu-metal) mentioned before is supposed to REFLECT all magnetic radiation vectors. As a result only the magnetic radiation which is as a vector in line with the central tube axis, will pass through the open tube and influence the compass.!!If the mixture of the two monopole vectors is 50-50%, then the needle of the compass will choose to point perpendicular to the tubular axis, as is presented before on the photos.If the monopole radiation mixture is 75-25% , then the compass needle is supposed to point under an angel of 45 degrees.
If 100% singular North or South radiation passes the compass, it is clear that the needle will point exactly parallel to the tubular axis.


Leo Vuyk.

Figure 1.

Cross section through the earth with magnetic vector arrays of
two different measurable kinds: North and South vectors. (waves or particles)

IF THE "MONOPOLE BUBBLE BOUDARY LAYER-EDGE- B", (shaped as a bended half circle) HAS UNIGUE QUALITIES FOR EACH PLACE ON EARTH, then we have found a unique extra possibility for orientation.
A simple test instrument.
Permalloy/Mu-Metal tube for magnetic monopole boundary layer testing of the Earth magnetic field.
The tube which is used in this experiment, is the original shielding tube of an Oscilloscope.( Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, CRO) .
Figure 2.

The test instrument with a simple compass.
The needle of the compass is turning into a 90 degree position, perpendicular to the axis of the permalloy tube if the boundary layer is reached at a certain elevation angle.

For this boundary situation, the new monopole theory says: that equal numbers of North and South photons are passing through the permalloy tube and the compass.
Figure 3.

Test Results of the permalloy tube with the compass:
The test result of the tilting angle between the monopole bubbles are given below for the Netherlands (the town of Weesp) on 4-4-1998.
The maximum angle found was 22.5 degrees elevation, aiming at the 180 degree South direction. Later at a more southern European location (island of Crete) a tilting angle of 55 degrees was found, as a firm support for the theoretical magnetic monopole model.
Later measurements even suggest that this maximum tilting angle varies over the year considerably between 35 and 15 degrees and are possibly are related to the seasons.
Detailed future measurements are needed at different places around the world to support this possibility.At the same time we observe, that there is a small but peculiar variation in the tilting angle "half circle profile" called "Boundary layer edge (B)" measured over the 180 degree directions from East to South to West.
Figure 4.
(see the figure below, double click for enlargement)

Pigeons and Turtles.
I am very surprized, that inside the upper beak of pigeons but also in other animals THE SAME or comparable metals are found which I have used for my Permalloy tube compass. Paramagnetic (permalloy or maghemite) and magnetic ( magnetite) meterial
Look at "paramagnetic "and magnetic substances in dendrites of migrating animals the see next article

Could it be that (race) Pigeons, sea turtles and all other "migrating animals" are equipped with such a "monopole boundary layer edge B" measuring device and have an internal DNA memory MAP of specific season related coordinates on Earth?
In that case most questions about their "migration" and homing skills could be answered.

Equipped the variable monopole tilting angle information, migrating animals should be able to pinpoint their position in relation to each season.


Alternative magnetic field around a wire with a current, the base for the Aharonov Bohm effect.
(double click for enllargement)

Magnetic monopole photon trajectories around solenoids and the Aharonov Bohm effect.

Maxwell's second equation says that there are no single "magnetic charges"and that, therefore, magnetic lines of force must always form closedloops. In my perspective there are no closed loops outside a small longsolenoid, because the external field is nullified by the specialgeometrical emission of monopoles . ---------------------------------

Friday, November 05, 2010

Comet Hartley 2 hides two gas jets spewing micro black holes.

Comet Hartley 2 hides two gas and snowball spewing micro black holes in its dumbbell shaped double nucleus.

Comets seem to harbour a nuclear energy source (micro black hole) to melt nuclear ice into water!
News: Sciencedaily 4-5-2011

For the first time, scientists have found convincing evidence for the presence of liquid water in a comet, shattering the current paradigm that comets never get warm enough to melt the ice that makes up the bulk of their material.

"Current thinking suggests that it is impossible to form liquid water inside of a comet," said Dante Lauretta, an associate professor of cosmochemistry and planet formation at the UA's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory.

Breaking news: 18 november 2010,:
The next photo suggests that a new pairing and splitting black hole paradigm is needed. It is a clear support that black holes are proliferated at all scales in the universe, they seem to have a Fermion repelling and gas producing horizon. Thus, new physics is needed.
Mind also the "smooth waist" of the dumbbell shaped icy mass with two distinct spots of concentrated jets.
See also: Sciencedaily
"Deep Impact Spacecraft Successfully Flies by Comet Hartley 2"

That the micro black hole(s) are able to leave the Comet's icy shell could be observed at this photo of Hyperion (a former exploded Comet suspect)
New paradigm Micro black holes inside Comets, are supposed to be magnetic -x-ray interference products of solar magnetic storm activity. So we may speak of "interference black holes" instead of supernova black holes.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Testing New Physics and Consciousness in the dodecahedron raspberry multiverse

1: Magnetic monopole radiation tests splitting N and S monopole components in Magnetic fields (not the source)   TEST

2: Speed of light variation experiments related to the gravity field of the earth "gravity dragging of the lightspeed"  TEST

3: Solar gravity lensing of the near solar vacuum by gravity changes if the moon is near the sun     TEST

4: Radar reflection (bouncing) lightspeed experiments on Venus and Mercury   Test proposal

5: Ball lightning creation by electromagnetic interference combined with x-rays     See also Fireball video

6: Human Consciousness and Limited Free Will in the Multiverse: Benjamin Libet repeating tests focused on RP I (loose PREplanning) statistics

7: The choice between up and down state of the electron.   Test proposal.

8: The cyclic CPT Symmetric RASPBERRY Multiverse, based on black hole evaporation.     Test proposal.

9: Small non primordial Black Holes Should Generate A Ring of Light, but also a ring of IONS AND ELECTRONS!

10: Small Gravity and GR anomalies and Test Proposals 

11: MASSLESS Higgs and Massless Black Holes with macroscopic Casimir gravity  TEST

13: Gravity direction dependent lightspeed frame dragging around the earth.
     Triangular laser test with between two stationary satellites and one ground station.

See also:
Blog Contents up to 2007.
Multi Universal Entaglement
Splitting and Pairing massless Black Holes
My old website

Three crucial new Physics principles:
Wave-particle duality solution,
Fermion repelling black hole horizon and
Matter (H2O) creation at the black hole horizon.

New Black Hole Fermion repelling horizon. (Entropy decrease)
Hyperion's matter (H2O) creation (by entropy decrease, or Fermion repulsion) at the black hole horizon.

Comet Hartley 2 seems to harbour inside the elongated Nucleus of about 1.5 km, not one but TWO micro black holes, if we look at the two point of radial divergence of the emitted gas jets coming out both end of the Dumbbell shaped nucleus (4 nov.2010).
These two micro black hole nuclei are in harmony with my former hypothesis on larger splitting and pairing black holes. This is a support for my proposal that NEW physics black holes are common at all scales in the universe. down to ball lightnings.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Zero energy raspberry shaped cyclic multiverse

According to wikipedia:
The zero-energy universe hypothesis states that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero. When the energy of the universe is considered from a pseudo-tensor point of view, zero values are obtained in the resulting calculations.[1] The amount of positive energy in form of matter is exactly canceled out by the negative energy in form of gravity

However, if we introduce a point symmetric multiverse, with a raspberry or blackberry shape, then we may say that the positive energy in a material berry -like our universe- is canceled by the negative energy inside the Charge, Parity and Time symmetric anti material opposite berry shaped-universe.
Time is there in fact not running backwards their clocks are rotating in the other direction! Electrons are positive charged and left handed systems are right handed, directly entangled down to the the quantum level.

see for zero energy multiverse in raspberry shape:
A Grand Design for an entangled 12 fold symmetric multiverse in raspberry shape.

The Raspberry or Blackberry multiverse.

Behind it all is surely an idea so simple, so beautiful, that when we grasp it - in a decade, a century, or a millennium - we will all say to each other, how could it have been otherwise? How could we have been so stupid for so long? - John Archibald Wheeler

Thursday, September 30, 2010

MASSLESS Higgs and Massless Black Holes with macroscopic Casimir gravity

The latest news: 9-12-2011: What if there is no Higgs boson? http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn21259-what-if-there-is-no-higgs-boson.html

News: 13-10-2010: Newscientist:
Large Hadron Collider  chief: Sergio Bertolucci replies on the next question::
What if the LHC finds nothing?
"That would be extremely interesting, because if it doesn't find anything, it means the standard model of particle physics is doomed".

If MASS is the ability of objects to radiate gravitons, then Black holes have no mass because they are supposed to be not able to radiate photons!
A new Macroscopic Casimir force, in the form of an socillating Higgs vacuum lattice, will do the gravity job alone around black holes!
More in detail, according to Quantum FFF theory: Mass is the ability of Fermions to change each massless Higgs particle by collision under specific angles of attack, into a single Graviton.

For a suggested new standard model, based on a massless Higgs, but responsible for the mass and graviton radiation of Fermions, see: The shimmering of a new standard model ; one single Virgin Higgs particle seems to be able to transform by collision, into 5 Gluon/Photons , one Graviton, an Electron Positron pair and 6x Neutrinos.
See also: Why Function follows Form in the mulitverse and QM

If we realize the consequences of the Grand design of a Symmetric and mutual entangled Raspberry shaped Multiverse, as described before, then we need also a grand design at the microscopic level.
The result is a massless Higgs, massless Black Holes influenced only by a macroscopic Casimir gravity system without gravitons.
In contrast with black holes however, masscarrying particles suffer from TWO opposing gravity carriers, the Higgs and the opposing Graviton.
We name this 'Higgs Graviton Gravity" or "Double LeSage pushing gravity".

The nature of the Higgs field: Vacuum lattice models and diffraction.

"Standard theories say that matter and antimatter were created in equal amounts after the big bang. Since the two annihilate each other on contact, generating pairs of high-energy photons, all there should be in today's cosmos is a sea of restless and rather bland radiation.

This is not the case. Something seems to have favoured the creation of matter at a crucial moment within the first instants after the big bang."

According to my model, there are three origins for this fact:
1:  the chirality of the vacuum lattice,
2: the postulate that positrons and electrons can make compound combinations with Gluon/Photons to form Quarks.
3: the formation of a symmetric 12 fold entangled multiverse
4: The production of Quark Gluon plasma around black hole horizons, by the mutual collision of lensed vacuum Higgs particles.
Thus,the black hole will produce only few annihilation effects in combination with Hawking radiation.
see: Hawking radiation glimpsed in artificial black hole
see former blogpages.

An example of massless Higgs Casimir pressure in combination with massless Graviton pressure on a mass carrying quantum particle.

The Graviton pressure vector hedgehog acting on a mass carrying quantum, has a globular volume, located at the down side of the quantum.
The larger Higgs pressure vector hedgehog is not exactly globular, caused by the postulate that Higgs particles are changed by collision with the earth-mass into Gravitons and as a consequence leave the earth as Graviton. 
In fact, the down half-side of the Higgs hedgehog has the shape of a half oblate spheroid. ( REAL 3D Gravity)

Quantum Gravity Test device, by comparison of mass damping characteristics, focussed on ONE axis of measurement. (simplified version)

See also:
2: Today’s View on the Lesage Hypothesis, by Boris I. Kolesnichenko, Kudrya str., 20, Apt 12, Kiev 01042, Ukraine, Galilean Electrodynamics, Volume 15, No. S1, pp. 15-17.

He argues that hard contact collisions between ether corpuscles and elementary particles may turn out to be the common mechanism for phenomena such as radiation, charge, field, wave/particle duality, red shift, etc.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Grand Design for an entangled 12 fold symmetric DODECAHEDRON or CUBE OCTAHEDRON multiverse in raspberry shape

Axis of evil is in line with the cold spot!!

The Splitting Dark Matter- Black Hole- Big Bang and the Cyclic Multiverse

Latest news: 13-10-2010 Newscientist: A cyclic oscillating universe or multiverse is also called "Big Bounce".

Stephen Hawking's Grand design is leading to a non symmetric multiverse.
However there is reason to suggest a full symmetric multivers with point symmetry at the centre of a raspberry shaped pulsating bubble multiverse.
For an entangled multiverse, each quantum should have its own 12 fold entanglement relation to all 12 opposite (anti) quantums, each located inside one of the 12 universes.

The result is called: Poincaré dodecahedral space symmetry.  (see also below: B.F.Roukema) A dodecahedron is also called "Buckyball"
An other evidence for space symmetry and the centre of the multiverse is the so called DARK FLOW.
Dark flow seems to be found at the edge of the visible universe!!
There the "dark flow centre is represented by a so called "Pitch of spacetime"

The radius of the "cold spot" or SUPER VOID, is about 5°; it is centered at the galactic coordinate lII = 207.8°, bII = −56.3° (equatorial: α = 03h 15m 05s, δ = -19° 35′ 02″. Thus it is in the Southern hemisphere of the Celestial sphere, in the direction of the constellation Eridanus.
It is Laura Mersini, who called this spot: "a window in the Landscape Universe".

see also:

Below we see the start of the Rapberry Multiverse into 12 egg shaped entangled universes, by the splitting of the central Big Crunch black hole into 12 entangled splitting black holes.
At this location, it is thought that each black hole produces a so called QUARK GLUON PLASMA, this month already suggested to be found inside the LHC at Geneva.
See also: Large Hadron Collider spies hints of infant universe
Secondly, there is some proof of primordial magnetic fields in deep space as the logical result of splitting dual black hole systems into electron jet based Herbig Haro objects!
See: Universal, Primordial Magnetic Fields Discovered in Deep Space
Also: New two-particle correlations observed in the CMS detector at the LHC

Something SMALL is wrong with physics if we look at the Hubble images of our universe. This and other anomalies are a firm reason (see my former blogs and book) to suggest a PARADIGM SHIFT, which could lead to a TOE. (Theory Of Everything) without the need for an all present GOD who is only good and able to give me shelter.
No not such a God, but there is still room for a grand designer and carpenter engineer, who made the shape of elementary particles, who is reponsible for the energetic Higgs oscillations at the Planck scale and Quantum scale entanglement relations between Copy-(anti) Universes as an explanation of the Schroedingers Cat problem, which led to the phenomenon of intelligent life and consciousness!

If you look at the next Blog articles, you will find hints for the Goals of intelligent life.
I hope that you will be able to grasp the speculative logic of my "Goals of intelligent life" postulation. Why? because: If we don't feed the "have nots" and keep them in endless poverty, the STP-ROM or Global (collective) consciousness around Mother Earth, which is supposed to be the base for all our dreams and intuition, will turn into a steep negative spiral. This could be the origin of a strong global hatred and the rise of fascist leaders.

Teilhard de Chardin and Rupert Sheldrake seem to be close to that STP-ROM (Solar Toroidal Programmable- Read Only Memory) principle by their NOOSPHERE respectivily MORPHIC FIELD.
Originally the word Noosphere is used by Vladimir Vernadsky, as the third stage of a planet after, the developement of the Geosphere (Inanimate matter) and Biosphere (Animate matter).
Conclusion, the Universe is not good or bad from itself, but it give us the opportunity to choose as world society between them for the future of our Earth, by feeding the STP-ROM with all our thoughts and actions as the ROM for the futuere intuitions of others.
see above for the Libet tests.
and also;
Small GR anomalies and test proposals.

see also:
 fractal based by black hole evaporation.
At the inflation epoch, the oscillating Higgs vacuum lattice is formed by BH evaporation inside 12 small but expanding (anti) universes in raspberry shape. As a result, the length of the tetrahedron lattices where shorter than now.

See also: speed differences related to the CMB frame, found in the universe: "The peculiar velocity field: constraining the tilt of the Universe"
If Galaxy motions have no over all reference to the CMB frame, then there is reason to assume that:
1: our position is not located in the middle of out universal bubble.
2: the Universal bubble could be contracting, also if we assume that the Hubble redshift is partly originated by the general space absorption by the proliferated Dark matter black holes.
3: there should be real doubt about the accelerating universe idea.

3D view on symmetrical cubic or dodecahedron multiverses in raspberry shape.
Only a few particles are compressed together by the Higgs vacuum pressure, inside the nucleus of a micro black hole.
In contrast, 90% of all oscillating Higgs vacuum particles and 100% of all black hole nuclei of the multiverse, should come together inside the Big Crunch Black Hole (BCBH) nucleus, before expanding again.
No matter or anti matter is supposed to survive the BCBH and even no information inside the STP-ROM vacuum.

Leo Vuyk is a retired building engineer (architect) and independent researcher in Theoretical Physics and Cosmology.

latest info: 14-1-2016.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

WHY Function Follows Form in the Multiverse and Quantum Mechanics.

The Aphorisms: “Less Is More” and “Form Follows Function”, of Modern Architecture, introduced by Mies van der Rohe respectively Louis Sullivan, seem to be REVERSIBLE in Nature.

Why, because at the Planck scale, the SHAPE of particles and the way they are connected to each other and form compound quarks, seem to be the origin of the particle FUNCTION.
See: Rigid Elementary Click-On Particles, Propellers and monopole based Fields
As a result we may say: FUNCTION FOLLOWS FORM in particle physics.
At the Universal scale, CPT ( Charge, Parity and Time) SYMMETRY between entangled copy Multiverses with Raspberry geometry, seems the most logical solution for a theory of everything.
Is Less More in the Symmetric Multiverse? and Free Will
The cyclic CPT Symmetric RASPBERRY Multiverse, fractal based by black hole evaporation.
As a result we may say: MORE IS BETTER in Astronomy and Consciousness. ( to solve the "Symmetry"- and “Schrödinger's Cat” problem).See:
As a consequences, we should not be afraid for Ocham’s razor who ordered to keep it simple as possible at the Planck- or Universal scale and applied to consciousness.

In fact my entangled symmetry follows Ocham’s razor by keeping the choice system in nature simple. If we have a system of entangled symmetric copy universes, then I expect that by a sort of floatation of entanglement by chance, one of the copy observers is the first to suggest a specific choice (and become the subject) about 300 msec later the other observers are able to pass or veto the choice.

some coloured Quark- anti-Quark configurations
All singular "real elementary" particles

Overview of hinge rotations of the Higgs particle (OOO) into other singular particles.
4x Quatron torus elements connected by 3x hinges, just like the "Seven-torus"in
M-Theory ?
How many universes are we living in?
How could decissionmaking in the multiverse work.

NEW Black Hole paradigm originated by the propeller Form of Fermions and the deformation (lensing) of the oscillating Higgs vacuum.
In contrast with mainstream physics, Black holes only eat photons and the Higgs
 vacuum itself, but NO Quarks and Leptons.

At the Black hole horizon, electrons, positrons, quarks and gluons can flutter in and out of existence and form more protons than anti protons because the vacuum is chiral.
Electrons with two compound gluons will form d-quarks and positrons with one compound gluon will form u-quarks.
However due to the chirality of the vacuum structure, mostly electrons and protons (duu) with one singular electron will survive.  (see below: chiral tetrahedron space fillers)
Around each black hole the oscillating Higgs energy will be lensed in a peculiar BUTTERFLY SHAPE,  depending on the distance to the black hole and is supposed to be the origin of the spin flip and repulsion horizon for Femions. 
Between TWO black holes, the vacuum structure will show very specific shapes of these Butterflies, leading to the origin of well known dual collimated electron jets inside Herbi Haro systems quasars and the distribution of positive and negative charged ion clouds etc. (see below)

How does the object at the centre of a micro-black hole, such as a ball lightning look like?

How does the Quantum Foam lensing look like around one or two black holes?

As a consequence, No Hawking radiation will be produced around a black hole.
Only a Quark Gluon plasma, forming hydrogen ions and some local annihilation raditation will be found, just as we see in the two Lobes of CYGNUS-A! (see below)

What are the unexpected results of this Paradigm shift?
A Cosmological approach for unexplained phenomena:
accelerating, pairing and splitting mini black holes.

A NEW approach for electric- and gas forming effects of Cygnus A
The centre of the Milky Way is darker than you'd expect – and not just because it's home to a supermassive black hole.
We see below that the positive charged electric field is probably the origin!
It is obvious that all matter over there will be pushed away from the centre of the Galaxy by this electric field.
CYGNUS A WITH QUARK GLUON PLASMA forming Hydrogen -ions!

Such new paradigm dual black hole systems are of all scales.
At a smaller stellar scale see below.

How does the QUANTUM FOAM vacuum look like if we accept, that the vacuum could have a left- or a right handedness (spin) to prefer singular electrons or singular positrons over positive or negative quarks.
As a result such chiral vacua should be able to create a symmetrical RASPBERRY shaped multiverse with matterial and anti-matterial universes.
How does Quantum Foam look like in two dimensions on the Planck scale, one for time (the Higgs oscillation) and one for space (the direction and length of the Higgs oscillation)
A Photon/Gluon is created at position A means that A is a Fermion in constant collision with the Oscillating Higgs vacuum oscillating along the tetrahedron spacefill structure based photon routes.
However, each Gluon Photon or Graviton trajectory is temprary changing the Higgs collision energy transfer to spinning Fermions.
As a result should be interpreted as the origin of lensing effects and acceleration, the collimation of electronjets in space and even the constancy of the lightspeed around massive objects like the earth.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Clear examples of violation of energy conservation in space and on earth,

A new Big Bang paradigm is needed to understand other pardigm changes. 
A new black hole paradigm is needed to explain the observed phenomena.
A new standard model is needed to explain the repelling of Fermions and creation of Hydrogen around (small) black holes.
AS A RESULT: The Reconciliation between Relativity and Quantum Mechanics is possible.
Sprites and Elves as the origin of MICROSCOPIC BLACK HOLES AS THE NUCLEUS OF small Comets and large Ball lightning.
There are several evident violations: like
Ball lightning, Comets, Herbig haro objects Quasars, pairing and splitting black holes.
1: Examples of pairing and splitting black holes.

The Eagle Nebula.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Examples of MACROSCOPIC CASIMIR (ZPE) effects.

Interesting examples of ZPE Overunity motors. (ZPE= Zero Point Energy)

In fact we may say:

These Motors present a new MACROSCOPIC Casimir force if we accept a new way of thinking on magnetic fields, described in the past on this blog under: Magnetic Monopole radiation (South and North) and Test

Rigid Elementary Click-On Particles, Propellers and monopole based Fields.

The examples:
CD motor
Bar magnet motor
Tape motor
The fabulous Yildiz-motor.
Interesting but complex kitchen table configuration
Antirotating magnets

The gist of my monopole interpretation of magnetic and electric fields, is based on the idea (parallel with the microscopic Casimir effect) that these fields represent the quantum influence of collisionary effects between the standard PUSH (impulse) of oscillating Higgs particles at one side of the Fermion in combination with a variable PUSH (impulse) of 4 kinds of different shaped photonic particles travelling within the same Higgs vacuum lattice as an ENCRYPTED Higgs particle from the opposite side.
These 4 different shapes are suppoesed to be the origin of the monopole character of the North- South-, electric plus- and minus- part of the electromagnetic field.
Gravity should have the same PUSH origin as a result of the Higgs push and the opposing graviton push, called "double LeSage gravity".

How is it possible that only little scientific attention is payed to these overunity motors?

A quote by the famous physicist Max Planck:

"As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind.
This mind is the matrix of all matter."
I was just curious, was he referring literally to the idea that all matter has a conscious mind in one form or another? or was he just trying to be clever?
Is it actually possible for matter to be "intelligent"?

The particles are vibrating because they are in constant collision and guidance with oscillating matrix of Higgs vacuum particles, see my book "The New God Particle and Free Will" by Leo Vuyk.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stephen Hawking's Alien warning and the existence of alien technology based on Zero Point Energy (ZPE) and apparent violation of the second law.

Steven Hawking has faith in aliens, but still can't tell us what started the "big bang".
Stephen Hawking seems to be convinced that alien technology is able to bring aliens trough light-years of space down to Earth.
Thus, our present moment technology and physical knowledge is inadequate and should jump to that higher level by a new physics paradigm.
In my view, Understanding of alien UFO technology is only possible, if we discover how to use Zero Point Energy (ZPE).
The key: we need NEW PHYSICS.
If the vacuum is interpreted as a super dense oscillating mass less Higgs lattice as the base for "Dark Energy" and Knots of compressed Higgs particles are the hearts of Black Holes (Dark Matter) at all scales even for small ball lightning’s, then NEW PHYSICS is there.

Key words: Entropy Decrease, Apparent Second Law Violation and Overunity Effects, propeller shaped Fermions, Oscillating Higgs vacuum lattice and Large Scale Casimir Force.

For a recent example of Muammer Yildiz free energy motor, see university of Delft video:

an historical survey on magnetic motors you will find on:
Future research scenario:
(most experiments are already described earlier in my blogs)
1: Magnetic monopole radiation tests splitting N and S monopole components in Magnetic fields (not the source)
2: Speed of light variation experiments related to gravity field of the earth "gravity dragging of the lightspeed"
3: Solar gravity lensing of the near solar vacuum by gravity changes if the moon is near the sun
4: Radar reflection (bouncing) lightspeed experiments on Venus and Mercury
5: Ball lightning creation by electromagnetic  interference combined with x-rays
6: Benjamin Libet repeating tests focused on RP I (loose PREplanning) statistics
7: The choice between up and down state of the electron.
8: The cyclic CPT Symmetric RASPBERRY Multiverse, based on black hole evaporation.
9: Black Holes Should Generate A Ring of Light, but also a ring of IONS AND ELECTRONS! 
10: Contents up to febr 2007
What Hawking said?

Aliens are very likely out there, according to eminent scientist Stephen Hawking - but we should keep quiet and hope they don't notice us.
So Hawking assumes that NEW PHYSICS and some kind of alien technology is able to bring them to our Earth.
In a documentary for the Discovery Channel, the theoretical physicist warns against making contact with any extra-terrestrials.
Professor Hawking, who retired as the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge last year, claims such space life would only abuse Earth's resources and move on.


Natural ZPE or NEW PHYSICS examples we find in space:
1; Comets equipped with a new paradigm micro black hole nucleus, producing x-rays, ice and jets of dust.
Multiple jet discovered around Comet Temple 1.
This is a look at the comet Tempel 1 through a telescope. The active regions are responsible for the bright jets (left).

2: Examples of NEW PARADIGM splitting and pairing Black Holes.

According to this new physics, we will be able to produce small Ball Lightnings in the near future, equipped with a micro Black Holes nucleus, simply by special interference of X-ray and other Electro Magnetic energy. ( see : below and: http://bigbang-entanglement.blogspot.com/2007/02/contents.html  )

Based on space observation, NEW PARADIGM Black Holes (BHs) based on apparent violation of the second law of tharmodynamics, are NOT hazardous to matter.
They create entropy decrease at their BH horizons by the REPULSION but also CREATION of Fermions in the form of ionized gas.
TWO such BHs, even seem to create an electric generator based on apparent violation of the second law of thermodynamics as we find in space as Herbig Haro tandem jets!

Comets, Sunspots double Herbig Haro objects and Ball lightning are the smallest example of such BH systems. See; http://migratingblackholes.blogspot.com/
Larger BH (multiple) tandem systems (with clear electric power generation) are: Planetary star systems (like our Sun), Star forming Nebula, Galaxies and Galaxy clusters.
The title of my new and third book on new physics will be:

For my Books see THIS