See: The image of the Cannibal Galaxy in the early Universe, called Sparkling Cannibal Galaxy. (JWST)
(Sparkler Galaxies.)This Galaxy is a support for the variability of Galaxy sizes and Cannibal Galaxies in the universe and a Black Hole Big Bang ( Q-FFF Theory).
This variation seems to be created by the different sized Dark Matter Black Holes forming different sized Herbig Haro stars and later galaxies, by the overproduction of new stars of the same size as the mother star.
The maximum mother star size is controlled by the plasma creating Dual Herbig Haro Black Holes called SABH= (Stellar Anchor Black Hole or Galaxy Anchor BHs.)
Below: The Dark Matter Black Holes spitting and splitting Big Bang Black Hole.
Different GABHs of our Galaxy after merging smaller Galaxy BHs.
This inflation system seems comparable with the new baby star production out of the maximum sized Herbig Haro Star, which seems to repel all extra compressed unstable plasma created by the both Stellar Anchor Black Holes, (SABHs) into to the middle section of the Herbig Haro system. So: larger dual Herbig Haro Black Holes make larger maximum stars, before they are able to become a Nova. A maximum sized star can explode its outer layer like NOVAs. instead of Super Novas reaching its maximum Swazrtzshield radius before expoding. (1,5-3 x the mass of the sun)
For Novas, see "The Hand of God" creating a new family of massless Herbig Haro BH systems forming new smaller local stars in between.
The Fact, that our Sun seems to have reached its maximum size between its dual SABHs has interesting implications, related to the image of solar Gas Blobs ( Jupiter sized) and Sunspot black holes, leaving the sun. see below:
Below: the Hand of God: with a separated area of massless Solar Spot Black holes and the massive Neutron star left behind.